Market Depth chart using react-stockchart? - javascript

Is it somehow possible to make depth chart as in the following image using react-stockchart library.
Any suggestions is welcome even if it is achievable by using any other charting library in react. This chart is using step area chart. But solution or idea using area chart would also be great.
Image Reference:

Solution to this is multi series area chart. Here one series of data is related to sell orders and another series of data is related to buy orders(eg. the green chart resembles the data related to buy order and the red chart resembles the data related to sell orders.). In case they overlap the orders should be matched and executed.


How to highlight a portion of Google Bar Charts determined by category filter?

I'm wanting to replicate a bar chart done in Power BI using google charts, and one of the features I am attempting to implement is this filter effect as shown by the two pictures I've attached a link to.
Bar Chart Before Filtering
Bar Chart After Filtering
I can add example data in a reply if necessary, but the concept is that the bar chart before shows 100% of data made up of sub categories, and on selecting a category from a drop down menu, the percentage coming from that sub category is highlighted while the rest is made transparent. I've searched through the Google Charts documentation and previous questions however I haven't found any information on how to implement this or if this effect is even possible. The controls included in the API seem to only be able to redraw the chart entirely, not keep the chart and highlight the portion filtered.
I've considered having two charts overlaid on top of each other, with the chart on top changing based on the user category selection and the chart on bottom remaining static, however, I'm not sure if that implementation is optimal or possible. Ideally, I would also be able to replicate this effect on other categorical based charts, such as a pie chart. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on a workaround in order to create a similar effect, or some input on whether this effect is even possible using the google charts API and JavaScript/HTML/CSS.

Interactive change-able pie chart

as a part of an app that I'm developing, I am looking for an open source pie chart which can be manipulated on mobiles effectively.
I've found great pie charts such as Flot, jqPlot, HighCharts, etc. however, they only show configured values. While I don't need slice animations of click events, I do need a pie chart with the capability of changing its values from the chart itself, in a way similar to this.
The point is that I want to force a user to have his values sum up at 100 by favoring a slice and increasing its size at the price of lowering another slice.
Thanks in advance.
Chart.js is what you're looking for. If you have a look on the bottom right of the home page you'll see interactivity. You can trigger events when an element is clicked that will resize the chart as long as you are willing to do some javascript yourself.

Multiple charts sharing the same x-axis in Google Charts

I have many signals recorded and i want to show them on a Chart using Google Charts. These signals share the same x-axis (time) but have very wide data range for y-axis (value). Some of them go from 0 to 10, while some others go from 1000 to 20000. Therefore, it's impossible to display them in the same chart.
Yes, You can use the vAxes property, to show them in the same chart but it limits the graph to 2 signals. And I have more than 2.
Therefore i thought about something like this:
Many charts sharing the same X axis, but with dedicated Y axis. Also, the crosshair is only one for all the charts.
I've searched the Google Chart documentation, but i couldn't find anything like that.
The question is, is it possible to do it with Google Chart? Is there a function or option to do that?
We are working on object oriented solution for charts and we are thinking to make it open source. You can have a look and you can use chart skelton to fulfill your needs. Here is the link
(click on the first chart)
I'm not biased here, but want to recommend plottable.js. Have a look at their examples section for the Synchronized Charts and Finance, as well as their tutorials section, specifically "Building flexible layouts". Their API provides a high degree of customization.

HighCharts for stock prediction data

I am using HighChart library for creating charts in my web application in ASP .Net.
First i use this Candlestick chart for showing the company's stock on chart.
Now i want to create chart for forecast data (RSI CFM Typical Price Moving Average) values on chart.
I see the following picture somewhere but i don't have its example or demo.
Is there any working example for that?
It looks like scenario where indicator are calculated as additonal series. Check the plugins registry, where some of them are implemented.

Google Visualization API - Line and Scatter on one Chart

Does any one know if it is possible to use the Default Google Scatter Chart in the Google Visualizations Gallery to draw a scatter chart that has both a series with points only, a series with a line of best fit and on top of this a set of lines across the chart indicating limits. i.e. at +/- 20% etc.
The chart we need is actually a Control Chart with multiple series and individual formatting of each series displayed on the chart. i.e some series with only points other series with a line of best fit.
Does any one know of a Control Chart that has already been done using the Google Visualization API?
After working with the google visualization api for a while and searching the web I would have to say that the answer here is no.
You would have to build your own custom chart and from working with the api for a while I would rather do this with another charting library like jqPlot.
You can make separate line sets in the google scatterchart. The examples are on the scatterchart page.

