I have build a connection by using d3. The codes show the data and method of connection:
var places = {
TYO: [139.76, 35.68],
BKK: [100.48, 13.75],
BER: [13.40, 52.52],
NYC: [-74.00, 40.71],
var connections = {
CONN1: [places.TYO, places.BKK],
CONN2: [places.BER, places.NYC],
.datum({type: "LineString", coordinates: connections.CONN1})
.attr("class", "route")
.attr("d", path);
.datum({type: "LineString", coordinates: connections.CONN2})
.attr("class", "route")
.attr("d", path);
You can see my codes, that I use the two identical methods to build two connections. That is not good to build more connections.
I am wondering, if there is a loop function to interpret the connections by using data "connections" directly? I mean, I could get information for data "connections" and use them directly to build connections.
I have thought some ways, such as .datum({type: "LineString", function(d,i) {
return coordinates: connections[i];});. But it does not work.
Could you please tell me some way to solve it? Thanks.
Generally when you want to append many features in d3, you want to use an array not an object. With an array you can use a d3 enter selection which will then allow you to build as many features as you need (if sticking to an object, note that connections[0] is not what you are looking for, connections["conn1"] is).
Instead, use a data structure like:
var connections = [
[places.TYO, places.NYC],
[places.BKK, places.BER],
If you must have identifying or other properties for each datapoint use something like:
var connections = [
{points:[places.TYO, places.NYC],id: 1,...},
{points:[places.BKK, places.BER],id: 2,...},
For these set ups you can build your lines as follows:
paths = svg.selectAll(".connection")
.attr('d', function(d) {
return path ({
coordinates: d
See here. Or:
paths = svg.selectAll(".connection")
.attr('d', function(d) {
return path ({
coordinates: d.points
Alternatively, you can use a data set up like:
var connections = [
{target:"TYO", source:"NYC"},
{target:"BKK", source: "BER"},
paths = svg.selectAll(".connection")
.attr('d', function(d) {
return path ({
coordinates: [ places[d.source],places[d.target] ]
See here.
If selecting elements that don't yet exist, using these lines
will append a path for each item in the data array - this means that d3 generally avoids the use of for loops as the desired behavior is baked right into d3 itself.
I am using j3.ds to deploy some data on a pie chart. It seems to work fine and it updates correctly when I introduce new data. The thing is, I wanted to do the transition when updating smoothly, like here:
For some reason it is not working when I introduce the merge and transition, can somebody help with the task? thanks in advance
function update() {
var data = d3.selectAll('.values').nodes();
var pie = d3.pie() //we create this variable, for the values to be readeable in the console
.value(function(d) {return d.innerHTML; })(data);
console.log("pie = ",pie)
var u = svg.selectAll("path")
console.log("u = ",u)
// Build the pie chart: Basically, each part of the pie is a path that we build using the arc function
.attr('d', d3.arc()
.attr('fill', function(d,i){ return color[i] })
.attr("stroke", "black")
.style("stroke-width", "2px")
.style("opacity", 1)
Merge combines one selection with another as follows:
selectionCombined = selection1.merge(selection2);
You aren't providing a second selection, so you aren't merging anything. The selection you do have you are calling .merge() on is the enter selection, returned by .enter() - unless you add new slices to the pie, this will be empty every update after the first. As you aren't merging anything with the enter selection, post merge the selection is still empty.
The enter selection is used to create elements so that for every item in the data array there is one corresponding element in the DOM - as you already have slices, only the update selection is not empty.
The update selection is that returned by .data(), it contains existing elements which correspond to items in the data array. You want to merge this selection with the one returned by .enter():
var update = svg.selectAll("path")
var enter = update.enter()
var merged = update.merge(enter)
However, a transition needs a start value and an end value. In your case you are trasitioning the d attribute of a path. On update the start value is the path's current d and the end value is a d representing the new value for the slice. On initial entry, what is the value that the transition should start from? It may be more appropriate to only transition on update:
var arc = d3.arc().innerRadius(0).outerRadius(radius);
var update = svg.selectAll("path")
var enter = update.enter()
// Set initial value:
.attr('d', arc)
// If these values don't change, set only on enter:
.attr('fill', function(d,i){ return color[i] })
.attr("stroke", "black")
.style("stroke-width", "2px")
// transition existing slices to reflect new data.
Note: transitioning paths can be difficult - you'll notice the deformity to the pie in the transition in your example. This is because of how the d attribute string is interpolated. If you want to preserve the radius a different approach is needed in applying the transition.
I am trying to plot a map of the UK and plotting a few selected points on it.
I am following the first part of this tutorial https://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/
Here's what I have done.
var svg = d3.select('body').append('svg')
.attr('height', height)
.attr('width', width)
d3.json("/data/uk.json", function(error, uk) {
if (error) return console.error(error);
var subunits = topojson.feature(uk, uk.objects.subunits);
var projection = d3.geo.albers()
.center([0, 55.4])
.rotate([4.4, 0])
.parallels([50, 60])
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
var path = d3.geo.path()
.attr('d', path);
.data(topojson.feature(uk, uk.objects.subunits).features)
.attr('d', path);
Here is the part where I try to plot the points
d3.json('/data/places.json', function (error , result) {
.style('stroke', 'green')
.attr('d' , d3.geo.path().projection(projection))
The above code plots only one point on the map, i.e the first one in the JSON file
You are not correctly binding your features' data when using
.style('stroke', 'green')
.attr('d' , d3.geo.path().projection(projection))
This will append one path, bind the first element of result.features to this path and set the style and attribute accordingly.
To work the way you want it, you need to make use of the data joining mechanism of D3.
.attr('class', 'feature')
.style('stroke', 'green')
.attr('d' , d3.geo.path().projection(projection))
This will compute a data join for the features in result.features putting the new elements in the enter selection which is accessible by calling enter() on the seletion. Using this enter selection you can now append paths for all your features.
A further side note not directly related to your issue:
Depending on the number of features you want to append to your map, the .attr("d") setter might be called quite often. You could improve performance by reusing one instance of the path generator:
var geoPath = d3.geo.path().projection(projection); // You need just one instance
.attr('class', 'feature')
.style('stroke', 'green')
.attr('d' , geoPath) // Re-use the path generator
This is considered best practice, which should be generally applied.
I have a scatter graph built with d3.js. It plots circles in the graph for the spending habits of specific people.
I have a select menu that changes the specific user and updates the circles on the scatter graph.
The problem is the old circles are not removed on update.
Where are how should I use .remove() .update(), please see this plnkr for a working example
First, Alan, I suggest you to adhere to some coding style convention to make your code readable. I know that D3 examples, and the library code per se, almost never promote code readability, but it's in your interest first, because it's much easier to maintain readable code.
Second, you need to understand how D3 works with enter, update and exit sets, when you change data. Mike Bostock's Thinking with Joins may be a good start. Unless you understand how the joins work, you won't be able to program dynamic D3 charts.
Third, here's a bug in updateScatter. name.length makes no sense because your first name variable is value. So it's not the case of deleting old data in the first place.
// Update circles for the selected user chosen in the select menu.
.data(data.filter(function(d){ return d.FirstName.substring(0, name.length) === value;}))
.attr("cx", function(d) { return xScale(d.timestamp); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return yScale(d.price); });
Also what that weird equality comparison is d.FirstName.substring(0, name.length) === name. Your first name data is not even spaced in CSV file. Plain d.FirstName == name is fair enough. If you expect trailing spaces anyway, just trim your strings in the place where you coerce prices and dates.
This is how correct updateScatter may look look like:
function updateScatter()
var selectedFirstName = this.value;
var selectedData = data.filter(function(d)
return d.FirstName == selectedFirstName;
return d.price;
// create *update* set
var markers = svg.selectAll(".markers").data(selectedData);
// create new circles, *enter* set
.attr("class", 'markers')
.attr("cx", function(d)
return xScale(d.timestamp);
.attr("cy", function(d)
return yScale(d.price);
.attr('r', 5)
.style('fill', function(d)
return colour(cValue(d));
// transition *update* set
.attr("cx", function(d)
return xScale(d.timestamp);
.attr("cy", function(d)
return yScale(d.price);
// remove *exit* set
I have a d3.js problem and have struggled with this for a while and just can not seem to solve it. I believe it is pretty easy, but am missing something very basic.
Specifically, I have the following code, which generates a line and 2 circles for the 1st entry in the JSON - I have 'hardcoded' it for the first entry.
I'd like to now add the 2nd and 3rd entries of the JSON file to the graph and have control over line and circle colors and then generalize the code.
From reading the documentation and StackOverflow, it seems like the proper approach is to use nesting, but I can't seem to make it work?
The code is on jsfiddle at the following URL and the javascript is below.
dataset2 =
movie : "test",
results :
{ week: "20130101", revenue: "60"},
{ week: "20130201", revenue: "80"}
movie : "beta",
results :
{ week: "20130101", revenue: "40"},
{ week: "20130201", revenue: "50"}
movie : "gamm",
results :
{ week: "20130101", revenue: "10"},
{ week: "20130201", revenue: "20"}
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y%m%d").parse;
var lineFunction = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(parseDate(String(d.week))); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.revenue); })
//SVG Width and height
var w = 750;
var h = 250;
//var xMin = 0;
//var xMax = 1000;
var xScale = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, w]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 100])
.range([h, 0]);
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
//Create SVG element
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);
.attr("class", "axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + (h - 30) + ")")
//Create Y axis
.attr("class", "axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 25 + ",0)")
.attr("cx", function(d) {
// console.log(d[0]);
return xScale(parseDate(d.week));
.attr("cy", function (d) {
return yScale(d.revenue);
.attr("r", 3);
//create line
var lineGraph = svg.append("path")
.attr("d", lineFunction(dataset2[0].results))
.attr("class", "line");
The word "nesting" comes up in two contexts in d3 -- creating nested data arrays with d3.nest, and using nested data to create nested selections.
Your data is already in the correct format for a nested selection -- an array of objects, each of which has a sub-array of individual data points. So you don't need to worry about manipulating the data, you just need to go straight to joining your data to your elements in nested d3 selections:
I'm going to take you through it quickly, but the following tutorials will be good reference for the future:
Thinking with Joins
Nested Selections
How Selections Work
On to your example: you have a top-level data structure that is an array of movie objects, each of which contains a sub-array of weekly revenue values. The first thing you need to decide is what type of elements you want associated with each level of data. You're drawing a line and a set of circles for the data in the sub-array, but aren't currently adding anything for the top-level array objects (the movies). You need to add something for them in order for nested selections to work, and it needs to be something that can contain your line and circle. In SVG, that's almost always going to be a <g> (grouping) element.
To efficiently create one <g> element for every object in your data array -- and to attach the data objects to the elements for future reference -- you create an empty selection, join your data to it, then use the enter() method of the data join selection to add elements for each data object that didn't match an element. In this case, since we don't have any elements to start, all the data objects will be in the enter() selection. However, the same pattern also works when updating some of the data.
var movies = svg //start with your svg selection,
//it will become the parent to the entering <g> elements
.selectAll("g.movie") //select all <g> elements with class "movie"
//that are children of the <svg> element
//contained in the `svg` selection
//this selection will currently be empty
.data( dataset2 ); //join the selection to a data array
//each object in the array will be associated with
//an element in the selection, if those elements exist
//This data-joined selection is now saved as `movies`
movies.enter() //create a selection for the data objects that didn't match elements
.append("g") //add a new <g> element for each data object
.attr("class", "movie") //set it's class to match our selection criteria
//for each movie group, we're going to add *one* line (<path> element),
//and then a create subselection for the circles
.append("path") //add a <path> within *each* new movie <g> element
//the path will *inherit* the data from the <g> element
.attr("class", "line"); //set the class for your CSS
var lineGraph = movies.select("path.line")
//All the entered elements are now available within the movies selection
//(along with any existing elements that we were updating).
//Using select("path") selects the first (and only) path within the group
//regardless of whether we just created it or are updating it.
.attr("d", function(d){ return lineFunction(d.results); });
//the "d" attribute of a path describes its shape;
//the lineFunction creates a "d" definition based on a data array.
//If the data object attached to the path had *only* been the d.results array
//we could have just done .attr("d", lineFunction), since d3
//automatically passes the data object to any function given as the value
//of an .attr(name, value) command. Instead, we needed to create an
//anonymous function to accept the data object and extract the sub-array.
var circles = movies.selectAll("circle")
//there will be multiple circles for each movie group, so we need a
//sub-selection, created with `.selectAll`.
//again, this selection will initially be empty.
.data( function(d) {return d.results; });
//for the circles, we define the data as a function
//The function will be called once for each *movie* element,
//and passed the movie element's data object.
//The resulting array will be assigned to circles within that particular
//movie element (or to an `enter()` selection, if the circles don't exist).
circles.enter() //get the data objects that don't have matching <circle> elements
.append("circle") //create a circle for each
//the circles will be added to the appropriate "g.movie"
//because of the nested selection structure
.attr("r", 3); //the radius doesn't depend on the data,
//so you can set it here, when the circle is created,
//the same as you would set a class.
circles //for attributes that depend on the data, they are set on the entire
//selection (including updating elements), after having created the
//newly entered circles.
.attr("cx", function(d) { return xScale( parseDate(d.week) ); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return yScale( d.revenue ); });
Live version with the rest of your code: http://jsfiddle.net/GVmVk/3/
You'll need to adjust the domain of your x-scale so that the first data points aren't cut off, and you'll need to decide how you want to use your movie title property, but that should get you going.
Yes indeed, nested selection are the way to go for the circles, although you don't need them for the paths:
.attr("class", "circle")
.data(function(d) { return d.results; })
.attr("cx", function(d) {
// console.log(d[0]);
return xScale(parseDate(d.week));
.attr("cy", function (d) {
return yScale(d.revenue);
.attr("r", 3);
//create line
var lineGraph = svg.selectAll("path.line")
.attr("d", function(d) { return lineFunction(d.results); })
.attr("class", "line");
Complete example here.
I'm having some trouble with D3 and I'm hitting my wit's end. Essentially I have a time series graph with arbitrarily many lines and the source data can't be modified for convenience before hand (but it can be manipulated client-side).
The data is formatted thusly (with arbitrarily many labels):
object = [
"_id": "2012-08-01T05:00:00",
"value": {
"label1": 1.1208746110529344,
"label2": 0.00977592175310571
"_id": "2012-08-15T05:00:00",
"value": {
"label1": 0.7218920737863477,
"label2": 0.6250727456677252
I've tried something like:
var vis = d3.select.(element)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(data) {return x(new Date(data._id));})
.y(function(data) {return y(data.value);});
.attr("d", line(object))
.attr("stroke", "black");
Which seems unable to access the correct value via the y accessor as I get an "error: problem parsing" and a lot of "NaNL3.384615384615385,NaNL6.76923076923077,NaNL10.153846153846155". However if I hardcode the label value via something like:
.y(function(data) {return y(data.value.label1);});
It works just fine, but only for one line. Could anyone offer help?
I'd start by transforming the data into parallel arrays of the same format:
var series = ["label1", "label2"].map(function(name) {
return data.map(function(d) {
return {date: new Date(d._id), value: d.value[name]};
(You can use d3.keys to compute the series names automatically, rather than hard-coding them as above.) Now series is an array of arrays. A single series, such as label1, will look something like this:
{date: new Date(2012, 7, 1, 5, 0, 0), value: 1.1208746110529344},
{date: new Date(2012, 7, 15, 5, 0, 0), value: 0.7218920737863477},
Since they have the same format, you can use the same line generator for all series:
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) {return x(d.date); })
.y(function(d) {return y(d.value); });
And likewise the nested array lends itself well to a data-join to create the needed path elements:
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("d", line);
Try incorporating parseFloat to make absolutely sure that you are converting to floats and not to ints implicitly. If that still doesn't work, try taking substrings of your strings (chop off some precision) until it does work.