Vue js error: Component template should contain exactly one root element - javascript

I don't know what the error is, so far I am testing through console log to check for changes after selecting a file (for uploading).
When I run $ npm run watch, i get the following error:
"Webpack is watching the files…
95% emitting
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors
error in ./resources/assets/js/components/File.vue
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) Vue template syntax
Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you
are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them
# ./resources/assets/js/components/AvatarUpload.vue 5:2-181 #
./resources/assets/js/app.js # multi ./resources/assets/js/app.js
My File.vue is
<div class="form-group">
<label for="avatar" class="control-label">Avatar</label>
<input type="file" v-on:change="fileChange" id="avatar">
<div class="help-block">
Help block here updated 4 🍸 ...
<div class="col-md-6">
<input type="hidden" name="avatar_id">
<img class="avatar" title="Current avatar">
export default{
methods: {
console.log('Test of file input change')
Any ideas on how to solve this? What is actually the error?

Note This answer only applies to version 2.x of Vue. Version 3 has lifted this restriction.
You have two root elements in your template.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
And you need one.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
Essentially in Vue you must have only one root element in your templates.

For a more complete answer:
But basically:
Currently, a VueJS template can contain only one root element (because of rendering issue)
In cases you really need to have two root elements because HTML structure does not allow you to create a wrapping parent element, you can use vue-fragment.
To install it:
npm install vue-fragment
To use it:
import Fragment from 'vue-fragment';
// or
import { Plugin } from 'vue-fragment';
Then, in your component:
<tr class="hola">
<tr class="hello">

You need to wrap all the html into one single element.
<div class="form-group">
<label for="avatar" class="control-label">Avatar</label>
<input type="file" v-on:change="fileChange" id="avatar">
<div class="help-block">
Help block here updated 4 🍸 ...
<div class="col-md-6">
<input type="hidden" name="avatar_id">
<img class="avatar" title="Current avatar">
export default{
methods: {
console.log('Test of file input change')

if, for any reasons, you don't want to add a wrapper (in my first case it was for <tr/> components), you can use a functionnal component.
Instead of having a single components/MyCompo.vue you will have few files in a components/MyCompo folder :
With this structure, the way you call your component won't change.
components/MyCompo/index.js file content :
import File from './File';
import Avatar from './Avatar';
const commonSort=(a,b)=>b-a;
export default {
functional: true,
name: 'MyCompo',
props: [ 'someProp', 'plopProp' ],
render(createElement, context) {
return [
createElement( File, { props: Object.assign({light: true, sort: commonSort},context.props) } ),
createElement( Avatar, { props: Object.assign({light: false, sort: commonSort},context.props) } )
And if you have some function or data used in both templates, passed them as properties and that's it !
I let you imagine building list of components and so much features with this pattern.

Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them instead.
The right approach is
<div> <!-- The root -->
The wrong approach
<template> <!-- No root Element -->
Multi Root Components
The way around to that problem is using functional components, they are components where you have to pass no reactive data means component will not be watching for any data changes as well as not updating it self when something in parent component changes.
As this is a work around it comes with a price, functional components don't have any life cycle hooks passed to it, they are instance less as well you cannot refer to this anymore and everything is passed with context.
Here is how you can create a simple functional component.
Vue.component('my-component', {
// you must set functional as true
functional: true,
// Props are optional
props: {
// ...
// To compensate for the lack of an instance,
// we are now provided a 2nd context argument.
render: function (createElement, context) {
// ...
Now that we have covered functional components in some detail lets cover how to create multi root components, for that I am gonna present you with a generic example.
<NavBarRoutes :routes="persistentNavRoutes"/>
<NavBarRoutes v-if="loggedIn" :routes="loggedInNavRoutes" />
<NavBarRoutes v-else :routes="loggedOutNavRoutes" />
Now if we take a look at NavBarRoutes template
v-for="route in routes"
<router-link :to="route">
{{ route.title }}
We cant do some thing like this we will be violating single root component restriction
Make this component functional and use render
functional: true,
render(h, { props }) {
return =>
<li key={}>
<router-link to={route}>
Here you have it you have created a multi root component, Happy coding
Reference for more details visit:

In addition to Bert and blobmaster responses:
If you need to remove the root element from the DOM you can exploit css and use display: value on the root element.

Bit of a misleading error.
What fixed it on my side was the fact that I had an additional </div> without an opening <div>.
I spotted it using Find/Replace on "div" which gave an odd number.

Wrap everything in one div and it will resolve the issue.
For example,
It is similar concept to React.js

For vue 3 they removed this constraint in template syntax :
<main v-bind="$attrs">...</main>
but it's still existing in JSX syntax :
Incorrect ❌
setup(props,{attrs}) {
return ()=>(
<main {..attrs}>...</main>
Correct ✔
setup(props,{attrs}) {
return ()=>(
<main {..attrs}>...</main>

I experienced this kind of issue and the issue was fixed by adding a main parent div tag or section if it is a section type of component.
<div class="list-of-friends">
<h3>Hello World</h3>

I was confused as I knew VueJS should only contain 1 root element and yet I was still getting this same "template syntax error Component template should contain exactly one root element..." error on an extremely simple component. Turns out I had just mispelled </template> as </tempate> and that was giving me this same error in a few files I copied and pasted. In summary, check your syntax for any mispellings in your component.

instead of using this
Vue.component('tabs', {
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<li class="is-active"><a>Pictures</a></li>
<div class="tabs-content">
you should use
Vue.component('tabs', {
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<li class="is-active"><a>Pictures</a></li>
<div class="tabs-content">

Just make sure that you have one root div and put everything inside this root
<div class="root">
<!--and put all child here --!>
<div class='child1'></div>
<div class='child2'></div>
and so on


Vue Component Functionality with Conditional Rendering

I have a vue component called <PlanView/>, and I'm rendering this component conditionally:
<div v-if="show_plan" id="mainplan">
<div class="icon" v-else>
<font-awesome-icon icon="fa-solid fa-angles-right" #click="openPlan"/>
openPlan() {
this.show_plan = true;
but I want the functionality to be called even if the component is not rendered, can you please advise me how can I do that? thanks in advance.
If you want the component to be renedered and not displayed, you can hide the visibility of the template inside the component rather than hiding the complete compoenent.
Pass a prop to PlanView to decide the template is to be rendered or not
<PlanView :showPlan="show_plan"/>
Accept the prop inside PlanView component like
showPlan: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
Render the template of PlanView only if the prop is satisfied. So the template of PlanView will be looking like
<!-- Div or some wraper element -->
<div v-if="showPlan">
<!-- Rest of your template here -->
Simply use v-show on the wrapper so that the element will be loaded, but will not be displayed in the UI when the condition is false
<PlanView v-show="show_plan"/>
You can simply use v-show instead of v-if to provide the same functionality as the answer from #Nitheesh suggests.
<div v-show="show_plan" id="mainplan">
<div v-show="!show_plan" class="icon">
<font-awesome-icon icon="fa-solid fa-angles-right" #click="openPlan"/>
But I am not sure this is what you means by by calling the functionality.

v-html not working as expected when using imported raw html

I have a component in Vue2 with vue-cli/3 that has a lot of raw HTML. Rather then clutter my component I thought I would abstract it out as a separate module and import it. However when rendering I get the following error:
Vue warn]: Invalid component name: "
<img src="../assets/img/elizabeth_i_article.jpg" alt="Elizabeth the I">
<p>Elizabeth I, bynames <strong>the Virgin Queen</strong> and <strong>Good Queen Bess</strong>, (born September blah blah lot more ...
I see in vue tools that there is a component entry under App with the html as a name and has my value of elizabethTheI : "html here....". Also the image in first line does not render. But all other HTML renders OK.
My setup is
const elizabethTheI = `
<img src="../assets/img/elizabeth_i_article.jpg" alt="Elizabeth the I">
... more html
export default elizabethTheI;
<div class="container">
<h1>Elizabeth the I</h1>
<div v-html="elizabethTheI"></div>
import elizabethTheI from "./assets/elizabeth_I";
export default {
data() {
return {
elizabethTheI: elizabethTheI
I have read thru docs and several tutorials and I think I am using v-html directive correctly. Any insight as to why I am getting error and image not rendering would be most appreciated.

How to dynamically inject components/fields into a dummy page using vue js?

I am trying to create a dummy vue page, were the different components used in the page like b-field ,b-table etc should be injected into the page in order to make things more dynamic. Currently the fields and components are defined in the template section of the .vue page.
<div class="container is-fluid">
<b-loading :is-full-page="true" :active.sync="this.isLoading"></b-loading>
<p class="subtitle">Business Unit</p>
<b-field label="Business Unit">
:disabled="this.newRecord ? false : true"
<b-field label="Description">
<b-field label="Short Description">
<b-field label="Status">
<p class="is-size-7 has-text-danger">{{submitError}}</p>
<b-button #click="submitForm" class="is-radiusless">Submit</b-button>
<b-button type="is-text" #click="$router.go(-1)" class="is-radiusless">Return</b-button>
import { viewMixin } from "../viewMixin.js";
const ViewName = "BusinessUnitDetail";
export default {
name: "BusinessUnitDetail",
mixins: [viewMixin(ViewName)],
But the components mentioned in the template section should actually be stored as a string and going forward in the future this string will be retrieved from the database instead. But for the time being and as a starting point , this string can be hardcoded in the script section itself. Now i need a solution or guidance on how to achieve this and make the page to actually work..
Note: Please note that in vue js, i know that we could show or hide components based on the application state using Vue conditional structures such as v-if and v-else. But this is not what iam talking about. Instead i want the components (b-field,b-table etc) to be dynamically injected into the DOM. So in future if there will be an extra b-field or any other component, i can simply append the component tag to the string and that new component will be rendered in the frontend successfully.Plz help?
I guess the solution you look for is vue dynamic components.
So you can do this:
<template v-for="(item, index) of components" :key="index">
<component :is="" :any-prop="item.anyProp">
// ...
data() {
return {
components: [
{ name: 'b-field', anyProp: 'status' }

Vue: Mysterious ghost props?

In my project, I came across the following code:
Parent component - <ParameterModal>:
<modal-wrapper props="...">
<!-- ... other templates similar to this... -->
<template v-else-if="modalTemplate === 'bitmask_set'">
<template slot="header">
<h4 class="center-text">{{title}}</h4>
<div v-if="errorMessage" class="error-message">
<!-- ... -->
<div v-else>
Warning: unmapped modal template!
<!-- ... -->
Ok, cool, this is using a regular slot and named slot to display a component called <ModalBitmaskSet>. So I look inside modal-wrapper to find the outlets...
Child component - <modal-wrapper>
<!-- some container and wrapper elements and then... -->
<div class="modal-header">
<slot name="header" />
:class="['modal-body', 'display-flex', 'flex-direction-column', modalTemplate]"
style="text-align: center; display: none; padding-bottom: 10px;"
You have unsaved changes.<br />Please click Save or Cancel to proceed.
<md-content v-if="modalContent">{{modalContent}}</md-content>
<slot />
<!-- end containers and wrappers -->
Also cool, there is where the slots are coming out... but how are props being passed to <ModalBitmaskSet>? When I look in Vue DevTools, I can see that props are somehow being passed to this component that don't exist in the parent. On top of this, when I add new components to <ParameterModal>, they sometimes don't get passed props that other components seem to be getting! This is very weird!
As you can see from the photo, this component is somehow getting passed props that aren't listed in the code! Specifically, the props colIndex, fieldSet, indexOffset, methodIndex and rowIndex in this case, although other components on this <ParameterModal> component appear to get different props.
Am I missing something? Where could these ghostly props be coming from?
This line seems the likely cause, though without seeing the code for modalMeta it's difficult to be sure:
This is using the object v-bind syntax, so whatever properties exist in the modalMeta object will be passed as props to the component.

Vue component unknown despite being registered

I am trying to compose a component inside another like this:
<prompt :users="users">
<dataset v-for="ds in users" :user="user"></dataset>
But apparently I'm not registering it properly:
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <dataset> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
(found in root instance)
Here's how I'm trying to register it:
Vue.component('prompt', {
props: ['userdata', 'users'],
template: '#prompt-template',
components: {
'dataset': {
props: ['userdataset', 'user'],
template: '#dataset-template',
Finally, the templates:
<template id="dataset-template">
<li>{{ user}}</li>
<template id="prompt-template">
<transition name="modal">
<div class="modal-mask">
<div class="modal-wrapper">
<div class="modal-container">
<div class="modal-header">
<slot name="header">
default header
<div class="modal-body">
<slot name="body">
<div class="modal-footer">
<slot name="footer">
default footer
<button class="modal-default-button" #click="$emit('close')">
Are there any steps I'm missing? I can't figure out how the component isn't being registered.
The problem is that you use the dataset component as a slot within the prompt component. While the Vue vm tries to figure out the component tree it will recognize the dataset component which it does not know. Subcomponents are used in the component template but not within slots. You have to register the dataset component within the Vue vm like you did for the prompt component. Try this
Vue.component('promp', { ... })
Vue.component('dataset', { ... })
It also make sense to register the components on the same level since the templates of the components are also registered on the same level (next to each other).
Compare it to the example you mentioned in another answers comment: Here the subcomponent axis-label is only used within the template of the parent polygraph component. This is valid since now the component is in contract to figure out it sub components not the vue-vm.
In other words:
It should be possible to pass components into the slot of any component A which are not subcomponents of A. Therefore all components passed to slots of a component should be available to the vue vm.
Thumb rule could be
if a component does not appear within another components template, it is not a subcomponent.

