How to pass parameter from ActionResult to JsonResult? - javascript

How can I pass the Id parameter(I already pass in the Id parameter) from ActionResult to JsonResult? Because now I cannot pass in the Id data to JsonResult parameter, so it cannot hit the following JsonResult code.
I using angularjs to display the List of table.
public ActionResult ManageCustomerStocks(Int64 Id)
return View();
public JsonResult GetStocksByCustomerId(Int64 Id)
List<CustomerStocksVM> model = new List<CustomerStocksVM>();
var stocks = _repositories.GetStocksByClientProfileId(Id);
var result = from stock in stocks
select new StocksVM()
Code = stock.Code,
Name = stock.Name
model = result.ToList();
return Json(new
customerstocks = model
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.reverse = true;
$scope.sortBy = function (propertyName) {
$scope.reverse = ($scope.propertyName === propertyName) ? !$scope.reverse : false;
$scope.propertyName = propertyName;
method: 'POST',
url: 'GetStocksByCustomer'
.then(function (response) {
$scope.customerstocks = ;
}, function (error) {

url: 'request-url',
method: "POST",
data: { 'id' : urId }
.then(function(response) {
// success
function(response) { // optional
// failed

If you want to GET something from the backend, use http.get instead:
function GetStocksByCustomerId(id) {
return $http.get("GetStocksByCustomer", { params: { "id":
id} })
.then(function (response) {
Set your http calls in an angular service


Dropdownlist is not setting values using angular JS

I have a requirement where I want to bind dropdownlist using MVC and angular JS.
I tried like below
var app1 = angular.module('Assign', [])
app1.controller('SAPExecutive_R4GState', function ($scope, $http, $window) {
// alert(UMSLocationDetails);
var LocObj = JSON.parse(UMSLocationDetails)
var ZoneValue = "";
$.each(LocObj, function (index, element) {
ZoneValue += element.LocationID + ",";
ZoneValue = ZoneValue.substr(0, ZoneValue.length - 1);
var Values = { "MaintZones": ZoneValue };
$scope.DefaultLabel = "Loading.....";
method: "POST",
url: "/App/GetR4GStates",
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(Values),
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
}).success(function (result) {
$scope.DefaultLabel = "--Select--";
$scope.State = data;
post.error(function (data, status) {
<select id="SAPExecutive_R4GState" class="form-control" ng-model="R4GState.Selected" ng-controller="SAPExecutive_R4GState as R4GState" ng-init="Select" ng-options="b for b in list">
And my CS code
public JsonResult GetR4GStates(string MaintZones)
List<SelectListItem> lstR4GState = new List<SelectListItem>();
Filters ObjFilter = new Filters();
DataTable dt = ObjFilter.GetR4GState(MaintZones);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
lstR4GState = (from DataRow dr in dt.Rows
select new SelectListItem()
Text = Convert.ToString(dr["R4GSTATENAME"]),
Value = Convert.ToString(dr["R4GSTATECODE"])
SelectListItem slEmptyData = new SelectListItem();
slEmptyData.Text = "No Data found";
slEmptyData.Value = "No Data found";
catch (Exception e)
// ErrorLog.HandleErrorLog("", "", "GetR4GStates", "Error2");
return Json(lstR4GState);
I am getting values in return Json(lstR4GState); but the values are not getting set in the dropdown.
Please suggest where I am going wrong as I am new to angular
It is recommended to user THEN and CATCH in AngularJS > 1.5
This should work:
angular.module('Assign', [])
.controller('SAPExecutive_R4GState', function($scope, $http, $window) {
const payload = {};
$http.get('', payload)
.then(function(response) {
// Please be aware RESPONSE contains the whole response.
// You probably want RESPONSE.DATA
.catch(function(err) {
// do something with err message });
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="Assign" ng-controller="SAPExecutive_R4GState"></div>
Please note this example uses a GET request, just so i could show it works,
in a GET request, the payload will be added as querystring
If you change it to $, the payload will be added into the body of the request.

Angular throwing exception 'module cant be loaded'!

I was trying to clean my angular app code up. So I moved all the controllers in their own files. But when I moved the controllers, my main app stoped working and started throwing the exception below -
Error: $injector:modulerr
Module Error
Then I tried searching for the why the module won't load but with no luck.
main.js /*File where app module is declared*/
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute','thatisuday.dropzone','UserController','LinkController','articleController']);
I tried injecting the dependency for the controller files.
Link Controller
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller('LinkController', ['$scope','$http','$sce',function ($scope, $http, $sce) {
/*Sce declaration required for proxy settings*/
$scope.renderHtml = function (html_code) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(html_code);
$scope.trustSrc = function (src) {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);
/*First AJAX request which gets all the links and categories for the user*/
method: 'GET',
url: '/users'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.user =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
$scope.getUser = function () {
method: 'GET',
url: '/users'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.user =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
method: 'GET',
url: '/links'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
this.orderProp = 'age';
/*the response is saved in scope variables*/
$scope.links =[0];
$scope.categories =[1];
$scope.categorytolink =[2];
}, function errorCallback(response) {
console.log('There was a problem! Refresh!');
/*AJAX request for getting the recommendations according to the most viewed stars*/
method: 'GET',
url: '/recommendations/top'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.recommendations =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
/*AJAX request when a user clicks a link retrieves the link data*/
$scope.getLinkData = function (link) {
method: 'GET',
url: "/proxy",
headers: {
"X-Proxy-To": link.rss_link
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
/*AJAX request: add a star to the link*/
$'/links/' + + '/views/add', {'link': link}).then(function successCallback(data, status, headers, config) {
// Manually increment star for link just clicked
var $data;
$data =;
$ = $data;
console.log('200 OK! Star added');
}, function errorCallback() {
/*The data will be retrieved and will be sorted according to the requirements of welcome.blade*/
$myXml =;
$xmlObj = $.parseXML($myXml);
$newsItems = [];
$channelImage = $($xmlObj).find("channel>image");
/*the information of the link is sorted */
$linkData = {
"title": $channelImage.find("title").text(),
"link": $channelImage.find("link").text(),
"imgurl": $channelImage.find("url").text()
/*the data is sorted below*/
$.each($($xmlObj).find("item"), function (index, value) {
"title": $(value).find("title").text(),
"description": $(value).find("description").text(),
"link": $(value).find("link").text(),
"date_published": moment($(value).find("pubDate").text()).format('MMMM Do YYYY'),
"time_published": moment($(value).find("pubDate").text()).format('h:mm:ss a'),
"guid": $(value).find("guid").text()
$scope.newsItems = $newsItems;
$scope.linkData = $linkData;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
/*Create a category private to the user*/
$scope.create_category = function (category) {
/*AJAX request: adds a new category*/
$'/categories/new', {'category': category}).then(function successCallback(response) {
/*AJAX request: Updates the categories for the use of new category*/
method: 'GET',
url: '/categories'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.categories =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
}, function errorCallback(response) {
User Controller
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller("UserController", ['$scope','$http','$sce', function ($scope, $http, $sce) {
/*Sce declaration required for proxy settings*/
$scope.renderHtml = function (html_code) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(html_code);
$scope.trustSrc = function (src) {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);
$scope.dzOptions = {
paramName: "file",
dictDefaultMessage: "<h4><i class='fa fa-camera'></i> <b>Upload</b></h4>",
createImageThumbnails: false,
autoDiscover: false
$scope.dzCallbacks = {
'sending': function (file, xhr, formData) {
formData.append('_token', $('#csrf-token').val());
'success': function (file, response) {
$scope.user = response;
$.notify("Profile photo changed!", "success", {autoHide: true, autoHideDelay: 500});
/*Update user info*/
$scope.updateUser = function () {
/*AJAX request: update user info*/
$'/users/update', {
'name': $,
'username': $scope.user.username,
'email': $
function successCallback(data) {
$scope.user = data;
$.notify("User updated!", "success", {autoHide: true, autoHideDelay: 500});
console.log('200 OK! User updated');
}, function errorCallback() {
Article Controller
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller("articleController", ['$scope','$http','$sce', function ($scope, $http, $sce) {
/*Sce declaration required for proxy settings*/
$scope.renderHtml = function (html_code) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(html_code);
$scope.trustSrc = function (src) {
return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src);
/*Populates the comments for particular
* */
$scope.populatecomments = function (newsItem) {
method: 'GET',
url: '/articles/' + newsItem.guid + '/comments'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.comments =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
$ = [];
$scope.comment = [];
$scope.btn_add = function (newsItem) {
if ($scope.txtcomment != '') {
"comment": $scope.txtcomment,
"guid": newsItem.guid
$'/comments/new', {
"comment": $scope.txtcomment,
"guid": newsItem.guid
}).then(function successCallback() {
var encodedURI = encodeURIComponent(newsItem.guid);
method: 'GET',
url: '/articles/' + encodedURI + '/comments'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.comments =;
$scope.txtcomment = "";
}, function errorCallback(response) {
}, function errorCallback() {
console.log('Error comment!');
$scope.savearticle = function (newsItem) {
$'/saved-articles/save', newsItem).then(function successCallback(response) {
}, function errorCallback(response) {
* The saved articles by the user will be retrieved when a button clicked
$scope.getSavedArticles = function () {
/*AJAX request: retreive the saved the saved articles for the user*/
method: 'GET',
url: '/saved-articles'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
$scope.linkData = null;
$scope.newsItems =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
HELP needed!
Yo do not need to declare module in each controller file. Remove the line in each controller
var app = angular.module('app');
You are injecting controller in you module like dependency.
Change your main.js file to this:
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute','thatisuday.dropzone']);
#Sajeetharan is right you do not need module declaration in all controllers.
Since you are using laravel according to your comment. ( It will conflict with your blade template because both use same {{ }} for variables )
There are two ways to do this:
Change the Angular Tags
var app = angular.module('app', [], function($interpolateProvider) {
Now Laravel will use the {{ variableName }} and Angular will use <%
variableName %>.
Change the Laravel Blade Tags
Blade::setContentTags('<%', '%>');// for variables and all things Blade
Blade::setEscapedContentTags('<%%', '%%>');// for escaped data
Variables will be: <% $variable %>. Comments will be: <%-- $variable
--%>. Escaped data will look like: <%% $variable %%>.
You can check this Tutorial for more info.

How to call nest factory in Angularjs?

Hi I am developing web application in angularjs. I have requirement below. I have one factory. I have added code snippet below.
myapp.factory('sadadpaymentapi', ['$http', '$cookieStore', 'cfg', 'ScrollFunction', 'leaselisting', function ($http, $cookieStore, cfg, ScrollFunction, leaselisting) {
var sadadpaymentapiobject = {};
var baseurl = cfg.Baseurl;
var LoginID = $cookieStore.get("LoginID");
var cookiePreferredLanguage = $cookieStore.get('PreferredLanguage');
var urlapi = baseurl + "api/ServiceRequest/CreateRSSedad/";
sadadpaymentapiobject.callsadad = function (PaymentType) {
leaselisting.leaselisting().then(function (response) {
//Problem in calling
}, function (error) { });
var request = {
url: urlapi,
method: 'POST',
data: {
SRActivityID: LoginID,
PaymentType: PaymentType,
PaymentAmount: "100"
headers: ScrollFunction.getheaders()
return $http(request);
return sadadpaymentapiobject;
Here is my second factory leaselisting
myapp.factory('leaselisting', ['$http', '$cookieStore', 'cfg', 'ScrollFunction', function ($http, $cookieStore, cfg, ScrollFunction) {
var leaselistingobject = {};
var baseurl = cfg.Baseurl;
var LoginID = $cookieStore.get("LoginID");
var cookiePreferredLanguage = $cookieStore.get('PreferredLanguage');
var requestObj = {
url: "api/ServiceRequest/GetROLSPSRLeaseList/",
data: {
LoginID: LoginID,
RSAccountNumber: $cookieStore.get("AccountNumber")
headers: ScrollFunction.getheaders()
$http(requestObj).then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
return leaselistingobject;
I have found error in below line
leaselisting.leaselisting().then(function (response) { //Problem in calling
}, function (error) { });
May i am i doing anything wrong in the above code? May i know is it possible to call one factory from another? The response i get from leaselisting i want to pass it in callsadad function of sadadpaymentapi. So can someone hep me in the above code? I am getting error Cannot read property 'then' of undefined in the leaselisting.leaselisting().then(function (response) {},function(error){});
Also is there any way I can directly inject factory like payment amount: inject factory something like this?
I assume, that leaselistingobject.getValue is an asynchronous function.
So first of get your value :
leaselistingobject.getValue = function(){
var requestObj = {
url: "api/ServiceRequest/getValue/"
return $http(requestObj).then(function (response) {
And then use it. To let all async actions finish we use angulars $q.Here you can find a small tutorial.
myapp.factory('sadadpaymentapi', ['$http', '$cookieStore', 'cfg', 'ScrollFunction', 'leaselisting', '$q',function ($http, $cookieStore, cfg, ScrollFunction, leaselisting, $q) {
var sadadpaymentapiobject = {};
var baseurl = cfg.Baseurl;
var LoginID = $cookieStore.get("LoginID");
var cookiePreferredLanguage = $cookieStore.get('PreferredLanguage');
var urlapi = baseurl + "api/ServiceRequest/CreateRSSedad/";
sadadpaymentapiobject.callsadad = function (PaymentType) {
var leastListingPromise = leaselisting.leaselisting();
var getValuePromise = leaselisting.getValue();
$q.all([leastListingPromise, getValuePromise]).then(function (responses) {
//Here you have both responses in an array
var request = {
url: urlapi,
method: 'POST',
data: {
SRActivityID: LoginID,
PaymentType: PaymentType,
PaymentAmount: responses[1]
headers: ScrollFunction.getheaders()
return $http(request);
return sadadpaymentapiobject;
To make leaselisting() return the response of the request change the end of the function from
$http(requestObj).then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
return $http(requestObj).then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
If wont do anything about possible errors you can omit the error function part:
return $http(requestObj).then(function (response) {

How to return transformed data from a $http.json request in angular?

How can I return the and not the default success APIdata using $http.jsonp?
LangDataService Constructor:
languages.LangDataService = function($http, $q) {
this.langDefer = $q.defer();
this.isDataReady = this.langDefer.promise;
languages.LangDataService.prototype.getApi = function() {
return this.isDataReady = this.http_.jsonp(URL, {
params: {}
.success(function(APIData) {
return item + 1; //just an example.
A Ctrl using LandDataService:
languages.LanguageCtrl = function(langDataService) {
console.log('whooo im a transformed dataset', data);
Use then instead of success in getApi function.
Try a version of the following:
// define the module for our AngularJS application
var app = angular.module('App', []);
app.factory('LangDataService', function($q,$http) {
return {
getApi: function() {
var defer= $q.defer();
url: '',
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
data: '',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
success(function (data) {
return defer.promise;
// invoke controller and retrieve data from $http service
app.controller('DataController', function ($scope, LangDataService) {
$ = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
Although, since $http is already a promise, there's probably a shorter way to do this... ($q.when?)

Angular: Retrieve updated value in directive

I am filling my template named commentRecipe.html with data.
And i can call controller.add(1,2,'comment here') from inside the template.
The item gets updated in the db and returns my new result.
The Question is: How can i update ex mhRecipeId with the retrieved data.
var app = angular.module('myApp');
app.directive('mhCommentRecipe', ['$log', 'commentService', function ($log, commentService) {
var commentController = function () {
var that = this;
that.add = function (commentId, recipeId, commentText) {
if (recipeId && commentText.length > 0) {
var resultObj = commentService.add(commentId, recipeId, commentText);
return {
restrict: 'A',
templateUrl: '/app/templates/commentRecipe.html',
scope: {
mhRecipeId: '=',
mhCommentId: '=',
mhCommentText: '='
controller: commentController,
controllerAs: 'controller'
(function () {
app.factory('commentService', [
'$log', 'httpService', function ($log, httpService) {
var baseEndpointPath = '/myRecipes';
return {
add: function (commentId, recipeId, commentText) {
$log.debug(commentId, 'c');
var data = {
var promise = + '/comment', data);
promise.then(function (response) {
// added
function (error) {
remove: function (commentId) {
if (commentId) {
var data = {
data.commentId = commentId;
var promise = + '/removeComment', data);
promise.then(function (response) {
$log(response, 'removed response');
function (error) {
app.factory('httpService', ['$http', '$q',
function ($http, $q) {
return {
get: function (endpoint) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
.success(function (response) {
.error(function () {
deferred.reject('Failed to fetch response from endpoint');
return deferred.promise;
post: function (endpoint, data, config) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$, data, config)
.success(function (response) {
.error(function () {
deferred.reject('Failed to post data to endpoint');
return deferred.promise;
put: function (endpoint, data, config) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.put(endpoint, data, config)
.success(function (response) {
.error(function () {
deferred.reject('Failed to put data to endpoint');
return deferred.promise;
You place the values you want to send to the directive into a variable:
// in controller
that.mhRecipeId = whateverValueHere;
that.mhCommentId = whateverValueHere;
that.mhCommentText = 'comment text';
then on the directive in html you would put:
<mh-comment-recipe mh-recipe-id="controller.mhRecipeId" mh-comment-id="controller.mhCommentId" mh-comment-text="controller.mhCommentText"></mh-comment-recipe>
This will pass the variables into the directive for use.
Unless I misunderstood your question :)
Solved the issue and i am quite embarrassed to tell the solution!
In my view i just used ex: mhRecipeId when i should have used the controllers value.

