Regex to block all special characters - javascript

I'm trying to write a regex for an name field and block all special characters
JS Fiddle:
However, my code seems to ignore it. Could someone tell what I'm doing wrong?
$('input').on('keypress', function (e) {
var blockSpecialRegex = new RegExp("~`!##$%^&()_={}\[\]\:;,.\/<>/-+/?");
var key = String.fromCharCode(!e.charCode ? e.which : e.charCode);
if(blockSpecialRegex.test(key) || $.isNumeric(key)){
return false;

You just enumerated the special chars without creating a character class defined with the help of [...].
I suggest using a regex literal with a character class matching any of the symbols defined in it:
var blockSpecialRegex = /[~`!##$%^&()_={}[\]:;,.<>+\/?-]/;
Note that the - should be at the start/end of the character class to denote a literal - symbol. The ] inside must be escaped, but [ does not have to be escaped. / must be escaped because it is a regex delimiter symbol.
JS code:
$('input').on('keypress', function (e) {
var blockSpecialRegex = /[~`!##$%^&()_={}[\]:;,.<>+\/?-]/;
var key = String.fromCharCode(!e.charCode ? e.which : e.charCode);
if(blockSpecialRegex.test(key) || $.isNumeric(key)){
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text">

Why not use a regex to allow only alphabets,numbers and spaces(if required)
^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$

When using the constructor function, the normal string escape rules (preceding special characters with \ when included in a string) are necessary.
So you need to do this:
var blockSpecialRegex = new RegExp("[~`!##$%^&()_={}\\[\\]\\:;,\\.\\/<>\\\\*\\-+\\?]");
See RegExp - Javascript


How do I block a TAB `\t` or other Special Characters from input fields during a PASTE with jQuery? [duplicate]

I want to check if a string contains special characters like !##$%^&*.,<>/\'";:? and return true if the string contains atleast one of those chars.
I tried with the following regex,script:
var format = /^[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]*$/;
if( string.match(format) ){
return true;
return false;
If the string contains only the special characters then it returns true , but if the string contains something else like alphanumeric chars ( !example1 , .example2 ) it returns false.
I suggest using RegExp .test() function to check for a pattern match, and the only thing you need to change is remove the start/end of line anchors (and the * quantifier is also redundant) in the regex:
var format = /[ `!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?~]/;
// ^ ^
document.write(format.test("My#string-with(some%text)") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My string with spaces") + "<br/>");
The anchors (like ^ start of string/line, $ end od string/line and \b word boundaries) can restrict matches at specific places in a string. When using ^ the regex engine checks if the next subpattern appears right at the start of the string (or line if /m modifier is declared in the regex). Same case with $: the preceding subpattern should match right at the end of the string.
In your case, you want to check the existence of the special character from the set anywhere in the string. Even if it is only one, you want to return false. Thus, you should remove the anchors, and the quantifier *. The * quantifier would match even an empty string, thus we must remove it in order to actually check for the presence of at least 1 special character (actually, without any quantifiers we check for exactly one occurrence, same as if we were using {1} limiting quantifier).
More specific solutions
What characters are "special" for you?
All chars other than ASCII chars: /[^\x00-\x7F]/ (demo)
All chars other than printable ASCII chars: /[^ -~]/ (demo)
Any printable ASCII chars other than space, letters and digits: /[!-\/:-#[-`{-~]/ (demo)
Any Unicode punctuation proper chars, the \p{P} Unicode property class:
ECMAScript 2018: /\p{P}/u
● ES5 (demo):
All Unicode symbols (not punctuation proper), \p{S}:
ECMAScript 2018: /\p{S}/u
● ES5 (demo):
All Unicode punctuation and symbols, \p{P} and \p{S}:
ECMAScript 2018: /[\p{P}\p{S}]/u
● ES5 (demo):
Your regexp use ^ and $ so it tries to match the entire string. And if you want only a boolean as the result, use test instead of match.
var format = /[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]+/;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Wouldn't it be easier to negative-match alphanumerics instead?
return string.match(/^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) ? true : false;
var specialChars = "<>#!#$%^&*()_+[]{}?:;|'\"\\,./~`-=";
var checkForSpecialChar = function(string){
for(i = 0; i < specialChars.length;i++){
if(string.indexOf(specialChars[i]) > -1){
return true
return false;
var str = "YourText";
alert("Not Valid");
} else {
Remove the characters ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) from the regular expression.
var format = /[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]/;
var format = /[`!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?~]/;
// ^ ^
document.write(format.test("My #string-with(some%text)") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My string with spaces") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My StringContainingNoSpecialChars"));
Simple solution
let text = "12AB"
const specialChars = `/[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]+/;`
const isSpecialCharsPresent = specialChars.split('').some(char =>
text.includes(char)) // true if present and false if not
console.log(isSpecialCharsPresent) // false
let text = "12AB."
console.log(isSpecialCharsPresent) // true
Check if a string contains at least one password special character:
For reference: ASCII Table -- Printable Characters
Special character ranges in the ASCII table are:
Space to /
: to #
[ to `
{ to ~
Therefore, use this:
/[ -/:-#[-`{-~]/.test(string)
I just did this,
return true; // Contains at least one special character or space
} else {
return false;
You can use this regex for specials chars : /\W/
I took an alternative approuch, without using REGEX, O(n) in performence:
function hasSpecialChars(str) {
const specialCharsSet = new Set("!##$%^&*()_");
for (let letter of str) {
if (specialCharsSet.has(letter)) {
return true;
return false;
You can try this:
regex = [\W_]
It will definitely help you.

RegEx doesn´t work with Replace JavaScript Method

I need some help with Regular Expression, the problem is that I need apply the regex with Replace method in JavaScript. I saw a few post here in Stackoverflow but any regex doesn't works, I don't why.
I need that the user only can type in the input the following data:
Note: only number, it could be with one or two decimals maximum. Don't allow another symbols, and of course one comma.
I have been reading about it, and I used a few regex generator to see the match, so I made this one:
I got a little bit confused at the beginning because I used in the replace method:
elementOne.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
this.value = this.value.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]+(\.[a-zA-Z]{0,2})?$/, '');
And right now I read the process like: if I type a letter from a to z,the method will replace to space ''. but the rest doesn't works in the method but works in the generator for example.
Here is an example, you will see in the first input my regex vs Sven.hig regex:
const elementOne = document.getElementById('elementOne');
const elementTwo = document.getElementById('elementTwo');
elementOne.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
this.value = this.value.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]+(\.[a-zA-Z]{0,2})?$/, '');
elementTwo.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
this.value = this.value.replace(/^\d+[,]?\d{0,2}/, '');
<p>Element One (My RegEx)</p>
<input id="elementOne" type="text" />
<p>Element Two (Stack RegEx)</p>
<input id="elementTwo" type="text" />
Also as a CodePen
Your regex is to match words not numbers you should replace [a-zA-Z]by [0-9] and the \. by \,
so your regex should look like this /^[0-9]+(\,[0-9]{0,2})?/
alternatively you could shorten the pattern /^\d+[,]?\d{0,2}/gm
here is code snippet to prevent user from entering words or any number that doesn't match the pattern
const elementTwo = document.getElementById('elementTwo');
var flag=false
elementTwo.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
if (pattern.test(this.value)){
return this.value
else flag=false
else if(!pattern.test(this.value)&&flag==true){
return this.value=l
else if(!pattern.test(this.value)&&flag==false){
return this.value=""
<p>Element Two (Stack RegEx)</p>
<input id="elementTwo" type="text" />
It looks like you're confusing a few things:
Replacing invalid characters in a string
Defining a validation pattern
Preventing entry of text
If your goal is to validate that your string has the correct format, you'd define a regular expression like:
const validFormat = /^\d+(,\d{0,2})?$/;
console.log(validFormat.test('99')); // true
console.log(validFormat.test('100,23')); // true
console.log(validFormat.test('X00,2E')); // false
console.log(validFormat.test('%#&SJ&#UJ')); // false
If your goal is to remove invalid characters (non-digits, non commas), you can define a regular expression for those invalid characters, but that's not the same thing as making sure your string now has a valid format. RegExp isn't able to do anything like that:
const invalidChars = /[^\d,]/g;
const sanitized = someString.replace(invalidChars, '');
If you want to prevent typing characters, you're better off adding a keydown event handler to your input and prevent the default behavior for invalid keys.
const myInput = document.querySelector('#some-input');
myInput.addEventListener('keydown', ({ key, preventDefault }) => {
if (key !== ',' && (key < '0' || key > '9')) {

Regular Expression Pattern matching issue

Not a lot of experience in RegEx stuff.
I have the following in java script which works perfectly fine.
The following pattern is used allow only alpha numeric
var valid = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test("a"); // returns true
var valid = /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test("#"); // returns false
I am using the pattern part "^[A-Za-z0-9]" in some other places of the code and was asked to use the part "^[A-Za-z0-9]" in a variable and use it so that it is not repetitive. The following is a modification to the above:
var regExPart= "^[A-Za-z0-9]";
var regExString = ("/" + regExPart+ "+$/".replace(/\"/g, "")); // replacing the quotes
var regExp = new RegExp(regExString); // results in /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/
var valid = regExp.test(charValue); // charValue could be any keyvalue "a" or "#"
//the above returns false for "a"
//the above returns false for "#"
I am writing this in a keypress event to allow only alpha numeric
keypressValidation: function (e) {
var charCode = (e.which) ? e.which: event.keyCode;
var charValue = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
var valid = return /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test(charValue);
if (!valid)
//prevent default (don't allow/ enter the value)
Not sure why. What am I missing in this. Need to return true for "a" and false for "#" for both the approaches. Any help/ suggestion would be of great help. Thank in advance.
For the RegExp class constructor, you do not need to specify forward slashes /.
var regExPart= "^[A-Za-z0-9]";
var regExp = new RegExp(regExPart + "+$"); // results in /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/
console.log('a', regExp.test('a'))
console.log('#', regExp.test('#'))
It is not a must to contain '/'s in regexp
new RegExp("^[0-9a-zA-Z]$").test('a')
return true
new RegExp("^[0-9a-zA-Z]$").test('#')
return false
So just do
var rex="^[0-9a-zA-Z]$"
And you can use it anywhere. Tested in Chrome console.
I've made an example using your regex of what it should do, i think the way you were building your regex was not helping. You don't need to create a string and then create a new regex object , you can use /regex part/.
Anyways here is a working example.
function keypress(e) {
// Get the current typed key
var keynum = e.key;
// this regex only allow character between a and z and 0 and 9
var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
// we check if the current key matches our regex
if(!keynum.match(regex) ) {
// it doesn't ? well we stop the event from happening
<input type="text" onkeypress="keypress(event)">

Am I using pattern matching correctly here?

I have the following code. Given that the variable u1 can be any of the following:
Also, the last part 60Months will always be different, can I pattern match using the following JavaScript? Do I need to put in a special character for the pipe | symbol? Or will this not work as I'm trying to match only the first part of a longer string?
<script type="text/javascript">
var u1 = 'NBSLoan|Accept|PPI+No|60Months';
var n_accept = /^NBSLoan|Accept$/;
var n_refer = /^NBSLoan|Refer$/;
var d_accept = /^DeBSLoan|Accept$/;
if (u1.match(n_accept)) {
var pvnPixel = '<img src=""/>';
else if (u1.match(n_refer)) {
var pvnPixel2 = '<img src=""/>';
else if (u1.match(d_accept)) {
var pvnPixel3 = '<img src=""/>';
Do I need to put in a special character for the pipe | symbol? Or will this not work as I'm trying to match only the first part of a longer string?
You need to escape the pipe symbol with a backslash to match a literal pipe character. Without the backslash it means alternation.
You also need to remove your end of line anchor.
Try this regular expression:
Why don't you first split fields with split('|'):
function dispatch(u) {
var parts = u.split('|'),
key = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1];
disp_table = {
url = disp_table[key];
url && document.write("<img src=\""+url+"\"/>");
You want to also remove the $ (it signifies the end of string) or add a .* to capture all the other characters:
To lose the end:
To match and capture the other characters:

Problems with dynamic RegExp construction in Javascript

This method is to prevent users from entering anything but numbers and "allowed characters." Allowed characters are passed as the parameter allowedchars.
So far, the method prevents number entries but the allowedchars doesn't work (tried with passing "-" (hyphen) and "." (period)). So I'm assuming my dynamic regex construction isn't correct. Help?
Thanks in advance!
numValidate : function (evt, allowedchars) {
var theEvent, key, regex,
addToRegex = allowedchars;
theEvent = evt || window.event;
key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which;
key = String.fromCharCode(key);
var regex = new RegExp('/^[0-9' + addToRegex + ']$/');
if (!regex.test(key)) {
theEvent.returnValue = false;
if (theEvent.preventDefault) {
(ps. jQuery solutions are fine too)
1. When you construct via new RegExp, there's no need to include the surrounding /s.
var regex = new RegExp('^[0-9' + addToRegex + ']$');
2. But if addToRegex contains ] or -, the resulting regex may become invalid or match too much. So you need to escape them:
var regex = new RegExp('^[0-9' + addToRegex.replace(/([\-\]])/g, '\\$1') + ']$');
3. But since you are checking against 1 character anyway, it may be easier to avoid regex.
var pass = ("0123456789" + addToRegex).indexOf(key);
if (pass == -1) {

