SOCKET.IO analogy in angular application (with rx.js) - javascript

I am developing angular(2) application.
And I want to update view when data changed in back end.
getData() {
return this.http.get("some url")
.map(result => result.json());
How can I develop listener in my component, which will be listen and updating view?

So, two solutions depending on what you are able to do:
1 - You have write access to the server's code
Then you can implement the websocket support on your server and then use a tool like to automatically wrap the socket events in rxjs observables.
2 - You don't have write access to the server's code
Well, in this case, you will have to do a regular polling of the server. Which would look something like that:
.timer(0, 1000) // once every second
.mergeMap(_ => this.http.get("/url").map(json => result.json()))
If the server is well implemented (and you send the right headers), it might send you back a 304 http code from which you can deduce that nothing happened since your last call, and you can filter out those cases.
Hope it helps


How detect changes of an api

I have a api that returns if the building is open and how much peapole are in there.
Now i want my Discord Bot to send a message when the Building opens.
How do i do that?
if the api recives a request the response is looks this :
state: {
open: false/true
It may be helpful to clear out the terminology: the "API" in this context is the endpoints exposed by the server and their request/response schemas (you can think of it as the fields you send and receive back). Now, this doesn't change in your case: it's the same endpoint, and the same fields. What changes is the value.
Now, you are probably doing a HTTP request to a given URL, where the server is. And in HTTP world, we say that we are requesting a resource. The resource behind is the homepage of this website. The resource behind the endpoint you are calling is a building's state. This resource changes overtime, it may open or closed at any time, people going in and out. But the API doesn't change in this case.
Let's reword your question, so it can be clearer: How can a client know when a HTTP resource changes? If your server only exposes this endpoint to know the state of the building, the answer is a sad "it can't". Let's say that I close the building, the server knows it somehow and now the building's state is {"open": false}. But the server doesn't have any mechanism to say to your client that the state changed, the server just waits for the client to ask what the state is, and returns. Allowing a server to send data to your client without the client requesting first adds some complexity to your architecture, and although there's a bonus (the client will know of state changes as soon as possible), in your case, it may not be necessary.
One alternative is long polling, in long polling your client makes a request to the server and the server doesn't respond immediately, it... waits. Waits for an update, like a change in building's state. When an update happens, then it sends a response. The client, in turn, requests again! And waits for the server to send an update... In practice, the client will keep up with the server state. The mentioned article for long polling gives a good example:
The one caveat is that the server must also support long polling. If the server just returns whatever the resource's state is, then the client will keep receiving the same state over and over. Another valid solution is instead of waiting for updates, the client keeps requesting the server for every few seconds. You may miss some updates! But in some cases, it's fine to lose track of a few updates.
Ok, enough theory. What about your case? If you want to know if a door is open or closed, but don't care to know when it happens, you can just request the server every five seconds or so:
In some pseudo javascript code, and very inspired by the long polling article mentioned before:
async function subscribe() {
let buildingState = null
while (true) {
const response = await fetch("/subscribe")
if (response.status != 200) {
// An error - let's show it
// Get and show the message
const message = await response.json()
// a function that returns true/false if the state is different
if (stateChanged(message, buildingState)) {
buildingState = message
// wait five seconds and repeat
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
This works fine. But if you want for your client to immediately know when a door is opened or closed, this is not enough: opening and closing a door is a quite fast action, and even if you request the server every second, you may lose updates. In this case, the server needs to change. Either by implementing long polling, or something like websockets... you didn't mention that the server is in your control, but if it doesn't, it may be helpful to talk with who maintains it to work out a solution.
If you only have pull access to that API then the only way to detect state change is to periodically send a request, store response, and trigger your bot on stored response change.

With Electron/Node.js, how do I implement simple sequential code asynchronously?

I am working on a project where my Electron App interacts with a physical device using serial commands, via serialport. The app sends a string to the device, the device executes the command (which can take ~30s) and then sends back a string to signify completion and results from that operation.
My goal is to automate a series of actions. For that, basically the following needs to be done asynchronously, so that the render thread doesn't get blocked:
Start a loop
Send a string to the device
Wait until a specific response comes back
Tell the render thread about the response, so it can update the UI
Afterwards, repeat with the next string.
Actually, multiple different commands need to be send in each loop cycle, and between each one the app has to wait for a specific string from the device.
This is kind of related to my last question, What's the correct way to run a function asynchronously in Electron?. From that, I know I should use web workers to run something asynchronously. However, my plan turned out to involve more problems than I anticipated, and I wanted to ask what would be a good way to implement this, having the whole plan in mind and not just a certain aspect of it.
I am especially not sure how to make the worker work with serialport. The serial device it needs to interact with is a child of the render process, so sending commands will probably be done over web worker messages. But I have no idea on how to make the worker wait for a specific response from the device.
(Since this question is of a more general nature, I am unsure whether I should provide some code snippets. If this is to general, I can try to write some pseudo code to make my problem more clear.)
I would go for a promise-based approach like this:
let promiseChain = Promise.resolve();
waitForEvent = function(){
return new Promise(resolve=>{
event.on("someEvent", (eventData => {
while(someLoopCondition) {
promiseChain = promiseChain

Wait for an event to trigger inside Node.js process

First of all, I am well aware that Node.js is non-blocking before anything else, but in this very specific case, it must be blocking and waiting here.
I have an authentication process that works that way (using APIs, I didn't design this so I cannot modify the way the auth works):
I send a PUT request to a REST API, I get a HTTPResponse code that determines if the API understood the request.
The server I just requested through its API sends the full response (including error codes, etc) through an XMPP protocol.
This means, when I send the request, I cannot know what happened next, and must wait for the XMPP event to trigger (basically, an on("message", callback) event).
I'd like to know how to work with this with Node.js.
Two more things to know:
1) I'm working on a client/server architecture, and my Node.js server is doing this authentication process, and sending a response through the websocket to the client and waiting for a socket answer is out of the question (not my call, but my boss wants this process to be done in one pass).
2) It must not be done with the client socket and must go through the full Node.js process for various reasons.
Thanks a lot for your help people! \o/
Sorry for not answering previously, we had some severe hardware failure at work.
Anyway, I'm not answering one of your comments directly because I found a solution I prefer, even if I thank you for your help. I've decided to use a promise and to wait for its answer to be sure to get a proper response.
Here is the code:
var answer = await new Promise((accept, reject) => {
// If there are no stanza in 30 seconds, then the process failed or the stanza got missed.
setTimeout(() => {
reject("timed out");
}, (30 * 1000));
// Waiting for the xmpp event to trigger.
xmpp.on("stanza", function(stanza) {
// Processing of the received stanza goes here.
#gkatzioura solution was interesting, but this looked a little bit heavy on bandwidth and we are working on a large scale applications, or maybe I didn't fully understand it, then it is my mistake.
#pspi solution was also interesting but this would be a problem considering the XMPP event listener is inside the request, and the PUT request needs to send a body on its end() event and here it wouldn't really work for what I want to do. I think that's because the original post I made was somewhat unclear.
Thanks a lot for your help guys! :]
I don't know enough XMPP, but would this just be case of "putting dependent logic inside callback".
request.put(..., function () {
// dependent xmpp logic inside request callback
xmpp.on(..., function () {
// xmpp and put response received, now talk back to socket client
In your case I would proceed with the event emitter (or anything in a publish subscribe fashion).
Fire your http call and inside the handler add an emitter listener with a check if the events is for the corresponding authentication.
Meanwhile your xmpp connection once it receives the authorization it shall emit a message.
The listener will receive the message successfully and will use the callback of the http call.

node.js - how to push an address change to a client?

I am trying to set up a simple presentation using three computers synchronized by a central server, and I figured node would be the ideal tool.
I was wondering if there's any way to have all three computers connect to the server via the browser, and if I could control the server to push changes to each?
For example:
Computer-1 visits
Computer-2 visits
Computer-3 visits
Then from the server commandline, I would like to be able to trigger a change so the clients will each be redirected accordingly like so:
Computer-1 visits
Computer-2 visits
Computer-3 visits
I'm new to node, so I'm not even sure if this is the ideal platform, but was wondering what terminology I should be researching to be able to build something like this?
Thank you for your responses, I ended up looking into and managed to write this system in one evening! Node + and express is a pretty amazing tool with the socket emit events.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, this is exactly the tool I was looking for.
Just in case it may help anyone, in my client/jade template, I have something like:
socket.on('slideUpdate', function (data) {
// Do things with the data
and on the server app.js:
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('slideChange', function (data) {
// logic for setting slide data
io.sockets.emit('slideUpdate', { example: exampleData ... });
where a slideChange event is triggered via a button on the client-side template.
For such a presentation I would use the most simple solution, i.e. not websockets, not server-sent events and not long-polling.
Just do a short poll, i.e. every client calls the server every 100ms for updates. The server then responds with a status update (if there is one).

Firebase Callbacks - what's the underlying trigger?

I understand that in Firebase I can register my page for callbacks with the "on" method.
According to their docs:
on( ) is used to listen for data changes at a particular location.
This is the primary way to read data from Firebase.
firebaseRef.on('value', function(dataSnapshot) {
// code to handle new value.
My question is:
How does it work ?
How does it know that something has changed on the serverside ?
(better) How does the server can 'callback' the browser ?
One answer might be that it is "polling". But I have seen no reference about this approach in Firebase documentation or properties to configure polling time ...
Does anybody know ?
Firebase uses WebSockets to allow the server to "push" data to the client. Since not all browser versions support WebSockets yet, it also falls back to long polling for those browsers.
The implementation details of how that works on the server are proprietary and sophisticated--enough to write a book about and beyond the scope of a SO question. Logically, works exactly as advertised: The service is designed so that any time a set(), push(), or update() is called (or the REST equivalents), it notifies any listeners of the change.
Regardless of whether the browser uses WebSockets or not, there is no "polling time" as the client is not repeatedly contacting the server. Long polling means waiting for a data change to occur, rather than polling repeatedly to see if a change has occurred. As you can see by trying out the tutorial or any of the real-time examples, data changes are synced to all clients in a matter of milliseconds--nothing to configure.

