Preserve variable's value for $http.get async result processing - javascript

Let us consider that we have a function, invoked on some event (let's say - scroll event). This function loads more items into some list.
Suppose that the logic of this function is designed as follows:
function() {
oldSize = list.length;
// add new items (prepare them in advance)
for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) list.push({});
$http.get("/next/page/" + oldSize).then(function() {
// here I want operate with oldSize value which is actual on moment of
// the $http.get invocation:
for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE;i++) {
// do something with
list[oldSize + i] = ... ;
The problem is that the entire function can be invoked almost simultaneously multiple times, what leads to the effect, that .then(function() { operates with improper value of oldSize variable - it becomes the value of last list.length, while I need it be preserved as it was on the moment of invocation.
For instance, if this event listener was invoked almost simultaneously 2 times, it will be:
oldSize == 5, list increased by 10 (for example) elements. But inside $http.get(...).then() I need to work with value oldSize == 5.
Second invocation: oldSize == 15 (because we have increased list by 10 elements in the first invocation). So inside this particular $http.get(...).then() I want to have oldSize == 15.
I hope it is clear. Please, do not suggest me to change my logic. I just want to know how to save variable value for postponed result of the asynchronous function (in my case it is $http.get(...).then(...)). Thanks.

Assuming you are not able to define oldSize inside this function because you need it somewhere else.
function() {
oldSize = list.length;
// add new items (prepare them in advance)
for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) list.push({});
var currentOldSize = oldSize;
$http.get("/next/page/" + oldSize).then(function() {
// here I want operate with oldSize value which is actual on moment of
// the $http.get invocation:
for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE;i++) {
// do something with
list[currentOldSize + i] = ... ;

Why is oldSize declared outside the scope or globally? Declare the variable in the scope of the function.
let list = [];
function() {
let size = list.length;
.then(function() {
// handle size


ReactJS for loop create buttons and set variable according to the integer in the loop

I am new to ReactJS, I am trying to create 10 buttons with for loops, and set a variable with the integer from the for loop, however the function setMqty(i) always returns 11 for all the buttons. What is the correct way for doing this?
var qtyButtons = [];
for(var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
onClick={(btn) => {qtyBtnToggle(btn);setMqty(i); }}
Thank you in advance.
The main issue here has to do with scoping. Let me reduce your example to a more minimal example:
var qtyCallbacks = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
qtyCallbacks.push(() => console.log(i));
for (const callback of qtyCallbacks) {
What's going wrong here? Why is it only logging 11 and not 1-10?
The issue is that a variable defined with var are scoped to the nearest function or globally if not in a function. So what does this mean?
It means that each iteration in your for loop refers to the same i. This isn't an issue if you directly use i.
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
console.log(i); // logs 1-10
However it does become an issue if you refer to i in code that is executed at a later point. The reason the initial snippet only logs 11 is because all the callbacks are created, each one referring to the same i. So when you evoke each callback after the for-loop is complete, they will all refer to the current value (which is 11).
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
console.log(i); // logs 11
// so if we invoke the callbacks here they all log 11
So how do you solve this issue? The simplest solution is probably to replace var with let. let will create a new variable for each for-iteration. Meaning that each created callback will refer to their own i and not a shared i. This also means that you cannot access i outside of the for-loop.
var qtyCallbacks = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
qtyCallbacks.push(() => console.log(i));
for (const callback of qtyCallbacks) {
console.log(i); // expected error, `i` is only available within the for-block
I think using a map function is the correct way for doing it.
Therefore, you must generate a range of numbers our any element to be able to perform a map function.
So if i was in your place i would have do it like:
const [mqty, setMqty] = useState(0);
// ...
const qtyButtons = Array(10).fill().map((_, i) => {
const value = parseInt(i);
return (
<button onClick={handleClick(value)}>
// ...
// The trick here is that function returning another function, beware of that
const handleClick = (i) => () => {
I am guessing setMqty is a state.Can you try
setMqty(currentValue=> currentValue+1)

Implementing loop for var names for clickTags

Need to add for a banner three clickTags which have names like clickTag1, clickTag2,clickTag3. Now the code looks like this:
for(var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i).addEventListener('click', function() {, '_blank'); //here I want clickTag look like clickTag + i, but its not working.
So the question is how to loop var names so I wont need to put it manually, like it is now.
The cleanest way to solve this problem would be to use an Array.
[, clickTag1, clickTag2, clickTag3].forEach(function(e, i) {
document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i).addEventListener('click', function() {, '_blank');
An alternative method: if your clickTags are global variables, you could always access them as global properties of the window object:
for(var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) (function (i) {
document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i).addEventListener('click', function() {['clickTag' + i], '_blank')
The additional wrapping function fixes the closure bug mentioned in the comments above.
You want to use an array for this. An array is an indexed list of values.
var clickTags = ["","","",""];
for(var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i).addEventListener('click', function() {[i], '_blank'); //here I want clickTag look like clickTag + i, but its not working.
Notice since you are starting your loop at 1 instead of 0, i've added a blank entry for index 0 of the clickTags array.
Why it is not currently working the way you intend :
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// During your first loop there is a local variable `i` whose value is 1
document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i)
// Here you pass an anonymous function as the second argument to addEventListener
// This creates a closure, which means the function's context includes variables
// that were in scope when it was created. Right now we have the `for` loop's variable
// `i` in the current scope, so the function keeps a *reference* to that variable.
.addEventListener('click', function() {
// When this get executed in the future, the function has to know about the variable `i`,
// and thankfully there is a reference to it in this function's closure. But remember that
// the for loop executed 3 times, using that same variable. That means that every function
// was created with a closure that is keeping a reference to the same variable, whose final
// value after the loop finished, was 4.
window.alert('clickTag' + i); // Will always alert 'clickTag4' no matter which is clicked
<div id="Destination_cta_1">1</div>
<div id="Destination_cta_2">2</div>
<div id="Destination_cta_3">3</div>
How to solve this problem ?
Make sure each addEventListener call gets a function with the correct value in a closure of its own. The way to do this is to use an immediately invoked function expression to which you pass in the value you want :
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
var element = document.getElementById('Destination_cta_' + i)
element.addEventListener('click', (function(index) {
// This function is now a closure with a reference to index
return function() {
window.alert('clickTag' + index);
})(i)) // calling the anonymous function with the current value of `i` binds that value
// to the function's scope
<div id="Destination_cta_1">1</div>
<div id="Destination_cta_2">2</div>
<div id="Destination_cta_3">3</div>

Setting Child CascadingDropDown Asynchronously in Javascript

I have 3 CascadingDropDowns and am trying to set their values from the clientside. I have a solution that works, but uses setTimeout which is not always reliable, so I am looking for a more stable solution.
The problem I'm having is that after setting the Parent CascadingDropDown, its child is not immediately populated -- it takes some milliseconds to load the data. Therefore in the javascript code if I assign the parent dropdown a value and then try to loop through the corresponding child values to find the value I want, the child dropdown will not be immediately populated since its data has not come back from the web service.
Here is the code using timeouts that is working for me -- but I want to get away from the timeouts.
for (i = 0; i < ddlPC1.length; i++) {
if (ddlPC1.options[i].value == test1) {
var ajaxcdd_ddlPC2 = $find(document.getElementById('ajaxcdd_ddlPC2ID').value);
ddlPC1.selectedIndex = i;
ajaxcdd_ddlPC2._onParentChange(null, false);
setTimeout(function () {
var ddlPC2 = document.getElementById(document.getElementById('ddlPC2ID').value);
for (i = 0; i < ddlPC2.length; i++) {
if (ddlPC2.options[i].value == test2) {
ddlPC2.selectedIndex = i;
var ajaxcdd_ddlPC3 = $find(document.getElementById('ajaxcdd_ddlPC3ID').value);
ajaxcdd_ddlPC3._onParentChange(null, false);
setTimeout(function () {
var ddlPC3 = document.getElementById(document.getElementById('ddlPC3ID').value);
for (i = 0; i < ddlPC3.length; i++) {
if (ddlPC3.options[i].value == test3) {
ddlPC3.selectedIndex = i;
}, 250);
}, 250);
test1, test2, and test3 are the values that I want to assign the dropdowns to. If I remove the timeouts, the for loops will not iterate since there is not any data immediately populated in the child drop downs (data coming from webservice, and takes about 100 ms).
Is there a way to set the child drop downs (ddlPC2, ddlPC3) without having to use setTimeout?
Thank you.

java script last iteration set the value for all iterations

var myElements = document.getElementsByName('bb1');
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
var curValue = myElements[i].getAttribute('innerId')
myElements[i].addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
alert('Hello i am : ' + curValue);
}, false);
when mouse over, every element, instead of showing a different value for curValue, a constant value (the last iteration value) is displayed.
what am i doing wrong here?
There is no different scope inside blocks like for in JavaScript, so when your mouseover event is triggered, it will alert the current variable value which was set in the last iteration.
You can just use this inside your callback function to get the attribute of the object which the event was triggered.
var myElements = document.getElementsByName('bb1');
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
myElements[i].addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
alert('Hello i am : ' + this.getAttribute('innerId'));
}, false);
The general issue here is the closure in Javascript. This happens when using variable (in this case curValue) not defined within the callback function.
I recommend reading answers about JS closures here.

Scope troubles in Javascript when passing an anonymous function to a named function with a local variable

Sorry about the title - I couldn't figure out a way to phrase it.
Here's the scenario:
I have a function that builds a element:
Inside buildSelect it does this:
I also have an array that goes:
var xs = ['x1','x2','x3'...];
Given all of these, I have some code that does this:
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
buildSelect(blah,function(){ CallBack(xs[i],...) },...);
The issue is that when onchange gets fired on one of those selects it correctly goes to CallBack() but the first parameter is incorrect. For example if I change the third select I expect CallBack() to be called with xs[2] instead I get some varying things like xs[3] or something else.
If I modify it slightly to this:
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
var xm = xs[i];
buildSelect(blah,function(){ CallBack(xm,...) },...);
I'm still getting incorrect values in CallBack(). Something tells me this is scope/closure related but I can't seem to figure out what.
I simply want the first select to call CallBack for onchange with the first parameter as xs[0], the second select with xs[1] and so on. What could I be doing wrong here?
I should clarify that xs is a global variable.
You need to capture that xm value by closing around it in its own scope.
To do this requires a separate function call:
buildCallback( curr_xm ) {
// this function will refer to the `xm` member passed in
return function(){ CallBack(curr_xm,...) },...);
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
var xm = xs[ i ];
buildSelect(blah,buildCallback( xm ),...);
Now the xm that the callback refers to is the one that you passed to buildCallback.
If you have other uses for i that need to be retained, you could send that instead:
buildCallback( curr_i ) {
// this function will refer to the `i` value passed in
return function(){ CallBack( xs[ curr_i ],...) },...);
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
buildSelect(blah,buildCallback( i ),...);
The problem is indeed scope-related -- JavaScript has only function scope, not block scope or loop scope. There is only a single instance of the variables i and xm, and the value of these variables changes as the loop progresses. When the loop is done, you're left with only the last value that they held. Your anonymous functions capture the variables themselves, not their values.
To capture the actual value of a variable, you need another function where you can capture the local variable:
function makeCallback(value) {
return function() { CallBack(value, ...) };
Each call to makeCallback gets a new instance of the value variable and if you capture this variable, you essentially capture the value:
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
Yes, I think a closure would help:
for(var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++)
return function(){
Edit: I also optimised your for loop slightly.
Edit: I guess I'll add an explanation. What you're doing is creating an anonymous function which takes one argument (xm) and calling the function straight away (with the parenthesis right after). This anonymous function must also return your original function as an argument of buildSelect().
Apparently there is a new let keyword that does what you want:
for(var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++)
let xm = xs[i];
buildSelect(blah,function(){ CallBack(xm,...) },...);

