Handling firebase real time changes in progressive web app - javascript

I'm fetching the top news from hacker news API which is using firebase. I'm planning to build a progressive web app hence, I'm planning to cache the results into the localstorage.
The current code is here, which fetch and render the top stories. The code is here:
var ref = new Firebase("http://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/");
var itemRef = ref.child('item');
var topStories = [];
var storyCallback = function(snapshot) {
var story = snapshot.val();
var html = '';
if(story.score) {
html = '<i>'+story.score+'</i> '+story.title+''
document.getElementById(topStories.indexOf(story.id)).innerHTML = html;
ref.child('topstories').once('value', function(snapshot) {
topStories = snapshot.val();
for(var i = 0; i < topStories.length; i++) {
var element = document.createElement("P");
element.id = i;
itemRef.child(topStories[i]).on('value', storyCallback);
ref.child('topstories').on('child_changed', function(snapshot, prevChildName) {
var ref = snapshot.ref()
var index = ref.name();
var oldItemId = topStories[index];
var newItemId = snapshot.val();
topStories[index] = newItemId
itemRef.child(newItemId).on('value', storyCallback);
If I add each stories into the localstorage (by tweaking the above code), how can I skip fetching it from firebase the next time (if it already presents and doesn't changed)?
Note that doesn't change part is important because I can easily get from local storage using the key, how ever it should be in sync with firebase as well. So wondering whether firebase has some way to handle this

If I'm not missing any point you can simply check whether they already exists in local storage or not
//display here
//save for next time
localStorage.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('yourdata'));
//and display here
Also you can generalize your function for fetching, display or rendering so you can call at multiple place.


Allowing only one like per item. JS + Firebase Realtime Database

I am new to programming and I am trying to implement a picture gallery in which you can like/vote your favorite pictures. Each picture displays a counter of the number of likes/votes.
The caveat is that while you can vote for different pictures, you can only vote once for each one.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
const dCounters = document.querySelectorAll('.CountLike');
[].forEach.call(dCounters, function(dCounter) {
const el = dCounter.querySelector('button');
const cId = dCounter.id;
const dDatabase = firebase.database().ref('Like Number Counter').child(cId);
// get firebase data
dDatabase.on('value', function(snap) {
let data = snap.val() || 0;
dCounter.querySelector('span').innerHTML = data;
// set firebase data
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
dDatabase.transaction(function(dCount) {
return (dCount || 0) + 1;
I have tried using local storage to check if user has voted already =
localStorage.getItem('iHaveVoted', 'yes')
but this doesnt get into account until browser is refreshed. Therefore, user is still allowed to increase the votes multiple times.

How to increase your limit of Github API uses per hour in Javascript

I'm trying to work pull requests, issues, and commits with repos and I have the following code:
const axios = require('axios');
var gitPullApiLink = "https://api.github.com/repos/elixir-lang/elixir/pulls";
var listOfCommits = [];
var listOfSHAs = [];
var mapOfInfoObjects = new Map();
var mapPullRequestNumberToCommits = new Map();
var mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects = new Map();
var listOfPrObjects = [];
var setOfFileObjects = new Set();
var listOfNumbersOfTargetedIssues = [];
var mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects = new Map();
class PullRequestParser {
async getListOfPullRequests(pullrequestLink) {
const message = await axios.get(pullrequestLink);
listOfPrObjects = message['data'];
async getCommitsForEachPullRequestAndPRinformation() {
var listOfPrNumbers = [];
var k;
// this loop will just make a list of Pull Request Numbers
for (k = 0; k < listOfPrObjects.length; k++){
var currPrNumber = listOfPrObjects[k]['number'];
// I created a separate list just because... I did it this way because on the github API website it seems
// like the pull request has the same number as the issue it affects. I explain how you can see this down below
listOfNumbersOfTargetedIssues = listOfPrNumbers;
// next loop will make objects that contain information about each pull request.
var n;
for (n = 0; n < listOfPrNumbers; n++){
var ApiLinkForEachPullRequest = gitPullApiLink + "/" + listOfPrNumbers[n];
const mes = await axios.get(ApiLinkForEachPullRequest);
var temp = {OpeningDate: mes['data']['created_at'],
ClosingDate: mes['data']['closed_at'],
IssueLink: mes['data']['_links']['issue']['href']};
//mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects will be a map where the key is the pull request number and the value
// is the object that stores the open date, close date, and issue link for that pull request. The reason
// why I said I think the pull request number is the same as the number of the issue it affects is because
// if you take any object from the map, say you do mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects.get(10). You'll
// get an object with a pull request number 10. Now if you take this object and look at it's "IssueLink"
// field, the very last part of the link will have the number 10, and if you look at the github API
// it says for a single issue, you do: /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:issue_number <---- As you can see,
// the IssueLink field will have this structure and in place of the issue_number, the field will be 10
// for our example object.
mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects.set(listOfPrNumbers[n], temp);
//up to this point, we have the pull request numbers. we will now start getting the commits associated with
//each pull request
var j;
for (j = 0; j < listOfPrNumbers.length; j++){
var currentApiLink = gitPullApiLink + "/" + listOfPrNumbers[j] + "/commits";
const res = await axios.get(currentApiLink);
//here we map a single pull request to the information containing the commits. I'll just warn you in
// advance: there's another object called mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects. THIS MAP IS DIFFERENT! I know it's
// subtle, but I hope the language can make the distinction: mapPullRequestNumberToCommits will just
// map a pull request number to some data about the commits it's linked to. In contrast,
// mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects will be the map that actually maps pull request numbers to objects
// containing information about the commits a pull request is associated with!
mapPullRequestNumberToCommits.set(listOfPrNumbers[j], res['data']);
// console.log("hewoihoiewa");
async createCommitObjects(){
var x;
// the initial loop using x will loop over all pull requests and get the associated commits
for (x = 0; x < listOfPrObjects.length; x++){
//here we will get the commits
var currCommitObjects = mapPullRequestNumberToCommits.get(listOfPrObjects[x]['number']);
// the loop using y will iterate over all commits that we get from a single pull request
var y;
for (y = 0; y < currCommitObjects.length; y++){
var currentSHA = currCommitObjects[y]['sha'];
var currApiLink = "https://api.github.com/repos/elixir-lang/elixir/commits/" + currentSHA;
const response = await axios.get(currApiLink,);
//console.log("up to here");
// here we start extracting some information from a single commit
var currentAuthorName = response['data']['commit']['committer']['name'];
var currentDate = response['data']['commit']['committer']['date'];
var currentFiles = response['data']['files'];
// this loop will iterate over all changed files for a single commit. Remember, every commit has a list
// of changed files, so this loop will iterate over all those files, get the necessary information
// from those files.
var z;
// we create this temporary list of file objects because for every file, we want to make an object
// that will store the necessary information for that one file. after we store all the objects for
// each file, we will add this list of file objects as a field for our bigger commit object (see down below)
var tempListOfFileObjects = [];
for (z = 0; z < currentFiles.length; z++){
var fileInConsideration = currentFiles[z];
var nameOfFile = fileInConsideration['filename'];
var numberOfAdditions = fileInConsideration['additions'];
var numberOfDeletions = fileInConsideration['deletions'];
var totalNumberOfChangesToFile = fileInConsideration['changes'];
//console.log("with file");
var tempFileObject = {fileName: nameOfFile, totalAdditions: numberOfAdditions,
totalDeletions: numberOfDeletions, numberOfChanges: totalNumberOfChangesToFile};
// we add the same file objects to both a temporary, local list and a global set. Don't be tripped
// up by this; they're doing the same thing!
// here we make an object that stores information for a single commit. sha, authorName, date are single
// values, but files will be a list of file objects and these file objects will store further information
// for each file.
var tempObj = {sha: currentSHA, authorName: currentAuthorName, date: currentDate, files: tempListOfFileObjects};
var currPrNumber = listOfPrObjects[x]['number'];
// here we will make a single pull request number to an object that will contain all the information for
// every single commit associated with that pull request. So for every pull request, it will map to a list
// of objects where each object stores information about a commit associated with the pull request.
mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects.set(currPrNumber, tempObj);
return mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects;
async startParsingPullRequests() {
this.getListOfPullRequests(gitPullApiLink + "?state=all").then(() => {
this.getCommitsForEachPullRequestAndPRinformation().then(() => {
this.createCommitObjects().then((response) => {
console.log("functions were successful");
return new mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects;
//return mapPRNumbersToCommitObjects;
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("printing first error");
}).catch((error2) => {
console.log("printing the second error");
}).catch((error3) => {
console.log("printing the third error");
//adding some getter methods so they can be used to work with whatever information people may need.
//I start all of them with the this.startParsingPullRequests() method because by calling that method
it gets all
// the information for the global variables.
async getSetOfFileObjects(){
var dummyMap = await this.startParsingPullRequests();
return {files: setOfFileObjects, prMap: mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects};
async OpenCloseDateObjects(){
var dummyMap = await this.startParsingPullRequests();
return mapPRnumberToCloseOpenDateObjects;
async getNumbersOfTargetedIssues(){
var dummyMap = await this.startParsingPullRequests();
return listOfNumbersOfTargetedIssues;
var dummy = new PullRequestParser();
var dummyMap = dummy.startParsingPullRequests().then((message) => {
console.log("dummyMap is defined! :)");
module.exports = PullRequestParser;
Whenever I run the code on the webstorm terminal though, with:
node PullRequestParser.js
I get a 403 error, followed by a bunch of error output, with the following statement:
data: {
message: "API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated
requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)"
I looked up the documentation for this and found out that without authentication, I can make 60 requests per hour to a repo. In order to get authentication, however, the only example provided is an example they provide by using the command line. I don't think this would be enough though because I want to do some further analysis with the results I get. Does anybody know how I can increase the number of requests I can make? Where in the code would I need to make changes and what kind of changes would I need to make? Thanks!
The first line of the documentation says everything you need to know.
For API requests using Basic Authentication or OAuth, you can make up
to 5000 requests per hour.
Using Basic Authentication is pretty simple, so that may be the easiest thing to get you up and running. OAuth is more complicated, but more desirable in production.
The axios library supports basic auth requests out of the box.
async getListOfPullRequests(pullrequestLink) {
const message = await axios.get(pullrequestLink, {
auth: {
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
listOfPrObjects = message['data'];
You just need to supply the correct username and password information.

How to pass Google/sheetsAPI data to website?

I want to get data from a google sheet to a website which appends the passed data dynamically to the website so the amount of itme's on the website is equal to the amount of rows. I pretty much got everything done separately but I just cant seem to figure out how to combine them.
I set up a node.js project which uses my Api key to retrieve the data, manipulate and push it into an array.
also maybe there's a more efficient way to push the data but i couldn't figure anything else out but saving it to a file and then reading it back. I then pumped that into a AWS api gateway+Lambda funtion which didn't really work because I couldn't get Lambda to require google/api but i think i could sort that out.
I also already did all the HTML / JS on the website to push the data to the page I just cant seem to figure out how to get the data from my AWS-http-link into my website. No matter if I use async or promise or none of both It just can't get the data.
'ISSUES: using google/api inside Lambda, getting data from Api to array, maybe diffrent way to get the data from google api'
Thank you in advance!
AWS-link: https://po7bu16g2i.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/live/celldata
//JS code on website
var receivearray =[];
function createEntry(data){
var outdt = document.createElement('div');
var pers_name = document.createElement('div');
var pers_name_txt= document.createElement('h3');
var top =document.createElement('div');
var q = document.createElement('p');
var a= document.createElement('p');
//Node.js Code
var GoogleSpreadsheet = require('google-spreadsheet');
var crds = require('./credt.json');
const fs = require('fs');
//updates the data-tfile
function update(sheetid){
//google api shapens
var doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet(sheetid);
function (err) {
function (err, rows) {
//saves all retrieved data into textfile
fs.writeFile('ting.txt', JSON.stringify(rows),
function (err) {
//checks if file was saved succesfully
if (err) throw err;
function prepdata(){
//define variables
var text = fs.readFileSync("ting.txt", "utf8");
var findata =[];
var hold=[];
//singleout all row-elements
//split data by , into sets
//push sets into arrays
for (var k = 0; k < findata.length; k++){
for (var i = 0; i < findata[k].length; i++){
findata[k][i] = findata[k][i].replace(/"/g, " ");
findata[k][i] = findata[k][i].split(':');
return findata;

Firebase how to find child knowing its id but not its parent's id (js)

I have a firebase realtime database (not cloud) structure like:
kasdf872ajsda //user id
auiiq6d182g1 //list id
c: <mycontent> //list content
i know the list id (in this case auiiq6d182g1) and i want to retrieve <mycontent>, but i don't know the user id kasdf872ajsda , because what i'm going to retrieve is probably not from the user currently using the website (and i'm not setting any database rules for "read" in fact, only for "write" is that correct?).
What i'm doing right now is this (not working):
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('users');
ref.child(listID).once("value", function(snapshot) {
var snap = snapshot.val();
myContent = snap.c;
You could put your reference to users first: var ref = firebase.database().ref('users');
Then loop through:
snapshot.forEach(function(data) {
if (data.key == <YOUR_LIST_ID>) {
//you can access data.c here...
Found the solution, if someone should encounter the same issue:
ref.once("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(data) {
snap = data.child(<YOUR_LIST_ID>).child('c').val();
if (snap != null){
myContent = snap;
also ref contrary to what everyone says has to be:
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('users');
this doesn't work:
var ref = firebase.database().ref('users');

parse server: include pointer in live query in javascript sdk

I am using parse server to live query a class containing rows with pointers.
When I use include() in the normal query it get all the data of the pointer but in the live query I only get the objectId
var currentUser = Parse.User.current();
const Conversation = Parse.Object.extend("conversations");
var fromQuery = new Parse.Query(Conversation);
fromQuery.equalTo("from", currentUser );
var toQuery = new Parse.Query(Conversation);
toQuery.equalTo("to", currentUser);
var mainQuery = Parse.Query.or(fromQuery, toQuery);
this.convsubscription = mainQuery.subscribe();
mainQuery.find().then((conversations) => {
for (var i = 0; i < conversations.length; i++){
var object = conversations[i]
this.convsubscription.on('update', (object) => {
// we will get the index of updated object
var index = this.conversations.findIndex(x => x.id == object.id);
// then we will remove the old object and insert the updated one
this.conversations.splice(index, 1 ,object)
When I do JSON.stringify(this.conversations[index].get('lastMessage')) it only gives the objectId. I need a way to access the content of the pointer lastMessage
includeKey()/include() isn't supported in Live Queries:
this is a server side issue, the includeKey is ignored when subscribing to the query. The decision tree is processed synchronously after an object is saved on parse-server, therefore we don't have the opportunity to inject inclusions. We'd need to refactor the whole serverside logic in order to support those.
See related issues to keep track:

