Showing total count for bar chart in c3js tooltip title - javascript

I have a bar chart similar to the one shown in this link.
I wanted to add two features to this bar chart
Instead of numbers, I want the tooltip title to display the sum of the count displayed by the bars at the given cordinate.
I wanted to display the % in the tooltip instead of the actual count.
Could someone please help me with this?

This can be done by configuring tooltip.format.title:
tooltip: {
format: {
title: function (index) {
return totals[index]
and tooltip.format.value:
value: function (value, ratio, id, index) {
return d3.format("%")(value / totals[index])
And as you can see above, you need to calculate total values of your data groups:
var totals = [390, 500, 500, 900, 550, 550]
See example.


Removing/Hiding Null label from x-axis of Chart

I'm looking to hide the null label from my chart here. I'm working in Actuate/Opentext designer. I originally needed for there to always be 28 column slots but there isn't always data points for each of those days. If there isn't- the label on the x-axis is showing up as null. I'd like to hide this label but can't figure out how. Even changing the color of it to white but I can't get around how to manipulate this label to never show when null. Here is an image of what I'm trying to remove from my chart and the current code
beforeGeneration: function(options) { options.xAxis.max = 27
//You can change options here.
options.plotOptions = {
series: {
pointWidth: 25, //size of column
pointPadding: 0.25, //size of padding between each bar
groupPadding: 0 //padding between each value groups in x axis
Use formatter function:
xAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function(){
return this.value || '';
API Reference:

Use series data but display custom text on top of columns Highchart

I'm trying to use highchart, working with colums.
My series data are some hours.
For example, if my data is 23.75, it means 23:45 hours.
I would like to use my 23.75 data so that my colums are in the right place, but the little text on top of my column displays "23:45".
Is it possible ? I can't find the right option to do this.
Thanks in advance !
you can format data label values by formatter
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function () {
return this.y; // you can update datalabel values here
Found it !
stackLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
return // custom text label here

How to add % symbol to Y axis values in HighChart graph?

I'm trying to add % after the 100 or -100 yAxis in the chart above.
I tried to add the % symbols like so:[i].negative = Math.round(negative * -1)+'%';[i].positive = Math.round(positive)+'%';
However got an error saying strings are not allowed as data_points, which makes sense, but still hoping there is a way to get the % sign displayed so the user knows what we are showing them.
This isn't my app, however it is a HighChart that is editable in plunker:
You can use a label formatter for that:
yAxis: {
title: { text: 'Temperature (Celsius)' } ,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value + '%';
Here's an updated (now nonsensical) Plunker showing the changes

Highcharts: How to link legend to categories rather than to bar series?

Using Highcharts to display a bar chart, is there a built-in way to link legend items to categories rather than to series? As such I would see a chart with a bunch of bars, and when I click a legend item it would show or hide just the bar(s) associated with a single category.
There is not a built in way.
You can fake it in a number of ways, however.
One way is to use a separate series for each category, set grouping to false, dummy the x values to hover around the actual category value.
plotOptions: {
series: {
grouping: false,
pointRange: 0.2
series: [{
name: 'Group A',
data: [[-0.25,5],[0,7],[0.25,6]]
In the end, I found no out-of-the-box way to do this. But I found a solution that works, as follows:
correlate each bar with a single series (see fiddle referenced above)
in legendItemClick:
manually show or hide the series associated with the clicked-on legend item
given visibility of each category, recompute the indices of each visible category and update each visible bar series data[0].x with the new index of the category with which it is associated (use point.update())
call xAxis.setCategories with a list of the categories you want to be currently visible
call xAxis.setExtremes with the new extremes for the category indices
Here is a very simple example of the above:
legendItemClick = function (e) {
var seriesClicked = e.currentTarget;
var chart = seriesClicked.chart;
var axis = chart.xAxis[0]
if (seriesClicked.visible) {
chart.series[2].data[0].update( { x: 1 });
axis.setCategories(['Group A', 'Group C'], false)
axis.setExtremes(0, 1, true)
} else {;
chart.series[2].data[0].update( { x: 2 });
axis.setCategories(['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C'], false)
axis.setExtremes(0, 2, true)
return false;
And a fiddle:

Highcharts single horizontal stacked bar chart with data names (labels) and %-ages always shown and data numbers and series name shown on mousehover

Is it possible to combine the following?
Fiddle 1 (answered by mäksä) as a main template:
Single horizontal stacked bar with bar segments
Combined with the following features of Fiddle 2 (answered by aus_lacy):
Always visible on bar segments:
Data names (labels) (i.c. "apples", "pears",...)
Percentages (calculated if possible: "50%","50%",...)
Shown on mousehover:
Original data numbers (i.c. "15","15",...)
Series name/description (i.c. "Browser share")
Almost but not quite:
An example of a horizontal bar chart with "percentages" always shown, and "original data numbers" on mousehover can be found in Fiddle 3 (answered by jlbriggs), but there the "data names" are lacking, and I can't find a way to change the "series name". Further more: this is a horizontal bar chart, but this is not a single stacked one.
Any help would greatly be appreciated, many thanks.
Again it's a simple modification of the Highcharts attributes in particular this small snippet:
bar: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
distance : -50,
formatter: function() {
var dlabel = + '<br/>';
dlabel += Math.round(this.percentage*100)/100 + ' %';
return dlabel
style: {
color: 'white',
I think this snippet is what you are after?

