Having trouble getting .siblings() to work in jQuery - javascript

I have a form on my site that allows people to create a document containing Sections, each of which contains Steps. Basically, the problem is that I can create Sections just fine, but Steps are not being created for some reason.
The HTML for each Section and each Step is created with underscore templates, which you can see in the two scripts below:
<script id="tmpl-section" type="text/html">
<div class="section">
<div class="form-group row">
// inputs
<div class="form-group row">
// more inputs
<a href="#" onclick="addSection($(this), true)">
Add section after
<a href="#" onclick="addSection($(this), false)">
Add section before
<div class="step-body"></div>
<hr />
<script id="tmpl-step" type="text/html">
<div class="step">
<div class="form-group row">
// inputs
<div class="form-group row">
// inputs
When someone clicks "Add section (before or after)", the following function is called:
function addSection(element, after) {
var sectionStructure = _.template($('#tmpl-section').html()),
$sectionBody = $('.section-body');
if ($('.section').length) {
if (after) {
} else {
} else {
addStep($(this), true); // '$(this)' should refer to whichever "add section" link was clicked
($sectionBody refers to the part of the page that contains all the sections.) Basically, it's checking to see if there are any other sections on the page yet for when the page is first loaded, and if there aren't any, it adds one. If there are other sections, it adds another before or after whatever section was clicked. Not super relevant, but I wanted to explain the if statements in there.
Every time addSection() is called, it also calls another function called addStep() to initialize each new section with one step.
function addStep(element, after) {
var stepStructure = _.template($('#tmpl-step').html()),
$thisStepBody = element.siblings('.step-body');
Eventually I will add a link in each Step to add another step before/after like each Section has, but I'm not that far yet.
The problem is, $thisStepBody.append(stepStructure); is not doing anything. My guess is that $thisStepBody.siblings('.step-body'), which is supposed to point to the ('.step-body') inside whichever section was clicked, is the problem. I've tried this a ton of different ways, and I don't know why it isn't working.
It seems like it should be a simple thing to do, but I'm worried the rest of what I'm trying to do is so overly complicated that it's messing up in a way I can't even think of.

addStep($(this), true);
should be
addStep(element, true);
The addSection() function isn't bound to the element that's clicked, the element is being passed as a parameter.


Preload HTML from within Javascript file, into the DOM, but don't execute

Im creating a simple JS game, which will run in the browser and will pull the files directly from the pc. Because of this needed to make a workaround the "Cross-origin" error, which went smoothly, I put all the HTML within a JS and loaded the JS from the tag in the index.html. Everything was going smoothly so far.
You click "press any key to continue" -> but then next you click "New Game" and you get event listener error "can't set property of null". Which i don't understand how it happens, because the element is already in the "DOM" , the css could pick it up, but the event listener could not? So i tried moving all scripts on top, rearranging stuff, nothing worked. Pre-loading all HTML into the index.html, without executing it will definitely work, but how can i achieve this exactly? My Configuration atm is:
index.html (root folder)
function MainMenu()
<div id="mm_wrapper_grid">
<div id="mm_subgrid1">
<div id="mm_subgrid2">
<div id="mm_subgrid2_image"></div>
<div id="mm_new_game"><p id="mm_new_game_p" class="grow">New Game<p></div>
<div id="mm_load_game"><p id="mm_load_game_p" class="grow">Load Game</p></div>
<div id="mm_options"><p id="mm_options_p" class="grow">Options</p></div>
<div id="mm_credits"><p id="mm_credits_p" class="grow">Credits</p></div>
function CharacterCreation()
<div> Character Creation test
<div id ="game">
<div id="loading_screen">Press Any Key To Continue</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("loading_screen").addEventListener("click", function() {callback("game", MainMenu)});
document.getElementById("mm_new_game_p").addEventListener("click", function() {callback("game", CharacterCreation)});
function callback(arg1, func)
var html = func.toString();
var htmlstart = html.indexOf('/*');
var htmlend = html.lastIndexOf('*/');
var html = html.substr(htmlstart+2, htmlend-htmlstart-2);
document.getElementById(arg1).innerHTML = html;
You have the problem because you are trying to add the second listener for getElementById("mm_new_game_p") when this element doesn't exist on the page. I suggest you to add the follwing line of code to make sure, that it's true:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("loading_screen").addEventListener("click", function() {callback("game", MainMenu)});
console.log('#mm_new_game_p', document.getElementById("mm_new_game_p"));
document.getElementById("mm_new_game_p").addEventListener("click", function() {callback("game", CharacterCreation)});
You have to add this listener after this element will be created (after calling of MainMenu() function).
To tell the truth, I can see such storing of html templates in js functions for the first time. It's hard to support your code and I've modified it a little bit below. This is not the best way to implement it, but my goal is show you a solution based on your code. What you can see here:
all the templates for pages are in html (not in JS);
you can add listeners from html code using HTML attribute onclick - and in this case you can be sure, that element exists on the page.
If you want to add listeners from JS, than you have to create own functions for each pages which you have and after HTML template of a page will be added to #game container you will need to create event listeners for the buttons which are on the created page.
openPage("game", "loading_screen");
function openPage(parentDOMElementId, name) {
console.log('openPage:', name);
var pageHtml = document.getElementById("page_" + name).outerHTML;
document.getElementById(parentDOMElementId).innerHTML = pageHtml;
<div id="game"></div>
<div class="templates" style="visibility: hidden;">
<div id="page_loading_screen" onclick="openPage('game', 'main_menu')">
Press Any Key To Continue
<div id="page_main_menu">
<div id="mm_subgrid1">
<div id="mm_subgrid2">
<div id="mm_subgrid2_image"></div>
<div id="mm_new_game">
<p id="mm_new_game_p" class="grow" onclick="openPage('game', 'character_creation')">New Game
<div id="mm_load_game">
<p id="mm_load_game_p" class="grow">Load Game</p>
<div id="mm_options">
<p id="mm_options_p" class="grow">Options</p>
<div id="mm_credits">
<p id="mm_credits_p" class="grow">Credits</p>
<div id="page_character_creation">
Character Creation test

Javascript modal that displays list that closes and returns to main html

Rather new to javascript, jquery and bootstrap, etc., so bear with me. I have a situation where I want to present a list of errors in a model dialog after the user hits a "validate" button. Got all the working - I am generating a list of objects that indicate to the user they need more work to the exact spot that needs additional data entry. I have the the DIV "id" that represents the field that needs more data (and each item will jump someplace different).I do not want a drop down list since there are be lots and lots of these items.
A few questions:
How do I go about jumping from the modal to the main html. I believe I have seen scrollIntoView mentioned in a few other posts as I was looking but will that hop to the DIV and also close the modal?
What construct should I use for the list? A list of scrolling button? The size of this can be quite large (hundreds) so it will need a scroll capability.
Finally, the app is "paged" with a next and prev buttons. I assume that will not be a problem from the aspect of jumping to a page not already displayed?
Here is the current modal code:
<script id="template-validation-error" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div id="validationErrorModal" class="modal">
<div class="message-container">
<div class="header">
Validation Errors
<div class="message">
The following fields are required:
<div class="center">
<input type="button" class="btn btn-solid-green btn-sm" onclick="fffdevice.validationErrorOk();" value="Done" />
showValidationError: function (fieldlist) {
settings.focusedField = $(':focus');
$(".device-container").append(templates.validationerror({ fieldlist }));
$(".message-container input").focus();
validationErrorOk: function () {
if (settings.focusedField) {
The field list is a list of objects that contain the id (field.id) of the DIV and also a description (field.fieldName) that I want to display.
Here is something I mocked up in paint...I am not sold on it but it show in a general sense what I am looking for:
I don't need a full solution rather, just want mechanisms I can use.
Just to help out anyone else in the future, using the info provided in the correct answer below I have a new code as follows:
<script id="template-validation-error" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div id="validationErrorModal" class="modal">
<div class="validation-container">
<div class="header" align="center">
Validation Errors
<div class="message">
<div class="scrolling-container" style="background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); height:660px">
<div class="grid grid-pad">
{{#each fieldlist}}
<div class="row click-row" onclick="fffdevice.validationErrorFix('{{id}}');">
<div class="col-7-8 field-name">{{fieldName}}</div>
<div class="col-1-8">
<img class="pull-right" src="/mysite/Content/device/images/fix.png" style="width: 40px; position:relative; top: -5px;">
<div class="center">
<input type="button" class="btn btn-solid-green btn-sm" onclick="fffdevice.validationErrorOk();" value="Done" />
Then the Javascript for the onClick is:
validationErrorFix: function (id) {
var x = document.getElementById(id);
behavior: "smooth", // or "auto" or "instant"
block: "start" // or "end"
Which closes the dialog and jumps to the field. It looks like (I know this is ugly and I will clean it up later):
Bind the modal event to the validation code and show the modal if error(s) are found.
Display the modal with the list of errors using an html unordered list, inside the li element an anchor tag where the href attribute will have a value with the id that corresponds to the input field, all this done dynamically from your validation code.
Once an error in the list is clicked hide the modal using bootstrap $('#your-error-modal').modal('hide'); so the code would be something like this:
$('#your-error-modal').on('click', 'a.error-item', function(){
I haven't tested this code, but if you're having issues with scrolling to the section of the input and closing the modal you can probably do something like this too:
$('#your-error-modal').on('click', 'a.error-item', function(e){ // use this method of onclick because your list will be created dynamically
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default anchor tag action
var href = $(this).attr('href'); // grab the href value
$('#your-error-modal').modal('hide'); // close the modal first
scrollToDiv(href); // then take the user to the div with error with a nice smooth scroll animation
function scrollToDiv(location) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(location).offset().top
}, 2000);
Again this is untested code, but the idea is there.
For UX reasons you might also want to create a floating div or something where users can click on it and go back to the modal to continue reading your list of errors.

Dynamically create page in jquery mobile, only to include specific data from websql database

I have an application that has a page where all id's are selected from the table and specific bits of information are shown in html.
What i would like to do next is to make each of these elements as a whole a link to essentially, a 2nd level down.
This level down page will reveal all information bound to that row's id, is it possible to build this in a way that is dynamic?
I am using jQuery mobile to build pages, and i'd like to use 1 template and append the relevant html elements into it, and populate each with the id bound information.
I hope this makes some sense, and any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The above mockups represent what i would like to achieve, the left image displays a list of all rows in the table, upon clicking one of them, you are taken to another page, with only information for that particular id.
Can i achieve this for each item within the list?
It's a good navigation example and it's not difficult to implement.
Since the information is coherent (every DB row has the same columns), create just one empty template (edit: it's now based on your PasteBin):
<div data-role="page" id="route_details">
<div data-role="header">
<a data-rel="back"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a>
<h1 id="walkTitle"></h1>
<div data-role="main" class="ui-content">
<div class="finishedRouteInfo">
<div class="mapDetails" style="width: 100%; height: 150px;"></div>
<div class="ui-grid-a">
<div class="ui-block-a home_btns no_border">
<div class="ui-block-a finishedDistance"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i></div>
<div class="ui-block-b"><p>Distance <br/><span id="finalDistance" class="value"></span></p></div>
<div class="ui-block-b home_btns">
<div class="ui-block-a finishedDistance"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i></div>
<div class="ui-block-b finishedDuration"><p>Duration <br/><span class="value" id="finalDuration"></span></p></div>
<span class="horizontalSplitter"></span>
<div class="walkDescription"></div>
The code in your PasteBin cannot work because you are creating multiple pages with elements having the same IDs (i.e.: finalDistance, finalDuration). Also, you are creating many pages which probably the user will never see.
So, simplify your loading function:
var last_results = [];
$(document).on("pageinit", "#my-routes", function() {
t.executeSql('SELECT * FROM WALKS', [], querySuccess, errorCB);
function querySuccess(t, results, Element) {
last_results = results;
and delay the content/map creation just before showing the page with route details:
$("#route_details").on("pagecontainerbeforeshow", function()
// use your DB data
var data = last_results.rows.item(clicked_route);
// ...create the map and fill the rest...
You just have to link each route to this page, setting clicked_route when the link is clicked using something like this:
<a class="walkPage" href="#route_details" data-route="0">Route 0</a>
<a class="walkPage" href="#route_details" data-route="1">Route 1</a>
<a class="walkPage" href="#route_details" data-route="2">Route 2</a>
$(document).on("click", ".walkPage") {
clicked_route = parseInt($(this).attr("data-route"));
...Since you have to show the route map in two different pages, refactor your code so that you can easily create a map and add it to any page.
Hope it's sufficiently clear to fully implement it.

Javascript divs not stacking

I have some div boxes and when you click a link it replaces an existing box rather than stacks a new one below it.
It's probably best to show you rather than explain.
Or at least I would but creating a jsfiddle doesn't replicate what I see on my webpage.
My webpage is intranet so I cannot share.
This is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/GR6pu/
(When trying to post I get asked to accompany a jsfiddle.net link with some code.
Not quite sure what is needed so I'll post this:)
var showed = 'com1';
function com(id) {
if (showed && showed !== id) {
document.getElementById(showed).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
showed = id;
What should hopefully happen is:
You start in community box.
When you click 'lam' you get a box below it = 'lam activities'.
If you subsequently click 'dispatch' this 'lam activites' box is replaced with 'dispatch activities'.
This bit works fine on my website with what I have posted in the fiddle.
Then, in 'lam activities' if you click 't45' you should get another box below it, but on my website the 't45' box replaces the 'lam activities' box rather than stacks another below it.
My goal is to have the 't45' box stacked underneath the 'lam activities' box.
From reading other threads on the forum I know you like your posters to detail what they have tried...
My knowledge on all things web based is small.
4 weeks ago I had never created a website and I've managed to teach myself enough HTML and CSS to create a working website but Javascript is still new to me, hence I don't have the knowledge to fiddle about with the js to make it work.
I tried changing none to block but this then creates more boxes than I would like.
Thanks, Kristian
When you click 'lam' you get a box below it = 'lam activities'.
Then, in 'lam activities' if you click 't45' you should get another
box below it, but on my website the 't45' box replaces the 'lam
activities' box rather than stacks another below it.
my goal is to have the 't45' box stacked underneath the 'lam
activities' box.
Overall you got 2 issues, the HTML is invalid as closing tags are missing and your code is not correct, hence it will not show the expected elements.
Fixing your HTML
Your demo fiddle is broken in the first place and does not demonstrate the issue you have.
You cannot show lam1 if the lam1 element is inside the com2 element which you are still hiding display: none, please inspect your HTML after clicking t45:
The reason you end up with incorrect nested HTML like that is due to missing closing tags which creates invalid HTML.
All <a> tags are missing their matching </a> closing tags.
All main divtags, such as <div id="com1"..>, <div id="lam1"..>, etc.. are missing their matching </div> closing tags.
Browsers try a best-guess, adding closing tags where it seems most appropriate, hence you might end up with unexpected HTML, such as sibling elements becoming nested instead.
Edit: The </a> are not required (my bad), only the 3rd </div> was missing in each section. I updated the fiddle and posted code to reflect that
DEMO - Adding missing closing tags fixes the demo and now shows the issue you are having.
Fixing your code
Now that the missing closing tags are added fixing the HTML in the fiddle which now works and shows the issue we can fix your code.
Your second function will always hide the t45 element and then show the task-element, hence it "replaces" it. I'm assuming you want similar functionality whereby the task element is replaced as you click on different "tasks".
In that case you cannot use the showed id but need to keep a separate record of the task-id (or what ever you want to call it)
function lam(id) {
// this removes the t45 element you want to keep
// I'm assuming you want to track clicked lams separately
if (showed && showed !== id) {
document.getElementById(showed).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
showed = id;
Change that to the following and both elements are visible.:
var taskId;
function lam(id) {
if (taskId && taskId !== id) {
document.getElementById(taskId).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
taskId = id;
DEMO - Fixing the code.
Here is the fixed HTML and code for completeness from the fiddle above.
<div class='whitebox'>
<div class='subheader'>community</div>
<div class='links'>
<a onclick="com('com1');"><div class='boxlink'>LAM</div>
<a onclick="com('com2');"><div class='boxlink'>DISPATCH</div>
<a onclick="com('com3');"><div class='boxlink'>PLANNING</div>
</div> <!-- closing </div> was missing -->
<div id="com1" style="display:none">
<div class='whitebox'>
<div class='subheader'>lam activities</div>
<div class='links'>
<a onclick="lam('lam1');"><div class='boxlink'>T45</div>
<a onclick="lam('lam2');"><div class='boxlink'>SYNC</div>
<a onclick="lam('lam3');"><div class='boxlink'>ESSS</div>
<a onclick="lam('lam4');"><div class='boxlink'>IND</div>
</div> <!-- closing </div> was missing -->
<div id="com2" style="display:none">
<div class='whitebox'>
<div class='subheader'>dispatch activities</div>
<div class='links'>
<a onclick="lam('lam2');"><div class='boxlink'>SYNC</div>
<a onclick="lam('lam3');"><div class='boxlink'>ESSS</div>
</div> <!-- closing </div> was missing -->
<div id="lam1" style="display:none">
<div class='whitebox'>
<div class='subheader'>t45 tasks</div>
<div class='links'>
<a onclick="t45('t451');"><div class='boxlink'>REMOVAL</div>
<a onclick="t45('t452');"><div class='boxlink'>ADJUST</div>
<a onclick="t45('t453');"><div class='boxlink'>RECEIPT</div>
</div> <!-- closing </div> was missing -->
<div id="lam2" style="display:none">
<div class='whitebox'>
<div class='subheader'>sync tasks</div>
<div class='links'>
<a onclick="t45('t451');"><div class='boxlink'>emea</div>
<a onclick="t45('t452');"><div class='boxlink'>namer</div>
<a onclick="t45('t453');"><div class='boxlink'>s asia</div>
<a onclick="t45('t454');"><div class='boxlink'>n asia</div>
</div> <!-- closing </div> was missing -->
var showed = 'com1';
var taskId;
function com(id) {
if (showed && showed !== id) {
document.getElementById(showed).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
showed = id;
function lam(id) {
if (taskId && taskId !== id) {
document.getElementById(taskId).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
taskId = id;
Lets break this down:
if (showed && showed !== id) {
If showed is set and is not equal to the new id passed in the function, get the element with the ID of id and set it to display:none;
Get the element with the ID of id and set it to display:block;
Set the showed variable to be the value of the id passed into the function.
So basically, the function hides the previous element and then shows the element that has the ID you passed into the function. If you don't want to hide the previous element, you just need to remove the part of the function that does that (the if( showed && showed !== id ) { ... } statement block)

jQuery click function affecting multiple divs

I'm trying to use jQuery's click function to apply a hover state to a selected div, without differentiating the div's in the JavaScript. I'm currently using:
$(".project").click(function() {
var selected_tab = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
return false;
With the HTML:
<div class="project first project_gizmoscoop">
<div class="title">
<div class="date">2012</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_1">GizmoScoop!</a>
<div class="project project_sc">
<div class="title">
Striking Code
<div class="date">2011</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_2">Striking Code</a>
The .hovered class is applied to the clicked link (specific styles from an external CSS file). However, everything is being chosen. (See http://www.codeisdna.com for an example).
I know what I'm doing wrong (I should be specifying the individual ID's or using HTML5 data attributes), but I'm stuck unnecessarily. I feel like a complete newb right now, that I can't do something this simple (although I've done more advanced stuff).
You simply need to take advantage of jQuery's flexibility (and good programming practice) and reduce your scope accordingly. You're already doing something similar with your variable definition. For example, to target only those a.expand elements inside the instance of .project that's clicked:
$(".project").click(function() {
$(".expand").click(function() {

