Waiting for a promise before it exists - javascript

I am listening to user events and some of these depend on the completion of others. Dealing with these events is an asynchronous task, so I use promises.
Let's say I've got this:
-> B
-> C
-> ...
-> D
-> E
-> ...
-> F
My initial approach was to save a promise for A and attach the handling of B using the then method of A's promise. The same for B and C ... D and D and E ... F.
But these events can happen almost in the same time, and B can happen before A. Since I cannot listen to a promise that not exists yet... How would you resolve this?
My idea is to define an object for each level (A, B, D), where I can attach a promise and the handling of future events. When attaching a promise, I would iterate the handling of future events and set them to the promise's then. When attaching a future event, I would look if there is a promise, and attach that to it's then or save that into an array or something.
Do you know an existing solution that already solves this issue or shall I follow with my idea?
Thank you.
Further clarification as requested:
I'm listening to multimedia events in the client side that are forwarded via websocket (using socket.io) to the server. The order of the events is indeed first A, then B, etc. But since some of them happen almost at the same time, they can be processed out of order.
Example code
let promiseForA, promiseForB;
socket.on('A', data => {
promiseForA = asynchronousTaskForA();
socket.on('B', data => {
// What if promiseForA has not yet been defined?
promiseForA.then(neededValue => {
socket.on('C', data => {
// What if promiseForB has not yet been defined?
promiseForB.then(neededValue => {
socket.on('D', data => {
// What if promiseForB has not yet been defined?
promiseForB.then(neededValue => {
function asynchronousTaskForA() {
// something
resolve('something needed by B');
function asynchronousTaskForB(value) {
// something with value
resolve('something needed by C ... D');
function asynchronousTaskForC(value) {
// something with value
function asynchronousTaskForD(value) {
// something with value
resolve('something needed by E ... F');
My idea
So... it works. It may be an anti-pattern, wrong or insane, but... I'd like to know of a better alternative.
let PromiseWaiter = function() {
let promise = null;
let thens = [];
let self = this;
this.setPromise = function (p) {
promise = p;
thens.forEach(t => {
this.then = function(t) {
if (promise === null) {
} else {
return self;
this.reset = function() {
promise = null;
thens = [];
module.exports = PromiseWaiter;
Using it:
let waitForA = new PromiseWaiter();
let waitForB = new PromiseWaiter();
let waitForD = new PromiseWaiter();
socket.on('A', data => {
socket.on('B', data => {
waitForA.then(neededValue => {
socket.on('C', data => {
waitForB.then(neededValue => {
socket.on('D', data => {
waitForB.then(neededValue => {
// Note: I am confused why these functions did not return a Promise before
// They have always done that.
function asynchronousTaskForA() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// something
resolve('something needed by B');
function asynchronousTaskForB(value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// something with value
resolve('something needed by C ... D');
function asynchronousTaskForC(value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// something with value
function asynchronousTaskForD(value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// something with value
resolve('something needed by E ... F');
Thank you!

What if promiseForA has not yet been defined?
Just don't assign to it asynchronously. Create it immediately - make a promise for it. Oh, a promise for a promise is just a promise.
const A = new Promise(resolve => socket.on('A', resolve));
const B = new Promise(resolve => socket.on('B', resolve));
const C = new Promise(resolve => socket.on('C', resolve));
const D = new Promise(resolve => socket.on('D', resolve));
const afterA = A.then(asynchronousTaskForA);
const afterB = Promise.all([afterA, B]).then(asynchronousTaskForB);
const afterC = Promise.all([afterB, C]).then(asynchronousTaskForC);
const afterD = Promise.all([afterB, D]).then(asynchronousTaskForD);
My idea may be an anti-pattern, wrong or insane, but... it works.
Yeah. The problems I see with it is that it looks very much like a promise (or deferred), but isn't one:
setPromise is just resolve
then does register callbacks, but doesn't return a promise that waits for the callback result, so is not chainable
reset is not possible with promises1, but I'm not sure whether you really need this.
As I said in the comments, better don't roll your own solution but just use Promise. Of course you might write a helper function socket.getPromiseForNext('A') or so.
1: You can however use an implementation like Creed that supports cancellation. I suspect just creating a new instance that waits for the next event should suffice though.

You can create a promise in the return statement of then callback.
.then( data => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// do some job
As far as you are using node, you can use async/await approach:
async function startFlow() {
// here you sure create promise, instead of promise A
const res1 = await promiseA;
// here you sure create promise, instead of promise B
const res2 = await promiseB;
// etc...
// Start your functions execution


Trying to use `debounce` to throttle API requests, but getting "js Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: [function] is undefined" [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement a debounce function that works with a promise in javascript. That way, each caller can consume the result of the "debounced" function using a Promise. Here is the best I have been able to come up with so far:
function debounce(inner, ms = 0) {
let timer = null;
let promise = null;
const events = new EventEmitter(); // do I really need this?
return function (...args) {
if (timer == null) {
promise = new Promise(resolve => {
events.once('done', resolve);
} else {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
events.emit('done', inner(...args));
timer = null;
}, ms);
return promise;
Ideally, I would like to implement this utility function without introducing a dependency on EventEmitter (or implementing my own basic version of EventEmitter), but I can't think of a way to do it. Any thoughts?
I found a better way to implement this with promises:
function debounce(inner, ms = 0) {
let timer = null;
let resolves = [];
return function (...args) {
// Run the function after a certain amount of time
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Get the result of the inner function, then apply it to the resolve function of
// each promise that has been created since the last time the inner function was run
let result = inner(...args);
resolves.forEach(r => r(result));
resolves = [];
}, ms);
return new Promise(r => resolves.push(r));
I still welcome suggestions, but the new implementation answers my original question about how to implement this function without a dependency on EventEmitter (or something like it).
In Chris's solution all calls will be resolved with delay between them, which is good, but sometimes we need resolve only last call.
In my implementation, only last call in interval will be resolved.
function debounce(f, interval) {
let timer = null;
return (...args) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
timer = setTimeout(
() => resolve(f(...args)),
And the following typescript(>=4.5) implementation supports aborted features:
Support aborting promise via reject(). If we don't abort it, it cannot execute finally function.
Support custom reject abortValue.
If we catch error, we may need to determine if the error type is Aborted
* #param f callback
* #param wait milliseconds
* #param abortValue if has abortValue, promise will reject it if
* #returns Promise
export function debouncePromise<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
fn: T,
wait: number,
abortValue: any = undefined,
) {
let cancel = () => { };
// type Awaited<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T
type ReturnT = Awaited<ReturnType<T>>;
const wrapFunc = (...args: Parameters<T>): Promise<ReturnT> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => resolve(fn(...args)), wait);
cancel = () => {
if (abortValue!==undefined) {
return wrapFunc;
// deno run src/utils/perf.ts
function add(a: number) {
return Promise.resolve(a + 1);
const wrapFn= debouncePromise(add, 500, 'Aborted');
wrapFn(2).then(console.log).catch(console.log).finally(()=>console.log('final-clean')); // Aborted + final-clean
wrapFn(3).then(console.log).catch(console.log).finally(()=>console.log('final-clean')); // 4 + final_clean
I had done some memory benchmarks, huge number of pending promises won't cause memory leak. It seems that V8 engine GC will clean unused promises.
I landed here because I wanted to get the return value of the promise, but debounce in underscore.js was returning undefined instead. I ended up using lodash version with leading=true. It works for my case because I don't care if the execution is leading or trailing.
_.debounce(somethingThatReturnsAPromise, 300, {
leading: true,
trailing: false
resolve one promise, cancel the others
Many implementations I've seen over-complicate the problem or have other hygiene issues. In this post we will write our own debounce. This implementation will -
have at most one promise pending at any given time (per debounced task)
stop memory leaks by properly cancelling pending promises
resolve only the latest promise
demonstrate proper behaviour with live code demos
We write debounce with its two parameters, the task to debounce, and the amount of milliseconds to delay, ms. We introduce a single local binding for its local state, t -
function debounce (task, ms) {
let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }
return async (...args) => {
try {
t = deferred()
await t.promise
await task(...args)
catch (_) { /* prevent memory leak */ }
We depend on a reusable deferred function, which creates a new promise that resolves in ms milliseconds. It introduces two local bindings, the promise itself, an the ability to cancel it -
function deferred (ms) {
let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cancel = reject
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
return { promise, cancel }
click counter example
In this first example, we have a button that counts the user's clicks. The event listener is attached using debounce, so the counter is only incremented after a specified duration -
// debounce, deferred
function debounce (task, ms) { let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }; return async (...args) => { try { t.cancel(); t = deferred(ms); await t.promise; await task(...args); } catch (_) { console.log("cleaning up cancelled promise") } } }
function deferred (ms) { let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cancel = reject; setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); return { promise, cancel } }
// dom references
const myform = document.forms.myform
const mycounter = myform.mycounter
// event handler
function clickCounter (event) {
mycounter.value = Number(mycounter.value) + 1
// debounced listener
myform.myclicker.addEventListener("click", debounce(clickCounter, 1000))
<form id="myform">
<input name="myclicker" type="button" value="click" />
<output name="mycounter">0</output>
live query example, "autocomplete"
In this second example, we have a form with a text input. Our search query is attached using debounce -
// debounce, deferred
function debounce (task, ms) { let t = { promise: null, cancel: _ => void 0 }; return async (...args) => { try { t.cancel(); t = deferred(ms); await t.promise; await task(...args); } catch (_) { console.log("cleaning up cancelled promise") } } }
function deferred (ms) { let cancel, promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cancel = reject; setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); return { promise, cancel } }
// dom references
const myform = document.forms.myform
const myresult = myform.myresult
// event handler
function search (event) {
myresult.value = `Searching for: ${event.target.value}`
// debounced listener
myform.myquery.addEventListener("keypress", debounce(search, 1000))
<form id="myform">
<input name="myquery" placeholder="Enter a query..." />
<output name="myresult"></output>
Here's my version in typescript (mostly based on Chris one), if someone need it 😉
function promiseDebounce (exec: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>, interval: number): () => ReturnType<typeof exec> {
let handle: number | undefined;
let resolves: Array<(value?: unknown) => void> = [];
return async (...args: unknown[]) => {
handle = setTimeout(
() => {
const result = exec(...args);
resolves.forEach(resolve => resolve(result));
resolves = [];
return new Promise(resolve => resolves.push(resolve));
No clue what you are trying to accomplish as it vastly depends on what your needs are. Below is something somewhat generic though. Without a solid grasp of what is going on in the code below, you really might not want to use it though.
// Debounce state constructor
function debounce(f) {
this._f = f;
return this.run.bind(this)
// Debounce execution function
debounce.prototype.run = function() {
console.log('before check');
if (this._promise)
return this._promise;
console.log('after check');
return this._promise = this._f(arguments).then(function(r) {
delete this._promise; // remove deletion to prevent new execution (or remove after timeout?)
return r;
}.bind(this)).catch(function(r) {
console.log('clearing after rejection');
delete this._promise; // Remove deletion here for as needed as noted above
return Promise.reject(r); // rethrow rejection
// Some function which returns a promise needing debouncing
function test(str) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('test' + str);
}, 1000);
a = new debounce(test); // Create debounced version of function
console.log("p1: ", p1 = a(1));
console.log("p2: ", p2 = a(2));
console.log("p1 = p2", p1 === p2);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("p3: ", p3 = a(3));
console.log("p1 = p3 ", p1 === p3, " - p2 = p3 ", p2 === p3);
}, 2100)
View the console when running the code above. I put a few messages to show a bit about what is going on. First some function which returns a promise is passed as an argument to new debounce(). This creates a debounced version of the function.
When you run the debounced function as the code above does (a(1), a(2), and a(3)) you will notice during processing it returns the same promise instead of starting a new one. Once the promise is complete it removes the old promise. In code above I wait for the timeout manually with setTimeout before running a(3).
You can clear the promise in other ways as well, like adding a reset or clear function on debounce.prototype to clear the promise at a different time. You could also set it to timeout. The tests in the console log should show p1 and p2 get the same promise (reference comparison "===" is true) and that p3 is different.
Here is what I came up with to solve this issue. All calls to the debounced function batched to the same invocation all return the same Promise that resolves to the result of the future invocation.
function makeFuture() {
let resolve;
let reject;
let promise = new Promise((d, e) => {
resolve = d;
reject = e;
return [promise, resolve, reject];
function debounceAsync(asyncFunction, delayMs) {
let timeout;
let [promise, resolve, reject] = makeFuture();
return function(...args) {
timeout = setTimeout(async () => {
const [prevResolve, prevReject] = [resolve, reject];
[promise, resolve, reject] = makeFuture();
try {
prevResolve(await asyncFunction.apply(this, args));
} catch (error) {
}, delayMs);
return promise;
const start = Date.now();
const dog = {
sound: 'woof',
bark() {
const delay = Date.now() - start;
console.log(`dog says ${this.sound} after ${delay} ms`);
return delay;
dog.bark = debounceAsync(dog.bark, 50);
Promise.all([dog.bark(), dog.bark()]).then(([delay1, delay2]) => {
console.log(`Delay1: ${delay1}, Delay2: ${delay2}`);
Both Chris and Николай Гордеев have good solutions. The first will resolve all of them. The problem is that they all be resolved, but usually you wouldn't want all of them to run.
The second solution solved that but created a new problem - now you will have multiple awaits. If it's a function that is called a lot (like search typing) you might have a memory issue. I fixed it by creating the following asyncDebounce that will resolve the last one and reject (and the awaiting call will get an exception that they can just catch).
const debounceWithRejection = (
ms = 0,
reject = false,
) => {
let timer = null;
let resolves = [];
return function (...args) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
const resolvesLocal = resolves;
resolves = [];
if (reject) {
const resolve = resolvesLocal.pop();
resolvesLocal.forEach((r, i) => {
!!rejectionBuilder ? r.rej(rejectionBuilder(r.args)) : r.rej(r.args);
} else {
resolvesLocal.forEach((r) => r.res(inner(...args)));
resolves = [];
}, ms);
return new Promise((res, rej) =>
resolves.push({ res, rej, args: [...args] })
The rejection logic is optional, and so is the rejectionBuilder. It's an option to reject with specific builder so you will know to catch it.
You can see runing example.
This may not what you want, but can provide you some clue:
* Call a function asynchronously, as soon as possible. Makes
* use of HTML Promise to schedule the callback if available,
* otherwise falling back to `setTimeout` (mainly for IE<11).
* #type {(callback: function) => void}
export const defer = typeof Promise=='function' ?
Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout;

Resolve promise on array push - javascript

I'm attempting to define a function that returns a promise. The promise should resolve when a given array is set (push()).
To do this I'm attempting to use a Proxy object (influenced by this):
let a = []
;(async function(){
const observe = array => new Promise(resolve =>
new Proxy(array, {
set(array, key, val) {
array[key] = val;
await observe(a);
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),"Blimey Guv'nor:",`${a.pop()}`);
;(async function(){
await new Promise(resolve => timerID = setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
a.push('¯\(°_o)/¯ ')
I can't see why this doesn't work. Does anyone have any idea?
More generally, what is a good way to have a promise resolve on push to an array?
The problems with your attempt:
you invoke .push on the original array, not the proxied one. Where you create the proxy, it is returned to no-one: any reference to it is lost (and will be garbage collected).
The code following after the line with await will execute asynchronously, so after all of your push calls have already executed. That means that console.log will execute when the array already has two elements. Promises are thus not the right tool for what you want, as the resolution of a promise can only be acted upon when all other synchronous code has run to completion. To get notifications during the execution synchronously, you need a synchronous solution, while promises are based on asynchronous execution.
Just to complete the answer, I provide here a simple synchronous callback solution:
function observed(array, cb) {
return new Proxy(array, {
set(array, key, val) {
array[key] = val;
if (!isNaN(key)) cb(); // now it is synchronous
return true;
let a = observed([], () =>
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),"Blimey Guv'nor:", `${a.pop()}`)
a.push('¯\(°_o)/¯ ');
As noted before: promises are not the right tool when you need synchronous code execution.
When each push is executed asynchronously
You can use promises, if you are sure that each push happens in a separate task, where the promise job queue is processed in between every pair of push calls.
For instance, if you make each push call as part of an input event handler, or as the callback for a setTimeout timer, then it is possible:
function observed(array) {
let resolve = () => null; // dummy
let proxy = new Proxy(array, {
set(array, key, val) {
array[key] = val;
if (!isNaN(key)) resolve();
return true;
proxy.observe = () => new Promise(r => resolve = r);
return proxy;
let a = observed([]);
(async () => {
while (true) {
await a.observe();
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),"Blimey Guv'nor:",`${a.pop()}`);
setTimeout(() => a.push('ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ'), 100);
setTimeout(() => a.push('¯\(°_o)/¯ '), 100);

Is there a way to know if a `resolve` function has been called

I'm passing the resolve function as a param, and I have to know if it had been called somewhere. Instead of manually maintaining a state, I'm wondering if there's a function can do it for me.
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if resolve have been called in f then g should have different behavior, for example
const arr = [1,2,3]
const g = resolve => {
if(resolve has been called) {
do nothing
} else {
const el = arr.pop()
I'd like to have a function f(resolve) == true|false
I know there's no standard function like this yet since it's not included in the promise spec. So I'm asking for a proposal which has been implemented in the browser or a polyfill.
If both not now, I'll just leave this question open here in case that some day in the future, there comes one.
You can create a wrapper function that tracks invocation:
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const resolveContext = {
didResolve: false
const wrappedResolve = (...args) => {
resolveContext.didResolve = true;
wrappedResolve.context = resolveContext;
Now your g function can access wrappedResolve.context.didResolve

async function external stack context

Sometimes code would like to know if a particular function (or children) are running or not. For instance, node.js has domains which works for async stuff as well (not sure if this includes async functions).
Some simple code to explain what I need would by like this:
inUpdate = true;
try {
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
This could then be used something like:
function modifyThings() {
if (inUpdate) throw new Error("Can't modify while updating");
With the advent of async this code breaks if the doUpdate() function is asynchronous. This was of course already true using callback-style functions.
The doUpdate function could of course be patched to maintain the variable around every await, but even if you have control over the code, this is cumbersome and error prone and this breaks when trying to track async function calls inside doUpdate.
I tried monkey-patching Promise.prototype:
const origThen = Promise.prototype.then;
Promise.prototype.then = function(resolve, reject) {
const isInUpdate = inUpdate;
origThen.call(this, function myResolve(value) {
inUpdate = isInUpdate;
try {
return resolve(value);
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
}, reject);
Unfortunately this doesn't work. I'm not sure why, but the async continuation code ends up running outside of the resolve call stack (probably using a microtask).
Note that it's not enough to simply do:
function runUpdate(doUpdate) {
inUpdate = true;
doUpdate.then(() => inUpdate = false).catch(() => inUpdate = false);
The reason is:
console.log(inUpdate); // incorrectly returns true
Is there any way to track something from outside an async function so it's possible to tell if the function called, or any of its descendant calls are running?
I know that it's possible to simulate async functions with generators and yield, in which case we have control over the call stack (since we can call gen.next()) but this is a kludge which the advent of async functions just got around to solving, so I'm specifically looking for a solution that works with native (not Babel-generated) async functions.
Edit: To clarify the question: Is there's a way for outside code to know if a particular invocation of an async function is running or if it is suspended, assuming that this code is the caller of the async function. Whether it's running or not would be determined by a function that ultimately is called by the async function (somewhere in the stack).
Edit: To clarify some more: The intended functionality would be the same as domains in node.js, but also for the browser. Domains already work with Promises, so async functions probably work as well (not tested).
This code allows me to do what I want to a certain extent:
function installAsyncTrack() {
/* global Promise: true */
if (Promise.isAsyncTracker) throw new Error('Only one tracker can be installed');
const RootPromise = Promise.isAsyncTracker ? Promise.rootPromise : Promise;
let active = true;
const tracker = {
track(f, o, ...args) {
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = o;
try {
return f.apply(this, args);
} finally {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
trackObj: undefined,
uninstall() {
active = false;
if (Promise === AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise) return;
if (Promise !== AsyncTrackPromise) return;
Promise = AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.prototype = Object.create(Promise);
AsyncTrackPromise.rootPromise = RootPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.prevPromise = Promise;
Promise = AsyncTrackPromise;
AsyncTrackPromise.resolve = value => {
return new AsyncTrackPromise(resolve => resolve(value));
AsyncTrackPromise.reject = val => {
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => reject(value));
AsyncTrackPromise.all = iterable => {
const promises = Array.from(iterable);
if (!promises.length) return AsyncTrackPromise.resolve();
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => {
let rejected = false;
let results = new Array(promises.length);
let done = 0;
const allPromises = promises.map(promise => {
if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') {
return promise;
return new AsyncTrackPromise.resolve(promise);
allPromises.forEach((promise, ix) => {
promise.then(value => {
if (rejected) return;
results[ix] = value;
if (done === results.length) {
}, reason => {
if (rejected) return;
rejected = true;
AsyncTrackPromise.race = iterable => {
const promises = Array.from(iterable);
if (!promises.length) return new AsyncTrackPromise(() => {});
return new AsyncTrackPromise((resolve, reject) => {
let resolved = false;
if (promises.some(promise => {
if (!promise || typeof promise.then !== 'function') {
return true;
})) return;
promises.forEach((promise, ix) => {
promise.then(value => {
if (resolved) return;
resolved = true;
}, reason => {
if (resolved) return;
resolved = true;
function AsyncTrackPromise(handler) {
const promise = new RootPromise(handler);
promise.trackObj = tracker.trackObj;
promise.origThen = promise.then;
promise.then = thenOverride;
promise.origCatch = promise.catch;
promise.catch = catchOverride;
if (promise.finally) {
promise.origFinally = promise.finally;
promise.finally = finallyOverride;
return promise;
AsyncTrackPromise.isAsyncTracker = true;
function thenOverride(resolve, reject) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origThen.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origThen.call(
myResolver(trackObj, resolve),
reject && myResolver(trackObj, reject)
function catchOverride(reject) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origCatch.catch.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origCatch.call(
myResolver(trackObj, reject)
function finallyOverride(callback) {
const trackObj = this.trackObj;
if (!active || trackObj === undefined) return this.origCatch.catch.apply(this, arguments);
return this.origCatch.call(
myResolver(trackObj, reject)
return tracker;
function myResolver(trackObj, resolve) {
return function myResolve(val) {
if (trackObj === undefined) {
return resolve(val);
RootPromise.resolve().then(() => {
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = trackObj;
RootPromise.resolve().then(() => {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
const prevObj = tracker.trackObj;
tracker.trackObj = trackObj;
try {
return resolve(val);
} finally {
tracker.trackObj = prevObj;
tracker = installAsyncTrack();
function track(func, value, ...args) {
return tracker.track(func, { value }, value, ...args);
function show(where, which) {
console.log('At call', where, 'from', which, 'the value is: ', tracker.trackObj && tracker.trackObj.value);
async function test(which, sub) {
show(1, which);
await delay(Math.random() * 100);
show(2, which);
if (sub === 'resolve') {
await Promise.resolve(test('sub'));
show(3, which);
if (sub === 'call') {
await test(which + ' sub');
show(3, which);
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
track(test, 'test1');
track(test, 'test2');
track(test, 'test3', 'resolve');
track(test, 'test4', 'call');
It replaces the native Promise with my own. This promise stores the current context (taskObj) on the promise.
When the .then callback or its ilk are called, it does the following:
It creates a new native promise that immediately resolves. This adds a new microtask to the queue (according to spec, so should be reliable).
It calls the original resolve or reject. At least in Chrome and Firefox, this generates another microtask onto the queue that will run next part of the async function. Not sure what the spec has to say about this yet. It also restores the context around the call so that if it's not await that uses it, no microtask gets added here.
The first microtask gets executed, which is my first (native) promise being resolved. This code restores the current context (taskObj). It also creates a new resolved promise that queues another microtask
The second microtask (if any) gets executed, running the JS in the async function to until it hits the next await or returns.
The microtask queued by the first microtask gets executed, which restores the context to what it was before the Promise resolved/rejected (should always be undefined, unless set outside a tracker.track(...) call).
If the intercepted promise is not native (e.g. bluebird), it still works because it restores the state during the resolve(...) (and ilk) call.
There's one situation which I can't seem to find a solution for:
tracker.track(async () => {
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // 'test'
await (async () => {})(); //This breaks because the promise generated is native
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // undefined
}, 'test')
A workaround is to wrap the promise in Promise.resolve():
tracker.track(async () => {
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // 'test'
await Promise.resolve((async () => {})());
console.log(tracker.taskObj); // undefined
}, 'test')
Obviously, a lot of testing for all the different environments is needed and the fact that a workaround for sub-calls is needed is painful. Also, all Promises used need to either be wrapped in Promise.resolve() or use the global Promise.
[is it] possible to tell if the function called, or any of its descendant calls are running?
Yes. The answer is always no. Cause there is only one piece of code running at a time. Javascript is single threaded per definition.
Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be. If doUpdate returns a promise (like when it is an async function), just wait for that:
inUpdate = true;
try {
await doUpdate();
} finally {
inUpdate = false;
You can also use the finally Promise method:
var inUpdate = true;
doUpdate().finally(() => {
inUpdate = false;
That'll do just like like your synchronous code, having inUpdate == true while the function call or any of its descendants are running. Of course that only works if the asynchronous function doesn't settle the promise before it is finished doing its thing. And if you feel like the inUpdate flag should only be set during some specific parts of the doUpdate function, then yes the function will need to maintain the flag itself - just like it is the case with synchronous code.

Javascript Promise Sequence

I want to process a number of promises in Sequence. I have a working piece of code below but I'm wondering if I have over complicated the chaining of promises. I seem to be creating a great deal of new closures and I'm scratching my head wondering if I'm missing something.
Is there a better way to write this function:
'use strict';
.then(x => {return addElement("second")})
.then(x => { return addElement("third")})
.then(x => { return addElement("fourth")})
function addElement(elementText){
var myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
var element=document.createElement('H1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
}, Math.random() * 2000);
return myPromise;
#TheToolBox has a nice answer for you.
Just for fun, I'm going to show you an alternative technique that uses generators that gets its inspiration from coroutines.
Promise.prototype.bind = Promise.prototype.then;
const coro = g => {
const next = x => {
let {done, value} = g.next(x);
return done ? value : value.bind(next);
return next();
Using that, your code will look like this
const addElement = elementText =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
var element = document.createElement('H1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
}, Math.random() * 2000);
coro(function* () {
yield addElement('first');
yield addElement('second');
yield addElement('third');
yield addElement('fourth');
There's some pretty interesting things you can do using generators with promises. They're not immediately evident here because your addElement promise doesn't resolve any actual values.
If you actually resolve some values, you could do something like
// sync
const appendChild = (x,y) => x.appendChild(y);
// sync
const createH1 = text => {
var elem = document.createElement('h1');
elem.innerText = `${text} ${Date.now()}`;
return elem;
// async
const delay = f =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(f()), Math.random() * 2000);
// create generator; this time it has a name and accepts an argument
// mix and match sync/async as needed
function* renderHeadings(target) {
appendChild(target, yield delay(() => createH1('first')));
appendChild(target, yield delay(() => createH1('second')));
appendChild(target, yield delay(() => createH1('third')));
appendChild(target, yield delay(() => createH1('fourth')));
// run the generator; set target to document.body
Worth noting, createH1 and appendChild are synchronous functions. This approach effectively allows you to chain normal functions together and blur the lines between what is sync and what is async. It also executes/behaves exactly like the code you originally posted.
So yeah, this last code example might be slightly more interesting.
One distinct advantage the coroutine has over the .then chaining, is that all of the resolved promises can be accessed inside the same scope.
Compare .then chains ...
.then(x => op2(x))
.then(y => op3(y)) // cannot read x here
.then(z => lastOp(z)) // cannot read x or y here
to the coroutine ...
function* () {
let x = yield op1(); // can read x
let y = yield op2(); // can read x and y here
let z = yield op3(); // can read x, y, and z here
lastOp([x,y,z]); // use all 3 values !
Of course there are workarounds for this using promises, but oh boy does it get ugly fast...
If you are interested in using generators in this way, I highly suggest you checkout the co project.
And here's an article, Callbacks vs Coroutines, from the creator of co, #tj.
Anyway, I hope you had fun learning about some other techniques ^__^
I am not sure why others left out a simple way out, you could simply use an array and reduce method
let promise, inputArray = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'];
promise = inputArray.reduce((p, element) => p.then(() => addElement(element)), Promise.resolve());
Your code looks close to the best you can get here. Promises can be a strange structure to get used to, especially as writing promis-ified code can often end up embedding a function in another function. As you can see here, this is a pretty common phrasing to use. There are only two stylistic changes that could possibly be made. Firstly, myPromise is unnecessary and only serves to add a confusing extra line of code. It's simpler just to return the promise directly. Secondly, you can use function binding to simplify your calls at the beginning. It may not be inside the function itself, but it does eliminate several closures. Both changes are shown below:
'use strict';
function addElement(elementText){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
var element=document.createElement('H1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
}, Math.random() * 2000);
It's worth pointing out that, if you were willing to restructure a bit, a slightly more attractive design would take form:
'use strict';
var myWait = waitRand.bind(null,2000);
.then(addElement.bind(null, "first"))
.then(addElement.bind(null, "second"))
.then(addElement.bind(null, "third"))
function waitRand(millis) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * millis);
function addElement(elementText) {
var element = document.createElement('h1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
This trades length of promise chain for clarity, as well as having slightly fewer nested levels.
You could simplify the use of your function by making addElement() return a function instead so it can be directly inserted into .then() handlers without having to create the anonymous function:
'use strict';
function addElement(elementText){
return function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve){
var element=document.createElement('H1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
}, Math.random() * 2000);
There's not much to be done with regard to the number of closures. Nesting of functions is just something you get used to with js, and the code in the question really isn't that bad.
As others have said, writing addElement() to return a function makes for a neater main promise chain.
Going slightly further, you might consider writing the returned function with an inner promise chain, allowing the (slight) separation of promise resolution from DOM element insertion. This creates no more and no less closures, but is syntactically neater, in particular allowing you to write setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 2000);.
'use strict';
function addElement(elementText) {
return function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 2000);
}).then(function() {
var element = document.createElement('H1');
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
Maybe it's just me but I find this much more pleasing on the eye, albeit at the cost of an additional .then(), hence an additional promise, per addElement().
Note: If you needed to resolve the promise with a value, you are still afforded the opportunity to do so by returning a value from the chained then's callback.
Going even further, if you want the inserted elements to appear in the demanded order, not the order determined by promise settlement, then you can create/insert elements synchronously, and populate them asynchronously :
function addElement(elementText) {
var element = document.createElement('H1');
return function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 2000);
}).then(function() {
element.innerText = `${elementText} ${Date.now()}`;
All that was necessary was to move two lines within addElement(), to change the timing of the insertions whilst leaving the element.innerText = ... line where it was. This is possible whether or not you opt for the inner promise chain.
I wrote two methods here :
Sequence = {
all( steps ) {
var promise = Promise.resolve(),
results = [];
const then = i => {
promise = promise.then( () => {
return steps[ i ]().then( value => {
results[ i ] = value;
} );
} );
steps.forEach( ( step, i ) => {
then( i );
} );
return promise.then( () => Promise.resolve( results ) );
race( steps ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
var promise = Promise.reject();
const c = i => {
promise = promise.then( value => {
resolve( value );
} ).catch( () => {
return steps[ i ]();
} );
steps.forEach( ( step, i ) => {
c( i );
} );
promise.catch( () => {
} );
} );
Sequence.all will run functions in a sequence until all promises in arguments are resolved. And return another Promise object with arguments as an array filled with all resolved values in sequence.
Sequence.all( [ () => {
return Promise.resolve( 'a' );
}, () => {
return Promise.resolve( 'b' );
} ] ).then( values => {
console.log( values ); // output [ 'a', 'b' ]
} );
Sequence.race will run functions in a sequence and stop running while one promise object been resolved.
Sequence.race( [ () => {
return Promise.reject( 'a' );
}, () => {
return Promise.resolve( 'b' );
}, () => {
return Promise.resolve( 'c' );
} ] ).then( values => {
console.log( values ); // output [ 'a' ]
} );

