Update live JavaScript Array while pushing elements to HTML ID - javascript

I am facing a slight dilemma as a JavaScript newbie. Let me explain the script:
I have implemented a JavaScript function rss() which pulls from an internet RSS news feed and saves the news headlines into an array newsArray[].
The function headlinesInsert() should push every item in the array to the HTML ID #headlineInsert, similarly to how it is shown here.
However, the linked example's textlist variable (which should be replaced with my local newsArray[]) does not seem to be 'compatible' for some reason as when replacing nothing shows on the HTML side.
The idea is that the rss() function updates the global newsArray[] with new headlines every 10 minutes while the headlinesInsert() pushes this data to the HTML ID constantly (as per the linked example).
With my limited knowledge of JavaScript, I am hoping someone could help me set the following code right and put the idea into action.
// Push RSS Headlines into HTML ID
var newsArray = [];
var listTicker = function headlinesInsert(options) {
var defaults = {
list: [],
interval: 8 * 1000,
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var listTickerInner = function headlinesInsert(index) {
if (options.list.length == 0) return;
if (!index || index < 0 || index > options.list.length) index = 0;
var value = options.list[index];
options.trickerPanel.fadeOut(function headlinesInsert() {
var nextIndex = (index + 1) % options.list.length;
setTimeout(function headlinesInsert() {
}, options.interval);
// The following line should hold the values of newsArray[]
var textlist = new Array("News Headline 1", "News Headline 2", "News Headline 3", "News Headline 4");
$(function headlinesInsert() {
list: textlist ,
trickerPanel: $('#headlineInsert'),
interval: 8 * 1000,
$(function slow(){
// Parse News Headlines into array
function rss() {
$.getJSON("https://api.rss2json.com/v1/api.json?rss_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stuff.co.nz%2Frss", function(data) {
newsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++){
newsArray[i] = (data.items[i].title);
// Refresh functions ever 10 minutes
setInterval(function slow() {
}, 600000); // 10 Minute refresh time

Check following code. You need to initialise listTicker once rss feed is loaded.
<script src='https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js'></script>
var listTicker = function(options) {
var defaults = {
list: [],
startIndex: 0,
interval: 3 * 1000,
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var listTickerInner = function(index) {
if (options.list.length == 0) return;
if (!index || index < 0 || index > options.list.length) index = 0;
var value = options.list[index];
options.trickerPanel.fadeOut(function() {
var nextIndex = (index + 1) % options.list.length;
setTimeout(function() {
}, options.interval);
var textlist = new Array("news1", "news2", "news3");
$(function() {
function rss() {
$.getJSON("https://api.rss2json.com/v1/api.json?rss_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stuff.co.nz%2Frss", function(data) {
newsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
newsArray[i] = (data.items[i].title);
list: newsArray,
startIndex: 0,
trickerPanel: $('#newsPanel'),
interval: 3 * 1000,
<div id='newsPanel' />


Clar Ajax data after each OnClick and then append new data

I'm doing a project for school. A memory game that uses the pokéAPI to get images.
I have three buttons depending on the game level (easy, medium, hard) and it generates the amount of cards.
When I click a button it generates the pictures but when I click it again it append the new data into the same selector.
I have tried with: $('#output').html(''), $('#output').append(''), $('#output').remove(), $('#output').empty()
// Settings for game level. Each integer represents number of cards * 2.
let easy = 4;
let medium = 6;
let hard = 8;
// Arrays for PokemonImgUrl.
let originalPokemonImgUrl = [];
let duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = [];
let allPokemonImgUrl = [];
// PokéAPI URL.
const pokemonDataUrl = 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
// This function creates a random number depending on the settings below.
function randomNumber() {
// Settings for max randomnumbers starting from index 1.
let randomNumberMax = 500;
let fromIndex = 1;
// Math random function with values from randomnumbers.
return Math.floor(Math.random() * randomNumberMax) + fromIndex;
// Function for getting data from PokéAPI.
function getData() {
$.ajax ({
type: 'GET',
url: pokemonDataUrl + randomNumber(), // Calling randomnnumber to get a random pokémon.
success: function(pokemonData) {
var pokemonImgUrl = pokemonData.sprites.front_default; // Store and extract pokemon images.
originalPokemonImgUrl.push(pokemonImgUrl); // store ImagesURL to a global array called allPokemonImgUrl.
// Shuffle code from css-tricks.com.
function Shuffle(cards) {
for(var j, x, i = cards.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = cards[--i], cards[i] = cards[j], cards[j] = x);
return cards;
// function iterates through allPokemonImgUrl array and outputs it into the DOM.
function output() {
allPokemonImgUrl.forEach(function (i) {
$('#output').append('<img src="'+ [i] +'">');
/* This function copies the array so that we always have two of the same cards.
Then concat into a new array and shuffles it. After that it outputs the result.*/
function startGame(){
setTimeout( function(){
duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = originalPokemonImgUrl.slice();
}, 1000 );
setTimeout( function(){
allPokemonImgUrl = originalPokemonImgUrl.concat(duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl);
}, 1500 );
setTimeout( function(){
}, 2000 );
setTimeout( function(){
}, 2500 );
/* Events for clicking on game levels. It iterates to check how many cards it needs
and calls the function getData accordingly. */
$(document).on('click', '#easy', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < easy; cards++) {
$(document).on('click', '#medium', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < medium; cards++) {
$(document).on('click', '#hard', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < hard; cards++) {
When I click a button I get the images as expected.
But when I click it again it appends the new data after the old data. I want to remove the old ajax data first and then append the new data.
I found the solution:
Adding a clear function:
function clear() {
originalPokemonImgUrl = [];
duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = [];
allPokemonImgUrl = [];
Then just call it:
$(document).on('click', '#easy', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < easy; cards++) {

Showing Progress while Child row loads

Coming again with another question :)
This time I had a requirement to show some progress while Child rows are being loaded. Since there is an Api call which relatively takes little time to return data, I do want to show the some progress unless the user who clicks the parent row is totally unaware whether there is a call done to see its child rows.
What I have done:
I wrote a style sheet class which has a
image as this:
tr.loading td.details-control {
background: url('/Images/loader-small.gif') no-repeat center center;
and applied like this:
$('#accountManagerEarningsDataTable tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var row = table.row(tr);
try {
if (row.child.isShown()) {
// This row is already open - close it
else {
//Calling the loading Class ------>
// Open this row
var arrForTable1 = [];
var arrForTable2 = [];
totalBrokerage = 0;
totalRetailBrokerage = 0;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = 0;
console.log('You selected: ' + row.data().AccountManagerID);
var settings = {
"columnDefs": [
{ targets: 1, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 2, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 3, align: "right", decimals: 0 },
{ targets: 4, align: "right", decimals: 2 },
{ targets: 5, align: "right", decimals: 2 }
//problems with asynchoronus call back
var response = organization_GetAccountManagerDetailEarningsAccountData(row.data(), purl2, pcontext);
if (response.success === "true") {
for (var i = 0; i < response.value.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < response.value[i].Securities.length; j++) {
var itemRow2 = {};
itemRow2["Security ID"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].SecurityId;
itemRow2["Trades"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Trades;
itemRow2["Buy Qty"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].BuyQuantity;
itemRow2["Sell Qty"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].SellQuantity;
itemRow2["Total Brkg"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Effective_Brokerage;
itemRow2["Online Brkg"] = response.value[i].Securities[j].Online_Brokerage;
totalBrokerage = totalBrokerage + parseFloat(response.value[i].Securities[j].Effective_Brokerage);
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = totalSelfServiceBrokerage + parseFloat(response.value[i].Securities[j].Online_Brokerage);
totalBrokerage = Math.round(totalBrokerage * 100) / 100;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = Math.round(totalSelfServiceBrokerage * 100) / 100;
totalRetailBrokerage = Math.round(totalRetailBrokerage * 100) / 100;
var itemRow1 = {};
itemRow1["Account ID"] = response.value[i].AccountId;
itemRow1["Account Name"] = response.value[i].AccountName;
itemRow1["..."] = '<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">' + buildHtmlTable(arrForTable2, 'table2x' + j, settings) + '<p>Total Brokerage ' + numberWithCommas(totalBrokerage) + '</p></div>';
arrForTable2 = [];
totalBrokerage = 0;
totalRetailBrokerage = 0;
totalSelfServiceBrokerage = 0;
htmlTable1 = buildHtmlTable(arrForTable1, 'table1x' + i);
else {
row.child('<table><tr><td>' + response.value[0].AccountId + '</td></tr></table>').show();
} catch (e) {
The Problem:
Firefox nicely shows the Progress image after the user clicks it, but Edge and Chrome does not show. Both browsers crossed this piece of code when I was debugging from developer tools of the respective browser.
Its browser compatible problem? Is there a solution for it? Help me please.
In case of chrome there is such an issue while showing the loading bar while making a server call. Please make the following changes where you are making the service call. First add the class loading to the table
After that make the service call by giving a timeout function
var response = organization_GetAccountManagerDetailEarningsAccountData(row.data(), purl2, pcontext);
//Your service calls and response call backs
On providing a timeout (say 1ms), Chrome will get the time to bind the loading bar to DOM, In other case the DOM Object is not available to show the spinner.

How to display only one image in ezpublish JS slider

I'm a beginner php developer, and have a shockingly poor fluency in Javascript. An ezpublish website I'm working on has this slider in as a default piece of code, but it displays three items. How can I edit it to show only 1 item? The code is:
(function() {
YUI( YUI3_config ).use( 'node', 'event', 'io-ez', function(Y, result) {
Y.on('domready', function(e) {
var offset = 0;
var limit = 1;
var total = {$block.valid_nodes|count()};
var handleRequest = function(e) {
var className = e.target.get('className');
if ( className == 'carousel-next-button' ) {
offset += 1;
if ( offset > total )
offset = 0;
if ( className == 'carousel-prev-button' ) {
var diff = total - offset;
if( offset == 0 )
offset = 0;
offset -= 1;
var colContent = Y.Node.all('#block-3 .col-content');
colContent.each(function(n, e) {
var height = n.get('region').bottom - n.get('region').top;
n.setStyle('height', height + 'px');
n.set('innerHTML', '');
var data = 'http_accept=json&offset=' + offset;
data += '&limit=' + limit;
data += '&block_id={$block.id}';
Y.io.ez( 'ezflow::getvaliditems', { on: { success: _callBack
}, method: 'POST', data: data } );
var _callBack = function(id, o) {
if ( o.responseJSON !== undefined ) {
var response = o.responseJSON;
var colContent = Y.Node.all('#block-{$block.id} .col-content');
for(var i = 0; i < colContent.size(); i++) {
var colNode = colContent.item(i);
if ( response.content[i] !== undefined )
colNode.set('innerHTML', response.content[i] );
var prevButton = Y.one('#block-{$block.id} input.carousel-prev-button');
prevButton.on('click', handleRequest);
var nextButton = Y.one('#block-{$block.id} input.carousel-next-button');
nextButton.on('click', handleRequest);
A hand with this would be great x
Looks to me like this code loads each item after the user clicks prevButton or nextButton. So the simplest way to force only a single item to display is probably to hide those buttons.
Without the markup it's hard to say what the optimal solution is, but I would try to find out what makes the particular markup you're working with into a carousel (I'd guess a class containing "carousel") and remove that so that it's just a single item without the carousel functionality.
For what it's worth, this question is not specific to eZ Publish or PHP so I'd consider removing those tags.

How to setInterval() and removeInterval() in this situation?

I understand that in order to remove an interval you need a stored reference to it, so I figured I'll store function returns in a global array.
But why when I click on a cell the intervals keep going and only one stops (I saw first and last cell to stop flashing)?
What I wanted it to do is append a continuous fadeTo on all cells of a table row (excluding first one), and a listener that on clicking any of these cells would stop animations on all of them.
Here's my best effort so far (jsfiddle):
var intervals;
var target = $('#table');
var qty = target.find('td:contains(Price)');
var row = qty.closest('tr');
arr = new Array();
row.find('td').each( function() {
if ($(this).text() !== "Price" ) {
intervals = new Array();
function addAnimation(cell) {
var intv = setInterval(function() {
cell.fadeTo("slow", 0.3);
cell.fadeTo("slow", 1);
}, 1000);
cell.click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; intervals++) {
You are instantiating the intervals array multiple times and incrementing the wrong parameter in the for loop:
var intervals = [],
target = $('#table'),
qty = target.find('td:contains(Price)'),
row = qty.closest('tr');
row.find('td').each( function() {
if ($(this).text() !== "Price" ) {
function addAnimation(cell) {
var intv = setInterval(function() {
cell.fadeTo("slow", 0.3);
cell.fadeTo("slow", 1);
}, 1000);
cell.click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++) {
See: fiddle
Your other problem is here:
var intervals;
if ($(this).text() !== "Price" ) {
intervals = new Array();
That creates a new array each time. You should be initialising intervals when you declare it and delete the line creating a new array in the if block:
var intervals = [];
if ($(this).text() !== "Price" ) {
However, you may wish to run this more than once, so you should clear out the array when you clear the intervals, something like:
function addAnimation(cell) {
var intv = setInterval(function() {
cell.fadeTo("slow", 0.3);
cell.fadeTo("slow", 1);
}, 1000);
cell.click(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; intervals++) {
// reset the array
intervals = [];
or replace the for loop with something like:
while (intervals.length) {
which stops the intervals and clears the array in one go. :-)

Javascript function works for a while, then freezes the browser

I'm using this JS code to make a banner:
var images = ["../../images/g11.jpg","../../images/g9.jpg","../../images/g10.jpg"];
var titulos = ["title1","title2","title3"];
var resumos = ["ddd","aaa","bbb"];
var noticias = ["190","204","200"];
var total = 3;
var indice = 0;
function rotate() {
document.getElementById('imageb').src = images[indice];
document.getElementById('titulob').innerHTML = titulos[indice];
document.getElementById('resumob').innerHTML = resumos[indice];
document.getElementById('noticiab').value = noticias[indice];
if (indice > total - 1) indice = 0;
function banner() {
setTimeout(banner, 5000);
It works how expected, but after some loops it freezes the browser. Pretty sure I'm not using setTimeout properly. Any ideas?
Working so far:
function rotate(indice) {
document.getElementById('imageb').src = images[indice];
document.getElementById('titulob').innerHTML = titulos[indice];
document.getElementById('resumob').innerHTML = resumos[indice];
document.getElementById('noticiab').value = noticias[indice];
function banner(indice) {
var f1 = function() { banner(indice); };
var total = 3;
if (indice > total - 1) indice = 0;
setTimeout(f1, 5000);
I'm posting this as a CW because it's a total guess.
Completely FWIW, here's how I'd minimally change that code: Live Copy | Live Source
(function() {
var entries = [
img: "../../images/g11.jpg",
titulo: "title1",
resumo: "ddd",
noticia: "190"
img: "../../images/g9.jpg",
titulo: "title2",
resumo: "aaa",
noticia: "204"
img: "../../images/g10.jpg",
titulo: "title3",
resumo: "bbb",
noticia: "200"
var indice = 0;
function rotate() {
var entry = entries[indice];
document.getElementById('imageb').src = entry.img;
document.getElementById('titulob').innerHTML = entry.titulo;
document.getElementById('resumob').innerHTML = entry.resumo;
document.getElementById('noticiab').value = entry.noticia;
indice = (indice + 1) % data.length;
function banner() {
setTimeout(banner, 5000);
Put everything in a scoping function to avoid creating global variables.
Use an array of objects rather than parallel arrays.
Use the array's length rather than a separate total variable.
Use the remainder trick for getting the wrap-around on the indice variable.
I added a call to banner(); at the end to get things started, but I assume you have that and just didn't show it.
But again, I don't see any reason your code shouldn't be working as is, other than the possibility of some weird global variable conflict.

