How could I manage permissions of jhipster's authorities? - javascript

I am coding a webapp using JHipster code generator.
I created 2 extra roles, now I have 5 in total:
I was wondering how could I manage their permissions to show some RESTs.
For example, I would like to let the PRESIDENT add new users to database, other simple users should not see the web service that do the work.
Is there a file that I'm ignoring by mistake that could help me with this feature?
Giving thanks in advice for your precious time,

Adding new roles to JHipster needs to be added in 2 places.
The obvious one is the AngularJS frontend. To add your new role to user edit view, you add them to the select options in "user-management.controller.js" at vm.authorities = ['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ADMIN']
To enforce the role at different places in UI, you either add your roles to the state JS files. Just add them to data.authorities (check user-management.state.js)
If you like to have a template block visible only if a user has the proper role, check out the hasAnyAuthority directive.
The other Part is to secure the backend. If using a current JHipster version and SQL database, authorities are stored in the database. Add your custom roles to authorities.csv of your liquibase migrations.
Last but not least, you can enforce roles in WebSecurityConfiguration or MicroserviceSecurityConfiguration (just look at the existing antMatchers)


Looping with Firestore querying [Web/Javascript]

How would I go about setting up a loop to query through my Firestore database structure? I don't believe I'm allowed to post pictures or links yet, so I'll try to give some path examples here. Note that there is a lot more to it than these examples.
Rating->Arrow->Arrow-Rating->(user ID)->(data fields)show_name, user_id, rating
Rating->Arrow->Arrow-Rating->(different user ID)->(data fields)show_name, user_id, rating
Rating->Flash->Flash-Rating->(user ID)->((data fields)show_name, user_id, rating<br />
To give a quick rundown of what this is all about, I'm trying to develop a mock site (with functionality) for a project, where I can display user created information (user info is created from a concurrently developed Android application) such as ratings.
Basically what I'm trying to do is get and display the average rating for each show, by getting each 'rating' field from each user in the respective "Rating" paths... i.e., getting a user rating from each show (Show-Rating->User ID/(data fields)), going to the next user from the same show, and then going to the next show and doing the same.
I'm just not entirely sure how to start going about this.
I suggest you use a cloud function that listens for changes in the ratings node. Use OnUpdate listener
Store every movie rating in its own node, and only query that node for the rating
This will reduce a lot of computation on the client side and will also be more efficient
Use this guide that describes a distributed counter

How to auto-generate pages from an API with JavaScript on a WordPress site?

I'm using an API in JSON format to display the standings of sports teams in a league. Here's an example of the JSON data I'm working with:
{ "data":[
"result":"Promotion - Premiership (Championship Group)",
I have a way to associate the team_ID with specific team data from the API. What I'm trying to do is to make the teams in my Standings tables clickable, so when the user clicks on a team, they can go to a page where I display data for that specific team (the info would, of course, be extracted from the API). Now, I'm developing the website on top of WordPress, and I'm wondering how I can auto-generate pages for every team, so that site users can go to specific team pages directly from the Standings tables.
It's not convenient for me to manually create pages with a piece of code and upload them to the FTP server for each team, because there'll be so many teams (eventually thousands of teams), and it's definitely not feasible.
Can anyone please guide me on the way to auto-create pages for the teams so my team links don't return 404 Not Found pages? An important point is that I'm using JavaScript to manipulate the data.
I'm using the team_id property in the API to create my team links, but I don' know how to use my team_id to automatically create team pages on my WordPress site.
Please help if you can. :)
You can use ajax method on click team-id, in ajax call function, check, is this team-id exists or not, if exists redirect to respective page or not create a new page and display require information.
I have worked same type project, I am using CPT method for the game and used the custom taxonomy for team and player.

Paypal Express Checkout / React - Send Product Information

I'm working on a shop app that I want to use Paypal with to checkout.
I have installed this very nifty React implementation of the Express Checkout Button -
After setting up my merchant account, developer app, and sandbox accounts it was working right away.
The only issue I'm running into is that my app has a built-in cart; Keeping track of what items the user intends to purchase and what options they have selected for each one ( Color, size, quantity, etc ), and the seller needs to know this information so they can ship the correct products.
I was wondering if there is a way I could send some additional information with the purchase to let the seller know what products the user has purchased and what options they have selected. If somehow I could just send one extra string to appear in the seller's account I could easily attach the user's cart info.
Sorry if this is a noob-ish question. I am still fairly new to web-dev.
So I found in the documentation that you can send a table of items using item_list. With each item you can attach a name, as well as a list of options ( size, color, etc,. ) But I cannot find how to format this list in the documentation, and no one seems to know.
So as a workaround I am just attaching the options to the name so the buyer and seller can see a full list of every item and their options.
Here's what it looks like in your paypal transaction -
If anyone needs to use this I forked the node package above and implemented this functionality. Hopefully this can help someone trying to implement paypal into their react shop.

Adding a user to PFRelation using Parse Cloud Code

I am using with my iPhone app.
I ran into a problem earlier where I was trying to add the currently logged in user to another user's PFRelation key/column called "friendsRelation" which is basically the friends list.
The only problem, is that you are not allowed to save changes to any other users besides the one that is currently logged in.
I then learned, that there is a workaround you can use, using the "master key" with Parse Cloud Code.
I ended up adding the code here to my Parse Cloud Code:
This works great and I can successfully test this and add an NSString to a string column/key in the Parse database.
However, I do not know how to modify the Parse Cloud Code to let me add a user to another user's PFRelation column/key.
I have been trying everything for the past 2 hours with the above Parse Cloud Code I linked to and could not get anything to work, and then I realized that my problem is with the actual cloud code, not with how I'm trying to use it in xcode, because like I said I can get it to successfully add an NSString object for testing purposes.
My problem is that I do not know javascript and don't understand the syntax, so I don't know how to change the Cloud Code which is written in javascript.
I need to edit the Parse Cloud Code that I linked to above, which I will also paste below at the end of this question, so that I can add the currently logged in PFUser object to another user's PFRelation key/column.
The code that I would use to do this in objective-c would be:
[friendsRelation addObject:user];
So I am pretty sure it is the same as just adding an object to an array, but like I said I don't know how to modify the Parse Cloud Code because it's in javascript.
Here is the Parse Cloud Code:
Parse.Cloud.define('editUser', function(request, response) {
var userId = request.params.userId,
newColText = request.params.newColText;
var User = Parse.Object.extend('_User'),
user = new User({ objectId: userId });
user.set('new_col', newColText);
Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); {
}, function(error) {
And then here is how I would use it in xcode using objective-c:
[PFCloud callFunction:#"editUser" withParameters:#{
#"userId": #"someuseridhere",
#"newColText": #"new text!"
Now it just needs to be modified for adding the current PFUser to another user's PFRelation column/key, which I am pretty sure is technically just adding an object to an array.
This should be fairly simple for someone familiar with javascript, so I really appreciate the help.
Thank you.
I would recommend that you rethink your data model, and extract the followings out of the user table. When you plan a data model, especially for a NoSQL database, you should think about your queries first and plan your structure around that. This is especially true for mobile applications, as server connections are costly and often introduces latency issues if your app performs lots of connections.
Storing followings in the user class makes it easy to find who a person is following. But how would you solve the task of finding all users who follow YOU? You would have to check all users if you are in their followings relation. That would not be an efficient query, and it does not scale well.
When planning a social application, you should build for scalabilty. I don't know what kind of social app you are building, but imagine if the app went ballistic and became a rapidly growing success. If you didn't build for scalability, it would quickly fall apart, and you stood the chance of losing everything because the app suddenly became sluggish and therefore unusable (people have almost zero tolerance for waiting on mobile apps).
Forget all previous prioities about consistency and normalization, and design for scalability.
For storing followings and followers, use a separate "table" (Parse class) for each of those two. For each user, store an array of all usernames (or their objectId) they follow. Do the same for followers. This means that when YOU choose to follow someone, TWO tables need to be updated: you add the other user's username to the array of who you follow (in the followings table), and you also add YOUR username to the array of the other user's followers table.
Using this method, getting a list of followers and followings is extremely fast.
Have a look at this example implementation of Twitter for the Cassandra NoSQL database:

utility to check app name availability in App Store

Is there any object or code (javascript, php...) that can be integrated to check if an application name is available in the app store?
If you want to check if a name is available for your app on Apple AppStore, you have to use itunesconnect website, and try to create a new application, it will ask you for the name, if it is not available you will not be able to proceed with the creation of it.
If you want to take the name, finish the creation of the application on itunesconnect, you can always edit it before to submit for the final review.

