Gmail JS API - OAuth2 Error invalid_scope - javascript

I am new to GMail JS API and I was trying to read gmail emails using Javascript according to the quickstart tutorial given explained on below link
I have followed all the instructions given on the page but I am getting below
did I miss something???
Please help me resolve this error
Thanks in advance!!!

You may refer with this thread. Make sure that you are authenticated to the API properly.
To do this, there are two ways:
use OAuth - the Server redirects the user to google's servers, where they can login, grant permission to your app, and pass a token back to
Service Accounts. These are a little bit more complicated:
First, you'll have to setup an app (done)
second, you'll have to setup a service account. This is how your app authenticates to google. you've done that, and the certificate
you've got contains the private key to authenticate
third, the user needs to grant your application access to act on behalf of them. This is the point you haven't done yet.
Also, as stated here, certain scopes simply aren't supported for the oauth2 for devices flow.
Additional references:
Invalid scope error when trying to access gmail api
You may refer with this thread.
As per the announcement on May 11, 2017, publicly available applications with access to certain user data must pass review. If you see an access error for your app, submit a request using our OAuth Developer Verification form.
For personal-use apps and those you are testing, join the Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps, which allows you to approve data access for personal and testing accounts. See the Google API Services User Data Policy for more information.
This blog about how to fix this error might be also helpful.
OAuth invalid scope


Youtube Analytics Offline Access Request when Authenticated as Brand instead of User

Apps Script keeps asking for offline permission with Youtube's API
In Google Apps Script, access to YouTube Reporting API is Forbidden
These are very similar questions however, I am logged in as the owner. The script is in the owner's drive.
My problem
I have been trying to access YouTube Analytics Reports from the Content Owner using GAS(Google Apps Script). There are two accounts a Brand account (holds the data i.e. the video content) and a User account. They both use the same credentials(email & pwd). When authorizing as the user, I get a 403(forbidden). When authorizing as the brand, I am asked to authorize offline access again and again, stopping me from ever being able to make a request.
What I've tried...
Running from Node, using OAUTH Playground tokens, and it works. But I need to stick with GAS.
Using google-script-oauth2: to hard code credentials (similarly to the Node solution) but I couldn't set the refresh token. I got a 401(invalid credentials) - I believe the bearer token was expired
Setting up credentials for and enabling both youtube and youtube analytics APIs
scrapping old credentials and attaching a new project to GAS
removing auth in privacy settings and re-authenticating
toggling a use unsafe scripts option and repeating step 3
switching between contentOwner and channel parameters for the ids param
NOTE: I have two OAUTH2 credentials app script and the web client both are set as Web Applications.
GAS Code
function test(){
YouTubeAnalytics.Reports.query("contentOwner==id", "2017-03-01", "2017-03-31", "likes");
Final Thoughts
I believe there is a disconnect between the Brand and the user such that the brand is not given the same access to the OAUTH 2 token. Therefore, it never generates a refresh token. So, the request sees that I am the authorized channel owner but it can't finish the OAUTH flow.
If this is true, why, and how do I fix it? If not, what do you think could be the error?
I just realized the script is in the user account and not the brand account. Would that affect the validation?
Also on the actual channel, the user is listed as the Primary Owner.
I think the problem has to do with Apps Script's limited OAuth scopes. Open the Script Editor and navigate to Resources->Advanced Google Services and you'll see that YouTube's Reporting API is not supported. However, you can get around this by using Service Accounts. They are a pain to set up but once you get them up and running you can explicitly request the scopes required to make authorized calls on the API from GAS.
Here are a few links to get you started:
Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications
OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs
For Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications you'll want to scroll down to the section titled Preparing to make an authorized API call. Select the HTTP/REST tab and it should walk you thru the steps you'll need to setup a service account (you'll need to create a JWT - JSON Web Token from your Google console for use in your API calls). You'll also need to retrieve the needed OAuth scope urls for YouTube's Reporting API from the second link provided. Once you're all set up you'll be able to make requests to the API directly from Apps Script using URLFetchApp. Best of luck with your project.
One more thing. Check out Google's API Explorer listing for the YouTube Reporting API. You can get the URL endpoints (and request methods) you'll need to use in your UrlFetchApp calls by playing with the Explorer.
UPDATE 4/28/2017
Also be sure to enable the YouTube Reporting API from your Google API Console.

Are Javascript Instagram applications that authenticate with client_id allowed?

A few web-based applications I maintain have been using JavaScript on the page to fetch posts from Instagram* through their API, only authenticating with a client_id. With the Instagram API changes recently (applications are sandboxed until approved) this no longer works.
Is this kind of application allowed by Instagram? Or is it considered a security risk to expose the client_id in the Javascript that performs the request? If it matters, the application is for internal use by a few employees only.
* Specifically, the 10 last posts from a fixed user.
All instagram API endpoints now require a valid access_token rather than client_id. The search endpoint is an example of one that didn't previously require an access_token. You can find this in the Change logs
All API endpoints require a valid access_token
All API endpoints require a specific permission scope granted by the user
You can authorise your own account and grab the last 20 posts, but for any more than that you will need to submit your app for review
Try to create a new app.. My app was deleted instead of going to sandbox mode.
As you need 10 last posts, this should work on sandbox mode.
Content Display for Personal Website. If you are a developer and you want to showcase Instagram content on a website, then you do not need to submit your app for review. By using a client in sandbox mode, you will still be able to access the last 20 media of any sandbox user that grants you permission.

Registeration using Gmail account in javascript

I need my website users use gmail account to register to my site. And i need to implement this using javascript. I can't user server side code for this purpose.
Is there anyone who can guide me how can i do this.
Thanks in advance
You could use OAuth 2. Google has detailed documentation about how you could register a relying party and use the Authorization Code Grant Profile.
Google documentation for integrating a client side javascript application is available here:
Go through the documentation and if you have some specific questions with the implementation don't hesitate to come back, show your progress and explain the dofficulties you have encountered.
Once you receive the access_token in the fragment portion of the url, you could query other Google services with this token. Depending on the scopes that the user granted you when he authenticated, you will be able to access different services and level of information about this user.

Acces Token management in Google Drive api for Javascript

My application using JavaScript to connect to get access the Google drive API.(see First time it ask the user permission. At the time Google may give *access_token* to my application. I want to use the token to access the Google drive data in future(That time the user may not be sign-in in Google account). Is it possible? if possible how to do?
Is it possible to the application to ask Google "please I want to get permission of the user"? It will be useful at the time of multiple-signing
EDIT: Exactly my question is "Offline access is possible in JavaScript-API?" See It is possible in PHP-API:
The JavaScript API uses the OAuth 2.0 Client flow which only returns an access token. If you set approval_prompt=auto in your request URL, the consent page for a given set of scopes will only be shown the first time the user goes through the sequence, so he will not have to grant access to your app again:

What is OAuth authentication?

I am developing an iGoogle Gadget. I have to access the spreadsheet data of logged in user. How do I implement an OAuth for it?
You have to become an OAuth Consumer of the Google services - they are the OAuth provider in your case.
There are a lot of open source implementations of the protocol in various languages, but I would suggest to read through the RFC if you want to implement it - it's clearly written and not very long.
The official site has good reads and links too:
Basically it's a protocol that exchanges a little bit of data between you (your application aka the consumer), the provider and your user with internal HTTP requests between you and the provider (exchanging tokens) and some redirects through the user's browser between you and the provider again.
Also, you as a consumer will have to store some tokens and data regarding these interactions. It's not very complicated and in the same time is very interesting thing to implement. I learned things about security, request signing, some http details and headers. And if you already know these things, then you will do it a lot faster than I did :)
OAuth is just an API that Google gives out to developers to let them authenticate Google accounts in other manners other than just going on - for example through a programmatic way.
Authentication is the basis of it, but through OAuth you're able to retrieve lots of information from a specific Google account (calendar info, contacts etc.)
To implement this you would need to read more on their website:

