Closures in React - javascript

Is it ok use closures in react, for event handlers?
For example, i have some function and a lot of menu in navigation
and in navigation component i use something like this:
handleMenuClick(path) {
return () => router.goTo(path)
or i should prefer just arrow function?
handleTouchTap={() => router.goTo('/home')}
first variant really make code cleaner, but i'm worried about performance with a large number of such elements

Both should be avoided.
While they'll both work, they both have the same weakness that they'll cause unnecessary renders because the function is being created dynamically, and will thus present as a different object.
Instead of either of those, you want to create your functions in a static way and then pass them in. For something like your MenuItem, it should just get the string for the path and then have the code to do the routing inside. If it needs the router, you should pass that in instead.
The function should then be a pre-bind-ed function (usually in the constructor) and just passed in.
export class MenuItem extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleClick = () => this.props.router.go(this.props.path);
render() {
return (
<Button onClick={ this.handleClick }>Go to link</Button>
You can use an arrow function in the constructor. That way it isn't recreated every render function, and thus you avoid unnecessary renders. That pattern works well for single-line simple functions. For more complex functions, you can also create them as a separate function, then bind it in the constructor.
export class MenuItem extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
constructor() {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
render() { /* same as above */ }
The point of this is that the handler is the same function every time. If it was different (which both methods you describe above would be), then React would do unnecessary re-renders of the object because it would be a different function every time.
Here are two articles which go into more details:

when you define a new method inside a react component (Object) as we know functions are object in javascript.
let reactComponent={
addition: function(){ //some task ...},
render: function(){},
componentWillMount : function(){},
so, every new method should be bind with in the object using bind, but render() is already defined so we don't do
this.render = this.render.bind(this)
for each new function, except react lifecycle methods are needed to be added and hence, we call the object (constructor function) methods using this.method().


Why do we need to use bind() in ReactJS to access this.props or this.state? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why and when do we need to bind functions and eventHandlers in React?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
look at this code for example
import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.clickFunction = this.clickFunction.bind(this);
clickFunction() {
render() {
<div onClick={this.clickFunction}>Click Me!</div>
what's the purpose of bind(this) ? it binds the function clickFunction to the context of the object which clickFunction is already bound to , let me illustrate what i am trying to say with a normal javascript code :
class my_class {
constructor() { =
run() {
} = 'this is data'
new my_class().run() //outputs 'undefined'
and if you remove bind(this) it will give you the same results
constructor() { =
results :
new my_class().run() //still outputs 'undefined'
i am sure i am understanding something wrong and this might the worst question on earth however i am new to es6 and i am not used to classes yet so i apologize for that
Blame JavaScript not React. This is done to retain object instance when the function is going to be passed. Certainly, it must be semantically correct for the function to expect such object. Most common case is to bind this when passing object method. The keyword This depends on how the function is called not how/where it is created. The relationship to This should be maintained at invocation.
class Welcome extends React.Component {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.sayName}>Say My
sayName() {
In React, you invoke like this: . This renders a button. Clicking the button should trigger an alert with "Bob".
Except it doesn't. Because in the above example, this would be undefined in the sayName function.
What's happening inside the render function is that this refers to the current instance of our React component. That component has a sayName function defined, so this.sayName points to our function, just fine and dandy.
But what React is doing behind the scenes is assigning this.sayName to another variable. That is, it's just like this:
let onClick = this.sayName;
onClick(); // Technically a click event is passed
to onClick
// but this doesn't matter for our purposes
We get an error. Because this is undefined. This is
extra confusing because in previous versions of React, React would "autobind" the event handler for you, so it would work. But at some point, Facebook decided to stop doing that, so ... here we are.
So how can we fix our component? We just do binding ourselves, like this:
<button onClick={this.sayName.bind(this)}>Say My
Or with ES6 syntax:
<button onClick={() => this.sayName()}>Say My
And it should work!

Where should I bind methods in React component?

I learn React now and noticed that a lot of people bind their methods in constructor.
Like this:
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.myMethod = this.myMethod.bind(this);
render() {
<button onClick={this.myMethod}>Click me</button>
myMethod() {
// do something
But I got used to writing something like this:
render() {
<button onClick={this.myMethod.bind(this)}>Click me</button>
And I was told by a couple of people that using the second method is a bad experience.
So could you tell me the differences between first and second methods? Any pros and cons? or performance issues?
You are right and what others told you is also right.
You are encouraged to do binding in constructor because constructor gets called only once per component so if you do binding in constructor it creates a new object/function only once in Webpack bundle.js file hence not much impact
You are not encouraged to do binding directly in render because a component renders for several reasons like when you do setState, when your component receives new props so your component will render so many times. So since you are binding directly in render whenever your component renders it will create a new function every time in Webpack bundle.js and your bundle file size will increase and that affects performance when your app contains thousands of components and if you do binding directly in render in every component.
So you are recommended to do binding only in constructor. Hope that clarifies
This results in creating a new bound function on every render call:
render() {
<button onClick={this.myMethod.bind(this)}>Click me</button>
Notice that if myMethod is used in multiple places, this requires multiple bind calls and may result in unbound callback if one of bind is missing.
While this creates bound function on component instantiation:
constructor() {
this.myMethod = this.myMethod.bind(this);
The second option is recommended.
A decorator like autobind can be used to skip myMethod explicit assignment in constructor.
As explained in this answer, prototype methods with bind have less shortcomings than arrow instance methods and can be generally preferred.
You should bind in the constructor simply because the second way will create a new function every render.
But there's a better way to simply avoid binding. Use arrow function.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
render() {
<button onClick={this.myMethod}>Click me</button>
myMethod = ()=> {
// do something
Let's see how the creator of Redux Dan Abramov thinks about bind vs arrow functions -
In terms of performance, is there any difference between using arrow
functions and bind manually when using es6 classes? Using arrow
functions the methods are not on the class prototype, it will be on
the class instance only. Using bind will attach the methods to class
prototype. It sounds like bind manually will have better performance,
does that mean we should consider using bind instead of arrow
functions for class methods?
Any suggestions or comments are really appreciated!
So in terms of performance, would you recommend using
class MyComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) {
super(props) }
methodA = () => { ... } }
class MyComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) {
this.methodA = this.methodA.bind(this) }
methodA() { ... } }
These two ways of writing it are equivalent. (The second one is
compiled to the first one.)
Using bind will attach the methods to class prototype.
In your example, you still attach the function to the instance:
this.methodA = this.methodA.bind(this)
So they’re essentially the same.
At Facebook, we use the second way (“class properties”) but be aware
this is still experimental, and not part of ES6. If you only want to
stick with stable syntax, then you could bind them manually.
First approach is correct performance wise, because on every render this onClick prop will be pointing to the same object, which is not the case in the second example.
If you look at the below example, you will see when I increment the counter, the MyPureCompOne doesn't render, but MyPureCompTwo does. Because each time time the <App> component renders, MyPureCompTwo props handleClick being assigned with a new function object, and that is why being a pure component shallow comparisons of props are false and it renders. This rendering was not needed. But that is not the case with MyPureCompOne, as each time time App renders, the handleClick props still pointing to the same function object (this.handleClickOne) which was created when the App first time mounted.
class MyPureCompOne extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
console.log("rendring component one");
return <button onClick={this.props.handleClick}>First Button</button>
class MyPureCompTwo extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
console.log("rendring component two");
return <button onClick={this.props.handleClick}>Second Button</button>;
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
count: 0
this.handleCountChange = this.handleCountChange.bind(this);
this.handleClickOne = this.handleClickOne.bind(this);
handleCountChange() {
this.setState(prevState => ({
count: prevState.count + 1
handleClickOne(e) {
handleClickTwo() {
render() {
const { count } = this.state;
return (
<button onClick={this.handleCountChange}>Change Counter</button>
<MyPureCompOne handleClick={this.handleClickOne} />;
<MyPureCompTwo handleClick={this.handleClickTwo.bind(this)} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id='root'></div>
I took this from the eslint-plugin-react documentation:
A bind call or arrow function in a JSX prop will create a brand new function on every single render. This is bad for performance, as it will result in the garbage collector being invoked way more than is necessary. It may also cause unnecessary re-renders if a brand new function is passed as a prop to a component that uses reference equality check on the prop to determine if it should update.
As a side note from me, using this in your JSX can be confusing as well. I encourage you to take a look at this doc:
You should avoid arrow functions and binds in render. It breaks performance
optimizations like shouldComponentUpdate and PureComponent.
For an excellent read and demo you might want to refer

Class properties for react lifecycle methods

Can I write React lifecycle methods as class properties?
I've been using class properties for a while as I like the fact that I no longer have to manually bind my methods, but I'd like to keep some consistency across my components and I'm wondering if there is any drawback on writing the React lifecycle methods as class properties
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class MyComponent extends Component {
render = () => {
return (
<div>Foo Bar</div>
export default MyComponent;
For example, is the context of this class property affected compared to the context in an equivalent method. Given that the render method in the above code is written as an arrow function, this concern seems relevant.
In a way, the true answer depends on your build pipeline and what the resulting Javascript output looks like. There are two primary possibilities:
Input Code
Let's start by saying you are writing the following before going through any sort of pipeline transformations (babel, typescript, etc):
class Test {
test = () => { console.log('test'); };
Output as class member variable.
In one possible world, your pipeline will also be outputting the test function as a member variable for the output class. In this case the output might look something like:
function Test() {
this.test = function() { console.log('test'); };
This means that whenever you write new Test() the test function is going to be recreated every single time.
Output as class prototype function
In the other major possibility, your pipeline could be recognizing this as a function property and escape it from the class instance to the prototype. In this case the output might look something like:
function Test() {
Test.prototype = {
test: function() { console.log('test'); }
This means that no matter how many times you call new Test() there will still be only one creation of the test function around in memory.
Desired behavior
Hopefully it's clear that you want your end result to have the function end up on the prototype object rather than being recreated on each class instance.
However, while you would want the function to not end up as a property, that doesn't necessarily mean you couldn't write it that way in your own code. As long as your build chain is making the correct transformations, you can write it any way you prefer.
Although, looking at the default babel settings (which your babeljs tag leads me to believe you are using) it does not make this transformation for you. You can see this in action here. On the left I've created one class with the function as a property and one class with the function as a class method. On the right hand side, where babel shows it's output, you can see that the class with the function as a property still has it being an instance-level property, meaning it will be recreated each time that class's constructor is called.
I did find this babel plugin, which seems like it might add this transformation in, but I've not used it for myself so I'm not positive.
In my experience, the most reason for writing a method as a class property is when the method will be passed as a callback, and you need it to always be bound to the instance. React lifecycle methods will always be called as a method, so there's no reason to bind them (and you incur a tiny memory penalty when you do). Where this makes a difference is when you're passing a function to a component as a callback (e.g. onClick or onChange).
Take this example:
class BrokenFoo extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me
The function represented by this.handleClick is not automatically bound to the component instance, so when the method tries to read the value of this.props it will throw a TypeError because this is not defined. Read this article if you're not familiar with this; the problem described in section 4.2 "Pitfall: extracting methods improperly" is essentially what's happening when you pass around a method without making sure it's bound correctly.
Here's the class, rewritten with the handler as a class property:
class HappyFoo extends React.Component {
handleClick = () => {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
Click me
Effectively, you can think of the handleClick definition in the second example as placing this code into the component's constructor (which is just about exactly the way Babel does it):
this.handleClick = () => {
This achieves the same thing as calling bind on the function (as described in the linked article) but does it a little differently. Because this function is defined in the constructor, the value of this in this.props.message is bound to the containing instance. What this means is that the function is now independent of the calling context; you can pass it around and it won't break.
The rule of thumb that I follow: by default, write methods as methods. This attaches the method to the prototype and will usually behave the way you'd expect. However, if the method is ever written without parentheses (i.e. you're passing the value and not calling it), then you likely want to make it a class property.

React JS binding callbacks

How can we practically prove the point, After Every render react creates new callback arrow function so it is a bad approach. See below code -
class DankButton extends React.Component {
render() {
// Bad Solution: An arrow function!
return <button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click me!</button>
handleClick() {
logPhrase() {
console.log('such gnawledge')
Also, how the below Arrow function class property function really works ?
class DankButton extends React.Component {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me!</button>
// ES6 class property-arrow function!
handleClick = () => {
logPhrase() {
console.log('such gnawledge')
I'm not sure i understand what you mean exactly by
How can we practically prove the point
As i understand from your question, i assume that you do realize that in the first example above, a new instance of a function is being created.
With that in mind, when you think about it, there are at least 2 issues when you create and pass a new instance of an object or function:
Maybe less important in most cases, you consume more memory on each
More important (in my opinion) you can potentially interrupt the
Reconciliation and Diffing Algorithm of react by passing a new
prop on each render, this will cause a re-render of the child
component, hence performance issues can arise.
Arrow function class property function really works.
Sorry, Don't know how to prove the new instances of function when using bind, but I can do the latter.
console.log this in your arrow function, and compare it to one that is done as a regular function. Do not use bind at any point. The arrow function's this will be the component's context, while the function based one will be either window or undefined.

JS Class that return a function

So i love this React thingy, and we have this so called 'stateless' functions to help us build a 'dumb' component. Now i want to create a class that produce a stateless function. Why you may ask, well i love the idea of inheritance and wanting to 'extend' my stateless function basic capability, said i want to add a helper function as a statics that binds to the function itself.
I ended up with this code
class Stateless {
constructor() {
return this.render.bind(this)
nanny() {
// do something
render(props) {
// yeay! a stateless function!
// plus i can access nanny by using this.nanny()
And when i extend it, i can see that the inheritance is working well.
BUT, if then i initialize the class:
const stateless = new Stateless()
Why can't i access stateless.nanny even tho inside the render function i can see that this.nanny is accessible? Where does the nanny lives? Does it binded to the render function?
class Stateless {
constructor() {
return this.render.bind(this)
nanny() {
return true
render(props) {
console.log(this.nanny()) // -> returns 'foo'
return 'JSX'
// this should return a JSX
const stateless = new Stateless() // -> stateless IS a function
// 'foo'
// true
// JSX
// undefined
While clearly inside render when i called this, there is nanny there. But when i
refer it outside, the nanny is gone. I thought nanny should be a static property of the stateless, right?
If you are returning object from constructor - new will return that object instead of the instance of the class being constructed (more info).
Therefore line
const stateless = new Stateless()
will assign to stateless variable result of this.render.bind(this) - that is reference to method (function) of Stateless class, that is not an instance of Stateless. Therefore stateless.nanny makes no sense - as function render does not have such property defined. On the other hand calling bound render function directly - produce the expected result.
All in all - i strongly do not recommend you to return anything from constructor (unless you are dealing with some really weird requirements like controlling number of instances and such). It makes code hard to understand and maintain.
Your example should work if you remove this.render.bind(this) from your constructor.
It should also work, if you just remove return from the constructor:
constructor() {
However, you might actually be looking to create a higher order component that can enhance the component that it wraps.
Your higher order component is a function that returns a class that renders the component that it passed to it:
import React from 'react'
function HigherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent) {
return class Enhancer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
exampleFunc() {
// Code here
render() {
return <WrappedComponent exampleprop={ this.exampleFunc } />
export default HigherOrderComponent
Then you can import HigherOrderComponent into your stateless dumb component file and wrap the export:
import React from 'react'
import HigherOrderComponent from './HigherOrderComponent'
const DumbComponent = (props) => {
// Return JSX
// You can use props.exampleprop
export default HigherOrderComponent(DumbComponent)
Here are some articles that you can read on higher order components:

