javascript merge array of objects, resulting object values in array - javascript

Would like to merge an array of objects resulting in an object of unique keys and array of values (duplication of values is ok). Solutions in vanilla JS or lodash preferred.
eg - from this:
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
to this:
a: [1, 1],
b: [2],
c: [3]

You can use _.mergeWith() with the spread syntax to combine the objects:
const data = [{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":1,"c":3}];
const result = _.mergeWith({},, (v1 = [], v2) => [...v1, v2]);
<script src=""></script>

ES6 variant:
const a = [{
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
const b = a.reduce((acc, cur) => Object.assign(acc,
...Object.keys(cur).map(key => ({ [key]: (acc[key] || []).concat(cur[key]) })))
, {})

without loadash:
var t = [{
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
var result = {};
for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++){
for(var j in t[i]){
result[j] = [t[i][j]];

A quick search here in stack reveals that #elclanrs already wrote code for that here However based on the comments, it needs a little tweaking to accept an array of objects, so I added a bit of change to the original code itself.
so basically it boils to the function call:
var merge = function() {
return [], function(acc, x) {
Object.keys(x[i]).forEach(function(k) {
acc[k] = (acc[k]||[]).concat([x[i][k]])
return acc
Here's a snippet using the function call (with a bit of small change I put) in that post:
var x = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1,c: 3}]
var merge = function() {
return [], function(acc, x) {
Object.keys(x[i]).forEach(function(k) {
acc[k] = (acc[k]||[]).concat([x[i][k]])
return acc
y = merge(x);

You can use lodash#mergeWith wrapped in a lodash#spread to make lodash#mergeWith treat an array as a list of arguments. We use lodash#concat as a supporting function to concatenate an empty object (to avoid mutating the objects in the collection), the collection, and the customizer function that merges the entire collection. The customizer is composed using lodash#flow, wherein its first argument is lodash#concat that only accepts an arity of 2 using lodash#ary and the second argument uses lodash#compact -- It removes all undefined values in an array.
var result = _.spread(_.mergeWith)(
_.concat({}, data, _.flow(_.ary(_.concat, 2), _.compact))
var data = [{
"a": 1,
"b": 2
}, {
"a": 1,
"c": 3
var result = _.spread(_.mergeWith)(
_.concat({}, data, _.flow(_.ary(_.concat, 2), _.compact))
<script src=""></script>


How to find smallest and biggest value from list of elements, in most efficient way?

I have a two sets of elements, one holds list of numbers and second of names.
something like this.
A: 4,
B: 3,
C: 2,
A: 5,
C: 3,
And my task is to find elements with smallest value and highest value.
I know that i could create array of objects and sort it with map [{A: 4},{C:2}....]
But i was wondering is there any efficient ways of doing it.
Instead of creating a have object, and use three loops.
Would it be possible to replace it with something more efficient.
Like set or something where i could just call set.getItemWithMinValue, set.getItemWithMaxValue
and return would be : C:2, A:5
Sorry for silly quesition, i am still learning.
You are going to have to loop, parse the object into its values, and check if the value is greater or less.
var data = [
{ A: 4 },
{ B: 3 },
{ C: 2 },
{ A: 5 },
{ C: 3 },
const results = data.reduce((minMax, item) => {
const value = Object.values(item)[0];
if (!minMax) {
minMax = {
min: { value, item },
max: { value, item },
} else if (minMax.min.value > value) {
minMax.min = { value, item };
} else if (minMax.max.value < value) {
minMax.max = { value, item };
return minMax;
}, null);
This would be one way of doing it. Caution: the array will be changed (sorted) in the course of the script.
const arr=[{A: 4},{B: 3},{C: 2},{A: 5},{C: 3}],
if you have this data
const arr = [{A:2},{A: 4},{B: 3},{C: 2},{A: 5},{C: 3}];
you can iterate over it even if you don't know the property of the objects like this.รง
const arr = [{A:2},{A: 4},{B: 3},{C: 2},{A: 5},{C: 3}];
const result = arr.sort((prev, next) => {
const prevProp = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prev);
const nextProp = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(next);
return prev[prevProp] - next[nextProp]
console.log('min',result[result.length - 1]);
You could take a single loop with getting the entries from the object.
This approach expects only a singl min and max value.
array = [{ A: 4 }, { B: 3 }, { C: 2 }, { A: 5 }, { C: 3 }];
let min, max;
for (const object of array) {
const [[k, v]] = Object.entries(object);
if (!min || min[1] > v) min = [k, v];
if (!max || max[1] < v) max = [k, v];
console.log('min', Object.fromEntries([min]));
console.log('max', Object.fromEntries([max]));
This approach respects more than one name with same min or max value.
array = [{ A: 4 }, { B: 3 }, { C: 2 }, { A: 5 }, { C: 3 }, { F: 2 }];
let min, max;
for (const object of array) {
const v = Object.values(object)[0];
if (!min || min[1] > v) min = [[object], v];
else if (min[1] === v) min[0].push(object);
if (!max || max[1] < v) max = [[object], v];
else if (max[1] === v) max[0].push(object);
console.log('min', min[0]);
console.log('max', max[0]);
This is probably premature optimisation but I'm going to leave it here in case it's useful to anyone. When you need both the minimum and the maximum, you can save one comparison for every two objects (that is, cut it down from two comparisons per object to three comparison per two objects) by taking the objects in pairs, comparing the pair of objects with each other (one comparison) and then comparing only the larger one with the accumulated maximum and only the smaller one with the accumulated minimum.
To start the procedure, you have the options of initialising both the maximum and the minimum with the first element, or of initialising the maximum as the larger of the first two elements and the minimum as the smaller of the two. If you know in advance how many elements there are, you can choose one or the other of these depending on whether the number of objects to scan is odd or even, so that the scan will always be over complete pairs.
The code is slightly more complicated, so it's only worth doing if the performance benefit is actually significant in your application. Or, I suppose, as a learning exercise.
You can use Array.prototype.reduce():
const array = [{ A: 4 }, { B: 3 }, { C: 2 }, { A: 5 }, { C: 3 }]
const result = array.reduce((a, c) => {
const [v, max, min] = [c, a.max, a.min].map((o) => Object.values(o)[0])
a.max = max > v ? a.max : c
a.min = min < v ? a.min : c
return a
{ max: {}, min: {} })
Or you can use Array.prototype.sort():
const array = [{ A: 4 }, { B: 3 }, { C: 2 }, { A: 5 }, { C: 3 }]
const arraySorted = array.sort((a, b) => {
const [aValue, bValue] = [a, b].map((o) => Object.values(o)[0])
return bValue - aValue
const result = {
max: arraySorted[0],
min: arraySorted[arraySorted.length - 1],

Transform JS collection to an object with specific keys and grouped values

I would like to create this JS function with these arguments:
transform([{a:1, b:'1', c:true},{a:'1', b:2, c:3, d:false}, {a:1, c:'test'}], ['a','b','c']);
First argument is an array of objects
Second one is array of keys.
I would like to get this output object:
{a:[1, '1', 1], b:['1', 2],c:[true, 3, 'test']}
As you can see the second argument became the keys to the created object
and all values under these keys where grouped together.
And maybe an option to pass a unique argument to function and get this (duplicate values removed):
{a:[1, '1'], b:['1', 2], c:[true, 3, 'test']}
What is the fast and/or elegant way to do it?
Is there any lodash/underscore helper for it?
As an additional generalism. How can the input (the first argument) be a generic collection with nested levels (array or object of nested levels of arrays or objects) ?
You can use Array.prototype.reduce
let param1 = [{a:1,b:'1',c:true},{a:'1',b:2,c:3,d:false},{a:1,c:'test'}];
let param2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
function test(objArr, keys) {
let returnObject = {};
keys.forEach(key => returnObject[key] = []);
return objArr.reduce((ret, obj) => {
keys.forEach(key => {
if (obj[key] !== undefined)
return ret;
}, returnObject);
console.log(JSON.stringify(test(param1, param2)));
Try this:
function transform(data,keys){
let results = {};
//loop all you keys
keys.forEach(index => {
//loop your arrays
data.forEach(element => {
//if there is a match add the key to the results object
if(index in element) {
if(!(index in results)) results[index] = [];
//check if a value already exists for a given key.
if(!(element[index] in results[index])) results[index].push(element[index]);
return results;
console.log(transform([{a:1,b:'1',c:true},{a:'1',b:2,c:3,d:false},{a:1,c:'test'}], ['a','b','c']));
You can loop over the key array and pass this key to another function which will use forEach method. This getMatchedKeyValues using forEachwill return an array of elements whose key matches
var arr = [{
a: 1,
b: '1',
c: true
}, {
a: '1',
b: 2,
c: 3,
d: false
}, {
a: 1,
c: 'test'
var keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
function transform(keyArray) {
var newObj = {};
// looping over key array
keyArray.forEach(function(item) {
// adding key property and calling a function which will return
// an array of elements whose key is same
newObj[item] = getMatchedKeyValues(item)
return newObj;
function getMatchedKeyValues(keyName) {
var valArray = [];
arr.forEach(function(item) {
if (item[keyName]) {
return valArray;
I coded below , pls have a look this solution.
function test(arr, arr1) {
return arr.reduce((total, current) => {
arr1.forEach(curr => {
if (typeof total[curr] === "undefined") total[curr] = [];
if (current[curr]) total[curr].push(current[curr]);
return total;
}, {});
{ a: 1, b: "1", c: true },
{ a: "1", b: 2, c: 3, d: false },
{ a: 1, c: "test" }
["a", "b", "c"]

Get same section of two objects in different type

I'd like to find best practice for getting the same section of two objects
const firstObject = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
const secondObject = { 1, 2 }
// desired result: { a: 1, b: 2} or simply { a, b }
In my opinion, we need to do three steps:
1) Get value all values of each object
Object.values = Object.values || (obj => Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key]))
2) Find the same section from two arrays value
3) Find key-value pair from firstObject
Any other ways to do it?
Using Standard built-in objects as Array or Object is preferable
Break the firstObject into [key, value] pairs using Object#entries (or polyfill), and use Array#reduce to combine all those that exist in the secondObject.
const firstObject = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
const secondObject = { 1: 1, 2: 2 };
const result = Object.entries(firstObject).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
value in secondObject && (obj[key] = value);
return obj;
}, {})
Object.keys(firstObject).filter(key=> key in secondObject).reduce((o,k)=>(o[k]=firstObject[k],o),{});

How to merge two dictionaries in javascript

I have two arrays of objects:
var myArr1 = [];
var myArr2 = [];
And I want them to be merged by their keys into a new Attribute, so the result will be:
I tried to achieve it with lodash's _.merge() but I failed miserably. _.merge only adds the second array after the first, but does not match their keys / ids.
You could map the second array to a new property and merge later.
With lodash
var data1 = [{ any: 1, some: 1 }, { any: 2, some: 2 }, { any: 3, some: 3 }],
data2 = [{ other: 1 }, { other: 2 }, { other: 3 }];
console.log(_.merge(data1,, x => ({ myNewAttribute: x }))));
<script src=""></script>
With ES6, without lodash
var data1 = [{ any: 1, some: 1 }, { any: 2, some: 2 }, { any: 3, some: 3 }],
data2 = [{ other: 1 }, { other: 2 }, { other: 3 }];
console.log(, i) => Object.assign({}, a, { myNewAttribute: data2[i] })));
You don't need lodash:, idx) => Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: myArr2[idx]}))
You could get fancy and write a little function called map2, which takes two arrays, and invokes a callback with the two elements:
function map2(a1, a2, fn) {
return, idx) => fn(elt, a2[idx]);
Now you can write the solution as
map2(myArr1, myArr2, (e1, e2) => Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: e2}))
From the perspective of program design, what we are doing here is "separating concerns". The first concern is the abstract operation of looping over two arrays in parallel and doing something with each pair of elements. That is what is represented by map2. The second concern is the specific way you want to combine the elements. That is what is represented by the function we are passing to map2. This could be made clearer and somewhat self-documenting by writing it separately:
function combineObjects(e1, e2) {
return Object.assign({}, e1, {myNewAttribute: e2});
map2(myArr1, myArr2, combineObjects);
Of course, in the real world, you'd want to handle the case where the two arrays were of different length, pass an index to the callback as a third parameter for use if necessary, support a third thisArg-type parameter analogous to map, etc.
You can do like this:
var first = [{any:1,some:1},{any:2,some:2},{any:3,some:3}];
var second = [{other:1},{other:2},{other:3}];
for(var i = 0; i < first.length; i++){
if(first[i] && second[i]){
first[i]['mycustomitem'] = second[i];
In order to prove, what I did comment 30 minutes ago -
How to merge two dictionaries in javascript -
there is a possible reduce approach ...
... firstly provided as lodash based example ...
myArr1 = [
{any: 1, some: 1},
{any: 2, some: 2},
{any: 3, some: 3}
myArr2 = [
{other: 1},
{other: 2}
mergedObjectList = _.reduce(myArr1, function (collector, item_1, idx) {
item_2 = collector[idx],
merger = _.assign({}, item_1, item_2);
// or whatever one wants to do to `merger` with `myNewAttribute`
collector[idx] = merger;
return collector;
}, _.clone(myArr2));
console.log("myArr1 : ", myArr1);
console.log("myArr2 : ", myArr2);
console.log("mergedObjectList : ", mergedObjectList);
<script src=""></script>
... and secondly as language core only based example ...
myArr1 = [
{any: 1, some: 1},
{any: 2, some: 2},
{any: 3, some: 3}
myArr2 = [
{other: 1},
{other: 2}
mergedObjectList = myArr1.reduce(function (collector, item_1, idx) {
item_2 = collector[idx],
merger = Object.assign({}, item_1, item_2);
// or whatever one wants to do to `merger` with `myNewAttribute`
collector[idx] = merger;
return collector;
}, Array.from(myArr2));
console.log("myArr1 : ", myArr1);
console.log("myArr2 : ", myArr2);
console.log("mergedObjectList : ", mergedObjectList);
Try this function:
function mergeDictionary(_dctn1,_dctn2)
var newDict = [];
for(var i in _dctn1)
newDict[i] = _dctn1[i];
for(var j in _dctn2)
if(newDict[j] == undefined)
newDict[j] = _dctn2[j];
for(var k in _dctn2[j])
newDict[j][k] = _dctn2[j][k];
return newDict;
var myArr1 = [];
var myArr2 = [];
console.log(mergeDictionary(myArr1, myArr2));

Javascript reduce() on Object

There is nice Array method reduce() to get one value from the Array. Example:
[0,1,2,3,4].reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array){
return previousValue + currentValue;
What is the best way to achieve the same with objects? I'd like to do this:
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
}.reduce(function(previous, current, index, array){
return previous.value + current.value;
However, Object does not seem to have any reduce() method implemented.
One option would be to reduce the keys():
var o = {
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
Object.keys(o).reduce(function (previous, key) {
return previous + o[key].value;
}, 0);
With this, you'll want to specify an initial value or the 1st round will be 'a' + 2.
If you want the result as an Object ({ value: ... }), you'll have to initialize and return the object each time:
Object.keys(o).reduce(function (previous, key) {
previous.value += o[key].value;
return previous;
}, { value: 0 });
What you actually want in this case are the Object.values. Here is a concise ES6 implementation with that in mind:
const add = {
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
const total = Object.values(add).reduce((t, {value}) => t + value, 0)
console.log(total) // 6
or simply:
const add = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
const total = Object.values(add).reduce((t, n) => t + n)
console.log(total) // 6
ES6 implementation: Object.entries()
const o = {
a: {value: 1},
b: {value: 2},
c: {value: 3}
const total = Object.entries(o).reduce(function (total, pair) {
const [key, value] = pair;
return total + value.value;
}, 0);
First of all, you don't quite get what's reduce's previous value is.
In you pseudo code you have return previous.value + current.value, therefore the previous value will be a number on the next call, not an object.
Second, reduce is an Array method, not an Object's one, and you can't rely on the order when you're iterating the properties of an object (see:, this is applied to Object.keys too); so I'm not sure if applying reduce over an object makes sense.
However, if the order is not important, you can have:
Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(sum, key) {
return sum + obj[key].value;
}, 0);
Or you can just map the object's value:
Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { return this[key].value }, obj).reduce(function (previous, current) {
return previous + current;
P.S. in ES6 with the fat arrow function's syntax (already in Firefox Nightly), you could shrink a bit:
Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key].value).reduce((previous, current) => previous + current);
[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => { return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value}})
>> Object {value: 15}
[{value:5}, {value:10}].map(item => item.value).reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {return previousValue + currentValue })
>> 15
[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) {
return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value};
>> Object {value: 15}
An object can be turned into an array with: Object.entries(), Object.keys(), Object.values(), and then be reduced as array. But you can also reduce an object without creating the intermediate array.
I've created a little helper library odict for working with objects.
npm install --save odict
It has reduce function that works very much like Array.prototype.reduce():
export const reduce = (dict, reducer, accumulator) => {
for (const key in dict)
accumulator = reducer(accumulator, dict[key], key, dict);
return accumulator;
You could also assign it to:
Object.reduce = reduce;
as this method is very useful!
So the answer to your question would be:
const result = Object.reduce(
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3},
(accumulator, current) => (accumulator.value += current.value, accumulator), // reducer function must return accumulator
{value: 0} // initial accumulator value
Let me summarise the possibilities. The aim is always to make an array out of the object. There are various Javascript object functions for this. For each individual function, there are different ways of interpreting it. So it always depends on what our object looks like and what we want to do.
In the example above, it is an object with three objects.
const obj = {
a: {value: 1},
b: {value: 2},
c: {value:3}
With Object.keys
Object.keys only gives us the keys of the object.
const arr = Object.keys(obj);
// output arr:
[a, b, c]
const result = arr.reduce((total, key) => {
return sum + obj[key].value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
With Object.value
Object.value() returns the every single value in an array.
const arr = Object.value(obj);
// output arr
{value: 1},
{value: 2},
{value: 3},
const result = arr.reduce((total, singleValue) => {
return total + singleValue.value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
// Or the short variant
const resultShort = Object.values(obj).reduce((t, n) => t + n.value, 0)
// output resultShort
// 6
With Object.entries
Object.entries splits each individual object value into an array.
const arr = Object.entries(obj)
// output arr
["a", {visitors: 1}],
["b", {visitors: 2}],
["c", {visitors: 4}]
const result = arr.reduce((total, singleArr) => {
return total + singleArr[1].value;
}, 0);
// output result
// 6
Whether you do it with reduce or with the array function map() depends on you and what you want to do.
Extend Object.prototype.
Object.prototype.reduce = function( reduceCallback, initialValue ) {
var obj = this, keys = Object.keys( obj );
return keys.reduce( function( prevVal, item, idx, arr ) {
return reduceCallback( prevVal, item, obj[item], obj );
}, initialValue );
Sample of using.
var dataset = {
key1 : 'value1',
key2 : 'value2',
key3 : 'value3'
function reduceFn( prevVal, key, val, obj ) {
return prevVal + key + ' : ' + val + '; ';
console.log( dataset.reduce( reduceFn, 'initialValue' ) );
'Output' == 'initialValue; key1 : value1; key2 : value2; key3 : value3; '.
n'Joy it, guys!! ;-)
You can use a generator expression (supported in all browsers for years now, and in Node) to get the key-value pairs in a list you can reduce on:
>>> a = {"b": 3}
Object { b=3}
>>> [[i, a[i]] for (i in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(i))]
[["b", 3]]
If you can use an array, do use an array, the length and order of an array are half its worth.
function reducer(obj, fun, temp){
if(typeof fun=== 'function'){
if(temp== undefined) temp= '';
for(var p in obj){
temp= fun(obj[p], temp, p, obj);
return temp;
var O={a:{value:1},b:{value:2},c:{value:3}}
reducer(O, function(a, b){return a.value+b;},0);
/* returned value: (Number)
This is not very difficult to implement yourself:
function reduceObj(obj, callback, initial) {
"use strict";
var key, lastvalue, firstIteration = true;
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(callback + 'is not a function');
if (arguments.length > 2) {
// initial value set
firstIteration = false;
lastvalue = initial;
for (key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if (firstIteration)
firstIteration = false;
lastvalue = obj[key];
lastvalue = callback(lastvalue, obj[key], key, obj);
if (firstIteration) {
throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty object with no initial value');
return lastvalue;
In action:
var o = {a: {value:1}, b: {value:2}, c: {value:3}};
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { prev.value += cur.value; return prev;}, {value:0});
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { return {value: prev.value + curr.value};});
// both == { value: 6 };
reduceObj(o, function(prev, curr) { return prev + curr.value; }, 0);
// == 6
You can also add it to the Object prototype:
if (typeof Object.prototype.reduce !== 'function') {
Object.prototype.reduce = function(callback, initial) {
"use strict";
var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments);
return reduceObj.apply(null, args);
Try this one. It will sort numbers from other variables.
const obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
const result = Object.keys(obj)
.reduce((acc, rec) => typeof obj[rec] === "number" ? acc.concat([obj[rec]]) : acc, [])
.reduce((acc, rec) => acc + rec)
If handled as an array is much easier
Return the total amount of fruits:
let fruits = [{ name: 'banana', id: 0, quantity: 9 }, { name: 'strawberry', id: 1, quantity: 1 }, { name: 'kiwi', id: 2, quantity: 2 }, { name: 'apple', id: 3, quantity: 4 }]
let total = fruits.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.quantity, 0);
Since it hasnt really been confirmed in an answer yet, Underscore's reduce also works for this.
a: {value:1},
b: {value:2},
c: {value:3}
}, function(prev, current){
//prev is either first object or total value
var total = prev.value || prev
return total + current.value
Note, _.reduce will return the only value (object or otherwise) if the list object only has one item, without calling iterator function.
a: {value:1}
}, function(prev, current){
//not called
//returns {value: 1} instead of 1
Try out this one liner arrow function
Object.values(o).map(a => a.value, o).reduce((ac, key, index, arr) => ac+=key)

