Modify DOM and replace mail addresses - javascript

I would like to make use of Simple HTML DOM parser to search for mail-adresses in the content of a html-site and replace them.
The replacement contains a span element and a little bit JS (this should obfuscate the addresses.
At the moment this works as follows:
$pattern =
preg_match_all( $pattern, $content, $matches );
foreach ( $matches[ 0 ] as $email ) {
$content = $this->searchDOM(
This is the searchDOM-method:
private function searchDOM( $content, $search, $replace, $excludedParents = [] )
$dom = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html(
foreach ( $dom->find( 'text' ) as $element ) {
if ( !in_array( $element->parent()->tag, $excludedParents ) ) {
$element->innertext = preg_replace(
'/(?<!\w)' . preg_quote( $search, "/" ) . '(?!\w)/i',
return $dom->save();
and this is the hide_email-method:
function hide_email( $email )
$character_set = '+-.0123456789#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$key = str_shuffle( $character_set );
$cipher_text = '';
$id = 'e' . rand( 1, 999999999 );
for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $email ); $i += 1 )
$cipher_text .= $key[ strpos( $character_set, $email[ $i ] ) ];
$script = 'var a="' . $key . '";var b=a.split("").sort().join("");var c="' . $cipher_text . '";var d="";';
$script .= 'for(var e=0;e<c.length;e++)d+=b.charAt(a.indexOf(c.charAt(e)));';
$script .= 'document.getElementById("' . $id . '").innerHTML=""+d+""';
$script = "eval(\"" . str_replace( [ "\\", '"' ], [ "\\\\", '\"' ], $script ) . "\")";
$script = '<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/' . $script . '/*]]>*/</script>';
return '<span id="' . $id . '">[javascript protected email address]</span>' . $script;
Well - this is not working as expected, because the rendered page shows only "[javascript protected email address]". If I have a look at the source, the a-tag is missing.


How can I get similar count of data

I want to get set if statement of no. of count of array from database. I already have a if statement checking the count but I am unable to use it in my file.
Help me replicate the count if statement here. I want to wrap pro_type and is_pro in if statement of no. of counts similar in reaferandearn page .
My function where I need if count statement :
users.php file
public function update_valid_refer_point($id){
global $db;
$user_balance = $db->where('id',$id)
$_POST['pro_type'] =4;
$_POST['is_pro'] =1;
$bal =$user_balance['balance']+500;
$updated = $db->where('id', $id)
->update('users', array('pro_type' => 4,'is_pro' => 1,'balance' => $bal));
return TRUE;
The file where I have similar if count statement but I have no idea how to use it above :
if(count($data['refferal_data']['data']) > 0){
for($u=0; $u<count($data['refferal_data']['data']);$u++){
$userFirstName = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->first_name;
$userLastName = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->last_name;
$userName = $userFirstName.' '.$userLastName;
$userProfilePhoto = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->avater;
$refferalDate = date('d - M - Y',strtotime($data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->refferalDate));
$userRefferalCode = $data['refferal_data']['data'][$u]->refferalCode;
<img src="<?php echo $userProfilePhoto;?>" width="75" height="75" viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="margin-right: 15px; border-radius: 50%;"/>
<?php echo $userName."<br>".$refferalDate;?>
<?php echo 'No reffered user yet';?>
referandearn controller :
Class Referearn extends Theme {
public static function LoadreffralUsers() {
$data = '';
$ajax_class = realpath($_CONTROLLERS . 'aj.php');
$ajax_class_file = realpath($_AJAX . 'loadmore.php');
if (file_exists($ajax_class_file)) {
require_once $ajax_class;
require_once $ajax_class_file;
$_POST['page'] = 1;
$loadmore = new Loadmore();
$refferal_users = $loadmore->refferal_users();
parent::$data['refferal_data'] = $refferal_users;
/*if (isset($refferal_users['html'])) {
$data = $refferal_users['html'];
return $data;
And loadmore referusers function :
function refferal_users() {
global $db, $_BASEPATH, $_DS,$_excludes;
if (self::ActiveUser() == NULL) {
return array(
'status' => 403,
'message' => __('Forbidden')
$error = '';
$page = 0;
$perpage = 7;
$html = '';
$html_imgs = '';
$template = '';
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
if (isset($_POST[ 'page' ]) && (!is_numeric($_POST[ 'page' ]) || empty($_POST[ 'page' ]))) {
$error = '<p>• ' . __('no page number found.') . '</p>';
} else {
$page = (int) Secure($_POST[ 'page' ]) - 1;
if ($error == '') {
$limit = $perpage;
$offset = $page * $perpage;
//$query = GetRefferalUserQuery(self::ActiveUser()->id, $limit, $offset);
//$refferal_users = $db->rawQuery($query);
$sql = 'SELECT,,U.lastseen,U.username,U.avater,,U.first_name,U.last_name,U.location,U.birthday,U.language,U.relationship,U.height,U.body,U.smoke,U.ethnicity,U.pets,U.gender, RU.refferalDate, RU.refferalCode FROM users U INNER JOIN refferalusers RU ON RU.refferalBy = ';
$sql .= ' WHERE RU.refferalTo = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' AND ( ';
$sql .= ' U.verified = "1" AND U.privacy_show_profile_random_users = "1" ';
// to exclude blocked users
$notin = ' AND NOT IN (SELECT block_userid FROM blocks WHERE user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.') ';
// to exclude liked and disliked users users
$notin .= ' AND NOT IN (SELECT like_userid FROM likes WHERE ( user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' OR like_userid = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' ) ) ';
$sql .= ' ) ';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.';';
$random_users = $db->objectBuilder()->rawQuery($sql);
$theme_path = $_BASEPATH . 'themes' . $_DS . self::Config()->theme . $_DS;
//$template = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'random_users.php';
//$template1 = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'matches_imgs.php';
if (file_exists($template)) {
foreach ($random_users as $random_user) {
$html .= ob_get_contents();
return array(
'status' => 200,
'page' => $page + 2,
'html' => $html,
'data' => $random_users
} else {
return array(
'status' => 400,
'message' => $error

How to call similar variables in php

I want to get set if statement of no. of count of array from database. I already have a if statement checking the count but I am unable to use it in my file.
Help me replicate the count if statement here. I want to wrap pro_type and is_pro in if statement of no. of counts similar in reaferandearn page .
My function where I need if count statement :
users.php file
public function update_valid_refer_point($id){
global $db;
$user_balance = $db->where('id',$id)
$_POST['pro_type'] =4;
$_POST['is_pro'] =1;
$bal =$user_balance['balance']+500;
$updated = $db->where('id', $id)
->update('users', array('pro_type' => 4,'is_pro' => 1,'balance' => $bal));
return TRUE;
The file where I have similar if count statement but I have no idea how to use it above :
if(count($data['refferal_data']['data']) > 0){
referandearn controller :
Class Referearn extends Theme {
public static function LoadreffralUsers() {
$data = '';
$ajax_class = realpath($_CONTROLLERS . 'aj.php');
$ajax_class_file = realpath($_AJAX . 'loadmore.php');
if (file_exists($ajax_class_file)) {
require_once $ajax_class;
require_once $ajax_class_file;
$_POST['page'] = 1;
$loadmore = new Loadmore();
$refferal_users = $loadmore->refferal_users();
parent::$data['refferal_data'] = $refferal_users;
/*if (isset($refferal_users['html'])) {
$data = $refferal_users['html'];
return $data;
And loadmore referusers function :
function refferal_users() {
global $db, $_BASEPATH, $_DS,$_excludes;
if (self::ActiveUser() == NULL) {
return array(
'status' => 403,
'message' => __('Forbidden')
$error = '';
$page = 0;
$perpage = 7;
$html = '';
$html_imgs = '';
$template = '';
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
if (isset($_POST[ 'page' ]) && (!is_numeric($_POST[ 'page' ]) || empty($_POST[ 'page' ]))) {
$error = '<p>• ' . __('no page number found.') . '</p>';
} else {
$page = (int) Secure($_POST[ 'page' ]) - 1;
if ($error == '') {
$limit = $perpage;
$offset = $page * $perpage;
//$query = GetRefferalUserQuery(self::ActiveUser()->id, $limit, $offset);
//$refferal_users = $db->rawQuery($query);
$sql = 'SELECT,,U.lastseen,U.username,U.avater,,U.first_name,U.last_name,U.location,U.birthday,U.language,U.relationship,U.height,U.body,U.smoke,U.ethnicity,U.pets,U.gender, RU.refferalDate, RU.refferalCode FROM users U INNER JOIN refferalusers RU ON RU.refferalBy = ';
$sql .= ' WHERE RU.refferalTo = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' AND ( ';
$sql .= ' U.verified = "1" AND U.privacy_show_profile_random_users = "1" ';
// to exclude blocked users
$notin = ' AND NOT IN (SELECT block_userid FROM blocks WHERE user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.') ';
// to exclude liked and disliked users users
$notin .= ' AND NOT IN (SELECT like_userid FROM likes WHERE ( user_id = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' OR like_userid = '.self::ActiveUser()->id.' ) ) ';
$sql .= ' ) ';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.';';
$random_users = $db->objectBuilder()->rawQuery($sql);
$theme_path = $_BASEPATH . 'themes' . $_DS . self::Config()->theme . $_DS;
//$template = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'random_users.php';
//$template1 = $theme_path . 'partails' . $_DS . 'find-matches' . $_DS . 'matches_imgs.php';
if (file_exists($template)) {
foreach ($random_users as $random_user) {
$html .= ob_get_contents();
return array(
'status' => 200,
'page' => $page + 2,
'html' => $html,
'data' => $random_users
} else {
return array(
'status' => 400,
'message' => $error

AJAX Call - Does not recognize wordpress functions / classes

i have Ajax call for getting response , in response file i have used wordpress loop usng WP_Query() class...
but when i perform ajax it returns Fatal error:
Fatal error: Class 'WP_Query' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\business-finder\wp-content\themes\businessfinder\metabox\ajax-process.php on line 20
Here is AJAX call code:
var path = 'http://localhost/business-finder/wp-content/themes/businessfinder/metabox/ajax-process.php';
type: "POST",
url: path,
data: { param:folio_data }
}).done(function( msg ) {
$( '#ajax_folio' ).html( msg );
//alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
Here is response file Code:
print_r( $_POST['param'] );
if( !empty( $_POST['param'] ) ):
echo spyropress_get_attached_posts1( $_POST['param'], 'ait-grid-portfolio' );
echo '<br><br>';
function spyropress_get_attached_posts1( $post_id = '', $post_type = '' ){
//if( $post_id = '' || $post_type = '' ) return;
$counter = 0;
global $wp_query ;
$query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post__in' => $post_id ) );
if( $query->have_posts() ):
$out .= '<table border = "1">';
while( $query->have_posts() ):
if( $counter == 6 ):
$out .= '<tr class = "post_list">';
$out .= '<td>'.get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), array(100,100)).'<br>'.get_the_title().'</td>';
if( $counter == 6 ):
$out .= '</tr>';
$counter = 0;
$out .= '</table>';
$out = 'No Posts Found....';
return $out;
add_action( 'init', 'spyropress_get_attached_posts' );
You have written wrong ajax code. you can not use ajax like this. See below code:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var dataString = {
action: 'my_ajax',
param: folio_data
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>",
data: dataString,
cache: false,
success: function(msg)
$( '#ajax_folio' ).html( msg );
//alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
function ajaxDataSubmit(){
global $wpdb;
$post_id = $_POST['param'];
$counter = 0;
global $wp_query ;
$query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post__in' => $post_id ) );
if( $query->have_posts() ):
$out .= '<table border = "1">';
while( $query->have_posts() ):
if( $counter == 6 ):
$out .= '<tr class = "post_list">';
$out .= '<td>'.get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), array(100,100)).'<br>'.get_the_title().'</td>';
if( $counter == 6 ):
$out .= '</tr>';
$counter = 0;
$out .= '</table>';
$out = 'No Posts Found....';
add_action('wp_ajax_my_ajax', 'ajaxDataSubmit');//Logged in users
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_my_ajax', 'ajaxDataSubmit'); // Not logged in uNOTE: mer

JavaScript upload file max size

I have to upload the code
this code for Datalife engine. How do I make the file size limit ~5Mb. And where to put the code? Sorry I'm bad speaking English. Thanks for help.
$allowed_extensions = array ("gif", "jpg", "png", "jpe", "jpeg" );
if ((isset($_FILES['post_add']) && $_FILES['post_add']!='')) {
$file_prefix = time() + rand( 1, 100 );
$file_prefix .= "_";
define( 'FOLDER_PREFIX', date( "Y-m" ) );
if( ! is_dir( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX ) ) {
#mkdir( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX, 0777 );
#chmod( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX, 0777 );
#mkdir( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX . "/thumbs", 0777 );
#chmod( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX . "/thumbs", 0777 );
$config_path_image_upload = ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/posts/" . FOLDER_PREFIX . "/";
$current_image = 'post_add';
$image = $_FILES[$current_image]['tmp_name'];
$image_name = $_FILES[$current_image]['name'];
$image_size = $_FILES[$current_image]['size'];
$error_code = $_FILES[$current_image]['error'];
$img_name_arr = explode( ".", $image_name );
$type = totranslit( end( $img_name_arr ) );
if( $image_name != "" ) {
$curr_key = key( $img_name_arr );
unset( $img_name_arr[$curr_key] );
$image_name = totranslit( implode( ".", $img_name_arr ) ) . "." . $type;
if ( in_array( strtolower( $type ), $allowed_extensions) ) {
#move_uploaded_file( $image, $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name );
if( #file_exists( $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name ) ) {
#chmod( $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name, 0666 );
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_images where author = '{$member_id[name]}' AND news_id = '$idpost'" );
if( ! $row['count'] ) {
$added_time = time() + ($config['date_adjust'] * 60);
$inserts = FOLDER_PREFIX . "/" . $file_prefix . $image_name;
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_images (images, author, news_id, date) values ('$inserts', '{$member_id[name]}', '$idpost', '$added_time')" );
} else {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT images FROM " . PREFIX . "_images where author = '{$member_id[name]}' AND news_id = '$idpost'" );
if( $row['images'] == "" ) $listimages = array ();
else $listimages = explode( "|||", $row['images'] );
foreach ( $listimages as $dataimages ) {
if( $dataimages == FOLDER_PREFIX . "/" . $file_prefix . $image_name ) $error_image = "stop";
if( $error_image != "stop" ) {
$listimages[] = FOLDER_PREFIX . "/" . $file_prefix . $image_name;
$row['images'] = implode( "|||", $listimages );
$db->query( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_images set images='{$row['images']}' where author = '{$member_id[name]}' AND news_id = '$idpost'" );
include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/thumb.class.php';
$tumb_ok = false;
$_POST['make_thumb'] = true;
$_POST['make_watermark'] = $config['allow_watermark'];
if( isset( $_POST['make_thumb'] ) ) {
$thumb = new thumbnail( $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name );
if( $thumb->size_auto( $config['max_image'], $_POST['t_seite'] ) ) {
$thumb->jpeg_quality( $config['jpeg_quality'] );
if( $config['allow_watermark'] == "yes" and $_POST['make_watermark'] == "yes" ) $thumb->insert_watermark( $config['max_watermark'] );
$thumb->save( $config_path_image_upload . "thumbs/" . $file_prefix . $image_name );
if( #file_exists( $config_path_image_upload . "thumbs/" . $file_prefix . $image_name ) ) $tumb_ok = true;
#chmod( $config_path_image_upload . "thumbs/" . $file_prefix . $image_name, 0666 );
$config['max_up_side'] = intval( $config['max_up_side'] );
if( ($config['allow_watermark'] == "yes" and $_POST['make_watermark'] == "yes") or $config['max_up_side'] ) {
$thumb = new thumbnail( $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name );
$thumb->jpeg_quality( $config['jpeg_quality'] );
if( $config['max_up_side'] ) $thumb->size_auto( $config['max_up_side'] );
if( $config['allow_watermark'] == "yes" and $_POST['make_watermark'] == "yes" ) $thumb->insert_watermark( $config['max_watermark'] );
$thumb->save( $config_path_image_upload . $file_prefix . $image_name );
$short_story = preg_replace('/^<br \/>(.*?)(<br \/>)*?$/is', '$1', $short_story);
if ( $tumb_ok ) $short_story = "<!--TBegin--><a href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/{$file_prefix}{$image_name}\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\" ><img align=\"left\" src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/thumbs/{$file_prefix}{$image_name}\" alt='$title' title='$title' /></a><!--TEnd-->".$short_story;
else $short_story = "<img src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/{$file_prefix}{$image_name}\" align=\"left\" alt='$title' title='$title' />".$short_story;
$full_story = "<img src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}uploads/posts/".FOLDER_PREFIX."/{$file_prefix}{$image_name}\" align=\"center\" alt='$title' title='$title' />".$full_story;
$short_story = addslashes($short_story);
$full_story = addslashes($full_story);
$db->query( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_post SET short_story='$short_story', full_story='$full_story' where id = '$idpost'" );
I wrote to google translate
why do you want to play around with your code while you can set it in admin cp? the option can be set in system settings for both files and images, the new version of DLE settings are moved to Usergroup Manager

Cannot retrieve json string from php using ajax

I can't retrieve json string data from my php script using ajax call.
Here is my ajax script :
type: "POST",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
url: "database/clientpanel/logs/search_call_log.php",
data: {
from: from,
to: to,
sel: sel
cache: false,
success: function(data){
and this is my php script:
//wall ===================================================
$from = $_POST['from'];
$to = $_POST['to'];
$sel = $_POST['sel'];
// connect to the database
$client_id = $_SESSION['clientid'];
$out = 0;
$in = 0;
$ext =0;
$min = 0;
$sec = 0;
$results = array(
'html' => $html
$html = " ";
if($sel == "all"){
$query=" select * from call where client='$client_id' ORDER BY date_time DESC";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
$query=" select * from tele_panel_call where (client='$client_id' AND date_time BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') ORDER BY date_time DESC";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows > 0){
while ($row = $result->fetch_object())
$from = $row->from;
$to = $row->to;
$html .= '<div style="width:590px;height:15px;background: url(img/clientimg/wrap-white.png)repeat;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;margin-bottom:5px;">';
$query_from=" select * from tele_agent_dialer where (client='$client_id' AND (dialer='$from' OR dialer='$to'))";
$result_from = $mysqli->query($query_from);
$row_from = $result_from->fetch_assoc();
$dialer = $row_from['dialer'];
if($dialer == $from){
$image = 'outgoing';
$out = $out+1;
if($dialer == $to){
$image = 'incoming';
$in = $in+1;
if($dialer != $to & $dialer != $from){
$image = 'extension';
$ext = $ext+1;
$html .= '<img src="img/clientimg/'; $html .= $image; $html .= '.png" style="float:left;margin-right:10px;height:15px">';
$html .= '<div style="float:left;margin-right:5px;width:135px;height:30px;overflow:hidden;"><b>From: </b>';
if( preg_match( '/^\d(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/', $from, $matches ) )
$from = '('. $matches[1] . ') ' .$matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];
$html .= $from;
$html .= '</div>
<div style="float:left;margin-right:5px;width:125px;height:30px;overflow:hidden;">
<b>To: </b>';
if( preg_match( '/^\d(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/', $to, $matches ) )
$to = '('. $matches[1] . ') ' .$matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];
$html .= $to;
$html .= '</div>
<div style="float:left;width:160px;margin-right:5px;height:30px;overflow:hidden;">
<b>Date/Time: </b>'; $html .= $row->date_time;
$html .= '</div>
<div style="float:left;width:100px;margin-right:5px;height:30px;overflow:hidden;">
<b>Duration: </b>';
$duration = $row->duration;
preg_match("#(\d+):(\d+)#", $duration, $matches );
$min = $min + $matches[1];
$sec = $sec + $matches[2];
$html .= $duration;
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
echo "No results to display!";
$jsonString = json_encode($results);
echo $jsonString;
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? My php script doesn't have any errors when I check the page itself.
Also it's good to add proper header for json data output (at the begining of the script for example).
header("Content-Type: application/json");
As for query results, you should debug it. Try to print the query and run it in Phpmyadmin (or other database administration tool)

