Angular JS resolve function with service that calls backend - javascript

I am creating a resolve function, that validates a token in backend and returns success true or success false. IF false, it redirects to an error page, and if validated, it loads the page.
.when('/resetPassword/:id/:token', {
templateUrl: 'site/resetPassword/resetPassword.html',
controller: 'resetPasswordCtrl',
entitled: 'reset',
authenticate: true,
resolve: {
isValid: ['resetTokenService','$route' , function(resetTokenService, $route) {
return resetTokenService.validate($, $route.current.params.token);
This is the service:
app.service('resetTokenService', function (userResourceResourceFactory, $rootScope, $location, CONFIG, $http) {
var self = this;
var errorMsg;
$rootScope.errorObject = {errorMessage: null, errorCode: null,errorTime :null,errorStackTrace: null,url:window.location.href,partnerCode:null};
this.validate = function(id, token) {
method: 'POST',
url: CONFIG.MSA_URL + '/validate/' + id +'/' + token,
}).success(function (data) {
if (data.success) {
return true;
} else if (!data.success){
switch (data.error) {
case 'expired':
errorMsg = 'This link has expired. Please request a new one.';
default : errorMsg = 'This link is invalid.';
return false;
}).error(function () {
return false;
It works well; however, if invalid, the password page flashes momentarily while it goes through the if and case statements. Therefore it is "resolved" when the backend call comes back, not when it returns true or false.
I am wondering how to make the page not flash and have the resolve {} function not do anything until it returns true or false / redirects

The validate function should be returning a promise. Currently, I believe your route is actually being resolved immediately (not when the backend call comes back), since your validate function doesn't return anything. This means that right now, it is probably always returning undefined to your controller.
You can start by returning the promise that comes from $http to see if things behave as you need:
this.validate = function(id, token) {
return $http({ ... });
However, this may not be enough because it looks like you need to redirect sometimes even if the promise from $http is a success. Whenever you want to prevent the state from loading, the promise you returned should be rejected.
So you may end up needing to return a promise that you manually create using the $q service, and then either resolving it (possibly with true, if you need the controller to see that boolean value), or rejecting it (in which case the controller will never load).
In the past, when using ui-router I've sometimes had to do hacky things like do the actual redirection inside a $timeout, or add an event handler to catch the routing error that happens when a promise is rejected, and do the redirection in there. I'm not sure if you'll have to do either of those in this case, but figured I'd mention it.


Ember Understand execution flow between route/controller

I have a "box" route/controller as below;
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
initialized: false,
type: 'P',
status: 'done',
layouts: null,
toggleFltr: null,
gridVals: Ember.computed.alias('model.gridParas'),
gridParas: Ember.computed('myServerPars', function() {
this.set('gridVals.serverParas', this.get('myServerPars'));
if (!this.get('initialized')) {
} else {'afterRender', this, this.refreshBox);
return this.get('gridVals');
filterCols: function()
this.set('gridVals.layout', this.get('layouts')[this.get('type')]);
myServerPars: function() {
// Code to set serverParas
return serverParas;
}.property('type', 'status', 'toggleFltr'),
refreshBox: function(){
// Code to trigger refresh grid
My route looks like;
export default Ember.Route.extend({
selectedRows: '',
selectedCount: 0,
rawResponse: {},
model: function() {
var compObj = {};
compObj.gridParas = this.get('gridParas');
return compObj;
activate: function() {
var self = this;
self.layouts = {};
var someData = {attr1:"I"};
var promise = this.doPost(someData, '/myService1', false); // Sync request (Is there some way I can make this work using "async")
promise.then(function(response) {
// Code to use response & set self.layouts
self.controllerFor(self.routeName).set('layouts', self.layouts);
gridParas: function() {
var self = this;
var returnObj = {};
returnObj.url = '/myService2';
returnObj.beforeLoadComplete = function(records) {
// Code to use response & set records
return records;
return returnObj;
actions: {
My template looks like
{{my-grid params=this.gridParas elementId='myGrid'}}
My doPost method looks like below;
doPost: function(postData, requestUrl, isAsync){
requestUrl = this.getURL(requestUrl);
isAsync = (isAsync == undefined) ? true : isAsync;
var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return $.ajax({
// settings
return promise;
Given the above setup, I wanted to understand the flow/sequence of execution (i.e. for the different hooks).
I was trying to debug and it kept hopping from one class to another.
Also, 2 specific questions;
I was expecting the "activate" hook to be fired initially, but found out that is not the case. It first executes the "gridParas" hook
i.e. before the "activate" hook. Is it because of "gridParas"
specified in the template ?
When I do this.doPost() for /myService1, it has to be a "sync" request, else the flow of execution changes and I get an error.
Actually I want the code inside filterCols() controller i.e.
this.set('gridVals.layout', this.get('layouts')[this.get('type')]) to
be executed only after the response has been received from
/myService1. However, as of now, I have to use a "sync" request to do
that, otherwise with "async", the execution moves to filterCols() and
since I do not have the response yet, it throws an error.
Just to add, I am using Ember v 2.0
activate() on the route is triggered after the beforeModel, model and afterModel hooks... because those 3 hooks are considered the "validation phase" (which determines if the route will resolve at all). To be clear, this route hook has nothing to do with using gridParas in your template... it has everything to do with callling get('gridParas') within your model hook.
It is not clear to me where doPost() is connected to the rest of your code... however because it is returning a promise object you can tack on a then() which will allow you to essentially wait for the promise response and then use it in the rest of your code.
Simple Example:
this.doPost().then((theResponse) => {
If you can simplify your question to be more clear and concise, i may be able to provide more info
Generally at this level you should explain what you want to archive, and not just ask how it works, because I think you fight a lot against the framework!
But I take this out of your comment.
First, you don't need your doPost method! jQuerys $.ajax returns a thenable, that can be resolved to a Promise with Ember.RSVP.resolve!
Next: If you want to fetch data before actually rendering anything you should do this in the model hook!
I'm not sure if you want to fetch /service1, and then with the response you build a request to /service2, or if you can fetch both services independently and then show your data (your grid?) with the data of both services. So here are both ways:
If you can fetch both services independently do this in your routes model hook:
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
service1: Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*your request to /service1 with all data and params, may use query-params!*/).then(data => {
return data; // extract the data you need, may transform the response, etc.
service2: Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*your request to /service2 with all data and params, may use query-params!*/).then(data => {
return data; // extract the data you need, may transform the response, etc.
If you need the response of /service1 to fetch /service2 just do this in your model hook:
return Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*/service1*/)).then(service1 => {
return Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*/service2*/)).then(service2 => {
return {
}; // this object will then be available as `model` on your controller
If this does not help you (and I really think this should fix your problems) please describe your Problem.

Is it possible to use angularjs cached resource method in a filter?

I have a property in the scope that has an id of external object, also I have a filter that expands this id into a full object like this:
{{ typeId | expandType }}
.filter('expandType', ['TypeService', function (tsvc) {
return function (id) {
return tsvc.types.get({ id: id });
where tsvc.types.get() is normal resource get method with added cache option.
.factory('TypeService', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
var typeResource = $resource('/api/types/:id', { id: '#id' }, {
get: { method: 'GET', cache: true, params: { id: '#id' } }
return {
types: typeResource
As I understand angular runs additional digest after the fist one just to make sure that nothing changed. But apparently on the next digest the filter is returning a different object and I get the infdig error (digest is executed in infinite loop).
I hoped that if the resource is cached it will return the same object from cache all the time. I can confirm that there is only one trip to server while executing get() so the cache is working.
What can I do to make it work and use the filter to expand ids to full objects?
Although possible, it is usually not a good idea to bind promises to the view. In your case, filters are reevaluated on every digest, and quoting from$http:
When the cache is enabled, $http stores the response from the server in the specified cache. The next time the same request is made, the response is served from the cache without sending a request to the server.
Note that even if the response is served from cache, delivery of the data is asynchronous in the same way that real requests are.
To clarify, ngResource uses $http internally.
You can still use the filter calling it from your controller:
app.filter('expandType', function ($http) {
return function (id) {
return $http.get('data.json');
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, expandTypeFilter) {
var typeId = 'hello';
expandTypeFilter(typeId).success(function (data) {
$scope.expandedTypeId = data[typeId];
With this approach, if the only reason you were caching the response was to avoid repeated calls to the server, you can now stop caching it so that it gets fresh data later on, but that depends on your needs, of course.
I really wanted to use a filter because it was used all over the app and I didn't want to clutter my controllers. At this point the solution I came out with looks as follows:
.filter('expandType', ['TypeService', function (tsvc) {
var cache = {};
return function (id) {
if (!id) {
return '';
var type = cache[id];
if (!type) {
tsvc.types.get({ id: id }).$promise.then(function (data) {
cache[id] = data;
cache[id] = {}
return cache[id];
else {
return type;

How do I prevent a slow $http initiated in one route from potentially resolving after the user has changed routes?

Let's say my current route is /books and I make an $http call to get all of the books we want to show a user. Normally, the call would resolve quickly and the books would be ng-repeated into the DOM. When we have an error, though (such as a timeout or there are no books returned), we update a common, global view that will overlay the content view and display a message like, "There are no books available." The common view is handled via a service with methods like CommonView.showLoading(), CommonView.showError("There are no books available."), and CommonView.hide(), etc.
Recently, I discovered that if the $http is not resolved quickly, the user may leave and go to another route (maybe /dinosaurs). Eventually, when the $http ends up resolving or being rejected, the promise call to display that common, global view will happen, resulting in an error view being displayed when there shouldn't be one, and the error will make no sense to the user (ie, user is at /dinosaurs and the error screen pops up with "There are no books available.").
I've seen that you can cancel an $http with a timeout promise, but this still seems like it could lead to race conditions (maybe you call cancel after processing of the resolve() or reject() has begun). I think it would be messy to have to check that the current route matches the route the $http was initiated from.
It seems like there should be some standard way to destroy $http calls on a route change or from a controller's $destroy method. I'd really like to avoid adding a lot of conditionals all over my gigantic app.
I can't find a great way to stop the processing of my callback if it's already started, but here's the $http wrapper I made to try and stop delayed callbacks from getting called after route changes. It doesn't replicate all of the $http methods, just the ones I needed. I haven't fully tested it, either. I've only verified that it will work in normal conditions (normal bandwidth with standard calls, ie httpWrapper.get(url).success(cb).error(err)). Your mileage may vary.
angular.module('httpWrapper', []).provider('httpWrapper', function() {
this.$get = ['$rootScope','$http','$q', function($rootScope, $http, $q) {
var $httpWrapper = function(config) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var hasChangedRoute = false;
var canceler = $q.defer();
var http = null;
var evListener = null;
var promise = deferred.promise;
if ((config || {}).timeout && typeof config.timeout === 'Object') {
// timeout promise already exists
canceler.promise = config.timeout;
} else {
angular.extend(config || {}, {
timeout: canceler.promise
http = $http(config)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// only call back if we haven't changed routes
if (!hasChangedRoute) {
deferred.resolve({data:data, status:status, headers:headers, config:config});
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// only call back if we haven't changed routes
if (!hasChangedRoute) {
deferred.reject({data:data, status:status, headers:headers, config:config});
evListener = $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(scope, next, current) {
hasChangedRoute = true;
canceler.resolve('killing http');
evListener(); // should unregister listener
promise.success = function(fn) {
promise.then(function(response) {
fn(, response.status, response.headers, config);
return promise;
promise.error = function(fn) {
promise.then(null, function(response) {
fn(, response.status, response.headers, config);
return promise;
return promise;
angular.forEach(['get', 'delete', 'head', 'jsonp'], function(method) {
$httpWrapper[method] = function(url, config) {
return $httpWrapper(
angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: method,
url: url
angular.forEach(['post', 'put'], function(method) {
$httpWrapper[method] = function(url, data, config) {
return $httpWrapper(
angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: method,
url: url,
data: data
return $httpWrapper;

Angular JS promises, JSON data and funny timings

I'm really struggling with the promises here.
It's more than a day now, and I still can't figure it out.
I'm new to Angular and, more in general, to the promises "concept", so I'm sure there is something I'm missing, but I can't figure it out.
Basically, I'm calling a remote web service using a $post request, and in the success method I update some data on $rootScope
this.login = function(url, request) {
return $ url, request ).
success(function(data) {
if (data.return_code === 0) {
userData = {
role: data.role
* Inside this function, $rootScope gets
* updated with userData
storage.update('user_details', userData)
else {
// non authorized user
return userData
error(function(data, status) {
throw new Error()
Then, in the controller, I do something like
$scope.login = function(url, request) {
loginService.login(url, request).then(function(response) {
/* this is a ui.router redirection to the state 'home' */
The problem is that in the new page (the home state), $rootScope is not updated, unless I do a page reload, which "solves" the issue.
It seems to me that the call of the promise does not wait for it's completion for the page redirect, but even wrapping $state.go in a $timeout doesn't solve the issue...
I'm really lost, any help would be appreciated
If storage update is some async action you want to wait for until it is complete and it returns a promise then you can simply chain it:
this.login = function(url, request) {
return $, request).then(function(data){
if (data.return_code === 0) {
var userData = {
role: data.role
return storage.update('user_details', userData).then(function(){
return userData;
else {
In usage:
//You reach here only after storage.update was completed

javascript, object, passing function as arguments with arguments- angular, jquery concept basic misunderstanding

I am trying to understand what i am really doing, since i feel i am lack of something. Could you please point me somewhere or confirm my mis/understanding?
request.then(function(response) {
Is basically this?
request = {
then : function (foo){
} }
request.then(function (response) { console.log(response) ; });
If you see full code here#35 and here#63
AuthenticationService.login($, $scope.user.password).then(function(loggedIn) {
if ( !loggedIn ) {
$scope.authError = "Login failed. Please check your credentials and try again.";
AuthenticationService as factory:
login: function(email, password) {
var request = $'http://', {email: email, password: password});
return request.then(function(response) {
return currentUser.isAuthenticated();
The thing i don't understand is how come that the value of loggedIn variable is equal to the value what statement return currentUser.isAuthenticated(); returning AND NOT equal to the then(function(response) of original as i am returning promise from AuthenticationService.
And how this could be accomplished regarding to the examples above?
Thank you.
I think the problem with conception arises from the fact that you overlooked the return statement. What AuthenticationService.login does is actually a closure with predefined request, so you can imagine that login is replaced with its return value request.then(function(response) {.... Then you can simply deduce that entire code row is:
AuthenticationService.login($, $scope.user.password).then(
return currentUser.isAuthenticated();
This way you may see that result from response should occur as input for the next step with login check.

