Keycloak JavaScript API to get current logged in user - javascript

We plan to use keycloak to secure a bunch of web apps, some written in Java, some in JavaScript (with React).
After the user is logged in by keycloak, each of those web apps needs to retrieve the user that is logged in and the realm/client roles that the user has.
For Java apps, we tried the keycloak Java API (request -> KeycloakSecurityContext -> getIdToken -> getPreferredUsername/getOtherClaims). They seem to work fine
For JavaScript apps, we tried the following code, but could not get Keycloak to init successfully (Note this is in web app code after the user is already authenticated by keycloak, the app is only trying to retrieve who logged in with what roles):
var kc = Keycloak({
url: '',
realm: 'oneRealm',
clientId: 'main'
//this does not work as it can't find the keycloak.json file under WEB-INF
//var kc = Keycloak('./keycloak.json');
kc.init().success(function () {
console.log("kc.idToken.preferred_username: " + kc.idToken.preferred_username);
var authenticatedUser =;
}).error(function () {
I assume it would be fairly common that web apps need to retrieve current user info. Anyone knows why the above code didn't work?

<script src="http://localhost:8080/auth/js/keycloak.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const keycloak = Keycloak({
"realm": "yourRealm",
"auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
"ssl-required": "external",
"resource": "yourRealm/keep it default",
"public-client": true,
"confidential-port": 0,
"url": 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
"clientId": 'yourClientId',
"enable-cors": true
const loadData = () => {
if (keycloak.idToken) {
document.location.href = "?user="+keycloak.idTokenParsed.preferred_username;
} else {
keycloak.loadUserProfile(function() {
console.log('Account Service');
console.log(keycloak.profile.firstName + ' ' + keycloak.profile.lastName);
}, function() {
console.log('Failed to retrieve user details. Please enable claims or account role');
const loadFailure = () => {
console.log('Failed to load data. Check console log');
const reloadData = () => {
.error(() => {
console.log('Failed to load data. User is logged out.');
keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'login-required' }).success(reloadData);
simple javascript client authentication no frameworks.
for people who are still looking...

Your code asks the Keycloak client library to initialize, but it doesn't perform a login of the user or a check if the user is already logged in.
Please see the manual for details:
What your probably want to do:
Add check-sso to the init to check if the user is logged in and to retrieve the credentials keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'check-sso' ... }). You might even use login-required.
Make sure that you register a separate client for the front-end. While the Java backend client is of type confidential (or bearer only), the JavaScript client is of type public.
You find a very minimal example here:
Alternatively you can register a callback for onAuthSuccess to be notified once the user information has been retrieved.
Once you use Keycloak in the front-end, you will soon want to look in bearer tokens when calling REST resources in the backend.

You might have solved the problem by this time. I hope this answer help rest of the people in trouble.
when you use JavaScript Adopter
Below javascript should be added in of html page.
<script src="http://localhost:8080/auth/js/keycloak.js"></script>
/* If the keycloak.json file is in a different location you can specify it:
Try adding file to application first, if you fail try the another method mentioned below. Both works perfectly.
var keycloak = Keycloak('http://localhost:8080/myapp/keycloak.json'); */
/* Else you can declare constructor manually */
var keycloak = Keycloak({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
realm: 'Internal_Projects',
clientId: 'payments'
keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'login-required' }).then(function(authenticated) {
alert(authenticated ? 'authenticated' : 'not authenticated');
}).catch(function() {
alert('failed to initialize');
function logout() {
//alert("Logged Out");
</script> Reference Link.
Note : Read the comments for 2 methods of adding json credentials.


Keeping user logged in after refresh/using refresh token with Google OAuth2 in React app

I’m building a React app where a key part of the functionality is a user can sign into their Google account and then access a feed of their most recent Google Drive/Docs mentions and notifications. A user arrives at my site where I load the Google OAuth2 client with my client_id, apiKey, scope and discoveryDocs, and they can click a button to sign in. For convenience, I’d like the user to not have to re-login and re-auth with their Google account every time they use the app or the app refreshes, I’d like the login information to be saved across sessions. For this I’ll use localStorage to start but eventually integrate a database like Firebase.
After looking through the JavaScript client Google OAuth2 docs I understand how most things work - understand the data and methods stored in the GoogleUser, GoogleAuth, etc objects. I’m having a little trouble with access and refresh tokens. I recognize that you can get the authenticated user’s information through gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get() and gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get().getAuthResponse() returns an object with a lot of what I think I need like id_token, access_token and metadata like expires_at and token_type. I also see the grantOfflineAccess() method from which I extract response.code, but I’m not quite sure which of these tokenized strings is the right one to use and how I need to use it.
This FAQ from Google ( is somewhat helpful but advises to Refresh the token by calling gapi.auth.authorize with the client ID, the scope and immediate:true as parameters., but gapi.auth.authorize is noted by Google in the client JS OAuth2 library as being incompatible with the more widely used and heavily documented api.auth2.init and signIn.
I also have a vague idea from posts like Google OAuth2 API Refresh Tokens that I need to follow server-side OAuth2 instructions and I can only get this refresh_token through a server-side call, but I’m still at a bit of a loss. I’ll caveat and say I’m more of a front end developer/designer so I'm shaky on my node and server-side skills.
TL;dr: I don't know how to keep my users who signed in via Google OAuth2 signed in after a refresh. I have an idea it's due to refresh_token and access_token and I have access to them but I don't know what to do after that, in terms of sending data to Google servers, getting information back, and setting the token information for the given user when they return.
Here's my method that calls on componentDidMount (basically when my app first loads):
loadGoogleClient = () => {
gapi.load("client:auth2", () => {
'client_id': my-client-id,
'apiKey': my-key,
'scope': "",
'discoveryDocs': ['']
// Listen for sign-in state changes.
console.log(`User is signed in: ${gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()}`);
.then(() => { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API");
}, (error) => { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", error);
console.log('Init should have worked');
And here's my code that's onClick on my Signin button:
authGoogle = () => {
.signIn({scope: ""})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
If you are using the client lib (the gapi api) there is no need for a refresh token... Once logged in it should persist across sessions and refreshes... The issue is the code...
1) Include this in your index.html in the head section:
<script src=""></script>
2) Here is a component that will handle auth using the gapi lib and render a button conditionally (The code is self-explanatory but if you have a question just ask...)
import React from 'react';
class GoogleAuth extends React.Component {
state = { isSignedIn: null };
componentDidMount() {
window.gapi.load('client:auth2', () => {
clientId: '<your client id here...>',
scope: 'email', // and whatever else passed as a string...
.then(() => {
this.auth = window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
handleAuthChange = () => {
this.setState({ isSignedIn: this.auth.isSignedIn.get() });
handleSignIn = () => {
handleSignOut = () => {
renderAuthButton() {
if (this.state.isSignedIn === null) {
return null;
} else if (this.state.isSignedIn) {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignOut}>Sign Out</button>;
} else {
return <button onClick={this.handleSignIn}>Sign in with Google</button>;
render() {
return <div>{this.renderAuthButton()}</div>;
export default GoogleAuth;
Now you can simply use this component/button anywhere in your app... Meaning if you have a Navigation component simply import it there and use it as a button login / log out...

How to remove captcha verification from Firebase phone auth using javascript?

I am using firebase phone auth for the very first time and I see captcha verification is must proceed with the process, as per firebase official documentation. Though it serves a good purpose, but sometimes it becomes very bad for the user experience when it starts asking about the road signs, bridges and all. Is there a way to directly skip to the verification code right after getting user's number? As per the documentation, the code is mentioned below. Thanks.
var phoneNumber = getPhoneNumberFromUserInput();
var appVerifier = window.recaptchaVerifier;
firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, appVerifier)
.then(function (confirmationResult) {
// SMS sent. Prompt user to type the code from the message, then sign the
// user in with confirmationResult.confirm(code).
window.confirmationResult = confirmationResult;
}).catch(function (error) {
// Error; SMS not sent
// ...
var code = getCodeFromUserInput();
confirmationResult.confirm(code).then(function (result) {
// User signed in successfully.
var user = result.user;
// ...
}).catch(function (error) {
// User couldn't sign in (bad verification code?)
// ...
Go to Firebase console -->to your project-->project overview settings-->project settings --> App check -->overview (Register your app for SafetyNet).
Then your app will stop redirecting to web for captcha verification
method 1:
firebase.auth().settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true;
Firebase docs
// Turn off phone auth app verification.
firebase.auth().settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true;
var phoneNumber = "+16505554567";
var testVerificationCode = "123456";
// This will render a fake reCAPTCHA as appVerificationDisabledForTesting is true.
// This will resolve after rendering without app verification.
var appVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('recaptcha-container');
// signInWithPhoneNumber will call appVerifier.verify() which will resolve with a fake
// reCAPTCHA response.
firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, appVerifier)
.then(function (confirmationResult) {
// confirmationResult can resolve with the fictional testVerificationCode above.
return confirmationResult.confirm(testVerificationCode)
}).catch(function (error) {
// Error; SMS not sent
// ...
method 2:
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('sign-in-button', {
'size': 'invisible',
'callback': (response) => {
// reCAPTCHA solved, allow signInWithPhoneNumber.
I had the same problem while integrating iOS SDK.
If google has same architecture and classes of the firebase SDK across languages, this solution might work for you.
Auth.auth().settings?.isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = true
// Create a Recaptcha verifier instance globally
// Calls submitPhoneNumberAuth() when the captcha is verified
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
size: "invisible",
callback: function(response) {
use size: "normal" to size: "invisible"
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
size: "invisible",
callback: function(response) {
Firebase provides two properties for captcha size
Normal - which is visible and captcha code visible to the user and manually perform the captcha process.
Invisible - which is invisible to the user, automated captcha process, and code will auto render in DOM.
window.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(
"recaptcha-container", {
size: "invisible"
For more details, refer to this Official Link
Use isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = TRUE in auth settings as the below given snippet:
Auth.auth().settings.isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting = TRUE
Please check the below official information for more details:
JavaScript -
SDK reference -
Actually you can't. But, some of the devices it does not work. Instead, setup Safety and enable API key. Then back to your project setting in Firebase and copy and paste SHA-25 from Android Gradle to there if it does not exist. In this manner, in app browser redirecting will be no more irritating to you...
According To Google Official Docs 2 things are There :
Add Sha-256 Key to Firebase
Enable SafetyNet :
To use phone number authentication, Firebase must be able to verify that phone number sign-in requests are coming from your app. There are two ways Firebase Authentication accomplishes this:
SafetyNet: If a user has a device with Google Play Services installed, and Firebase Authentication can verify the device as legitimate with Android SafetyNet, phone number sign-in can proceed.
To enable SafetyNet for use with Firebase Authentication:
In the Google Cloud Console, enable the Android DeviceCheck API for your project. The default Firebase API Key will be used, and needs to be allowed to access the DeviceCheck API.
If you haven't yet specified your app's SHA-256 fingerprint, do so from the Settings Page of the Firebase console. Refer to Authenticating Your Client for details on how to get your app's SHA-256 fingerprint.
For More Details :

Refresh Office365 Authorization Token from Javascript

I currently have an issue with one of my apps.
The issue is that a user can keep the page open for a prolonged period of time before entering any data, so occasionally, when they enter data and hit the submit button, they are redirected to o365 for authentication and therefore lose the entered data.
I have all the standard authentication working for the app. However, i believe in order to do this, i would need to get a refreshed token in javascript when the submit button is clicked, and send this token to an api method in order to give access.
Is this possible and does anybody know how to go about it?
It is an MVC ASP.NET application using Owin O365 security with Microsoft Azure AD.
I am not sure what information or code snippets would be relevant here so if there is anything i can provide, please ask.
I have found multiple examples of getting tokens etc with angular, however, this is not an SPA and does not use angular.
Many Thanks in advance.
I have attempted to retrieve a token using ADAL JS using the following code but it doesnt seem to recognise the AuthorizationContext(config) call:
<script src=""></script>
$('#btnSubmit').on('click', function (e) {
function CheckUserAuthorised() {
window.config = {
instance: '',
tenant: '##################',
clientId: '###################',
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
var authContext = new AuthorizationContext(config); //THIS LINE FAILS
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
if (!user) {
alert("User Not Authorised");
else {
alert('User Authorized');
This gives the following error in console:
'AuthorizationContext' is undefined
I have no got passed the undefined error. This was because i was calling AuthorizationContext rather than AuthenticationContext. Schoolboy error. However now, whenever i check the user property of the context, it is always null. And i do not know a way around this as the context is initialised on page load.
There is a lack of a step in your code, here is a simple code sample, hope it will help you:
<script src=""></script>
access token
get user
<script type="text/javascript">
var configOptions = {
tenant: "<tenant_id>", // Optional by default, it sends common
clientId: "<client_id>",
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
window.authContext = new AuthenticationContext(configOptions);
var isCallback = authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash);
function getToken(){
authContext.acquireToken("",function(error, token){
function login(){
function getUser(){
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
The code sample is from the answer of No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header with Microsoft Online Auth. The issues are different but they are in the same scenario.
any further concern, please feel free to let me know.
I found a similar example on the web and your problem seems to be related to the object you are instantiating.
Instead of
new AuthorizationContext(window.config);
new AuthenticationContext(window.config);
The code ran just fine showing that the user was not authenticated.

Google Oauth Cross-client auth with javascript: Token has expired

I've been dealing all day with this problem and I just can't figure out what's wrong.
I have an application using the Google Api client for javascript which is working with no problems. Now I want to do something on the server side, so after researching for a bit, found that the way to go would be to use the token on the client side with setAccessToken method in the backend.
So I try sending my token object as JSON (using JSON.stringify(gapi.auth.getToken()) ) and once I try doing an API call on the backend that requires auth, I get the following error:
The OAuth 2.0 access token has expired, and a refresh token is not available. Refresh tokens are not returned for responses that were auto-approved.
So, a little puzzled, I try veryfing the token using curl on google's endpoint, which returns the following
"issued_to": "client_id",
"audience": "client_id",
"user_id": "user_id",
"scope": "",
"expires_in": 1465,
"email": "user_email",
"verified_email": true,
"access_type": "online"
So I know the token is fine and valid. The way my code is setup is as follows (redacted for:
// The token JSON is not inline, it comes from another source directly from the client side, but this is how it looks
$token_json = '{"state":"","access_token":"TOTALLY_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":"3600","scope":"","client_id":"CLIENT_ID","g_user_cookie_policy":"single_host_origin","cookie_policy":"single_host_origin","response_type":"token","issued_at":"1415583001","expires_at":"1415586601","g-oauth-window":{},"status":{"google_logged_in":false,"signed_in":true,"method":"PROMPT"}}';
$client = new Google_Client();
$youtube = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);
/* Random code goes here */
// Auth Exception here.
$insertRequest = $youtube->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video);
} catch (Google_Exception $e) {
Do I need to set up offline access or something? I have the requirement that the login process must be in javascript, so no chance of recreating the login flow from the backend.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Well, if someone else stumbles into this:
Apparently, sharing tokens directly is not the way to go, since the different API wrappers handle tokens differently. What you have to do is pass the one-time code to PHP and use the following to acquire an access token
$client = new Google_Client();
// Couldn't find this anywhere in the docs, but it's required. If you don't pass this, you will get an Origin Mismatch error.
// Get this from javascript
// Optionally, you might want to retrieve the token and save it somewhere else e.g. the session, as the code is only good for a single use.
$_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
Also, from JS you NEED to specify you require this one-time code besides the JS token, which I couldn't find documented anywhere else as well.
Example settings, for gapi.auth.authorize
client_id: CLIENT_ID
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin'
response_type: 'code token'
immediate: true
Thanks a lot, Moustached. I've also spent the whole day trying to solve that. However, I found not that obvious what is one-time code and how to get it, so I decided to provide my code here in case someone else face the same problem:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="" async defer></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
var auth2;
window.onGoogleAPILoad = function() {
gapi.load('auth2', function() {
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: 'CLIENT_ID', scope: 'profile' });
$('button').on('click', function() {
auth2.grantOfflineAccess({'redirect_uri': 'postmessage'}).then(function(response) {
method: 'POST',
url: '/auth/signin',
success: onAuthSuccess = function(response) {
// check response from your server and reload page if succeed
data: { code: response.code }
<button>Sign In</button>
and for back-end the code is almost the same:
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->authenticate($code); // here is one-time code
$plus = new Google_Service_Plus($client);
$user = $plus->people->get('me');
// $user is in array, containing now id, name, etc.
Here is an article on that topic.

Meteor login via Third party library

I'm trying to login to my meteor site via a third party library like this one:
In my server.js i have:
facebook_login: function (fbUser, accessToken) {
var options, serviceData, userId;
serviceData = {
accessToken: accessToken,
options = {
profile: {
userId = Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService('facebook', serviceData, options);
return userId;
}, ......
In my client.js I have:
facebookLogin: function () {
if (Meteor.user())
if (!Session.equals("deviceready", true))
if (!Session.equals("meteorLoggingIn", false))
// Do not run if plugin not available
if (typeof window.plugins === 'undefined')
if (typeof window.plugins.facebookConnect === 'undefined')
// After device ready, create a local alias
var facebookConnect = window.plugins.facebookConnect;
console.log('Begin activity');
Session.equals("meteorLoggingIn", true);
permissions: ["email", "user_about_me"],
appId: "123456789012345"
}, function (result) {
console.log("FacebookConnect.login:" + JSON.stringify(result));
// Check for cancellation/error
if (result.cancelled || result.error) {
console.log("FacebookConnect.login:failedWithError:" + result.message);
Session.equals("meteorLoggingIn", false);
var access_token = result.accessToken;'facebook_login', result, access_token, function (error, user) {
Session.equals("meteorLoggingIn", false);
if (!error) {
var id = Accounts._makeClientLoggedIn(, user.token);
console.log("FacebookConnect.login: Account activated " + JSON.stringify(Meteor.user()));
} else {
// Accounts._makeClientLoggedOut();
}, // login
facebookLogout: function () {
// var facebookConnect = window.plugins.facebookConnect;
// facebookConnect.logout();
The third party library (Facebook Android SDK in my case) works fine. My problem is after the "var id = Accounts._makeClientLoggedIn(, user.token);" the Meteor.user() returns Undefined. However If I do a page refresh in the browser works fine and the template renders as a logged in user.
Anyone knows how to fix the 'Undefined' on client ??
PS. On server side the users collection looks fine. The meteor token and everything else are there.
Solved. I had to add : this.setUserId(;
after userId = Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService('facebook', serviceData, options); at server.js
Meteor's client side javascript can't run fibers. Fibers allows synchronous code to be used with javascript since by design js is asynchronous. This means there are callbacks that need to be used to let you know when the task is complete.
From what it looks like Accounts._makeClientLoggedIn doesn't take a callback & unfortunately and doesn't return any data looking at its source. I can't say i've tried this myself because I can't test your code without the android sdk but have you tried using Deps.flush to do a reactive flush?
Also Meteor also has very clean and easy facbeook integration. If you simply add the facebook meteor package
meteor add accounts-facebook
You can get access to a lovely Meteor.loginWithFacebook method that can make everything reactive and your code simpler and really easy. If you need to modify it to use the Android SDK Dialog instead you can easily modify the code out as the code for the module is out there for you to hack up to your spec
Edit: If you're using an external SDK such as the java SDK/cordova plugin
Set your plugin so that it redirects to the following URL (set up for hosting):
So in the querystring we have:
scope= Contains your facebook scope params (for permissions)
code= Your OAuth code from the java sdk
redirect=Where to redirect to after once logged in instead of the window.close
state= A cros site forgery state value, any random value will do
This url is basically used to mimic would what be given to the REDIRECT_URI at :
This will redirect to meteor's OAuth helper (at
So what would happen is you give the OAuth code from Java to meteor, it fetches the OAuth token and the user's data, then redirect the user to a URL in your app

