How to force logout user when close tab - javascript

I am developing a enterprise application using spring and struts. But, i'm getting issue on Tab close. how to force user logging out when close the browser tab or open same page on another tab.
i have been try using onbeforeunload but i am getting issue when application running on mobile browser. and i also have seen following sample but No one has clear explanation.
How to kill session when user closed the browser without logout
How to Detect Browser Window /Tab Close Event?
is there any solution to achieve this problem using javascript or from server?

Finally I found a solution that worked!
When the user logs in I use sessionStorage to store that a user has been logged in:
sessionStorage.setItem('logged', true)
SessionStorage will hold that property until the tab or the browser closes.
So inside the application, I check if the SessionStorage still holds that property. If not then I logout the user and I redirect him to the login.
if (!sessionStorage.getItem('logged')) {
window.location.replace("/login") //redirect to login
For those who wonder what is navigator.sendBeacon you can read here to learn more. Practically I use it because I want the api/logout to be accessed even if the tab closes.

You may start a ajax request by page onload, and get a tracking session id/serial from server.
Later force all of the requests operations to include the tracking session you just gave to the page using the ajax call above.
If user opens up a new tab, the ajax load starts again. and As far as you check the live session tracks in the server with associated user, you may redirect the user to somewhere else or etc.
I don't think you may rely on onbeforeunload, just the same thing you experience.
As others stated, http is stateless, and cookies and requests are only stuffs you can check the state of the user.
At the server, session cookies could be invalidated by session timeout(if we assume user going to brew some coffee, e.g. it closes the page/tab).
And as explained in above solution, if he/she opens a new tab, the new ajax call might block him/her to perform a new login or etc.
I suggest you may find another solution instead of this approach you are trying to get. It's much easier and more senseful to sync the page state with the last opened page. Let the user opens 5 same page, and just sync them all with each other(simplest solution: refresh others when one gets updated)

You may have a javascript function and invoke it on "onunload" of body and in that script invoke backend code to invalidate the user session.

localStorage can be use to keep idle time for the application with multiple tabs are opened.
// Check browser support
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
// Store an item to localStorage
localStorage.setItem("timeIdle", "0");
// Retrieve the added item
} else {
//display this message if browser does not support localStorage
console.log("Sorry, your browser does not support Web Storage.");
function func(){
$(this).keypress(function(e) {
localStorage.setItem("timeIdle", "0");
$(this).click(function(e) {
localStorage.setItem("timeIdle", "0");
function timerIncrement() {
var timeIdle = localStorage.getItem("timeIdle");
timeIdle = parseInt(timeIdle) + 1;
if (timeIdle >= 1) {
window.location = window.location.origin+"/riskoffice-ui/Login";
localStorage.setItem("timeIdle", timeIdle.toString());
setInterval(func,1800000); //Runs the "func" function every second


keep session after login - selenium - javascript

I am trying to automate couple of pages using selenium web driver and node js . I was able to login , but after login I want to use same session initiated by web driver so that I can do automated testing on session protected page. This is my attempt
async function login(){
Let d = await new Builder()
await d.get('')
await d.findElement('username')).sendKeys('admin ')
await d.findElement('password')).sendKeys('admin');
await d.findElement(By.css('button[type="submit"]')).click();
d.getPageSource().then(function(content) {
if(content.indexOf('Welcome text') !==-1 ) {
console.log('Test passed');
console.log('landing page');
d.get('') //this is still going to login page as i cannot use the previous session
} else {
console.log('Test failed');
return false;
Am I accidentally discarding the browser after login.
From a similar question on SQA StackExchange, you can store and restore the current session's cookies:
Using Javascript:
// Storing cookies:
driver.manage().getCookies().then(function (cookies) {
allCookies = cookies;
// Restoring cookies:
for (var key in allCookies) {
driver.manage().addCookie(key, allCookies[key]);
You might just be dealing with timing issues. Selenium moves very fast. Way faster than you can interact as a user. So it often acts in what seems like unpredictable ways. But that's only because Selenium is acting much faster than you would as a user. In order to work around this, you should make good use of Selenium's built-in driver.wait. For example:
const button = driver.wait(
The above waits until the button with id my-button is present in the DOM, and then clicks it. It will wait for a maximum of 20000 milliseconds, but will finish as soon as the button becomes available.
So in your case, if there is something that becomes available after the user is successfully logged in, you could wait on that element before going to the new page in your code.
As an aside, I'm also not so sure why you are using getPageSource()? That seems like a very heavy-handed way to get what you are looking for. Isn't that content inside an element you could get the contents of?
I wrote an article about How to write reliable browser tests using Selenium and Node.js which might help you understand in more detail the code example above from the article, along with other techniques you can use to wait reliably for a variety of conditions in the browser.
I believe your problem is not properly waiting for the login to complete.
Selenium doesn't wait for asynchronous actions to be done, it moves to the next line, so when you ask for the page source, there is a good chance the login action didn't complete on the server and the result is not what you expect it to be.
you have to explicitly tell Selenium to wait, so you need to add some code between the login and the code that checks if the user is login, for the sake of this assumption, add a 10 seconds timeout.
if this works for you, you wouldn't want to just waste time, so you need to wait for certain elements on the page to change because of the login, for example, you need to wait for the presence (or visibility if it is already in the DOM) of the user photo in the header.
also, I'm not sure how the "getPageSource" function behaves, it can use the existing page, or it can ask for a fresh copy.
I would advise you to use other ways to test if the user is logged in, by inspecting the DOM.
I suggest to re-use the session-cookie after first login in other web-driver instances.
First store the cookie:
var cookieValue = firstWebDriver.Manage().Cookies.GetCookieNamed(name:"cookie_name");
Then you can pass it by to any WebDriver instance, set it and drive the web-app as it would be the same user with different browser instances:
anotherWebDriver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie(name:"cookie_name", value:cookieValue));
If you want to use the same browser instance, you have to synchronize them, because WebDriver invocations are in general not thread-safe and would probalby often lead to exceptions (e.g. stale because an element was changed or notfound, because one web-driver navigated to a different page).
Then I suggest to just use the window handle for the next instance, without caring about the session. The first one opens and the last one closes the session (count the referenced handles) and be sure only one driver uses this handle at a time. You can also create new browser windows and this will keep the session and give you a new handle:
var handle = firstWebDriver.CurrentWindowHandle;
I wrote the code in C# but should be easily adaptable to JavaScript.

Avoid user to open web app in multiple tabs or window

I have multipage application and I need to check if user was alredy open an app in other browser tab or in other browser window (IE8) and avoid this (logout user in opened new window/tab)
I use JSP, JavaScript and jQuery
If its real - not to use sessionStorage
I also use iframes and IE8 modal dialogs.
You'd need to use a technology like SignalR that keeps a connection open. Then you'd need to ping the connections to see if that user is connected and close out their existing connection. If that implementation is too daunting, you can add a timer loop to your app/page that calls the logins table (or whatever storage device for these events) and if there are new logins, calls its own logout procedure.
One approach would be to maintain a map (in memory or in db based on user count) in your application scope which stores username vs session-id. On every login, you lookup in this map if already a session exist for that username. If exist, invalidate existing session, else store the new session-id in map. [not tested]
you can pass the the user session id or random generated id to global/window variable, ie;
window.state = 'SomeLoginIdString';
keep the state in some other variable where you client pages can easily access, preferably a datastore on client.
var loginAccessCurrentState = 'SomeLoginIdString';
When use open/switch pages compare both, if it false you can redirect to a 404 page.
loginAccessCurrentState === window.state
The idea is you only pass the state during login session, if user open a new tab, the state is undefined by default.
For single page applications the following way could be an easy solution:
Create a random ID on the entry page, store it in the session and in the GUI
On each Ajax call add the random ID to the request as additional HTTP header
if the ID does not match between given header and session, the application was opened in another tab/window and this call is coming from the "old" tab
the resulting answer of the server must then lead the GUI to lock / close itself in the affected tab

Exchange Information between two windows

Im not sure how to explain my problem in short at the title, so forgive me for this. Lets say I opened my website in some random page, and I have a register button. Really simple, but in my case I require the registration form to appear in other tab(or window). Not "RederPartial", nor popup window of some kind, legit new tab. The problem is, I want to be able do detect, from that random page of mine, when the registration completed (ie a new user has been created). How can I pass this information? without reloading the first page
There are various ways to make two windows talk with each other (through server, with cookies, using FileSystem API or Local Storage.
Locale Storage is by far the easiest way to talk between two windows who come from the same domain, but it is not supported in older browsers. Since you need to contact the server anyway to find out when someone has registered, I recommend using the server (Ajax//web sockets).
Here's a somewhat simple AJAX solution which you could use in your random page:
var formOpened = false;
var registered = false;
//Change to whatever interaction is needed to open the form
$('#registerbutton').on('click', function(){
if (!formOpened){
formOpened = true;
//Will try to poll the server every 3 seconds
(function pollServer(){
url: "/ajax/pollregistered",
type: "GET",
success: function(data) {
if (data.registered){
registered = true;
//do other stuff here that is needed after registration
dataType: "json",
complete: setTimeout(function() {if (!registered) pollServer();}, 3000),
//will timeout if request takes longer than 2 seconds
timeout: 2000,
//opens the new tab
var win ='/registrationform', '_blank');
You can then use the session key of the visitor in the '/ajax/pollregistered' action to write your backend code to check if and when this visitor registered as user to your site.
If you don't mind using the local storage, you could poll the storage instead of the server and have the registration page write to local storage upon registration. This is less stressing for your server, but might not work for users with ancient browsers.
Also worth nothing that this method of opening a new tab is not completely reliable. Technically there is not a sure shot way of opening a new tab with javascript. It depends on browser and the preferences of the user. Opening a new tab might get blocked for users who are using anti popup plugins.
That being said, I strongly recommend revising your design and try finding a way to work with just one window instead. It's probably better for both yourself and your users.

Other browser windows don't go back to user login page after Meteor.logout()

I have written a meteor application with user login. After a user logs out, the application redirects to the user login page. However, when they are multiple tabs in the browser (or multiple browser windows) where the application is active (and the user is logged in), only the active tab or browser window goes back to the user login page. In the other window it seems the user is still logged in. However, when the user does some further work in the other window, nothing is synced with the db on the server anymore. I thought Meteor.logout() is reactive, so how is it possible that the other browser tabs or windows don't refresh?
I have the folowwing in my router?js file:
var filters = {
isLoggedIn : function(pause) {
} else {;
After pushing the logout button the following js code is executed
Thanks for the help.
Try this:
Meteor.logoutOtherClients should log out all sessions. It is designed for situations where the user is logged in on multiple devices and wants to log out on all of them simultaneously.
In my app I didn't want to use a global redirect on logout, but on some templates to redirect to another template if logout happens.
Following Autumn Leonard's comment, I made this work by having the particular template reactive by creating a template.mytemplate.onCreated function and inside there put an autorun function checking Meteor.user() and doing the redirect.
I hope this approach helps others :)

how to clear devise session on browser close?

I am using 'devise' for password authentication in my ruby on rails app. Once I successfully login and I close my browser and open a new browser window I am still logged in. Lets say I am using Chrome, I close all instances of chrome and then open a new one. I am still logged in. The same is the case when I am doing IE and Firefox too.
I would assume on close of window and opening a new window should establish a new session between the server and the browser isn't it? If not how do I achieve that?
i used tried doing clicking on logout button on browser window's onbeforeunload event, but it does not works as it logout of application on any form submit or link click.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
and tried sending AJAX request to the sessions controller destroy action for clearing the session.
function(event) {
type: 'DELETE',
dataType: 'json',
url: $('#logout_cls').attr('href')
but all this did not work.
Turns out that the problem was how my session_store was configured.
MyApp::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store,
{:key => '_my_app_session', :secret => '5xb5x1g92e965b95b16e49x79gxx9999', :expire_after => 2.hours}
I removed the options and the issue was solved.
I have another question though and that is removing options does it have any potential risks? I am not storing any important data in the session obviously but putting in data I wouldn't want exposed.
My app would be going live in a few days it would be very helpful to get an answer for this. I googled things for an hour or so but didn't have too much luck.
That is actually a feature. Facebook and pretty much all sites with authentication do it through the use of cookies.
Devise's option Rememberable "manages generating and clearing a token for remembering the user from a saved cookie". If you don't want that, then remove the remember_token string and remember_created_at datetime from your user model and remove the Remember Me button from your login page.

