Get username from ActiveXObject("WScript.Network") not working? - javascript

I need a way to get a User's name from a web application that will be used in FireFox, Chrome, and IE. I have a javascript function in my code that is the onclick function for a button. The button is supposed to show an alert with the user's name. For some reason this is not working in my code. I am debugging in Visual Studio 2015, and I have opened VS as an administrator. I am attempting to run this code in Firefox and IE and nothing shows up. Is there another way to do this? Am I doing this wrong?
My HTML Code
<button onclick="getUser()">GET USER</button>
function getUser() {
var net = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");

ActiveX is a technology that was only ever supported in Internet Explorer and which isn't supported in the most recent versions of that browser.
There is no standard way to get information about the system username of the browser user from a webpage.


Identify an opend Webbrowser with ShellExecute properly to work with document.getElement

I need to automation my job by filing Forms in webpage by js,I made a code like this:
var ie = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
ie.visible = true;
while (ie.busy) WScript.Sleep(100);
ie.document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value ="3";
var Butn = ie.document.getElementsByName('btnK')[0];;
but I want this code work with another web browser (e.g.Firefox) so I tried something like this:
var ie = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
var commandtoRun ="C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe";
ie.ShellExecute(commandtoRun,"", "1");
while (ie.busy) WScript.Sleep(100);
ie.document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value ="3";
var Butn = ie.document.getElementsByName('btnK')[0];;
but this code throw an error:
'ie.document' is null or not an object
I ask for any of these tow ways:
*dealing with a web browser already opened not only open one then applying the code.
*Identify the opened web browser in proper way to apply the code.
I can see that you are using an ActiveX object that is only supported by the IE browser.
This object is a Microsoft extension and is supported in Internet Explorer only.
If you are looking to automate the other browsers like Firefox, I suggest try to check Selenium web driver. I think that it is more suitable product to fulfill your requirements.
It is available to automate the browsers using many developing languages.
It looks like it is also possible to get an object of already opened browser.
See here: Can we use Selenium to work with an already open browser session?

MailTo using Browser Options in new window IE 8

Below is the HTML
<a id="LnkEmail" onclick="doMailto('');" href="javascript:void(0);">
<span id="LblEmail">ABC</span></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doMailto(EmailAddress) {
document.location.href ='mailto:' + EmailAddress, 'new window');
In FireFox, it opens the image on clicking the span like below.
Query - In IE 8 - Nothing happens on clicking it. Any Idea ?
The popup selection feature is native to Firefox and is NOT an available feature in Internet Explorer, as Internet Explorer handles association directly from Windows, your operating system. So, whichever program is meant to handle mailto: links on your computer is what will open (most typically, Outlook Express). There is no consistent way to avoid this as you cannot control what a user decides to open that protocol with. MY suggestion is to write a POST contact form. I'm not an ASP.NET developer myself, but I found this tutorial for you:
To test this theory: try finding a computer without any mail client (no outlook, outlook express, etc.) Internet Explorer will then prompt for a program to open the protocol.
Another test (the way I tested) I set up Google Chrome to handle all mailto:requests and forward them into my Gmail Webmail interface. When I tested your link, and modified your windowname in jsfiddle ( ), Windows asked me if IE could open Google Chrome to Handle the Protocol.
Short answer: what you ask is technically impossible unless you force all your users to install a third party addon for IE. This is the result of Internet Explorer being a part of the Windows Operating System, and Mozilla Firefox is a third party browser that is forced to handle protocols in its own way.
I found a jQuery plugin that uses the API for Gmail, Yahoo! and MSN. It's not a popup, but more of a rollover. I think this is going to be your closest bet.
Good thing for you is that implementation seems easy enough. I would look at the bottom example, it looks pretty slick.
try this:
function doMailto(EmailAddress) {
document.location.href = 'mailto:' + EmailAddress;
I think your IE is preventing pop up windows created by javascript.
Just to be clear...
Adriano's suggestion of just using a normal html tag would also work.
Like this:
<a id="LnkEmail" href="">
And as Vishal and Kyle Macey tried to explain:
That "Launch Application" window that pops up in Firefox... that is not a window you can create from a web page. That is Firefox's own window that it shows when a mailto: link is clicked. IE does not offer the same type of window. It usually just opens your default mail client (in your case it would probably be Outlook).
and finally...
Javascript is not the same as JQuery.
JQuery is written in Javascript but JQuery is NOT Javascript.
For IE 7 and 8 only you can't use any space in the window name. Try to change your code to:'mailto:' + EmailAddress, 'Mail');
If you really want such a list there is a way with pure javascript although it might not be the exact same experience as you currently have in firefox. What you could do is create a modal dialog with javascript showing a number of popular webmail clients and an option "default system client" instead of "Microsoft Office Outlook". The "Choose an Application" would be impossible to include as well. Next, if the user selects the native client you would simply trigger a mailto link as you currently do and in case the user selects for example gmail you trigger a window open of a link along the lines of
with your own variables of course from your mailto link. You would have to figure out the relevant links for different webmail services yourself, but as far as I know, most have these kind of links and gmail and yahoo have for sure.
Below is the working code as you mention'mailto:' + EmailAddress, 'newwindow');
its working but like FF IE not provide you option to choose mail engine.
If you want to run your code you have to set the default program for mail using set default program.
And you can set only Outlook as the default program. In out look you can bind any thing like yahoo or gamil that way you can use your mailto code for IE.
I think You have to doing coding for that because IE not provide any add on like FF.
For That first you have to chekc if default client mai lis there or not by following code
RegistryKey hkey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(
"mailto\shell\open\command", false);
if this key is null then no default client is there. so you have to show the mail provides list on popup. and selected provider you have to set as default client mail.
using above link you can find list of mailto registered on machine for list display.
this link show how to set value in registry.
then execute your mailto code.
The mailing list is an utility features provided by Firefox only. You may or may not not find one software's feature on another similar one. If you don't, you should settle for a work around.
Try to remember that in firefox once the user selects a default mail client, you will not get the popup anymore. So there is no use of attempting to create a solution, that is not going to be permanent.
To trim down your requirement, you are trying to select the mail client of the user. But a website cannot changed the system settings of the user, its simply not allowed. Why? Because it opens many vulnerabilities to the user, if this was somehow allowed.

Windows Safari Freezes When Silverlight Calls a JavaScript window.alert/prompt

I have a Siverlight application, which needs to get something from the web page that hosts it. So I'm using HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("JS_OpenProject") in Silverlight.
Here is the JavaScript code:
function JS_OpenProject() {
// window.alert also crashes
window.alert("Here is a window.alert");
// window.prompt also crashes
//var result = window.prompt("Please input the id of the project to be opened:", "12345");
return result;
Safari freezes every time when the JavaScript method JS_OpenProject is called. If I remove the window.alert and window.prompt, it's fine.
On Windows, I tested my Silverlight application with JavaScript calling against IE, Chrome and Firefox, everything works fine, but just the Safari.
I have googled a lot, but no luck.
Please advise!
I had the same problem with FireFox and that seems to have been corrected now. The problem arises when Silverlight is run in windowsless mode.
If you don't need it turn it off, it will run even faster.

JavaScript for Chrome extension - get Windows username

I am working on a Chrome extension, where in my JavaScript function should identify the logged in Windows username.
I want to access Windows' username within JavaScript and display it in my Chrome extension web page.
I tried following <script>, this works well in IE. Is there any equivalent way possible with the Chrome browser?
function GetUserName()
var wshell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
Please let me know any built-in method to extract the username.
You're using ActiveX which is only available in IE. In my opinion you should never be able to access information like this from within a browser (and usually can't). I doubt there is a solution which functions like you want.

Open Word document from Internet Explorer on intranet

We have an internal website for document management. When you choose to open a document, it run the following script to open the file:
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
function opendokument(dokument){
var objAppl;
objAppl = GetObject("","Word.Application");;
objAppl = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
objAppl.Visible = true;;
objAppl = null;
The problem is that the macros in the document is not running correctly now as we move from Windows XP with Office 2003 to Windows 7 with Office 2007 (See my previous post)
If I run the script locally on my computer or if I open the documents manually macros work properly. How do I get this to work? Any setting I can do in Word or Internet Explorer, or can I rewrite the script on the site that open documents.
Try allowing all kind of scripts in IE. I believe there was something about macroses...
I guess the issues is reated to Security setting of IE.

