Click event not firing correctly - javascript

I am attempting to fire a click event when the page loads but only once on each page load. What is happening is that in localhost it works fine, but when I upload to server it dosen't fire at all.
The idea was to set a counter to 0 when the page loads then inc the counter by 1 to disable further clicks. Obviously, there is an error somewhere but I cannot solve it.
I am using jqwidgets jqxgrid to display the data and getting the class as a variable. I am also using jquery 1.11.1
I would be grateful if someone could help me solve this as I seem to have tried many combinations, but ok on localhost but nothing on server. I am using php v5.3.13 wamp and 5.4 on server. Many thanks
var counter = 0;
window.onload = function() {
var calendaricons = document.getElementsByClassName('jqx-icon-calendar');
for (var i = 0; i < calendaricons.length; i++) {
calendaricons[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
if (counter === 0) {
type: "info",
msg: "Test Message",
width: 650,
height: 99,
multiline: true,
position: "center",
fade: true,
//timeout: 3000,
autohide: false,
clickable: true
} else {
return false;

If you are using jQuery, which it seems the case, you can use the one function that allows your handler to be runt only once.
Here is your code with the use of the one function:
$(window).load(function() {
$('.jqx-icon-calendar').each(function(index, item) {
$(this).one("click", function() {
type: "info",
msg: "Test Message",
width: 650,
height: 99,
multiline: true,
position: "center",
fade: true,
//timeout: 3000,
autohide: false,
clickable: true


Jquery .load() works locally but not on the server

I am not quite sure what is causing the issue here. I am trying to load a view into a Jquery dialog using the .load() function. On my local machine everything works fine, but on the server the URL that ends up being created is not correct because it is adding the parameter to the URL twice.
The links are dynamic from a webgrid which is where the #item.GrouperIDForLookip comes from.
<div id="groupersDialog"></div>
<a id="GrouperField_#item.GrouperIDForLookup" class="grouper">Groupers</a>
$(".grouper").on("click", function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
autoOpen: true,
width: 1000,
height: 600,
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
title: "Groupers",
model: true,
show: 'slide',
closeText: 'x',
dialogClass: 'alert',
closeOnEscape: true,
open: function () {
//Load the Partial View Here using Controller and Action
$('#groupersDialog').load('/Home/_Groupers/?GroupIDForLookup=' + id);
close: function () {
On my local machine everything works fine and the URL for the load works. But on the server when running it the URL that ends up being created is %2fHome%2f_Groupers%2f%3fGroupIDForLookup%3d2&GroupIDForLookup=2 which doubles the GroupIDForLookup gives me a GET 404 (page not found).
Does anyone happen to know what would cause this to happen? If you need more code just let me know.
Please update the URL in the load function in the below code.
<div id="groupersDialog"></div>
<a id="GrouperField_#item.GrouperIDForLookup" class="grouper">Groupers</a>
$(".grouper").on("click", function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
autoOpen: true,
width: 1000,
height: 600,
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
title: "Groupers",
model: true,
show: 'slide',
closeText: 'x',
dialogClass: 'alert',
closeOnEscape: true,
open: function () {
//Load the Partial View Here using Controller and Action
'#URL.Action("_Groupers", "Home")?GroupIDForLookup' + id);
close: function () {

Opening fancybox with boxslider for second time doesn't work properly

So I've setup a fancybox with boxslider.
I have some problems with the boxslider when opening the fancybox again after closing it the first time.
website (please note that the onclick is only applied to the first block (top row, most left))
The fancybox is called by the code below:
<div class="img-spacer" onclick="$.fancybox({href : '#portfolio-1', width: 1040, margin: 0, padding: 0, closeBtn: false}); $('.bxslider').bxSlider({auto: true,controls: false,pager: false});">
This code works just fine when opening the fancybox for the first time but when I close the fancybox and open it again the boxslider is not working anymore like it is supposed to. It will skip some photo's and won't slide smoothly.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Like I mentioned in my comment, you need to move the fancybox init out of the inline click handler, in into your JS file.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Attach fancybox to every .image-spacer div
href : '#portfolio-1',
width: 1040,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
closeBtn: false,
onUpdate: function() {
onCancel: function() {
onPlayStart: function() {
alert('play start!');
onPlayEnd: function() {
alert('play end!');
beforeClose: function() {
alert('before close!');
afterClose: function() {
alert('after close!');
beforeShow: function() {
alert('before show!');
afterShow: function() {
alert('after show!');
beforeLoad: function() {
alert('before load!');
afterLoad: function() {
alert('after load!');
// On clicking a .img-spacer div, attach a bxSlider
auto: true,
controls: false,
pager: false
And for the HTML
<div class="img-spacer"></div>
Give this a shot and let me know how it went. If you place it on the live site I can take a look at it there.

Jquery dialog submit not working

yesterday I started working on a Jquery Dialog box to replace the default confirm box that jquery has... I came across an issue and all the tutorials I see tell me to use .submit() on my form but that does not seem to want to play nicely (or play at all for that matter)
This is the JSFIDDLE
And now this is my javascript that is not working for me :
$(document).ready(function() {
$(function() {
var currentForm;
resizable: false,
autoOpen: false,
draggable: false,
height: 310,
width: 500,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Cancel': function() {
'Enter Queue': function() {
$("#signinform").submit(function() {
currentForm = this;
return false;
The problem is happening at the "Enter Queue" button. Pretty much the scenario (as it is shown on the jsfiddle) is I need users to acknowledge the rules of the office, and if they do so they click on a check-box, once they do so then they click Submit, which then sends a dialog explaining to the user what they are getting into. However for some reason the "Enter Queue" button does nothing. I am quite confused. Any help would be great.
It's because your re-using the $(document).on('submit', "#signinform", function(e) method
which got e.preventDefault(); for first instruction when you call $('#signinform').submit();.
You need to set a temporary variable to see wether you come from your code or the submit button.
Here is a JSFiddle with a working test, but you should do something nicer =)
EDIT : Javascript is an asynchronous langage, it means that your $('#dialog-confirm').dialog('open'); doesn't block and just modify the html, so the submit event always will return false -> it will never be sent.
So I get that JSFiddle which not really works like you want but if you trigger the submit button a second time after clicked the Enter Queue button it will work, so i'm wondering why the submit() method don't work when called from here.
A method you could use is to send the form with ajax (look at post() in jquery) and then redirect your user with something like window.location = "yourpage".
Try this way (jsFiddle):
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#signinform input:submit").on('click',function() {
return getDialog(window.enterQueue);
function getDialog(enterQueue){
resizable: false,
autoOpen: true,
draggable: false,
height: 310,
width: 500,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Cancel': function() {
'Enter Queue': function() {
$("#signinform input:submit").trigger('click');
return false;
} else
return true;
I figured it out last night with the help of jquery website and a lot of google-ing. Thanks to the both of you for your help and time it took for the answers. + 1
This is my solution :
<script type="text/javascript">
var Form = $("#signinform");
resizable: false,
autoOpen: false,
dialogClass: "no-close",
draggable: false,
height: 320,
width: 500,
modal: true,
'Cancel': function()
$(this).dialog("close");"confirmProgress", false);
'Submit Information': function()
Form.submit();"confirmProgress", false);
if (!$(this).data("confirmProgress"))
$(this).data("confirmProgress", true);
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Everything under this is the Jquery for my second Dialog that has always been working, the issue was the above dialog which is now fixed.
$(document).on('click', "#Cancel", function(e)
var href = '<?php echo base_url(); ?>studentlogin_controller/studentlogin';
resizable: false,
dialogClass: "no-close",
draggable: false,
height: 320,
width: 500,
modal: true,
"Cancel": function()
"Go Back": function()
window.location.href = href;

Making a draggable element drop on a target

Now I know what you guys were thinking when you read the title. Your probable thinking that im talking about jQuery UI draggable. But im actually talking about the plugin i'm making for the community. I am trying to create a target for my plugin. It works as you can see here:
As you can see it works fine.
First, let me explain whats suppose to happen. Well what I want, is if the element is dropped in the target...the targ.on() gets launched. This is the onTarget feature in my plugin. This and the offTarget( are not working in my plugin.
This is what I have in my plugin:
var targ = {
Then my plugin setup code is:
$(document).ready(function() {
revert: false,
revertDuration: 500,
ghostDrop: false,
ghostRevert: false,
ghostOpacity: '0.50',
instantGhost: false,
activeClass: false,
handle: false,
grid: false,
cookies: false,
cookieExdate: 365,
radialDrag: false,
radius: 100,
circularOutline: false,
strictMovement: false,
distance: 0,
not: false,
containment: false,
target: {
init: '#container',
lock: false,
onTarget: function() {
offTarget: function() {}
onPickUp: function() {},
onDrop: function() {}
I don't see why it wont work.
This is my actually plugin if you want to take a look in it:
onTarget: function() {
You'll see that "this" isn't referring to the element, but rather the object that holds the function.
Pass the element as an argument:
if (locker === false) {
if (statement) {
lock = false;
} else {;
lock = false;

Problems with custom alert box via jqueryid dialog

I've been working on a custom alert box that has the same style as the rest of the website via jquery-ui. It was working well except that it wouldn't open more than once. As I was trying to fix that, I broke the whole thing some how, and now I get this error:
Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" code: "3
Below is the code. doAlert() is a simple replacement for alert(). Later it will have more features. show_support() creates dialog box in a similar way to doAlert(), except that it works perfectly.
function doAlert(msg, title) {
var alert_box = $('body').append('<div id="alert_box" class="centered" style="padding:.5em;vertical-align:middle;display:none;"><p>' + msg + '</p></div>');
title = typeof(title) != 'undefined' ? title : 'Message';
modal: true,
title: title,
width: 400,
height: 150,
resizable: false,
overlay: {
opacity: 0.5,
background: 'black'
buttons: {
'Ok': function() {
close: function() {
function show_support() {
var dialog = $('body').append('<div id="dialog_support" style="display:none;"></div>');
$('#dialog_support').load('/supporttracker', {action:'get_dialog'})
modal: true,
title: "Support",
width: 620,
height: 400,
buttons: {
"Send": function() {
if (!$('#issue_message').val()) {
doAlert('Your message cannot be blank. Please enter your message.');
type: 'POST',
url: '/supporttracker',
data: 'action=add_simple&'+$('#issue').serialize(),
success: function(msg){
doAlert('Thank you. We will get to your question/issue as soon as we can. Usualy within 24 hours.');
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
doAlert('An error accured: '+textStatus);
"Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog('close');}
close: function() {
Anyone have any ideas of how I messed up doAlert?
Look at the close method. doAlert seems to be doing a dialog('destroy'), then calling remove on it. show_support is simply removing the dialog from the DOM. I don't know what the dialog method returns so it may be that the DOM element isn't actually getting removed and thus reinserting it fails -- since you can't have to elements with the same id.
If it were me I'd create the dialog on page load (hidden), then simply update a message when it needs to be shown, and use open/close to reuse the element rather than recreating it.
<div id="alert_box" class="alert-dialog" style="display: none;">
<p id="alert_message">An error occurred.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
modal: true,
width: 400,
height: 150,
resizable: false,
overlay: {
opacity: 0.5,
background: 'black'
buttons: {
'Ok': function() {
function doAlert( msg, title )
$('#alert_box').attr( 'title', title )

