Javascript <li> onclick merged - javascript

I am attempting to load Case Studies through a clickable list of dynamically generated items. However my issue is, while it loads them properly, and if you click the elements, it loads a Case Study correctly, but it always loads the LAST case study assigned.
For example, if I have Case Study 1, Case Study 2 and Case Study 3, clicking any of the options takes me to Case Study 3.
function MakeList(array){
//Create List Element
var list = document.createElement("ul");
//For each of the Array Elements
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
//Create a ListItem Element
window["listItem" + i] = document.createElement("li");
eval("listItem" + i).setAttribute("id", ("listItem" + i));
//And if it exists
if(array[i] != undefined)
//Use the array elements title variable for the text node and localize the remaining object variables
eval("listItem" + i).appendChild(document.createTextNode(array[i].title));
var title = array[i].title;
var icon = array[i].icon;
var imageOne = array[i].imageOne;
var imageTwo = array[i].imageTwo;
var challenge = array[i].challenge;
var solution = array[i].solution;
var results = array[i].results;
//Give the ListItem some Styling
eval("listItem" + i).style.cursor = "pointer";
eval("listItem" + i).style.color = "blue";
eval("listItem" + i).style.margin = "0 0 1vh 0";
//And add the onclick function to Load the selected CaseStudy
eval("listItem" + i).onclick = function()
LoadCaseStudy(title, icon, imageOne, imageTwo, challenge, solution, results);
//Add to the List
list.appendChild(eval("listItem" + i));
//Return the List
return list;}
I have tried giving them dynamically assigned IDs and variable names to seperate the on-click call, but no success. Any advice?

At that point in time when you eval the code in the onclick the FOR loop has already finished it's execution and "I" is at the .length - 1 of your array.
You should do something like this:
1. First declare your onclick handler outside of the code of the FOR loop
function handler(title, icon, imageOne, imageTwo, challenge, solution, results)
LoadCaseStudy(title, icon, imageOne, imageTwo, challenge, solution, results);
Attach the handler in a bit different way:
eval("listItem" + i).onclick = handler.bind(null, title, icon, imageOne, imageTwo, challenge, solution, results);
Where "null" can be an object representing your desired execution context.
On another note
Avoid using "EVAL" at all cost. If you explain your case a bit better I will help you write the code without it. Give some HTML examples, or explain how the HTML is being built.


Adding onlick event to multiple elements with params

I am dynamically creating a table of elements and storing them in an array. The following may seem like an absolute nightmare but this is how I have decided to sort it. My problem now comes to the addEventListener where I want to add an onclick event connected to PlayMusic(). I have tried a simple .onclick = and left out the function(){} but then the PlayMusic() gets executed immediately. Having the function(){} in there, when I click on one of these elements the first param (i) is the "last number used" (aka 22 out of 21 elements). How would I go about making sure each of these onclicks has the correct index in their params?
var thetable = document.getElementById("mustable");
for(var i=0; i<fullists.length-1; i++)
fullists[i][2] = [];
fullists[i][3] = [];
for(var j=0; j<fullists[i][1].length; j++)
var row = thetable.insertRow();
fullists[i][2][j] = row.insertCell();
fullists[i][2][j].className = "musentry";
var header = fullists[i][0].substring(0,fullists[i][0].lastIndexOf("."));
if(fullists[i][1][j][1] != undefined)
var title = fullists[i][1][j][1];
var title = fullists[i][1][j][0].substring(fullists[i][1][j][0].lastIndexOf("/"));
fullists[i][2][j].innerHTML = header + "<br /><b>" + title + "</b>";
fullists[i][2][j].addEventListener("click",function() { PlayMusic(i,j); },false);
fullists[i][3][j] = 0;
The issue is that by the time the function executes, i already has a different value because the loop already continued executing. If you change your loop to use let i instead of var i (same for j) it will work, because let in the for iterator variable has a special behavior where it actually creates another copy of the variable scoped to the inside of the loop on every iteration, so that copy won't change.
Another way, which is basically the same thing but done explicitly: Store it inside another block-scoped variable first. E.g. const i2 = i and then use i2 inside the function () {}. Same for j.
Alternatively, write .addEventListener(..., PlayMusic.bind(null, i, j)). With bind you can create a new function from a function, where a this and arguments are already bound to it. Since the binding happens immediately and thereby captures the current values of i and j, that solves it too.

Trouble creating unordered list with number of list items controlled by user input

I tried to make a function that would generate a number of list items based on the user input from a prompt. It does not work although I believe it should.
I'm looking for an explanation of what's wrong with my code even if an alternate solution is also provided, if possible.
On the HTML side I have entered <div class="freshList"></div> in the body so that it can be picked up by the function and have the list placed in that location
Code is below:
function makeAList()
var freshList = document.getElementsByClassName("freshList");
var listLength = prompt("Enter number of list items");
var listString = "<ul>";
for (var i=0; i < listLength; i++)
listString+= "<li>"+"</li>"
listString += "</ul>"
document.innerHTML = listString;
// end code
Now the only way I have been able to get this to work was by accident when using the document.Write method at various points in the code to see what was working (I tried console log first which said that the function was called and the loop was proceeding but no output was coming so I switched to doc.write instead). I used document.Write(listString); and this was able to forcibly print the bullet points onto the screen but that is not my desire. I want it in the HTML not just printed on the screen (so that I can manipulate it with other functions I have made).
Altogether I wanted to make a series of functions to perform the following action: Ask if the user would like to make a new list. Call the makeNewList function which would prompt the user for the number of items. Then ask the user if they would like to edit the list and call the editList function with new prompts for each list item. Finally leaving an output of # of bullet points with user input on each point. I am sure this is a ridiculous idea that nobody would use but it was more a lesson for myself to try an idea I had rather than something functional. Full (attempted) code below:
function makeAList()
var freshList = document.getElementsByClassName("freshList");
var listLength = prompt("Enter number of list items");
var listString = "<ul>";
for (var i=0; i < listLength; i++)
listString+= "<li>"+"</li>"
listString += "</ul>"
document.innerHTML = listString;
function editAList() {
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
list[i].innerHTML = prompt("Place list text below","")
function checkList(){
var resp1 = confirm("Would you like to make a new list?")
if(resp1 == true)
if(resp1 === false){
var resp2 = prompt("Would you like to edit an existing list instead?")
else if(resp2 === true){
alert("You have chosen not to make a new list or edit an existing one")
My friend looked at my code and made some changes as well as detailed comments with the places I went wrong. For anyone who views this question in the future here is his response. All credit to him but I don't know his stack overflow handle to tag him.
Here is his js bin updated and heavily commented code
Code below in case that link dies:
// hi
// i've changed a few things, i've left the original code in comments (//)
function makeAList()
// what does the following code return? a single element? a list of elements?
//var freshList = document.getElementsByClassName("freshList")
var freshList = document.getElementById("freshList");
var listLength = prompt("Enter number of list items");
// var listString = "<ul>";
// you can create a 'ul' element and append the list string later
var ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.setAttribute('id', 'theList');
// there's an even shorter way of doing all this, but since you're starting out, we can save that for later
for (var i=0; i < listLength; i++)
//i would probably append here too, but just demonstrating insertAdjacent
ul.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li></li>');
// document.innerHtml = listString //this was the reason why this function didn't work
// document has no inner html, instead, you want to append the list to the .freshList div that you created
// and then append that to the listOfLists that you queried
// the reason why we don't want to manually set innerHTML is because the DOM has to be reparsed and recreated
// every time innerHTML is set. if you have 1000s of lists, this would be extremely slow
// there are DOM apis that create and insert html elements much more faster and efficient (appendChild)
// if you want to create html elements as strings, as you have done previously, use insertAdjacentHTML:
// it is faster and more efficient
function editAList() {
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
// there's a much more efficient way to do this, but keep this here for now
var insertText = function(i) {
var input = prompt("Place list text below", "");
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
// why would we use settimeout?
setTimeout(insertText.bind(null, i), 1000); // why bind?
// function checkList(){
// var resp1 = confirm("Would you like to make a new list?")
// if(resp1 == true)
// {
// makeAList();
// }
// else
// {
// }
// if(resp1 === false){
// var resp2 = prompt("Would you like to edit an existing list instead?")
// }
// else if(resp2 === true){
// editAList();
// }
// else{
// alert("You have chosen not to make a new list or edit an existing one")
// }
// }
// checkList();

How do you make an IIFE remember **each** instance of a variable when dealing with event listeners?

I'm working with a list of images that may change in number, so fixed IDs and event listeners are not practical. The below code produces the correct number of buttons with the correct IDs, but only the last one has a functional event listener.
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
!function(index) {
if (items[index].classList.contains('current')) {
document.getElementById('selectButtons').innerHTML += '<button id=\"bitems' + index + '\"> ⬤ <span class=\"offscreen\">Item ' + i + '</span></button>';
document.getElementById('selectButtons').innerHTML += '<button id=\"bitems' + index + '\"> ◯ <span class=\"offscreen\">Item ' + i + '</span></button>';
document.getElementById('bitems' + index).addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
Apparently the IIFE is not storing the individual variables like it is supposed to, but I can't figure out why. After all, that is the entire purpose of an IIFE within a loop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
IIFE is working fine. Actually every time you update the innerHTML for selectButtons, the DOM is recreated, and all the events attached to it are gone!
Instead of updating the innerHTML in each iteration, you can append the buttons to it instead like:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
!function(index) {
var button = document.createElement("BUTTON");
var t = document.createTextNode("Button" + index);
button.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
alert("clicked +" +index);
Please do add the conditions around it that you need.
Every time you do innerHTML += you are replacing the entire HTML, which removes any previously installed event handlers. This is one perfectly good reason not to treat HTML as a bunch of strings that you innerHTML onto the page. Instead of strings, think in terms of elements, as in another answer. Then you also don't need to use IDs as a poor man's "variable name" to reference elements; you can just use the element itself.
You don't need a clumsy IIFE. That's what let is for.
Here's a cleaned-up version of your code:
var buttons = document.getElementById('selectButtons');
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
var current = items[i].classList.contains('current');
var button = document.createElement("BUTTON");
var bullet = document.createTextNode(current ? '◯' : '⬤')
var span = document.createElement('span');
van spanText = `Item ${i}`;
span.className = 'offscreen';
button.addEventListener('click', () => alert(`clicked ${i}`));
If you want to save a line or two, you could take advantage of the fact that appendChild returns the appended child, and chain:
If you're going to be doing a lot of this, it would be best to create some tiny utility routines:
function createElementWithText(tag, text) {
var b = document.createElement(tag);
var t = document.createTextNode(text);
return b;
function button(text) { return createElementWithText('button', text); }
function span(text) { return createElementWithText('span', text); }
Now you can write your code more concisely as:
var buttons = document.getElementById('selectButtons');
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
var current = items[i].classList.contains('current');
var button = button(current ? '◯' : '⬤');
var span = span(`Item ${i}`);
span.className = 'offscreen';
button.addEventListener('click', () => alert(`clicked ${i}`));
Actually, it would moderately preferable to create a document fragment, add all the buttons to it in advance, then insert it into the DOM a single time.
However, in practice, you would be better off using some kind of templating language, in which you could write something like:
<div id="selectButtons">
{{for i upto amount}}
<button {{listen 'click' clicked}}>
{{if items[i] hasClass 'current'}}◯{{else}}⬤{{endIf}}
<span class="offscreen">Index {{i}}</span>
It's beyond the scope of this answer to recommend a particular templating language. There are many good ones out there, such as Mustache, that google can help you find, with a search such as "javascript templating languages".

Simplifying a javascript function with repeated similar lines (with a loop?)

Okay, I hope you don't all facepalm when you see this - I'm still finding my way around javascript.
I am putting together an RSVP form for a wedding website.
I want the guests to be able to add their names to the RSVP form, but only have as many fields showing as required. To this end, after each name field, there is a link to click, which will, when clicked, show a name field for the next guest.
The code below works... but I am sure it can be tidier.
I have tried to insert a for() loop into the code in several different ways, I can see that the for() loop increments correctly to the last value - but when it does so, it leaves only the last addEventListener in place. I can only assume, that I should be using a different kind of loop - or a different approach entirely.
How should I tidy up the following?
function showNextGuest(i) {
document.getElementsByTagName(\'fieldset\')[i].style.display = \'block\';
function initiateShowNextGuest() {
window.onload = initiateShowNextGuest();
Your intuition is right - a for loop could indeed simplify it and so could a query selector:
var fieldsSet = document.querySelectorAll("fieldset"); // get all the field sets
var fieldss = []; // convert the html selection to a JS array.{
return field.querySelector("a"); // get the first link for the field
}).forEach(function(link, i){
// bind the event with the right index.
link.addEventListener("click", showNextGuest.bind(null, i+1), false);
This can be shortened to:
var links = document.querySelectorAll("fieldset a:first-of-type");
[], function(link, i){
link.addEventListener("click", showNextGuest.bind(null, i+1), false);
function nextGuest () {
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
showNextGuest(parseInt(i + 1));
}, false);
Benjamin's answer above is the best given, so I have accepted it.
Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, I wanted to show the (simpler, if less elegant) solution I used in the end, so that future readers can compare and contrast between the code in the question and the code below:
var initiateShowNextGuest = [];
function showNextGuest(j) {
document.getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[j].style.display = 'block';
function initiateShowNextGuestFunction(i) {
return function() {
var j = i + 1;
function initiateShowNextGuests() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
initiateShowNextGuest[i] = initiateShowNextGuestFunction(i);
window.onload = initiateShowNextGuests();
In summary, the function initiateShowNextGuests() loops through (and then executes) initiateShowNextGuestFunction(i) 5 times, setting up the 5 anonymous functions which are manually written out in the code in the original question, while avoiding the closure-loop problem.

JQuery for loop stuck at last index [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
jQuery Looping and Attaching Click Events
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have function process_row that appends tags to html, and those tags are chained to a function upon clicked. (in this case, simply alert(i), its position in the result array).
But however, upon being clicked, the newly generated alerts the length of the entire result array. I have tried many, many changes to try and make it work, but it doesn't.
Strange thou, fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]); works fine !! In Chrome inspect element the id tags are displayed as they are, but the click function points everything to the last element in the array.
for example, if I do, () { alert(result_data[0]) });, I get the name of the LAST element in the array, doesn't matter which element was clicked.
can anyone please explain to me... WHY??
I think it may have something to do with $("<div>") where JQuery thinks it's the same div that it's assigning to. Is there any way around this? The 's are generated dynamically and I would not want to let PHP do the echoing. Plus the content may be updated realtime.
Example dataset :
After many, many changes, still not working:
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>");
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
// () { alert(i) });
// ^ not working, try appending list of id's to id_list
for(j = 0; j < id_list.length; j++){
$('#' + id_list[j]).click(function () { alert(j) })
Original Attempt:
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>").append(fab_text).click(function () { alert(i) });
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
If you must use an alert, then you can encapsulate the click handler in a self executing function and pass the index to it. Like,
(function (index) { () {
Although, this is not a clean way to do it. Otherwise, if you are looking to just manipulate the div element is any way, then adding any method directly will also work. Like, () {
You can refer a jsFiddle here
Wonky Solution, but it worked! Haha! Big thanks to Kevin B.
function process_row(data){
result_array = data.split("#");
if(result_array.length > 0){
result_data =result_array[0].split("#");
for(i = 0; i < result_array.length; i++){
result_data =result_array[i].split("#");
var fab_text = result_data[1] + " " + result_data[2]
var fab_div = $("<div>").append(fab_text);
fab_div.attr("id", result_data[0]);
$("#ls_admin").children(this).each(function( index ) {
$(this).append($(this).click(function () { alert($(this).text()) }));

