Paramquery: Multiple grids on same page not updating - javascript

So I have a primary pqgrid object on the main page and on editing one of the rows, a jquery popup appears with the data corresponding to that row which includes few text fields and another pqgrid.
The first time I click edit, the inner grid is loaded correctly with the correct data. But upon closing the dialog and editing a different row, the grid loads up empty without any data.
In order to debug, this is how my getData of dataModel looks like:
getData: function (response) {
return { data: response };
It prints the correct customerId and also the correct response from the server but still the rows aren't populated.
Here is a link to replicate the issue.
Select a random row and click edit. The new grid populates just fine. Close the dialog and edit a different row. The new grid shows no records. Open your browser console to confirm that the new data is coming from the webservice.

append an array name to your json string like this:
var feedbackChkList = await _clientFeedBackBL.FeedbckChkList(id);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(#"{""data"":");
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feedbackChkList);
return this.Content(sb.ToString());
it worked for me.


Showing single data field via Google Analytics API

I'm having trouble displaying only a single data field via the Google Analytics API.
For example, how would I display the number of users yesterday? Or the number of users in the past week?
I'm assuming "" is the right constructor. I've tried following the "Data" code in Google's Built-in Components Reference but nothing displays on the front-end.
For the "DataChart" code, there's a "container" option that references the HTML element in the DOM that will correctly display the chart.
This "container" option is missing in "Data" - so how do I display a single data field?
EDIT: Here's the code I'm working with.
You can see a pastebin of my code here:
There's also a live staging version of the site here:
The first four section ids are all displaying properly but nothing's showing up for the final <p class ="report">
If you are trying to access the raw data numbers, you can just access the response object:
// Set up the request
var report = new{
query: {
ids: 'ga:XXXX',
metrics: 'ga:sessions',
dimensions: 'ga:city'
// Define what to do with the response data.
report.on('success', function(response) {
// Run the report
For example, the total's for the metrics is response.totalsForAllResults and the rows for each dimension are held in response.rows
You need to select what you want to do with the variables on the report.on("success", function(response){ function. For example:
report.on('success', function(response) {
$("body > main > div > section:nth-child(4) > h2")[0].innerText =
Note: You should be able to test on the embedded API demo. Copying and pasting the initial code with the console.log should help show what is going on.

how to clear filtering, sorting and paging on a webdatagrid on client side?

I have a webdatagrid which retains data on searching in text box. I have noticed when I filter/page/sort the data and before clearing any of these I make a new search then the new search results retains previous filter/page/sort condition. I am not clearing it before reloading the page. I have search method on client side and I am using following code which does not work:
function btnSearch_click(sender, evntArgs){
var grid = $find('<%= grid1.ClientID %>');
This code is incorrect.
Since my grid loads on pressing the search button. I used the following on the server side:
if (search == "True")
var filtering = grid1.Behaviors.Filtering;
grid1.Behaviors.Paging.PageIndex = 0;
filtering.FilterType = Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.FilteringType.ExcelStyleFilter;
I wanted to implement excel style filter and Infragistics had no way to reproduce excel filter after clearing it I had to apply row type filter first and then change the filter type to excel type.

jqgrid keeps custom post parameters on reload

So I have a date picker and a select-list. Then a jqgrid, working fine, filtering and all. This is what I am doing.
$("#sessSearch").unbind('click').on('click', function(){
var mydate = $("#sessSelector").val();
var mytype = $("#sess_type :selected").val();
if(mydate && mytype){
$("#listSESS").jqGrid('setGridParam',{postData:{sess_date:mydate, sess_type:mytype}}).trigger("reloadGrid");
alert("The search form is incomplete");
What is happening there is I am sending along the values of my selectlist and datepicker along in the postData for the jqgrid. Only when the search button is clicked. So far so good. I can get the values on the serverside. The problem is when I click the refresh button on the grid pager, the previously sent paramiters remain in the postData. See below, firebug showing all post parameters.
The first is a normal default load, works fine.
The second happens after using my search form and adding to the postData and then I clicked on the refresh button the grid pager.
How do I reset the postData for the grid native reload mechanism to exclude my custom parameters?
My custom paramiters must only go in when I tell it to go in.
Please advise.
You can use getGridParam to get reference on internal object postData. The object have properties sess_date and sess_type with the values from the last setGridParam call. One can use delete to remove property from an object. So the following code should work
var postData = $("#listSESS").jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData");
delete postData.sess_date;
delete postData.sess_type;
Thank you so much Oleg, I basically disabled the default refresh action and did this with the pager. So my custom search sends the parameters only when my search mutton is clicked.
jQuery("#listSESS").jqGrid('navGrid','#pagerSESS',{edit:false,add:false,del:false,search:false, refresh:false},
{}, // edit options
{}, // add options
{}, // del options
{} // search options
$("#listSESS").jqGrid('navButtonAdd', "#pagerSESS", {
caption: "", title: "Reload Grid", buttonicon: "ui-icon-refresh",
onClickButton: function () {
var mypostData = $("#listSESS").jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData");
delete mypostData.sess_date;
delete mypostData.sess_type;
works like a charm.

How to load related entity of external data source in Lightswitch (Visual Studio 2013)

I have 2 tables which are both in an Azure SQL Database which is connected to my Lightswitch Sharepoint app. I am doing some manipulation of the data in code, and it appears to be working, except that when I load the entities from one table, I am not able to see the related entities in the other.
Basically, I have a products table and an invoice lines table. Each invoice line record contains a product code, which relates to the products table PK. I have defined the relationship in Lightswitch, but when I load the invoice line record, I can't see the product information.
My code is as follows:
// Select invoice and get products
myapp.AddEditServiceRecord.InvoicesByCustomer_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
screen.ServiceRecord.InvoiceNumber = screen.InvoicesByCustomer.selectedItem.INVO_NO;
// Delete existing lines (if any) (line) {
// Add products for selected invoice
screen.getInvoiceLinesByNumber().then(function (invLines) { (invLine) {
invLine.getProduct().then(function (invProduct) {
var newLine = new myapp.ServiceDetail();
newLine.ServiceRecord = screen.ServiceRecord;
newLine.ProductCode = invLine.ProductCode;
newLine.ProductDescription = invProduct.Description;
newLine.CasesOrdered = invLine.Cases;
The idea is that a list of invoices are on the screen 'InvoicesByCustomer', and the user clicks one to add the details of that invoice to the 'ServiceRecord' table. If I comment out the newLine.ProductDescription = invProduct.Description line it works perfectly in adding the correct product codes and cases values. I have also tried a few other combinations of the below code, but in each case the related product entity appears as undefined in the Javascript debugger.
EDIT: I also read this article on including related data ( and noticed the section on 'Static Spans'. I checked and this was set to 'Auto (Excluded)' so I changed it to 'Included', but unfortunately this made no difference. I'm still getting the invProduct is undefined message. I also tried simply invLine.Product.Description but it gives the same error.
The solution in this case was a simple one. My data was wrong, and therefore Lightswitch was doing it's job correctly!
In my Invoices table, the product code was something like 'A123' whereas in my Products table, the product code was 'A123 ' (padded with spaces on the right). When doing SQL queries against the data, it was able to match the records but Lightswitch (correctly) saw the 2 fields as different and so could not relate them.
I may have wasted several hours on this, but it's not wasted when something has been learnt...or so I'll tell myself!

Get full data set, sorted with YUI Data Table with Pagination

I hope I am describing my issue enough.. here goes:
I have a YUI data table, get a server side set of records via JSON, and then populates the data.
Users can click on the headers to sort the data in three of the 6 columns, (which are using a custom sort function for each column). The sorting is done client-side.
When a user sorts the data, I need to be able to get a complete list of the values from one of the columns being shown. I need all the data available, not just what's rendered to the page. The data hidden via pagination must be included.
Any ideas? I've tried the handleDataReturnPayload and doBeforeLoadData methods of the DataTable but both give the original, unsorted data.
I'm really stuck here and I've got a client depending on a feature that depends on me getting this sorted list.
Thanks in advance.
Satyam, over at the YUI Forums answered my question perfectly.
The data is actually stored in the
RecordSet. At any time you can go and
look at it, and it will be sorted as
shown on the screen, but it will have
all the data, whether shown or not.
Method getRecordset() will give you a
reference to it and then you can loop
through its records.
You can listen to the columnSortEvent
to be notified a sort has occurred.
I just subscribed to the columnSortEvent event and looped through the array returned by datatable.getRecordSet().getRecords().
I'd recommend posting this to the YUI forums -- -- that's a great place to get support on DataTable issues.
I stumbled upon this question looking for information on how to retrieve information from a dataset that was NOT displayed in the datatable. IF you place the hidden data in the datasource before any field you wish to be displayed, it will be rendered blank, but if you place it after your last field that will be rendered (as defined by the columns object), then they will not render but still be accessible through the record).
var columns = [
{key:"Whatchamacallits", children:[
{key:"name" },
{key:"price" }
var ds = new YAHOO.util.DataSource('index.php...');
oDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
oDataSource.responseSchema = {
var dt = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("dt-id", columns, ds, {});
dt.subscribe("rowClickEvent", dt.onEventSelectRow);
dt.subscribe("rowSelectEvent", function(p){ alert(p.getData('id'); });

