VUE Deallocating memory using THREE JS between routes - javascript

I'm in the process of learning VUE JS. I have a very basic SPA that routes between various pages.
I have a number of THREE JS demos that I've built in my spare time and I've noticed that if I jump between pages on them eventually they grind to a halt from a build up of memory. I want to avoid pasting their scripts in here as they're massive and I don't think the problem lies within them.
I think the problem the lies somewhere in between how I'm instantiating them and my lack of knowledge in VUE JS is what's causing me trouble with this problem.
Here is an example of one of the views I'm routing to in VUE JS:
<div class="particles">
<div id="demo"></div>
import mainMenu from 'root/views/menu.vue';
export default {
components: { mainMenu },
mounted() {
var Particles = require('root/webgl/particles.js');
var demo = new Particles();;
The original demos were built using traditional JavaScript (it's a ES5/6 class) and I was hoping that I could just plug them into my VUE SPA. Within each demo I am doing things like:
this.vsParticles = document.getElementById('vs-particles').textContent;
to load the shaders and to attach my THREE demo to a DOM element.
The issue I'm having is that somewhere something isn't being deleted. Within my demos i'm not creating anything new in the DOM and they run fine in non-SPA demos, but once I place them into a SPA app and jump between pages they build up.
I'm under the impression that when you change routes everything should get wiped. So all of the elements within my template tags and any objects I create within mounted(). But this doesn't seem to be the case and I'm just wondering is there something extra I need to include in VUE to completely clean everything up inbetween pages?

As Mathieu D. mentionned, you should move your require outside of the method.
Also, you may need to clear the WebGL context on the destroyed () Vue Component's hook.
I am not sure if it is the right way to do, but here is how I dispose it in my program :
this.renderer.context = null
this.renderer.domElement = null
this.renderer = null

Could you try to import particles.js out of mounted method ?
For example, under your import of mainMenu ?
The import would be done one for all of your instanciation of Particles.
This will give you this code :
import mainMenu from 'root/views/menu.vue';
import Particles from 'root/webgl/particles.js';
export default {
components: { mainMenu },
mounted() {
var demo = new Particles();;
You could also read reactivity in depth in the documentation. It will help you understand how VueJS store and access data. I don't know if in your component code you store some data of your ThreeJS examples, but if so, it could consume some memory. In that case, use destroyed hook to clean your data.


Content jump in the first milliseconds

I am creating dynamic pages using Nuxt. In the pages folder I have one file _url.vue. It contains the following code:
<template lang="pug">
v-for="component in components"
// import vuex
export default {
computed: {
...mapGetters('app', {
components: 'getComponents'
setComponents happens at the middleware level:
export default async function ({ store }) {
await store.dispatch('app/setPage')
In the first milliseconds of page load, the content "jumps" as the components are rendered on the fly. How can this situation be corrected?
I'd first try to import the components manually, to see where this all comes from: the components taking some time to get injected or the layout being displayed, just to be sure.
Then, I had a discussion about it here, you may give it a look: Vue: wait to render until all components are mounted
There are several ways of handling this kind of micro-jumping explained there. You can choose your own solution. Also depends if you're using your app as universal or SPA only.
Looks like require is a way to go but some alternative are also available.

Is it a good idea to use React.Context to inject UI-Components?

I plan to build a react component library. The react components are UI-Components but should only implement a specific logic. I want the user to be able to define a set of atoms (basic react components) that are used to compose the actual components. My main goal is to make the library independent of a specific UI-Component-Library like MaterialUI, ChakraUI, etc.
My idea was to use a React.Context to inject the components like this:
// Button Atom
const Button: FC = ({ children }) => (<button>{children}</button>)
const atoms = { button: Button }
const AtomContext = createContext(atoms);
// "higher" component
const HigherComponent: FC = () => {
const atoms = useContext(AtomContext)
// Logic ...
return (
<atoms.button>click me</atoms.button>
export default function App() {
return (
<AtomContext.Provider value={atoms}>
<HigherComponent />
This solves my problem. But I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Are there better ways to inject UI-dependencies? What may be problems with my approach?
This is a question that can result in multiple answers based on personal experience.
But overall the idea to pass component trough context is a bit of misuse of that concept.
Also it does not bring much benefit from making a standalone library that can be imported via package.json or making a folder with components and importing them.
If you need to pass some specific things to your components you can have a custom provider as you did there, but as far as the component themselves, there is no common sense to use context.
If you end goal is to shorten the list of imports of component with custom context hook and just getting them like that, I think that is a bad tradeoff overall.
I just read this article about using react context for dependency injection. The authors opinion is, that react context for injecting non-react dependencies into components is good practice. However, I'm not sure if that applies to injecting a specific set of react components. Since, react components are nothing more than functions I think it should be alright to use reacts context for that.

Use custom JavaScript code in a Vue.js app

I'm trying to insert JavaScript code in a Vue.js router app. I need to load data from the CMS the app is served from. In order to get the data from the CMS I have to use a JavaScript library from the CMS which is not made for Vue and is not exporting it's class/functions like modern JS. So I import the JS library from in the index.html by a script tag. This works as intended.
But now I have to use the class from this CMS JavaScript library.
Before writing this as a Vue-Router app I just have used Vue for templating purposes.
So I had some code packed in the window.onload event handler.
I have to create an instance for the CMS data access class.
But this leads to a build error (using vue-cli build). Since there
are no understandable error messages from the build process
I have to use trial and error. Even simple variable assignments like var a = 1 seem not to be allowed.
A console.log('something') works. But nothing else seemes to be allowed (except defining the onload-event handler)
I have added this code in a <script> Tag inside App.vue (which was created by vue-cli create)
window.onload = function() {
try {
// Instantiate class obj for CMS data access
cmsDataAccessObj = new CMSAccessData();
waitForPlayerData = true;
catch (e) {
After testing the different solutions from the answers I got aware that using non-instance variables seems to cause the build errors.
This gives an error:
waitForPlayerData = true;
This works:
this.waitForPlayerData = true;
I wouldn't recommend using window.load to run your code. There are more native approaches to do this in Vue.js.
What you should do in the case you want to run it in the main component of the app before it's been loaded is to put the code inside the beforeCreate lifecycle hook of the main component.
beforeCreate () {
methods: {
cmsDataLoader () {
try {
// Instantiate class obj for CMS data access
cmsDataAccessObj = new CMSAccessData();
waitForPlayerData = true;
catch (e) {
This will run the code everytime a component is created before the creation. You could also use the created lifecycle hook if you want to run it after the creation of the component.
Check the following link for more information about lifecycle hooks.
The best way to place JavaScript in Vue.js App is mounted function, it is called when the component is loaded:
export default {
name: "component_name",
mounted() {
let array = document.querySelectorAll('.list_item');
You don't need window.onload, you can just put whatever you want there. I'm not entirely certain when precisely in the lifecycle it renders and maybe someone can hop in and let us know but it for sure renders when page starts. (though it makes sense that it does before the lifecycle hooks even start and that it'll solve your needs)
Better & easier solution if you want to load it before Vue loads is to add it to the main.js file. You have full control there and you can load it before Vue initializes.
No need for window.onload there either, just put it before or import a JS file before you initialize Vue, because it's going to be initialized by order.

Write Vue plugin with custom options

I'm trying to write a vue plugin with custom options. I followed the official vue guidelines ( on doing so but can't find a way to define custom options. These options should be read by normal javascript which then exports an object that is used by a vue component.
My folder structure is like this:
import Vue from "vue";
import ImgixClient from "imgix-core-js";
var imgixClient = new ImgixClient({
domain: CUSTOM_OPTION_URL <-- important bit
domain: Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl //tried it like this
export { imgixClient };
I already tried to set this custom bit by utilizing Vue.prototype in the install method like this but can't seem to get it working
export function install(Vue, options) {
if (install.installed) return;
install.installed = true;
Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl = options.baseUrl;
Vue.component("CustomComponent", component);
I'm afraid this isn't going to be the simple answer you might have been hoping for... there's a lot to unpick here.
Let's start with factory.js. That is not a factory. It's a singleton. Singletons have problems around dependencies, configuration and the timing of instantiation and that's precisely the problem you're hitting. More on that later.
Now let's take a look at the plugin. First up, these two lines:
if (install.installed) return;
install.installed = true;
That shouldn't be necessary. Vue already does this automatically and should ensure your plugin is only installed once. Perhaps this came from an old tutorial? Take a look at the source code for Vue.use, there's not a lot to it:
Digging into the Vue source code is a really good habit to get into. Sometimes it will melt your mind but there are some bits, like this, that aren't particularly difficult to follow. Once you get used to it even the more opaque sections start to become a little clearer.
Back to the the plugin.
Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl = options.baseUrl;
It is not clear why you are adding this to the prototype.
I'm going to assume you are already familiar with how JavaScript function prototypes work.
Component instances are actually instances of Vue. So any properties added to Vue.prototype will be inherited by your components with almost no overhead. Consider the following simple component:
<div #click="onClick">
{{ $imgixBaseUrl }}
export default {
methods: {
onClick () {
const url = this.$imgixBaseUrl
// ...
As $imgixBaseUrl is an inherited property it is available within onClick via this.$imgixBaseUrl. Further, templates resolve identifiers as properties of the current Vue instance, so {{ $imgixBaseUrl }} will also access this.$imgixBaseUrl.
However, if you don't need to access $imgixBaseUrl within a component then there is no need to put it on the Vue prototype. You might as well just dump it directly on Vue:
Vue.imgixBaseUrl = options.baseUrl;
In the code above I've ditched the $ as there's no longer a risk of colliding with component instance properties, which is what motivates the $ when using the prototype.
So, back to the core problem.
As I've already mentioned, singletons have major problems around creation timing and configuration. Vue has its own built-in solution for these 'do it once at the start' scenarios. That's what plugins are. However, the key feature is that plugins don't do anything until you call install, allowing you to control the timing.
The problem with your original code is that the contents of factory.js will run as soon as the file is imported. That will be before your plugin is installed, so Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl won't have been set yet. The ImgixClient instance will be created immediately. It won't wait until something tries to use it. When Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl is subsequently set to the correct value that won't have any effect, it's too late.
One way (though not necessarily the best way) to fix this would be to lazily instantiate ImgixClient. That might look something like this:
import Vue from "vue";
import ImgixClient from "imgix-core-js";
var imgixClient = null;
export function getClient () {
if (!imgixClient) {
imgixClient = new ImgixClient({
domain: Vue.prototype.$imgixBaseUrl
return imgixClient;
So long as nothing calls getClient() before the plugin is installed this should work. However, that's a big condition. It'd be easy to make the mistake of calling it too soon. Besides the temporal coupling that this creates there's also the much more direct coupling created by sharing the configuration via Vue. While the idea of having the ImgixClient instantiation code in its own little file makes perfect sense it only really stands up to scrutiny if it is independent of Vue.
Instead I'd probably just move the instantiation to within the plugin, something like this:
import ImgixClient from "imgix-core-js";
export default {
install (Vue, options) {
Vue.imgixClient = Vue.prototype.$imgixClient = new ImgixClient({
domain: options.baseUrl
Vue.component("CustomComponent", component);
I've made a few superficial changes, using a default export and wrapping the function in an object, but you can ignore those if you prefer the way you had it in the original code.
If the client is needed within a component it can be accessed via the property $imgixClient, inherited from the prototype. For any other code that needs access to the client it can either be passed from the component or (more likely) grabbed directly from Vue.imgixClient. If either of these use cases doesn't apply then you can remove the relevant section of the plugin.

Prevent Vue.js from rendering component

My case is that I have a static component on the desktop and it must become carousel on mobile.
The component is rendered server side because of seo and I use is="my-component" to trigger vue on it. Typically when I duplicate the markup and check in created() the breakpoint, I can trigger some carousel constructor. However, if a breakpoint is set to desktop, vue will still rerender component which is redundant.
I know that one case may not be that effective, but I have a lot of performance and parsing problems because of vue in my previous project, so I need to keep performance in mind from the beginning.
Is it possible to somehow prevent rendering on beforeCreate() hook, but still be able to use it in some conditional?
As I have read your comment, and you would like to use something else that is not v-if, I can think only in two ways of doing it.
1) If you are using vue-router you can run make use of Lazy Loading Routes which is basically a function that can return an import('component') (which is a promise).
import { isMobile } from '#/utils/mediaQuery';
const MobileCarousel = (): Promise<Vue> | void => {
if (!isMobile()) {
return import('#/components/MobileCarousel/MobileCarousel.vue');
export default MobileCarousel;
import MobileCarousel from '#/components/MobileCarousel/MobileCarousel.ts';
path: 'route-that-has-a-mobile-only-carousel',
name: 'mobile-only-carousel',
component: MobileCarousel,
enter code here
My only concern with this approach is related to the server-side rendering. As I never have played with server side-rendering with Vue I cannot assure you that it will work as you expect, you can give a try. Hope it helps you.
2) Apart from using Lazy Loading Routes, I believe that a Vue component with a render function that returns only if it is mobile also can be useful for your case.

