Angular: Creating plugins for 3rd party packages (libraries) - javascript

I created Angular Library (ngx-wig) and I would like to provide an ability to extend its functionality by using plugins.
What would be the best place to declare plugin in Angular? (may be something like myLibModule.forRoot(..)) and what type of instance should be plugin itself?
I solved same issue for AngularJs just by adding module for each plugin in which I register plugin by using configProvider of main module. Don't really like this solution because plugin registers itself, but it should be responsibility of applications where library is used.
UPDATE: related issue is opened on github here.

I think you can provide users to use component as a plug-in. This component has to extends you abstract base plugin component.
For example clear-styles plugin could look like
selector: `nw-clear-styles-button`,
template: `
<button (click)="clearStyles($event)"
[disabled]="editMode || disabled"
class="nw-button clear-styles" title="Clear Styles">
Clear Styles
export class NwClearStylesButtonComponent extends Ng2WigPluginComponent {
constructor() {
clearStyles() {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = this.content;
format plugin
selector: `nw-formats-button`,
template: `
<select class="nw-select"
(ngModelChange)="execCommand('formatblock', format.value)"
[disabled]="editMode || disabled">
<option *ngFor="let format of formats" [ngValue]="format">{{ }}</option>
export class NwFormatButtonComponent extends Ng2WigPluginComponent {
formats = [
{name: 'Normal text', value: '<p>'},
{name: 'Header 1', value: '<h1>'},
{name: 'Header 2', value: '<h2>'},
{name: 'Header 3', value: '<h3>'}
format = this.formats[0];
constructor() {
where Ng2WigPluginComponent is abstract base class provided by your library:
export abstract class Ng2WigPluginComponent {
execCommand: Function;
editMode: boolean;
content: string;
editModelChange: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter();
contentChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();
So users can easily use declared in base class properties.
To register such plugins we can use mentioned by you forRoot method. For that you need to
1) configure you library module like follows:
export class Ng2WigModule {
static forRoot(entryComponents: CustomButton[]) {
return {
ngModule: Ng2WigModule,
providers: [
{provide: NG_WIG_CUSTOM_BUTTONS, useValue: entryComponents},
{provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, multi: true, useValue: entryComponents},
NG_WIG_CUSTOM_BUTTONS is your global library token to recognize provided plugins inside library
export class Ng2WigToolbarService {
constructor(#Optional() #Inject(NG_WIG_CUSTOM_BUTTONS) customButtons: CustomButton[]) {
if (customButtons) {
customButtons.forEach(plugin => this.addCustomButton(plugin.pluginName, plugin.component));
ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS is angular global token to be able to load plugins dynamically
2) Declare NwClearStylesButtonComponent in declarations array of your AppModule module
3) Pass it to the Ng2WigModule.forRoot method
{ pluginName: 'clear-styles', component: NwClearStylesButtonComponent },
{ pluginName: 'format', component: NwFormatButtonComponent }
And then main you task will be to dynamically generate your component by using ComponentFactoryResolver and ViewContainerRef (see ng2wig-plugin.directive.ts in plunker below)
Plunker Example


How can i render angular binding, directives and methods in innerHTML/Dynamically from S3

I am working on a sass based platform which is developed in Angular and NodeJs and I want to showcase my codebase on my platform so that client can easily edit their code and can go live. But for that i have to render my code dynamically.
I tried to render angular Bindings, Directives and Methods in innerHTML but it's not working it's working as a string. If anyone has any idea how can i render angular bindings, directives, and methods dynamically in innerHTML or other ways. Please share your comments. Thanks in advance
Template strings need to be "compiled" to be used dynamicly in a component.
Here is a working example for that :
selector: 'hello',
template: '<div #container></div>',
export class HelloComponent implements AfterViewInit {
#ViewChild('container', { read: ViewContainerRef })
container: ViewContainerRef;
private injector: Injector,
private environement: EnvironmentInjector
) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.environement.runInContext(() => {
// important part to allow DI with inject()
// Define the component using Component decorator.
const component = Component({
selector: 'test',
'<div>This is the dynamic template. Test value: {{test}}</div>',
styles: [':host {color: red}'],
providers: [{ provide: Foo, useClass: Foo }],
class {
private foo = inject(Foo); // DI
constructor() {
test = 'some value';
// Define the module using NgModule decorator.
const module = NgModule({ declarations: [component] })(class {});
const componentRef = this.container.createComponent(component, {
injector: this.injector,
ngModuleRef: createNgModuleRef(module, this.injector),
setTimeout(() => (componentRef.instance.test = 'some other value'), 2000);

angular 4+ assign #Input for ngComponentOutlet dynamically created component

In Angular 4 to dynamically create a component you can use ngComponentOutlet directive:
something like this:
Dynamic component
selector: 'dynamic-component',
template: `
Dynamic component
export class DynamicComponent {
#Input() info: any;
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="component"></ng-container>
export class AppComponent {
How do I pass #Input() info: any; information in this template <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="component"></ng-container> ?
Such a feature was discussed in the pull request for ngComponentOutlet but was dropped for now.
Even the componentRef shown currently in is not public and therefore not available
I'd suggest you create your own directive derived from
and assign values to inputs like shown in Angular 2 dynamic tabs with user-click chosen components
this.compRef.instance.someProperty = 'someValue';
With the help of the post of #Günter Zöchbauer I solved a similar problem this way - I hope you can adapt it somehow.
First I defined some interfaces:
// all dynamically loaded components should implement this guy
export interface IDynamicComponent { Context: object; }
// data from parent to dynLoadedComponent
export interface IDynamicComponentData {
component: any;
context?: object;
caller?: any;
then I implemented them inside of the dynamically loaded component
// ...
export class DynamicLoadedComponentA implements IDynamicComponent {
// ...
// data from parent
public Context: object;
// ...
After that I built a new component which is responsible for the magic. Important here is that I had to register all dyn. loaded components as entryComponents.
selector: 'ngc-dynamic-component',
template: ´<ng-template #dynamicContainer></ng-template>´,
entryComponents: [ DynamicLoadedComponentA ]
export class DynamicComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges {
#ViewChild('dynamicContainer', { read: ViewContainerRef }) public dynamicContainer: ViewContainerRef;
#Input() public componentData: IDynamicComponentData;
private componentRef: ComponentRef<any>;
private componentInstance: IDynamicComponent;
constructor(private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { }
public ngOnInit() {
public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes['componentData']) {
public ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.componentInstance) {
this.componentInstance = null;
if (this.componentRef) {
private createComponent() {
if (this.componentData && this.componentData.component) {
const factory: ComponentFactory<any> = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.componentData.component);
this.componentRef = this.dynamicContainer.createComponent(factory);
this.componentInstance = this.componentRef.instance as IDynamicComponent;
// fill context data
Object.assign(this.componentInstance.Context, this.componentData.context || {});
// register output events
// this.componentRef.instance.outputTrigger.subscribe(event => console.log(event));
here the usage of this shiny new stuff:
<!-- [...] -->
<ngc-dynamic-component [componentData]="_settingsData"></ngc-dynamic-component>
<!-- [...] -->
// ...
private _settingsData: IDynamicComponent = {
component: DynamicLoadedComponentA,
context: { SomeValue: 42 },
caller: this
// ...
I think for now you can use
It is made specifically for this issue

In angular2, are there any methods just like $compile()? [duplicate]

I want to manually compile some HTML containing directives. What is the equivalent of $compile in Angular 2?
For example, in Angular 1, I could dynamically compile a fragment of HTML and append it to the DOM:
var e = angular.element('<div directive></div>');
Angular 2.3.0 (2016-12-07)
To get all the details check:
How can I use/create dynamic template to compile dynamic Component with Angular 2.0?
To see that in action:
observe a working plunker (working with 2.3.0+)
The principals:
1) Create Template
2) Create Component
3) Create Module
4) Compile Module
5) Create (and cache) ComponentFactory
6) use Target to create an Instance of it
A quick overview how to create a Component
createNewComponent (tmpl:string) {
selector: 'dynamic-component',
template: tmpl,
class CustomDynamicComponent implements IHaveDynamicData {
#Input() public entity: any;
// a component for this particular template
return CustomDynamicComponent;
A way how to inject component into NgModule
createComponentModule (componentType: any) {
imports: [
PartsModule, // there are 'text-editor', 'string-editor'...
declarations: [
class RuntimeComponentModule
// a module for just this Type
return RuntimeComponentModule;
A code snippet how to create a ComponentFactory (and cache it)
public createComponentFactory(template: string)
: Promise<ComponentFactory<IHaveDynamicData>> {
let factory = this._cacheOfFactories[template];
if (factory) {
console.log("Module and Type are returned from cache")
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// unknown template ... let's create a Type for it
let type = this.createNewComponent(template);
let module = this.createComponentModule(type);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
.then((moduleWithFactories) =>
factory = _.find(moduleWithFactories.componentFactories
, { componentType: type });
this._cacheOfFactories[template] = factory;
A code snippet how to use the above result
// here we get Factory (just compiled or from cache)
.then((factory: ComponentFactory<IHaveDynamicData>) =>
// Target will instantiate and inject component (we'll keep reference to it)
this.componentRef = this
// let's inject #Inputs to component instance
let component = this.componentRef.instance;
component.entity = this.entity;
The full description with all the details read here, or observe working example
OBSOLETE - Angular 2.0 RC5 related (RC5 only)
to see previous solutions for previous RC versions, please, search through the history of this post
Note: As #BennyBottema mentions in a comment, DynamicComponentLoader is now deprecated, hence so is this answer.
Angular2 doesn't have any $compile equivalent. You can use DynamicComoponentLoader and hack with ES6 classes to compile your code dynamically (see this plunk):
import {Component, DynamicComponentLoader, ElementRef, OnInit} from 'angular2/core'
function compileToComponent(template, directives) {
selector: 'fake',
template , directives
class FakeComponent {};
return FakeComponent;
selector: 'hello',
template: '<h1>Hello, Angular!</h1>'
class Hello {}
selector: 'my-app',
template: '<div #container></div>',
export class App implements OnInit {
private loader: DynamicComponentLoader,
private elementRef: ElementRef,
) {}
ngOnInit() {} {
const someDynamicHtml = `<hello></hello><h2>${}</h2>`;
compileToComponent(someDynamicHtml, [Hello])
But it will work only until html parser is inside angular2 core.
Angular Version I have Used - Angular 4.2.0
Angular 4 is came up with ComponentFactoryResolver to load components at runtime. This is a kind of same implementation of $compile in Angular 1.0 which serves your need
In this below example I am loading ImageWidget component dynamically in to a DashboardTileComponent
In order to load a component you need a directive that you can apply to ng-template which will helps to place the dynamic component
import { Directive, ViewContainerRef } from '#angular/core';
selector: '[widget-host]',
export class DashboardTileWidgetHostDirective {
constructor(public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) {
this directive injects ViewContainerRef to gain access to the view container of the element that will host the dynamically added component.
DashboardTileComponent(Place holder component to render the dynamic component)
This component accepts an input which is coming from a parent components or you can load from your service based on your implementation. This component is doing the major role to resolve the components at runtime. In this method you can also see a method named renderComponent() which ultimately loads the component name from a service and resolve with ComponentFactoryResolver and finally setting data to the dynamic component.
import { Component, Input, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ComponentFactoryResolver, OnDestroy } from '#angular/core';
import { DashboardTileWidgetHostDirective } from './DashbardWidgetHost.Directive';
import { TileModel } from './Tile.Model';
import { WidgetComponentService } from "./WidgetComponent.Service";
selector: 'dashboard-tile',
templateUrl: 'app/tile/DashboardTile.Template.html'
export class DashboardTileComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() tile: any;
#ViewChild(DashboardTileWidgetHostDirective) widgetHost: DashboardTileWidgetHostDirective;
constructor(private _componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,private widgetComponentService:WidgetComponentService) {
ngOnInit() {
ngAfterViewInit() {
renderComponents() {
let component=this.widgetComponentService.getComponent(this.tile.componentName);
let componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
let viewContainerRef = this.widgetHost.viewContainerRef;
let componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory);
(<TileModel>componentRef.instance).data = this.tile;
<div class="col-md-2 col-lg-2 col-sm-2 col-default-margin col-default">
<ng-template widget-host></ng-template>
This is a service factory to register all the components that you want to resolve dynamically
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { ImageTextWidgetComponent } from "../templates/ImageTextWidget.Component";
export class WidgetComponentService {
getComponent(componentName:string) {
return ImageTextWidgetComponent
ImageTextWidgetComponent(component we are loading at runtime)
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'dashboard-imagetextwidget',
templateUrl: 'app/templates/ImageTextWidget.html'
export class ImageTextWidgetComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() data: any;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() { }
Add Finally add this ImageTextWidgetComponent in to your app module as entryComponent
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: [WidgetComponentService],
declarations: [
exports: [],
entryComponents: [ImageTextWidgetComponent],
bootstrap: [MainApplicationComponent]
export class DashboardModule {
constructor() {
export interface TileModel {
data: any;
Orginal Reference from my blog
Official Documentation
Download Sample Source Code
this npm package made it easier for me:
<ng-template dynamic-template
[template]="'some value:{{param1}}, and some component <lazy-component></lazy-component>'"
In order to dinamically create an instance of a component and attach it to your DOM you can use the following script and should work in Angular RC:
html template:
<div id="container"></div>
<button (click)="viewMeteo()">Meteo</button>
<button (click)="viewStats()">Stats</button>
Loader component
import { Component, DynamicComponentLoader, ElementRef, Injector } from '#angular/core';
import { WidgetMeteoComponent } from './widget-meteo';
import { WidgetStatComponent } from './widget-stat';
selector: 'widget-loader',
templateUrl: 'widget-loader.html',
export class WidgetLoaderComponent {
constructor( elementRef: ElementRef,
public dcl:DynamicComponentLoader,
public injector: Injector) { }
viewMeteo() {
this.dcl.loadAsRoot(WidgetMeteoComponent, '#container', this.injector);
viewStats() {
this.dcl.loadAsRoot(WidgetStatComponent, '#container', this.injector);
Angular TypeScript/ES6 (Angular 2+)
Works with AOT + JIT at once together.
I created how to use it here:
npm install p3x-angular-compile
Component: Should have a context and some html data...
<div [p3x-compile]="data" [p3x-compile-context]="ctx">loading ...</div>
You can see the component, that allow to compile simple dynamic Angular components
I know this issue is old, but I spent weeks trying to figure out how to make this work with AOT enabled. I was able to compile an object but never able to execute existing components. Well I finally decided to change tact, as I was't looking to compile code so much as execute a custom template. My thought was to add the html which anyone can do and loop though the existing factories. In doing so I can search for the element/attribute/etc. names and execute the component on that HTMLElement. I was able to get it working and figured I should share this to save someone else the immense amount of time I wasted on it.
selector: "compile",
template: "",
inputs: ["html"]
export class CompileHtmlComponent implements OnDestroy {
private content: ViewContainerRef,
private injector: Injector,
private ngModRef: NgModuleRef<any>
) { }
ngOnDestroy() {
private _ComponentRefCollection: any[] = null;
private _Html: string;
get Html(): string {
return this._Html;
#Input("html") set Html(val: string) {
// recompile when the html value is set
this._Html = (val || "") + "";
private DestroyComponents() { // we need to remove the components we compiled
if (this._ComponentRefCollection) {
this._ComponentRefCollection.forEach((c) => {
this._ComponentRefCollection = new Array();
private TemplateHTMLCompile(html) {
this.content.element.nativeElement.innerHTML = html;
var ref = this.content.element.nativeElement;
var factories = (this.ngModRef.componentFactoryResolver as any)._factories;
// here we loop though the factories, find the element based on the selector
factories.forEach((comp: ComponentFactory<unknown>) => {
var list = ref.querySelectorAll(comp.selector);
list.forEach((item) => {
var parent = item.parentNode;
var next = item.nextSibling;
var ngContentNodes: any[][] = new Array(); // this is for the viewchild/viewchildren of this object
comp.ngContentSelectors.forEach((sel) => {
var ngContentList: any[] = new Array();
if (sel == "*") // all children;
item.childNodes.forEach((c) => {
else {
var selList = item.querySelectorAll(sel);
selList.forEach((l) => {
// here is where we compile the factory based on the node we have
let component = comp.create(this.injector, ngContentNodes, item, this.ngModRef);
this._ComponentRefCollection.push(component); // save for our destroy call
// we need to move the newly compiled element, as it was appended to this components html
if (next) parent.insertBefore(component.location.nativeElement, next);
else parent.appendChild(component.location.nativeElement);
component.hostView.detectChanges(); // tell the component to detectchanges
If you want to inject html code use directive
<div [innerHtml]="htmlVar"></div>
If you want to load whole component in some place, use DynamicComponentLoader:

Load dynamic component created on the fly in angular2 final

Previously with DynamicComponentLoader I was able to write like this:
import {Directive, Component, ViewContainerRef, DynamicComponentLoader} from '#angular/core';
selector: '[some-directive]'
export class SomeDirective {
costructor(dcl: DynamicComponentLoader, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) {
// fetch template from the server
fetch(...).then((template) => {
selector: 'div[some-relatively-unique-attribute-name]',
template: template
class AdHocComponent {}
dcl.loadNextToLocation(AdHocComponent, viewContainerRef).then(() => {
Now with angular2 final and NgModules I see examples like this:
(Discussed here
To dynamically load a HelloComponent but it requires the HelloComponent to be declared up front when the root NgModule is being created.
How can I load an ad-hoc created component into my view?
I found this:
But it is an insane amount of code to achieve a simple task like that.
This might be that what you're looking for:
export class App {
#ViewChild('placeholder', {read: ViewContainerRef}) viewContainerRef;
constructor(private compiler: Compiler) {}
addItem () {
#NgModule({declarations: [HelloComponent]})
class DynamicModule {}
.then(({moduleFactory, componentFactories}) => {
const compFactory = componentFactories
.find(x => x.componentType === HelloComponent);
const cmpRef = this.viewContainerRef.createComponent(compFactory, 0);
See also live Plunker
Related question:
Angular2 RC6 - Dynamically load component from module

How to add providers to Injector dynamically?

Each component can specify new Providers using its providers property in ComponentMetadata.
Is there a way to specify providers dynamically from, say, constructor of the component?
I used useFactory to determine what class will be used for provide.
I share for whom concern.
In component ts
selector: 'app-chart',
templateUrl: './chart.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./chart.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: DateTimeAdapter, useClass: MomentDateTimeAdapter },
{ provide: OwlDateTimeIntl, deps: [SettingService],
useFactory: (settingsService) => settingsService.getLanguage()
In service ts get class instance
export class SettingService {
public getLanguage(){
return this.translate.currentLang == "ko" ? new KoreanIntl() : new DefaultIntl;
Below are 3 broader steps you need to follow to implement dynamic providers. Please note i have commented many part of the code so that we focus on the main answer. If you want to see detailed step refer this Angular tutorial
Step 1 :- Create the collection of the providers
Create the collection and you can use the push method to add DI objects dynamically.
var providerscoll:any = [];
providerscoll.push({ provide: "1", useClass: DialogLogger });
providerscoll.push({ provide: "2", useClass: ConsoleLogger });
Step 2 :- Provide the providers collection in "NgModule" .
Please see the Square bracket syntax.
// code removed for clarity
providers: [providerscoll]
export class MainModuleLibrary { }
Step 3 :- Get the Injector object in constructor
Get injector object in the constructor using DI and you can then look up using the "Get" method and the token. So if you provide "1" then you get something and if you provide "2" you get something.
// code removed for clarity
import { Injector } from '#angular/core';
// code removed for clarity
export class CustomerComponent {
constructor(public injector: Injector){
this.logger = this.injector.get("2");
I've done it in the bootstrap part.
provide( RequestOptions, { useClass: DefaultRequestOptions } ),
provide(Http, { useFactory:
function(backend, defaultOptions) {
return new Http(backend, defaultOptions); },
deps: [XHRBackend, RequestOptions]}),
I'm guessing it can be done in a component too:
You make it dynamic by adding decisions into the factory function instead of just returning the same object.
There is one way to create component using ViewContainerRef, where is allowed to pass injector so I guess this should be possible but it is limited to create components dynamically:
Create Injector:
static create(options: {providers: StaticProvider[], parent?: Injector, name?: string}): Injector;
// #param injector The injector to use as the parent for the new component.
abstract createComponent<C>(
componentFactory: ComponentFactory<C>, index?: number, injector?: Injector,
projectableNodes?: any[][], ngModule?: NgModuleRef<any>): ComponentRef<C>;
Pseudo code:
class FooComponent {
private readonly injector: Injector,
private readonly viewContainer: ViewContainerRef){
const customInjector = this.injector.create({ providers: [FooService], parent: injector });
this.viewContainer.createComponent(componentFactory, 0, customInjector );
Or similarly use Portal from Angular CDK.

