Separate vuex stores for component created with v-for - javascript

Imagine three components First.vue, Second.vue and Third.vue
They share some info, to manage all changes and get access to data I use Vuex.
It works perfect. No problem here. To keep store clean and tidy, I have modules for every component.
Then, we have a component named Card.vue. It is composed of three components, mentioned above.
In App.vue, I use v-for directive to create as many Cards as needed.
<card v-for="card in cards" :id="card"></card
export default {
data () {
return {
cards: [] // items being dynamically added to this array
As you understand, when we generate more than one of Card.vue, we have several cards with the same data. In other words when I change any value in input field of Card#1, I commit change to $store, and update state everywhere else (in Card#2, Card#3 and so on...) What I need is to separate those Cards data. How can I design my Vuex to accomplish that goal.
import job from './modules/job'
import paper from './modules/paper'
import admin from './modules/admin'
import * as getters from './getters'
import * as mutations from './mutations'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
I use three modules and keep my getters and mutations in separate js file. Module files have the same structure. For example, Job.js is like:
const state = {
paper: {
paperWidth: null,
paperHeight: null,
typeOfPaper: null,
...// other state data
const getters = {
paper: state => state.paper
const mutations = {
updatePaper (state, paper) {
Object.assign(state.paper, paper)
...// other local mutations go here
export default {
I've no actions. No need as of now.
Three components are Job.vue, Paper.vue and Rseults.vue. They get state and mutations from their respective module and also from global store.
import {mapMutations, mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
...// other shared mutations from store
methods: {
...// other shared mutations from store


Add a class to a nabar modal in a component Vue.js

I wanted to know how can I add a class to a modal in a navbar components? My navbar is in App.vue and I wanted to create a message that would add the class "is-active" to a modal in my navbar when I click on it. But I can't find the way to do that..
Thank you
Usually when you have a parent -> child relationship you can use events. In this case since you have two components that are not linked (directly) then you have two alternatives.
Using store (it is usually used in cases where your application is of a considerate size)
You can use vuex to have a central place where you will have your global state. A simple example would be:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
isModalOpen: false
getters: {
isModalOpen => (state) => state.isModalOpen,
mutations: {
setIsModalOpen (state, isOpen) {
state.isModalOpen = isOpen;
then you can access the store in your component as such:
<navbar :class="[isNavBarOpen ? "is-active" : ""]" />
export default {
computed: {
isNavBarOpen () {
Event bus (it is usually used in cases where you have a small app and do not need a global state manager)
Read more about EventBus here.
You can create a simple EventBus
import Vue from 'vue';
const export EventBus = new Vue();
then on your component when the modal is open you can do:
// # -> is an alias to your root folder. Most projects scafolded by Vue CLI has this by default
import {EventBus} from "#/services/eventBus"
export default {
methods: {
openStore: () => {
// your logic to open modal
then on your App.vue you just listen to this event
<navbar :class="[isModalOpen ? "is-active" : ""]" />
// # -> is an alias to your root folder. Most projects scafolded by Vue CLI has this by default
import {EventBus} from "#/services/eventBus"
export default {
data() {
return {
isModalOpen: false,
created() {
EventBus.$on('modal-open', this.onModalOpen);
methods: {
onModalOpen() {
this.isModalOpen = true;
The one you will pick depends on our application structure and if you think it is complex enough to use a central state management (vuex).
There might contain some errors in the code but the main idea is there.

Vuejs 3 Use the globalProperties in VUEX

Just a quick question,
I'm using VueJS 3 and VUEX state management.
app.config.globalProperties.store_id = '5f82da561622f55328d8baac'
this is the global property that I use and wondering how I can directly access it with VUEX.
You could define that store_id as state in your store which could be used in the store and also in any component you want :
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
// Create a new store instance.
const store = createStore({
state () {
return {
store_id: '5f82da561622f55328d8baac',
//other state
mutations: {

VueJS: Best practice for working with global object between components?

there is User.js class and user object(user = new User();).
The user object is being used in all nested components. in User class there are so many important methods.
How can I simply use/access this.user or this.$user and its methods in any component?
1-solution (temporary working solution): Setting user in vuex's store and define in all components' data:
return {
Cons: in every component, this should be added. Note: there are so many components.
2-solution: adding user to Vue's prototype like plugin:
Vue.prototype.$user = user
Cons: when user's data changes, it doesn't effect in DOM element (UI).
3-solution: putting to components's props.
Cons: in every component, this should be added. Note: Again there are so many components.
All of the solutions I found have issues, especially as the project gets larger and larger.
Any suggestion and solution will be appreciated!
Note: Applies for Vue 2x
Proposal 1: Using getters from vuex
You could use getters along with mapGetters from Vuex to include users within computed properties for each component.
getters: {
// ...
getUser: (state, getters) => {
return getters.user
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
computed: {
Proposal 2: add a watcher via plugin
// When using CommonJS via Browserify or Webpack
const Vue = require('vue')
const UserPlug = require('./user-watcher-plugin')
// Don't forget to call this
const UserPlug = {
install(Vue, options) {
// We call Vue.mixin() here to inject functionality into all components. 'user'
export default UserPlug;
Proposal 3: add a computed property user as plugin via mixin
// When using CommonJS via Browserify or Webpack
const Vue = require('vue')
const UserPlug = require('./user-watcher-plugin')
// Don't forget to call this
const UserPlug = {
install(Vue, options) {
// We call Vue.mixin() here to inject functionality into all components.
computed: {
user: function() {
return this.$store.state.user
export default UserPlug;
Based on #Denis answer, specifically Proposal 3, Here is the UserPlugin.js:
import store from '#/store/store';
import User from './User';
const UserPlugin = {
install(Vue) {
const $user = new User();
window.$user = $user;
store.commit('setUser', $user);
computed: {
$user() {
return store.state.user;
export default UserPlugin;
and main.js:
import UserPlugin from './common/UserPlugin';
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
For further usage, I published small library for solving these kinda issues:
Assuming you don't actually use all methods/attributes of user in every component, but a subset of them everytime, I don't see any reason why solution 1 & 2 do not work for you, since passing the whole user object to every component is not necessary.
Let's say your object User have some attributes (a1, a2, a3, etc.) and methods (m1, m2, m3...). If a component only needs some of them (e.g. a1, a2, m1, m2, m3) then with Vuex, you can use mapping functions (mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations and mapActions) to get the exact info from user
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
...mapState('user', [ 'a1' ]),
...mapGetters('user', [ 'a2' ])
methods: {
...mapMutations('user', [ 'm1' ]),
...mapActions('user', [ 'm2', 'm3' ])
For solution 2 (using prototype), to make component update when user data changes, you can map the necessary data to component via methods.
export default {
methods: {
userA1() {
return this.$user.attributes.a1;
userM1() {
// and so on
Even better, you can create mixins to explicitly map data from user, and reuse your mixins to avoid duplicated code in components. It can be applied for both Vuex solution and prototype solution.
// mixin1:
const mixin1 = {
computed: {
...mapState('user', [ 'a1' ]),
methods: {
...mapMutations('user', [ 'm1' ])
// mixin2:
const mixin2 = {
computed: {
...mapGetters('user', [ 'a2' ]),
methods: {
...mapActions('user', [ 'm2', 'm3' ])
// component1
export default {
mixins: [ mixin1 ]
// component 2
export default {
mixins: [ mixin1, mixin2 ]
But if you really need to pass the whole object user to every component, then nothing could do. Rather, you should review your implementation and see if there is any better way to break the object into smaller meaningful ones.
You can use mixins to add User.js to your root component like
import userLib from './User';
//User.js path should correct
var app = new Vue({
mixins: [
After that you can use any of these User method in your any component like
or if any data access
Finally dont forget to add export default{//..} in User.js
Note: This is only work if you export all method of User.js into export default
I just created the minimal codesandbox to clear the idea of how dependency Injection works in vue.
You can have a second Vue instance and declare a reactive property.
See: Reactivity in depth

How to design a store in Vuex to handle clicks in nested, custom components?

I'm trying to design a store to manage the events of my Vuex application. This far, I have the following.
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
const state = { dataRows: [], activeDataRow: {} };
const mutations = {
UPDATE_DATA(state, data) { state.dataRows = data; state.activeDataRow = {}; },
export default new Vuex.Store({ state, mutations });
I'm going to have a number of list items that are supposed to change the value of the data in the store when clicked. The design of the root component App and the menu bar Navigation is as follows (there will be a bunch of actions in the end so I've collected them in the file actions.js).
<div id="app">
import navigation from "./navigation.vue"
export default { components: { navigation } }
<div id="nav-bar">
<li onclick="console.log('Clickaroo... ');">Plain JS</li>
<li #click="updateData">Action Vuex</li>
import { updateData } from "../vuex_app/actions";
export default {
vuex: {
getters: { activeDataRow: state => state.activeDataRow },
actions: { updateData }
Clicking on the first list item shows the output in the console. However, when clicking on the second one, there's nothing happening, so I'm pretty sure that the event isn't dispatched at all. I also see following error when the page's being rendered:
Property or method "updateData" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option.
I'm very new to Vuex so I'm only speculating. Do I need to put in reference to the updateData action in the store, alongside with state and mutations? How do I do that? What/where's the "data option" that the error message talks about? Isn't it my components state and it's properties?
Why the error
You are getting the error, because when you have <li #click="updateData"> in the template, it looks for a method updateData in the vue component which it does not find, so it throws the error. To resolve this, you need to add corresponding methods in the vue component like following:
import { updateData } from "../vuex_app/actions";
export default {
vuex: {
getters: { activeDataRow: state => state.activeDataRow },
actions: { updateData }
updateData: () => this.$store.dispatch("updateData")
What this.$store.dispatch("updateData") is doing is calling your vuex actions as documented here.
What/where's the "data option"
You don't have any data properties defined, data properties for a vue component can be used, if you want to use that only in that component. If you have data which needs to be accessed across multiple components, you can use vuex state as I believe you are doing.
Following is the way to have data properties for a vue component:
import { updateData } from "../vuex_app/actions";
export default {
date: {
return {
data1 : 'data 1',
data2 : {
nesteddata: 'data 2'
vuex: {
getters: { activeDataRow: state => state.activeDataRow },
actions: { updateData }
updateData: () => this.$store.dispatch("updateData")
You can use these data properties in the views, have computed properies based on it, or create watchers on it and many more.

React Redux -- can I make mapStateToProps only take in part of the state?

I want to make reusable modules that could be plugged in to any react-redux application. Ideally, my module would have a container component, actions, and reducer at the top level (and then any presentational components below the container). I would want the module to only work off its own slice of the app's state, and ideally to not have to know anything about the rest of the app state (so it's truly modular).
Reducers only work off of part of the state (using combineReducers), so I'm happy there. However, with container components, it seems like mapStateToProps always takes in the full state of the app.
I'd like it if mapStateToProps only took in the same "state slice" that I am handling in my module (like the reducer does). That way my module would truly be modular. Is this possible? I guess I could just pass that slice of the state down to be the props of this component (so I could just use the second argument of mapStateToProps, ownProps), but am not sure if this would have the same effect.
That is actually something of a complicated topic. Because Redux is a single global store, the idea of a completely encapsulated, fully reusable plug-and-play set of logic does become rather difficult. In particular, while the reducer logic can be fairly generic and ignorant of where it lives, the selector functions need to know where in the tree to find that data.
The specific answer to your question is "no, mapState is always given the complete state tree".
I do have links to a number of relevant resources, which may possibly help with your situation:
There's several existing libraries that try to implement "per-component state in Redux". I have a list of them in my Redux addons catalog, in the Component State category.
A group of devs have been discussing and prototyping various approaches to the "reusable logic module in Redux" concept. Their work is at .
Randy Coulman recently posted a three-part blog series related to state encapsulation and modularity in Redux. He didn't come up with definitive answers, but the posts are worth reading: Encapsulating the Redux State Tree, Redux Reducer Asymmetry, and Modular Reducers and Selectors.
Although mapStateToProps (the first function you pass to connect) gets passed the whole store as you said, its job is to map specific parts of the state to the component. So only what is returned from mapStateToProps will be mapped as a prop to your component.
So lets say your state looks like this:
account: {
username: "Jane Doe",
email: "",
password: "12345",
someOtherStuff: {
foo: 'bar',
foo2: 'bar2'
yetMoreStuff: {
usuless: true,
notNeeded: true
and your component needs everything from account and foo from someOtherStuff then your mapStateToProps would look like this:
const mapStateToProps = ({ account, someOtherStuff }) => ({
foo: { someOtherStuff }
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ComponentName)
then your component will have the prop account and foo mapped from your redux state.
Redux only has a single store as you know, so all it knows to do is pass the entire store to your mapStateToProps function. However using object destructuring, you can specify which properties in the store you want and ignore the rest. Something like 'function mapStateToProps({prop1, prop2})' would only capture those two properties in the store and ignore the rest. Your function is still receiving the entire store, but you're indicating that only these props interest you.
In my example, 'prop1' and 'prop2' would be the names you assigned your reducers during the call to 'combineReducers'.
Ideally the way it works is you get the state and you extract the values from them by use deconstructors. redux works on concept of single state
For example:-
function mapStateToProps(state){
const { auth } = state //just taking a auth as example.
I'm running into the same problem because, as you said, the current implementation of redux/react-redux allows for splitting up reducers on the state just fine but mapDispatchToProps always passes the whole state tree. is not what I want, because it means we have to duplicate all our selector logic across each react-redux application that uses our module.
My current workaround has been to pass the slice of the state down as a prop instead. This follows a sort of compositional pattern but at the same time removes the cleanliness of accessing the state directly, which I'm disappointed with.
Generally, you want to do this:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
items: mySelector(state)
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
doStuff: (item) => {
class ModularComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{ => {
<h1 onclick={ () => this.props.doStuff(item) }>{item.title}</h1>
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ModularComponent)
but since this module is included in an application where the state is now several things (ie. key-values) rather than a list of items, this won't work. My workaround instead looks like:
const mapStateToProps = (_, ownProps) => {
return {
items: mySelector(ownProps.items)
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
doStuff: (item) => {
class ModularComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{ => {
<h1 onclick={ () => this.props.doStuff(item) }>{item.title}</h1>
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ModularComponent)
And the application using the Module looks like:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
items: state.items
stuffForAnotherModule: state.otherStuff
class Application extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<ModularComponent items={ this.props.items } />
<OtherComponent stuff={ this.props.stuffForAnotherModule } />
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Application)
You do have the option of writing a couple of wrapper utils for your modules that will do the work of: 1) Only running mapStateToProps when the module's slice of state changes and 2) only passes in the module's slice into mapStateToProps.
This all assumes your module slices of state are root properties on the app state object (e.g. state.module1, state.module2).
Custom areStatesEqual wrapper function that ensures mapStateToProps will only run if the module's sub-state changes:
function areSubstatesEqual(substateName) {
return function areSubstatesEqual(next, prev) {
return next[substateName] === prev[substateName];
Then pass it into connect:
connect(mapStateToProps, mapConnectToProps, null, {
areStatesEqual: areSubstatesEqual('myModuleSubstateName')
Custom mapStateToProps wrapper that only passes in the module substate:
function mapSubstateToProps(substateName, mapStateToProps) {
var numArgs = mapStateToProps.length;
if (numArgs !== 1) {
return function(state, ownProps) {
return mapStateToProps(state[substateName], ownProps);
return function(state) {
return mapStateToProps(state[substateName]);
And you'd use it like so:
function myComponentMapStateToProps(state) {
// Transform state
return props;
var mapSubstate = mapSubstateToProps('myModuleSubstateName', myComponentMapStateToProps);
connect(mapSubstate, mapDispatchToState, null, {
areStatesEqual: areSubstatesEqual('myModuleSubstateName')
While untested, that last example should only run myComponentMapStateToProps when 'myModuleSubstateName' state changes, and it will only receive the module substate.
One additional enhancement could be to write your own module-based connect function that takes one additional moduleName param:
function moduleConnect(moduleName, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, options) {
var _mapState = mapSubstateToProps(moduleName, mapStateToProps);
var _options = Object.assign({}, options, {
areStatesEqual: areSubstatesEqual('myModuleSubstateName')
return connect(_mapState, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, _options);
Then each module component would just need to do:
moduleConnect('myModuleName', myMapStateToProps)(MyModuleComponent);
The answer to your question is yes. Both given answers cover different aspects of the same thing. First, Redux creates a single store with multiple reducers. So you'll want to combine them like so:
export default combineReducers({
people: peopleReducer,
departments: departmentsReducer,
auth: authenticationReducer
Then, say you have a DepartmentsList component, you may just need to map the departments from the store to your component (and maybe some actions mapped to props as well):
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { departments: state.departments.departmentsList };
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { fetchDepartments: fetchDepartments })(DepartmentsListComponent);
Then inside your component it is basically:

