Angular 1 how to properly include external component inside ng-include? - javascript

Situation: I have a view where I'm including a fragment with ng-include. The fragment loads perfectly and works as expected when inside view where controller is defined.
My problem is, that when I want to include external component inside the "ng-include" fragment "myView.html", it doesn't show up. When including it inside the main view where the controller is, it shows up and works as expected.
Main view:
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div data-ng-include src="'views/myView.html'"></div>
<!-- When loaded here, the component shows up -->
<!-- <div id="componentDiv"></div> -->
Fragment "myView.html":
<div id="componentDiv"></div>
The component is loaded inside the "MyController", where "componentDiv" is the "id" of "div" where the component is placed:
var testObj = new TestObj({"container": "componentDiv"});
Trying to do this to be able to use this fragment with full functionality in several places.
Any ideas or suggestions what to look up or try?

IMHO I think that by saying " be able to use this fragment with full functionality in several places" you just answered your question. What you need is to build a custom directive and use it in any place you like.
see directive samples e.g. Angular documentation on directives


Angular 6 - Cannot create angular components under custom HTML tags

I have two angular components whose respective templates are called home.component.html and information-icon.html.
I am using custom HTML elements, so when I define my custom elements together only in one template, for example in home.component.html, the template shows correctly elements defined:
<!-- home.component.html-->
<sh-access-bar label="Access bar">
<sh-button icon="example.png"></sh-button>
Nevertheless, I need two separate components to my purpose, so If I defined both templates like this, the component doesn't render correctly:
First component:
<!-- home.component.html-->
<sh-access-bar label="Access bar">
<app-information-icon></app-information-icon> <!--Component selector-->
Second component:
<sh-button icon="example.png"></sh-button>
Are there any way in Angular to render both components correctly?
Are there any properly way to create custom tags dynamically as a component?
I will appreciate any kind of help.

Pass variable from one html file to another

I'm creating an Angular 2 webpage - I originally had 1 HTML file that contained everything I needed for my web page's UI - for design reasons, I've taken out a part of the HTML and created a separate component for it (specifically a Tree view display). I've been able to reference the other HTML file (treeview) fine using its selector tree-selector in my original HTML like so:
<div *ngIf="showTree">
<h1>Using treeview template.</h1>
The code for tree-selector.html is (I'm using PrimeNG UI components):
<p-tree [value]="fileSystemTree" selectionMode="single" (onNodeSelect)="nodeSelect($event)" (onNodeUnselect)="nodeUnselect($event)" (onNodeExpand)="nodeExpand($event)" [style]="{'max-height':'200px','overflow':'auto'}"></p-tree>
Before, when everything was in 1 file, it was easy to use the variable "fileSystemTree" to use for [value]. Now that I have two HTML files, I'm unsure of how to use fileSystemTree again in my main HTML and link it to [value] in tree-selector.html.
Pass it to <tree-selector></tree-selector> as input parameter and then further to <p-tree...>
<div *ngIf="showTree">
<h1>Using treeview template.</h1>
<tree-selector [fileSystemTree]="fileSystemTree"></tree-selector>
in tree-selector component:
#Input() fileSystemTree: any;

Two different layouts in aurelia app

I'd like to use two separate layouts for my aurelia app. Difference between them is that one doesn't have a sidebar. Currently I'm using one layout file defined as below:
<div class="container">
If an active route needs this sidebar to appear I'm just putting it into its view.
What I'd like to achieve is to add another layout that would have this sidebar by default:
<require from="../common/elements/sidemenu/sidemenu"></require>
<div class="container">
So the question is - how to do this? Is it even possible with an aurelia app to have multiple layouts (or master pages, however you call those)?
Use aurelia.setRoot()
You can manually set up your application by specifying a script with configure instructions in your index.html. Typically, this is set to main.
<body aurelia-app="main">
In this script you can specify a root view model using aurelia.setRoot('root'). If no argument is provided, the convention is to use 'app'.
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());
However, you can inject the aurelia object anywhere in your application, and call the setRoot function at any time to load a different root view model.
export class HomeViewModel {
constructor(aurelia) {
this.aurelia = aurelia;
doStuff() {
One common use case for this is having a login page, and I've created a complete template for this use case that you can review, clone, or fork here:

Are'nt we Allowed to write html codes if we use backbone.js?

I am learning backbone.js and I have seen some examples like this one.Here the user has not written much html codes inside the editor.html.Only 4 lines of code.But for colour change,size change etc he has done inside editor.js
Please help me understand what all codes we need to keep inside .html file
<div id="page" style="width:2000px;height:2000px;">
<button id="new-rectangle">New Rectangle</button>
<button id="new-circle">New Circle</button>
You should aim to put all your html in .html file(s). As an app grows, it will help you to keep them separate. The example you link to is a 'simplified' version - this is not how you would structure things in an actual app. You would load html from templates in the render function. A (though this is also simplified as I am relying on script tags) pattern would be:
HTML file:
[...SOME HTML...]
<script type="text/html" id="template-contact">
<div class='contact'>
<h1>Here's my template code</h1>
Then in your Backbone view render function:
render: function() {
template: _template($('#template-contract').html(),
return this;
Then somewhere else in your Backbone code you create a new instance of the view and render it.
var example = new view_name();
example.render(); //This loads the html template
If you need to dynamically load the html from a server, you can use underscore (or whichever template engine you are using) tags in your template '<%>' and use models. This is best explained in Addy Osmani's book Developing Backbone.js Applications which, incredibly, is free. Here's the link to the relevant section
Whatever you wants to display on the browser you can keep it in .html file and logic to update the dom on run time should be in .js file.

AngularJS dynamically set param of ngInclude based on route

I'm trying to dynamically include a template into my index.html. The general structure of index.html is:
<header ng-controller="Main">
<!-- global stuff -->
<section ng-include="moduleName + '/views/menubar.html'">
<!-- module-based stuff -->
<div id="view" ng-view></div>
Sample URL<app_name>/index.html#/<module_name>[/method_name]
I can't figure out how to update $scope.moduleName when the route changes. My trouble is two-fold:
The header's controller is Main, not the controller associated with the view, so I can't? update $scope.moduleName from the view's controller (because Main and the view's controller are siblings).
In Main, I tried setting a $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess',…), but apparently it is not notified of route changes.
I've thought of setting up a $rootScope.$on listener (as described in SO#15355346) for the route change and broadcasting down to children, who then emit back up their route, which is broadcasted back down so it is available to Main. But that seems heinous.
And I would really prefer to keep the header outside of ng-view.
EDIT I noticed that $route.current.scope has an object named with module_name (possibly because the name of the controller associated with the route's module_name is the same). I'm wondering if I might be able to somehow use the name of that object…
It's hard to say what's wrong in your code without the full picture. Things you show look fine to me.
Please see this plunk I've created to display the ability to do it. Take note that you also can extend route objects with custom properties, like moduleName here:
$routeProvider.when('/page1', {
template: 'one',
controller: 'one',
moduleName: 'firstModule'

