How do I toggle between a "show more" and "show less" while having button element? - javascript

I am working on a personal project. I have few articles in a same page, that have pretty large amount of text (not that big though). What I want is toggling the button. Once the button is clicked the additional text should be displayed and the button value have to be changed (i.e. from continue reading to show less or something similar.) And again after clicking the button, the additional text have to be collapsed. In addition to that I want to add some slow motion while toggling between the text. How could I do that?
The example in the internet I have seen so far does not relate what I am expecting to achieve. Most demo and examples in the internet use the text property (e.g. simple show more and show less text), not the button element as I do.
<article class="post">
<div class="title">
<h2>Who am I? What am I? Why am I?</h2>
<p>Sub Header</p>
<div class="meta">
<time class="published" datetime="2017-01-14">November 1, 2017</time>
<span class="name">John Doe</span><img src="images/author-avatar.png" alt="" />
<img src="images/who_iam.jpg" alt="" />
<p>Default text<br>
Toggle this text. Show this text when "continue reading" button is clicked. Once the button is clicked change the button value to "read less". Once the "read less" button is clicked hide this text.
<ul class="actions">
<li>Continue Reading</li>

If your are using jQuery then -
Initially hide the content with CSS.
Add slideToggle to hidden content on click event.
Here is a demo ->

You should create a button, with a simple javascript functiom:
visible = false; //var that keeps track if the content is visible.
txt = document.getElementById("text");
btn = document.getElementById("btn");
function toggle() {
if(visible) {
visible = 0;
btn.innerHTML = 'Show more'; = 'none';
} else {
visible = 1;
btn.innerHTML = 'Show Less'; = 'block';
<article class="post">
<div class="title">
<h2>Who am I? What am I? Why am I?</h2>
<p>Sub Header</p>
<div class="meta">
<time class="published" datetime="2017-01-14">November 1, 2017</time>
<span class="name">John Doe</span><img src="images/author-avatar.png" alt="" />
<img src="images/who_iam.jpg" alt="" />
<p>Default text</p>
<p id='text' style='display: none;'>
Toggle this text. Show this text when "continue reading" button is clicked. Once the button is clicked change the button value to "read less". Once the "read less" button is clicked hide this text.
<ul class="actions">
<li><button id='btn' onclick='toggle()'>Show More</button></li>


Is there a way target an element without it's class or id

I have a show more button I want to expand a div with it, I can put the button in the div and target it's parent but I don't want it to be on top of the div which I want to expand and if I put it in the end the button hides with the text, I am gonna have more than one div, and I can keep the button outside the div and target the div using it's class but the reason I am gonna have more than one div the first div will expand not matter which button I click, and I don't wanna give each div an unique class or Id and I don't want to place the button in the div I already mentioned the reason, so is there a way to directly target the div or to place button in the div and still have it to be shown on the bottom without it being hidden
<div class="ccontainer" id="ccontainer">
<p id="context"> content </p>
<div class="img" id="cntimgcon">
<img src="images\image2.jpg" id="cntimgp1">
<p id="context"> content </p>
<button id="showmore" onclick=" = 'none'"> show more </button>
Someone told me to target the show more button from its Id then target it's upper sibling but it doesn't work.
At very first you named the Button opening tag with camelcase (first letter uppercase), the closing tag is lowercase.
Second I changed the "showmore" id to class. And please see the script what I made for you.
You can remove the class of the buttons also if you using getElementsByTag("button").
const buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("showmore");
Array.from(buttons).forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", (e)=> {
const collapse = button.previousElementSibling; // = == '0px' ? '200px' : '0px';
<div class="ccontainer" id="ccontainer">
<p id="context"> content </p>
<div class="img" id="cntimgcon" >
<img src="images\image2.jpg" id="cntimgp1">
<p id="context"> content
<button class="showmore"> show more </button>
<div class="ccontainer" id="ccontainer">
<p id="context"> content </p>
<div class="img" id="cntimgcon" >
<img src="images\image2.jpg" id="cntimgp1">
<p id="context"> content
<button class="showmore"> show more </button>
<div class="ccontainer" id="ccontainer">
<p id="context"> content </p>
<div class="img" id="cntimgcon" >
<img src="images\image2.jpg" id="cntimgp1">
<p id="context"> content
<button class="showmore"> show more </button>

Jquery code only working when display not none

I have a cart icon. When I hover on the cart icon display of one div changes from display:none to display:block means that div only appears when I hover on cart icon. This div contains one button View Cart on clicking which I need to alert something.
This is my code which I typed in console. But it only works when I first hover the icon (hovering icon changes display:none of a div to display:block) and then write on console. If I write this code in console before hovering it will not work.
$('#qa_cartletCartButton').click( function(){alert('yes');} );
ID of div: cartletDrop
ID of button: qa_cartletCartButton
These codes are also not working.
if ($('#cartletDrop').is(':hidden')) {
$("#qa_cartletCartButton").click(function() {
if ($('#cartletDrop').is(':visible')) {
$("#qa_cartletCartButton").click(function() {
This is the site HTML code which I am scraping.
<div class="shopping_cart">
<header class="header">
<a href="/chemicals/shop/cart?nocache=1596440273788" class="shopping_cart_icon" id="shopping_cart_icon_cartlet">
<span><img src="/content/dam/fishersci/en_US/images/icon-cart-l-xl-empty.svg"></span>
<span class="shopping_cart_quantity">3</span>
<section style="display: none;" id="cartletDrop" data-refresh="0">
<div class="cartlet-display">
<p class="bold cartletMaxMsg" id="qa_cartletMaxMsg">Recently Added to Your Cart</p>
<ul id="cartletItems">
<p class="cartletSubtotal"><span class="float_left" id="qa_cartletSubtotalLabel">Subtotal:</span> <span class="float_right" id="qa_cartletSubtotal">41,486.00</span></p>
<p><a class="float_right cartButton btn primary" href="/chemicals/shop/cart?nocache=1596440278170" id="qa_cartletCartButton">view cart</a></p>
This line in html is empty before i hover.
<section style="display: none;" id="cartletDrop" data-refresh="0">
Once i hover in cart icon it's now like this.Only display property changes.
<section style="display: none;" id="cartletDrop" data-refresh="0">
<div class="cartlet-display">
<p class="bold cartletMaxMsg" id="qa_cartletMaxMsg">Recently Added to Your Cart</p>
<ul id="cartletItems">
<p class="cartletSubtotal"><span class="float_left" id="qa_cartletSubtotalLabel">Subtotal:</span> <span class="float_right" id="qa_cartletSubtotal">41,486.00</span></p>
<p><a class="float_right cartButton btn primary" href="/chemicals/shop/cart?nocache=1596440278170" id="qa_cartletCartButton">view cart</a></p>
seems html inside section tag is not present before first hover.

On click event backfiring after adding nested anchor tag to section element

I wanted to create a modal of sorts to open when a <li> offering additional information about a topic is clicked. I created a popUpTrigger that responds to a user "click" and then gathers the provided section (and all tags nested inside) and moves it to the popUp div that then appears on the page. I've taken necessary precaution in case the section is empty in which an alert will sound. However, the alert still fires when a section is not empty (it has text and contains an additional anchor tag). I'm not sure why this is happening.
When I console log, I see the nested anchor tag is being viewed by the browser as a separate entity to the section. I've tried nesting the anchor tag further within a div element and rewriting the javascript so the html of the nested anchor tag will be evaluated accordingly as part of the section but all to no avail. This backfiring only occurs when an additional anchor tag is included in the section element of the HTML.
<li id="card">
<a class="popUpTrigger" href="#">
Get a Library Card
<section class="hide">
<h6> How to Obtain a Library Card:</h6>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<a href="">
<img src="imgs/LibraryCardVector.png" alt="library card">
<div class="popUp">
<div id="popUpClose"> <button type="button" class="btn">X</button></div>
<div id="moreInfo">
<!--WILL BE FILLED IN WITH <section class="hide"> DATA ABOVE-->
$('a.popUpTrigger').on('click', function() {
if ($('.selected')) {
let messageArea = $('.selected > section.hide');
let strippedMessage = messageArea.text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/\s/g, "");
let fullMessage = messageArea.html();
if (strippedMessage === "") {
alert("Sorry that page isn't available right now.");
} else {
$('.popUp').css('display', 'block');
$('.popUp #moreInfo').html(fullMessage);
$('.popUp #popUpClose').on('click', function() {
$('.popUp').css('display', 'none');
I removed the children from your anchor, and instead used NEXT. Also your if statement was not needed. I left .selected in the code just in case you wanted to style the anchor when clicked.
$('a.popUpTrigger').on('click', function() {
let messageArea = $(this).next("section");
let strippedMessage = messageArea.text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "").replace(/\s/g, "");
let fullMessage = messageArea.html();
if (strippedMessage === "") {
alert("Sorry that page isn't available right now.");
} else {
$('.popUp').css('display', 'block');
$('.popUp #moreInfo').html(fullMessage);
$('.popUp #popUpClose').on('click', function() {
$('.popUp').css('display', 'none');
<script src=""></script>
<li id="card">
<a class="popUpTrigger" href="#">
Get a Library Card </a>
<section class="hide">
<h6> How to Obtain a Library Card:</h6>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<p> Additional Info </p>
<a href="">
<img src="imgs/LibraryCardVector.png" alt="library card">
<div class="popUp">
<div id="popUpClose"> <button type="button" class="btn">X</button></div>
<div id="moreInfo">
<!--WILL BE FILLED IN WITH <section class="hide"> DATA ABOVE-->
You have the following code
<a href="#">
It is not valid to have nested anchors in HTML. So the browser breaks it up when it renders. That is why you are seeing it act weird.
You will need to stick the pop up code outside of the element.
<a class="popUpTrigger" href="#">
Get a Library Card
<section class="hide">
and reference it with next()
$(".popUpTrigger").on("click", function (e) {
var anchor = $(this);'section').toggleClass("hide");

Toggle Div using angularjs

I have a div which i want to toggle on click of a button. Its working but the div is not hiding on click of outside button. Below is my code pls check.
<div class='settings' ng-click="showDiv = !showDiv"></div>
<div class="profileSetting text-center" ng-show="showDiv">
<p class="small-font">Stephen Wilson <br/></p>
<p class="small-font"><img src = "images/settings.png" alt = "Generic placeholder thumbnail"> settings</p>
I want this profilesetting div should be hidden on click of outside.

How do I make an element hide until a link is clicked?

I am trying to get the Meet Some of Our Staff section to only show once the text "Meet Some of Our Staff" is clicked. I have used code that has gotten it to hide the section when "Meet Some of Our Staff" is clicked, but cannot figure out how to reverse it to where it is already hidden upon page load and then appears when "Meet Some of Our Staff" is clicked.
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideshow(which){
if (!document.getElementById)
if ("block")"none"
<div class="content3">
<div class="title2">
<h1><center><a href="javascript:hideshow(document.getElementById('staff'))">Meet Some
of Our Staff</a></center></h1>
<div id="staff">
<a href=""
onclick="centeredPopup(this.href,'myWindow','500','300','yes');return false">
<img src="images/kami.jpg" alt="...">
<br />
<p><span class="stafftitle">Kami Barron</span> <br /> <span
class="staffsubtitle">Director of Education</span></p>
Sample - reformatted HTML/JS
if ("block")
if ( == "block")
if you are not setting display:none in CSS, then use this
if (! || == "block")
On what you want to be hidden apply the CSS rule display:none. Then in Javascript,
Use CSS to hide the element when the page loads.
<div id="staff" style="display: none;">
That will hide the div until the user clicks on the link.
Edit: Check out this JSFiddle for a working example using your code

