Trying to learn JavaScript Map() object for keyword-value pairs - javascript

In the early 1990s working in C developing real time music software, I wanted to code a keyword lookup algorithm which I finally did in JavaScript years later. It was accepted to SourceForge as HashCompactor, and someone asked me where to find out more about it. Then the HTML5 Map object obfuscated it, and my buggy forgotten code fell to the wayside.
I've recently rewritten it as MyMap to better match the JavaScript Map object for porting to other languages as originally intended. (Most of the demo action is in console.log.) I seems to match the specifications as best I can, but there's quirks specific to JavaScript I can't duplicate, so I'm curious as to whether I can use defineProperty to do so, say, by toggling a size property size to be read-only to the client instead of a function call, and I saw something about enumeration that might fix issues with the missing MyMap functionality?
I don't understand the defineProperty function whatsoever.
Otherwise, my biggest concerns are with garbage collection. Should every parameter be explicitly deleted or just those allocated with new? Didn't I see an algorithm that deep cleans objects?
Otherwise, the premise of the code is to read each character in the keyword string or number creating children for those that come after it so that everything beginning with the same character or digit only searches that call tree.


JavaScript: why are some functions not methods?

I was once asked by a student why we write:
that is, why one has the variable as a parameter, while the other is applied to the variable.
I explained that while toLowerCase is a method of string objects, parseInt wasn’t designed that way. OK, so it’s window.parseInt, but that just makes it a method of a different object.
But it struck me as an inconsistency — why are some string or other functions not methods of their corresponding objects?
The question is why? Is there a technical reason why parseInt and other functions are not methods, or is that just a historical quirk?
In general, Javascript was designed in a hurry, so questioning each individual design decision isn't always a productive use of your time.
Having said that, for parseInt in particular, the reason is simple to explain: it accepts pretty much any arbitrary type, like:
parseInt(undefined) // NaN
Since you cannot implement undefined.parseInt(), the only way to do it is to implement it as a static function.
As of ECMAScript 2015, parseInt has been mirrored in Number.parseInt, where it arguably makes more sense than on window. For backwards compatibility window.parseInt continues to exist though.
In this specific case it makes sense with respect to encapsulation.
Consider parseInt() - it is taking a value of an unknown type from an unknown location and extracting an integer value from it. Which object are you going to have it a method of? All of them?
String.toUpperCase() should only take a string as input (else something which may be cast as a string) and will return a string. This is well encapsulated within a small subset of cases, and since values are not strongly typed it seems logical to not have it as a global function.
As for the rest of JavaScript I have no idea nor do I have insight into the real reason it was done this way, but for these specific examples it appears to me to be a reasonable design decision.
The development progress of the JavaScript language is quite fast in recent years. With that in mind, a lot of things are still in the API due to backward compatibility - historical reasons as you said. Although I can't say that's the only reason.
In JavaScript, you can approach a problem not just with Object oriented paradigm (where methods of objects usually shares a common state). Another, functional approach can be applied quite easily without getting into too much trouble with JavaScript language.
JavaScript gives great power to its users with many possibilities of approaching a problem. There is a saying: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility".

Does MemberwiseClone in C# do the same as = in Javascript when copying objects

Really sorry once again for asking such a noobie question, but I'm having real trouble getting my head around the answers I have found online and I just need to know for sure...
I am converting some Javascript to C# and one of the things in the JS is the line
this.shared.cascade.stage_classifier[i].orig_feature = this.shared.cascade.stage_classifier[i].feature;
Now feature is actually an array of features each of which contains numerous arrays of ints...
However when I use the same line in C# (having made the necessary classes inc class for a feature that contains the various arrays of ints) none of the said ints seem to have any values...
So basically I am just after the equivalent thing I need to use in C# to copy 'feature' to 'orig_feature' and have it do the same things (i.e. when values change in 'feature' in the JS I pretty sure they also change in 'orig_feature' too, though I am not sure about the vice-versa)
UNEDIT: It turned out something else was going wrong in my code so I removed the examples I placed here, sorry about that!
The assignment operator does the same thing in both languages, it will copy the array reference from the feature property to the orig_feature property.
There will only be one array, with two references to it. When you use one reference to change the array you will see the changes when you access it using the other reference.
There is no "original" reference, so it works the same both ways.

Is it worth creating a LinkedList in Java Script

I am currently working on a project that requires me to iterate through a list of values and add a new value in between each value already in the list. This is going to be happening for every iteration so the list will grow exponentially. I decided that implementing the list as a Linked List would be a great idea. Now, JS has no default Linked List data structure, and I have no problem creating one.
But my question is, would it be worth it to create a simple Linked List from scratch, or would it be a better idea to just create an array and use splice() to insert each element? Would it, in fact, be less efficient due to the overhead?
Use a linked list, in fact most custom implementations done well in user javascript will beat built-in implementations due to spec complexity and decent JITting. For example see
What george said is literally 100% false on every point, unless you take a time machine to 10 years ago.
As for implementation, do not create external linked list that contains values but make the values naturally linked list nodes. You will otherwise use way too much memory.
Inserting each element with splice() would be slower indeed (inserting n elements takes O(n²) time). But simply building a new array (appending new values and appending the values from the old one in lockstep) and throwing away the old one takes linear time, and most likely has better constant factors than manipulating a linked list. It might even take less memory (linked list nodes can have surprisingly large space overhead, especially if they aren't intrusive).
Javascript is an interpreted language. If you want to implement a linked list then you will be looping a lot! The interpreter will perform vely slowly. The built-in functions provided by the intrepreter are optimized and compiled with the interpreter so they will run faster. I would choose to slice the array and then concatenate everything again, it should be faster then implementing your own data structure.
As well javascript passes by value not by pointer/reference so how are you going to implement a linked list?

Custom JSON.stringify fails to Stringify object as whole, but works when iterated one level deep

Hoping someone can spot the error, because I'm having trouble
Alright, I built my own JSON.stringify for just custom large objects. It may not be exactly to specification for some edge case things, but's only meant for stringify on large objects that I'm building myself.
Well, it works, and works well for most objects, but I have an Object I'm trying to stringify and it's failing and printing this before exiting:
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Not very helpful. The object is fine because the regular call to JSON.stringify(object) works fine, and when I iterate over the object with for (var x in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(x)) { myStringify(obj); } that works fine, but if I call it on the top level of the object, it goes to hell... It doesn't really make sense to me, and the only thing I can think of is the level if recursion is somehow breaking something...
The Parser : - The stringify function I'm calling
ObjectIterator.js : - Mostly to provide the asynchronous iteration
Edit So, I iterated over the object one level deep and compared the resulting string to the string of JSON.stringify(sameLevelDeep) and they're equal. Since the output is equal, I'm not sure that it's how I'm parsing something, but possible that it's such a large object or the amount of recursion is so high?
Edit 2 So, I "fixed" the problem, I guess. Instead of every 25th iteration being pushed to the next event loop, I push every fifth. I'm not sure why this would make a difference but it does... I guess the question is now "Why does that make a difference"?
Okay well, beyond it being a very specific question helping a very specific person, I would like to take this to a different place, that might also remove your problem and maybe help others.
Since you are not specifying why you are going through this process, I will have to break it down and guess -- and provide a solution for each guessed idea.
1. (Browser) You are trying to use JavaScript to crunch data, and provide the user with a result
Downloading at least several megabytes of raw data ("some of these objects are 5-10million characters") on a webpage to process and display a result is far from optimal, you should probably be doing this operation on the server side and download the pre-calculated result.
Besides, no matter what you are doing, JavaScript does not support threads.
setTimeout(1, function() { JSON.stringify(data); }); shouldn't be much different from what you are doing.
2. (Browser) You are trying to display the downloaded content
You should attempt downloading smaller chunks instead of the whole 10+ million character content using the built-in JSON.stringify method.
3. (Non-browser) You are trying to use JavaScript for an application that requires threading
You should consider using a different programming language for this application.
In summary
I think you are climbing the wrong mountain, you can achieve the same thing walking around it without breaking sweat. If you want to climb a mountain for kicks, there are mountains out there that need it -- but it's not this one.
Translation: Work on the architecture to obsolete the obstacle instead of trying to solve it, if you want to solve a problem there are problems that need a solving -- but it's not this one.

Creating a Basic Formula Editor in JavaScript

I'm working on creating a basic RPG game engine prototype using JavaScript and canvas. I'm still working out some design specs on paper, and I've hit a bit of a problem I'm not quite sure how to tackle.
I will have a Character object that will have an array of Attribute objects. Attributes will look something like this:
function(name, value){ = name;
this.value = value;
A Character will also have "skills" that are calculated off attributes. A skills value can also be determined by a formula entered by the user. A legit formula would look something like this:
((#attribute1Name + (#attribute2Name / 2) * 5)
where any text following the # sign represents the name of an attribute belonging to that character. The formula will be entered into a text field as a string.
What I'm having a problem with is understanding the proper way to parse and evaluate this formula. Initially, my plan was to do a simple replace on the attribute names and eval the expression (if invalid, the eval would fail). However, this presents a problem as it would allow for JavaScript injection into the field. I'm assuming I'll need some kind of FSM similar to an infix calculator to solve this, but I'm a little rusty on my computation theory (thanks corporate world!). I'm really not asking for someone to just hand me the code so much as I'd like to get your input on what is the best solution to this problem?
EDIT: Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately life has kept me busy and I haven't tried a solution yet. Will update when I get a result (good or bad).
Different idea, hence a separate suggestion:
eval() works fine, and there's no need to re-invent the wheel.
Assuming that there's only a small and fixed number of variables in your formula language, it would be sufficient to scan your way through the expression and verify that everything you encounter is either a parenthesis, an operator or one of your variable names. I don't think there would be any way to assemble those pieces into a piece of code that could have malicious side effects on eval.
Scan the expression to verify that it draws from just a very limited vocabulary.
Let eval() work it out.
Probably the compromise with the least amount of work and code while bringing risk down to (near?) 0. At worst, a misuser could tack parentheses on a variable name in an attempt to execute the variable.
I think instead of letting them put the whole formula in, you could have select tags that have operations and values, and let them choose.
ie. a set of tags with attribute-operation-number:
<select> <select> <input type="text">
#attribute1Name1 + (check if input is number)
#attribute1Name2 -
#attribute1Name3 *
#attribute1Name4 /
There is a really simple solution: Just enter a normal JavaScript formula (i.e. as if you were writing a method for your object) and use this to reference the object you're working on.
To change this when evaluating the method use apply() or call() (see this answer).
I recently wrote a similar application. I probably invested far too much work, but I went the whole 9 yards and wrote both a scanner and a parser.
The scanner converted the text into a series of tokens; tokens are simple objects consisting of token type and value. For the punctuation marks, value = character, for numbers the values would be integers corresponding to the numeric value of the number, and for variables it would be (a reference to) a variable object, where that variable would be sitting in a list of objects having a name. Same variable object = same variable, natch.
The parser was a simple brute force recursive descent parser. Here's the code.
My parser does logic expressions, with AND/OR taking the place of +/-, but I think you can see the idea. There are several levels of expressions, and each tries to assemble as much of itself as it can, and calls to lower levels for parsing nested constructs. When done, my parser has generated a single Node containing a tree structure that represents the expression.
In your program, I guess you could just store that Node, as its structure will essentially represent the formula for its evaluation.
Given all that work, though, I'd understand just how tempting it would be to just cave in and use eval!
I'm fascinated by the task of getting this done by the simplest means possible.
Here's another approach:
Convert infix to postfix;
use a very simple stack-based calculator to evaluate the resulting expression.
The rationale here being, once you get rid of the complication of "* before +" and parentheses, the remaining calculation is very straightforward.
You could look at running the user-defined code in a sandbox to prevent attacks:
Is It Possible to Sandbox JavaScript Running In the Browser?

