Google script notifies all email adresses everytime the script runs - javascript

Is there a way to make it so you do not send a notification to the user's email when using addEditor(email) on Google script. Been looking through the references for Google developers and haven't found anything.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1aU3MOdUKHEgGRCtVaSJs3iRqRIRhLSvpCuXzOVT7Ko8")
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Ark 1")
var range = sheet.getRange("B:C")
//Column B is the emails, and C is a list of Edit, View, None
var range_length = range.getValues().length + 1
function scriptTesting(row) {
var scriptTesting = DriveApp.getFolderById("0B8FOoqX6_Y84eHZFaFBGTlJzMTQ")
for (var a = 1; range_length > a; a++) {
var email = range.getCell(a, 1).getValue()
var choice = range.getCell(a, 2).getValue()
if (choice == "Edit") {
} else if (choice == "View") {
} else if (email == "") {
} else if (choice == "None") {
try {
} catch(err) {
} else {


Google Scripts - Using a drop-down menu to show a balance

So I have used data validation to create a drop-down menu that will then update some cells to show the budget amount that is remaining from another sheet. Nothing is occurring when I try to update the field.
The first check for if a checkbox is marked true all works, so I know it is entering the first if. I just can't seem to get it to enter the second if.
function onEdit(e) {
var sheet=e.range.getSheet();
var rgA1=e.range.getA1Notation();
if (sheet.getName()=="Entry") {
if (e.value == "TRUE") {
if (rgA1=="A8" || rgA1 == "B8") {
var entry = e.source.getSheetByName("Entry");
var summary = e.source.getSheetByName("Summary");
var day = entry.getRange("B9").getValue();
var month = entry.getRange("B10").getValue();
var total = entry.getRange("B11").getValue();
var today = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+1", "MM/dd/yy");
//var daysRemaining = DATEIF(today, summary.getRange("D4"), "D");cell functions not allow
//var monthsRemaining = DATEIF(today, summary.getRange("D4"), "M");cell functions not allowed
console.log("Entered 2nd if")
if (e.value == summary.getRange("B59").getValue) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E59").getValue
console.log("Entered 3rd if")
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B60").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E60").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B61").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E61").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B62").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E62").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B63").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E63").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B64").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E64").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B65").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E65").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B66").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E66").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B67").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E67").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B68").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E68").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B69").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E69").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B70").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E70").getValue()
else if (e.value == summary.getRange("B71").getValue()) {
var balance = summary.getRange("E71").getValue()
day.setValue(balance / 56);
month.setValue(balance / 2);
Any thanks would be hugely appreciated!
EDIT 5/8/20
Fixed using Cooper's suggestions
Also here is a copy of the sheet this script is for.
That's better but you still have some problems at the end.
function onEdit(e) {
var sheet=e.range.getSheet();
var rgA1=e.range.getA1Notation();
if (sheet.getName()=="Entry") {
if (e.value == "TRUE") {
if (rgA1=="A8" || rgA1 == "B8") {
var entry = e.source.getSheetByName("Entry");
var summary = e.source.getSheetByName("Summary");
var dA=entry.getRange('B9:B11').getValues();
var day = dA[0][0];
var month = dA[0][1];
var total = dA[0][2];
var today = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+1", "MM/dd/yy");
var bvs=summary.getRange('B59:B71').getValues();
var erg=summary.getRange('E59:E71');
var evs=erg.getValues();
for(var i=0;i<bvs.length;i++) {
if(e.value==bvs[i][0]) {
var balance=evs[i][0];
//day.setValue(balance / 56);//day is not a range so there is no setValue Method
//month.setValue(balance / 2);//day is not a range so there is no setValue Method
//total.setValue(balance);//day is not a range so there is no setValue Method

Javascript Prompt Box Loops

Something is wrong with this code but I can't figure out what it is. The page does not work properly or do what it's supposed to. I need a code that prompts for a password and that limits the attempts to 3. After the third attempt, it needs to have an alert box.
var attempts = 3;
var answer = prompt("Password: ");
while (attempts != 0)
if (answer == "Psycho")
document.write("These are pictures of my kitten and her things.");
answer = prompt("Password: ");
if (attempts = 0)
alert("Incorrect Password");
You have a couple of issues. You should check entry after the user enters in the prompt. Or the last entry will not be checked. Next issue is you are not exiting the loop. Another issue is the fact that = is assignment so inside the if you are assigning zero, not checking to see if it is zero.
var attempts = 3;
while (attempts > 0) {
var answer = prompt("Password: ");
if (answer == "Psycho") {
document.write("These are pictures of my kitten and her things.");
if (attempts == 0) {
alert("Incorrect Password");
There are a few options to fix your code.
You could return once you're done the work.
var attempts = 3;
var answer = prompt("Password: ");
while (attempts != 0)
if (answer == "Psycho")
document.write("These are pictures of my kitten and her things.");
answer = prompt("Password: ");
if (attempts == 0)
alert("Incorrect Password");
Or, I would return early if you've failed
var attempts = 4;
var answer = prompt("Password: ");
while (attempts > 0 && answer != "Psycho")
answer = prompt("Password: ");
if (attempts == 0)
alert("Incorrect Password");
document.write("These are pictures of my kitten and her things.");

javascript for loop dosn't loop through users created

OK so I am making a register and login for a forum using javascript and localstorage. "School assignment" My problem is that when i created multiple user and store them in the localstorage, my for loop does not loop through them all, only the first one. So i can only access the forum with the first user i create.
function login () {
if (checklogin()) { = "block";
boxAlert.innerHTML = "Welcome" + ""; = "block";
} else { = "block";
boxAlertfail.innerHTML = "Go away, fail";
function checklogin (){
for (var i = 0; i < aUsers.length; i++){
if (aUsers[i].email == inputLoginMail.value && aUsers[i].password == inputLoginPassword.value){
return true;
return false;
how about:
function checklogin() {
var validLogin = false;
for (var i = 0; i < aUsers.length; i++) {
if (aUsers[i].email == inputLoginMail.value
&& aUsers[i].password == inputLoginPassword.value) {
validLogin = true;
return validLogin;
Ouch! You are returning false on very first attempt. The best way is to set a variable and then check for it.
function checklogin() {
var z = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < aUsers.length; i++) {
if (aUsers[i].email == inputLoginMail.value && aUsers[i].password == inputLoginPassword.value) {
z = 1;
} else {
z = 0;
if (z == 1) {
// User logged in
} else {
// Fake user

Checkboxes and trying to save the state of all checkboxes for the user when they return

function getFormState() {
var fields = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].elements;
if (fields.length === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i <= fields.length - 1; i++) {
var name = fields[i].getAttribute('name');
if (document.getElementByTagName('name').checked === true) {
localStorage.setItem('name', "true");
} else {
localStorage.setItem('name', "false");
function fillFormState() {
var fields = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].elements;
if (fields.length === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i <= fields.length - 1; i++) {
var name = fields[i].getAttribute('name');
getStatus = localStorage.getItem('name'); {
if (getStatus === "true") {
console.log("its checked");
document.getElementByTagName("name").setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
} else {
console.log("its not checked");
} // run the below functions when the web page is loadedwindow.onload = function () {
// check if HTML5 localStorage is supported by the browser
if ('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null) {
// get the form state
// save the state of the form each X seconds (customizable)
setInterval('fillFormState()', 1 * 1000);
But it doesn't seem to work. And Im trying to figure out why. Im not very experienced with javascript so it might be quite obvious. Sorry for that. Im trying.
I'm guessing your localStorage is never being set because of this loop:
for (var i = 0; i <= fields.length - 1; i++) {
var name = fields[i].getAttribute('name');
if (document.getElementByTagName('name').checked === true) {
localStorage.setItem('name', "true");
} else {
localStorage.setItem('name', "false");
There is no document.getElementByTagName, and you are also searching for "name" instead of your variable name.
for (var i = 0; i <= fields.length - 1; i++) {
var name = fields[i].getAttribute('name');
if (fields[i].checked === true) { //Check the current field
localStorage.setItem(name, "true"); //Set the actual name, not "name"
} else {
localStorage.setItem(name, "false");

JS loop only works when matching to the last element in an array

I cannot get the loop to work in my simple js login script. When i try to login with any login other than the last one in the array (user3 and pass3) it returns false.
What am I doing wrong?
I have tried both == and ===.
var userLogins = [{user:"user1", password:"pass1"},{user:"user2", password:"pass2"},{user:"user3", password:"pass3"}]
var success = null;
function logon(user, pass) {
userok = false;
for (i = 0; i < userLogins.length; i++)
if(pass == userLogins[i].password && user == userLogins[i].user )
success = true;
success = false;
function getData() {
var user = document.getElementById("userid").value;
var password = document.getElementById("password").value;
logon(user, password);
function secret(auth){
function show(show) {
document.getElementById(show).className = "show";
function hide(hide) {
document.getElementById(hide).className = "hide";
for (i = 0; i < userLogins.length; i++)
if(pass == userLogins[i].password && user == userLogins[i].user )
success = true;
success = false;
You need a break in there, otherwise your true value for success simply gets overwritten with false on the next iteration... except for the last possible credentials, for which there is no "next" iteration.
Once you've done that, you don't actually need the else branch at all:
var success = false;
for (i = 0; i < userLogins.length; i++) {
if (pass == userLogins[i].password && user == userLogins[i].user) {
success = true;
Use break when you found it. Otherwise the next loop will set success to false.
for (var i = 0; i < userLogins.length; i++)
if(pass == userLogins[i].password && user == userLogins[i].user )
success = true;
success = false;

