ngRx state update and Effects execution order - javascript

I have my own opinion on this question, but it's better to double check and know for sure. Thanks for paying attention and trying to help. Here it is:
Imagine that we're dispatching an action which triggers some state changes and also has some Effects attached to it. So our code has to do 2 things - change state and do some side effects. But what is the order of these tasks? Are we doing them synchronously? I believe that first, we change state and then do the side effect, but is there a possibility, that between these two tasks might happen something else? Like this: we change state, then get some response on HTTP request we did previously and handle it, then do the side effects.
[edit:] I've decided to add some code here. And also I simplified it a lot.
export interface ApplicationState {
loadingItemId: string;
items: {[itemId: string]: ItemModel}
export class FetchItemAction implements Action {
readonly type = 'FETCH_ITEM';
constructor(public payload: string) {}
export class FetchItemSuccessAction implements Action {
readonly type = 'FETCH_ITEM_SUCCESS';
constructor(public payload: ItemModel) {}
export function reducer(state: ApplicationState, action: any) {
const newState = _.cloneDeep(state);
switch(action.type) {
case 'FETCH_ITEM':
newState.loadingItemId = action.payload;
return newState;
newState.items[newState.loadingItemId] = action.payload;
newState.loadingItemId = null;
return newState;
return state;
FetchItemAction$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.switchMap((action: FetchItemAction) => this.httpService.fetchItem(action.payload))
.map((item: ItemModel) => new FetchItemSuccessAction(item));
And this is how we dispatch FetchItemAction:
export class ItemComponent {
item$: Observable<ItemModel>;
itemId$: Observable<string>;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private store: Store<ApplicationState>) {
this.itemId$ = => params.itemId);
itemId$.subscribe(itemId => FetchItemAction(itemId)));
this.item$ = => state.items)
.map(([items, itemId]: [{[itemId: string]: ItemModel}]) => items[itemId])
Desired scenario:
User clicks on itemUrl_1;
we store itemId_1 as loadingItemId;
make the request_1;
user clicks on itemUrl_2;
we store itemId_2 as loadingItemId;
switchMap operator in our effect cancells previous request_1 and makes request_2;
get the item_2 in response;
store it under key itemId_2 and make loadingItemId = null.
Bad scenario:
User clicks on itemUrl_1;
we store itemId_1 as loadingItemId;
make the request_1;
user clicks on itemUrl_2;
we store itemId_2 as loadingItemId;
we receive the response_1 before we made the new request_2 but after loadingItemId changed;
we store the item_1 from the response_1 under the key itemId_2;
make loadingItemId = null;
only here our effect works and we make request_2;
get item_2 in the response_2;
try to store it under key null and get an error
So the question is simply if the bad scenario can actually happen or not?

So our code has to do 2 things - change state and do some side
effects. But what is the order of these tasks? Are we doing them
Let's say we dispatch action A. We have a few reducers that handle action A. Those will get called in the order they are specified in the object that is passed to StoreModule.provideStore(). Then the side effect that listens to action A will fire next. Yes, it is synchronous.
I believe that first, we change state and then do the side effect, but
is there a possibility, that between these two tasks might happen
something else? Like this: we change state, then get some response on
HTTP request we did previously and handle it, then do the side
I've been using ngrx since middle of last year and I've never observed this to be the case. What I found is that every time an action is dispatched it goes through the whole cycle of first being handled by the reducers and then by the side effects before the next action is handled.
I think this has to be the case since redux (which ngrx evolved from) bills itself as a predictable state container on their main page. By allowing unpredictable async actions to occur you wouldn't be able to predict anything and the redux dev tools wouldn't be very useful.
Edited #1
So I just did a test. I ran an action 'LONG' and then the side effect would run an operation that takes 10 seconds. In the mean time I was able to continue using the UI while making more dispatches to the state. Finally the effect for 'LONG' finished and dispatched 'LONG_COMPLETE'. I was wrong about the reducers and side effect being a transaction.
That said I think it's still easy to predict what's going on because all state changes are still transactional. And this is a good thing because we don't want the UI to block while waiting for a long running api call.
Edited #2
So if I understand this correctly the core of your question is about switchMap and side effects. Basically you are asking what if the response comes back at the moment I am running the reducer code which will then run the side effect with switchMap to cancel the first request.
I came up with a test that I believe does answer this question. The test I setup was to create 2 buttons. One called Quick and one called Long. Quick will dispatch 'QUICK' and Long will dispatch 'LONG'. The reducer that listens to Quick will immediately complete. The reducer that listens to Long will take 10 seconds to complete.
I setup a single side effect that listens to both Quick and Long. This pretends to emulate an api call by using 'of' which let's me create an observable from scratch. This will then wait 5 seconds (using .delay) before dispatching 'QUICK_LONG_COMPLETE'.
long$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.ofType('QUICK', 'LONG')
.switchMap(() => {
return of('').delay(5000).mapTo(
During my test I clicked on the quick button and then immediately clicked the long button.
Here is what happened:
Quick button clicked
'QUICK' is dispatched
Side effect starts an observable that will complete in 5 seconds.
Long button clicked
'LONG' is dispatched
Reducer handling LONG takes 10 seconds. At the 5 second mark the original observable from the side effect completes but does not dispatch the 'QUICK_LONG_COMPLETE'. Another 5 seconds pass.
Side effect that listens to 'LONG' does a switchmap cancelling my first side effect.
5 seconds pass and 'QUICK_LONG_COMPLETE' is dispatched.
Therefore switchMap does cancel and your bad case shouldn't ever happen.


Redux-Observable: modify state and trigger follow up action

I have the following scenario in redux-observable. I have a component which detects which backend to use and should set the backend URL used by the api-client. Both the client and URL are held in the global state object.
The order of execution should be:
1. check backend
2. on error replace backend URL held in state
3. trigger 3 actions to load resources using new backend state URL
What i did so far is, in step 1. access the state$ object from within my epic and modify the backed URL. This seems to only half work. The state is updated by actions triggered in 3. still see the old state and use the wrong backend.
What is the standard way to update state in between actions if you depend on the order of execution?
My API-Epic looks like this:
export const authenticate = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
mergeMap(action =>
map(bearer => apiActions.authenticatedSuccess(bearer))
export const authenticatedSuccess = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
concatMap(action => concat(
A common approach I've found users discussing on GitHub & StackOverflow is chaining multiple epics, much like what I believe your example tries to demonstrate. The first epic dispatches an action when it's "done". A reducer listens for this action and updates the store's state. A second epic (or many additional epics if you want concurrent operations) listen for this same action and kick off the next sequence of the workflow. The secondary epics run after the reducers and thus see the updated state. From the docs:
Epics run alongside the normal Redux dispatch channel, after the reducers have already received them...
I have found the chaining approach works well to decouple phases of a larger workflow. You may want the decoupling for design reasons (such as separation of concerns), to reuse smaller portions of the larger workflow, or to make smaller units for easier testing. It's an easy approach to implement when your epic is dispatching actions in between the different phases of the larger workflow.
However, keep in mind that state$ is an observable. You can use it to get the current value at any point in time -- including between dispatching different actions inside a single epic. For example, consider the following and assume our store keeps a simple counter:
export const workflow = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
mergeMap(([action, state]) => // "state" is the value when the START action was dispatched
map(state => // this new "state" is the _incremented_ value!
defer(() => {
const state = state$.value // this new "state" is now the _decremented_ value!
return empty()
There are lots of ways to get the current state from the observable!
Regarding the following line of code in your example:
First, passing an API client around using the state is not a common/recommended pattern. You may want to look at injecting the API client as a dependency to your epics (this makes unit testing much easier!). Second, it's not clear how the API client is getting the current backend URL from the state. Is it possible the API client is using a cached version of the state? If yes, you may want to refactor your authenticate method and pass in the current backend URL.
Here's an example that handles errors and incorporates the above:
* Let's assume the state looks like the following:
* state: {
* apiState: {
* backend: "URL",
* bearer: "token"
* }
// Note how the API client is injected as a dependency
export const authenticate = (action$, state$, { apiClient }) => action$.pipe(
mergeMap(([action, state]) =>
// Try to authenticate against the current backend URL
from(apiClient.authenticate(state.apiState.backend, state.apiState.bearer)).pipe(
// On success, dispatch an action to kick off the chained epic(s)
map(bearer => apiActions.authenticatedSuccess(bearer)),
// On failure, dispatch two actions:
// 1) an action that replaces the backend URL in the state
// 2) an action that restarts _this_ epic using the new/replaced backend URL
catchError(error$ => of(apiActions.authenticatedFailed(), apiActions.authenticate()),
export const authenticatedSuccess = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
Additionally, keep in mind when chaining epics that constructs like concat will not wait for the chained epics to "finish". For example:
If each of these doLoadXXX actions "starts" an epic, all three will likely run concurrently. Each action will be dispatched one after another, and each epic will "start" running one after another without waiting for the previous one to "finish". This is because epics never really complete. They're long-lived, never ending streams. You will need to explicitly wait on some signal that identifies when doLoadAResource completes if you want to doLoadOtherResource to run after doLoadAResource.

React - controlling async calls smartly without any side effect in complex applications

Solution proposed by codeslayer1 in question raised at React - Controlling multiple Ajax Calls has an issue of accessing state directly inside action creator - an anti pattern.
So, if I don't access the state inside my action creator what I will do is, I will listen to a batchRequestCompleted state in my component. When components prop batchRequestCompleted will become true(means previous request is completed), I will check if any pending requests are there. If yes, I will dispatch action to process those next requests. So basically saga calls action which in turn modifies the state. And once state is modified, another action to process further requests is dispatched from component. In this way, saga never accesses the state.
Solution above sounds good but comes at a cost of problem mentioned in Route change before action creator completes. That is, what will happen to the requests placed inside queue if someone navigates to a different route, before queue is cleared.
Can I solve the problem mentioned in React - Controlling multiple Ajax Calls without accessing state inside action creators and without bringing component back in picture for dispatching an action to clear the pending queue.
Note: I have created a new question because problem mentioned in React - Controlling multiple Ajax Calls is solved but with side effects and this question majorly focuses on reaching to a solution which cleans off that side effect.
I made a little repo to illustrate how I would solve your problem.
This repo uses two libraries xstream and recompose. The former provides an implementation of ObservableStreams with its operators and the latter wires it up with React.
A concept is necessary before everything : ES Observables. They are covered in depth in articles such as this (I strongly recommend reading and listening to past articles / talks from Ben Lesh, on this subject).
Observabes are a lazy primitive used to model values over time. In JS we have another primitive for doing async : Promises. Those models an eventual value or error and thus are not lazy but eager. In the case of a React component ( or more generally UI ) we are interested in lazyness because things can go wrong : the user may want to interrupt a long running process, it can crash, change route etc...
So, how can we solve your problem : controlling a long running process which can be interrupted ( fetching lots of rows ) by user interaction ?
First, the UI :
export class AnswerView extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
// called when the user make a batch
// of request
onStart: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
// called when you want to stop the processing
// of requests ( when unmounting or at the request
// of the user )
onStop: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
// number of requests completed, 0 by default
completedRequests: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
// whether it's working right now or not
processing: PropTypes.bool.isRequired
render () {
// displays a form if no work is being done,
// else the number of completed requests
return (
<Link to="/other">Change Route !</Link>
Lazy Component Example
this.props.processing ?
<span>{"requests done " + this.props.completedRequests}<button onClick={this.props.onStop}>Stop !</button></span>:
<form onSubmit={e => {
this.props.onStart(parseInt(e.currentTarget.elements.number.value, 10));
Nb of posts to fetch<input type="number" name="number" placeholder="0"/>
<input type="submit" value="go"/>
componentWillMount () {
Pretty simple : a form with an input for the number of requests to perform (could checkboxes on a table component ... ).
Its props are as follow :
onStart : fn which takes the desired number
onStop : fn which takes no args and signals we would like to stop. Can be hooked to a button or in this case, componentWillUnmout.
completedRequests: Integer, counts requests done, 0.
processing: boolean, indicates if work is under way.
This does not do much by itself, so let's introduce recompose. Its purpose is to enhance component via HOC. We will use the mapPropsStream helper in this example.
Note : in this answer I use stream / Observable interchangeably but this is not true in the general case. A stream is an Observable with operators allowing to transform the emitted value into a new Observable.
For a React Component we can sort of observe its props with the standard api : 1st one at componentWillMount, then at componentWillReceiveProps. We can also signal when there will be no more props with componentWillUnmount. We can build the following (marble) diagram : p1--p2--..--pn--| (the pipe indicates the completion of the stream).
The enhancer code is posted below with comments.
What needs to be understood is that everything with streams can be approached like a signal : by modelling everything as a stream we can be sure that by sending the appropriate signal we can have the desired behaviour.
export const enhance = mapPropsStream(prop$ => {
* createEventHandler will help us generates the callbacks and their
* corresponding streams.
* Each callback invocation will dispatch a value to their corresponding
* stream.
// models the requested number of requests
const { handler: onStart, stream: requestCount$ } = createEventHandler();
// models the *stop* signals
const { handler: onStop, stream: stop$ } = createEventHandler();
// models the number of completed requests
const completedRequestCount$ = requestCount$.map( n => {
// for each request, generate a dummy url list
const urls = Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => `${i + 1}` );
// this is the trick : we want the process to be aware of itself when
// doing the next operation. This is a circular invocation so we need to
// use a *proxy*. Note : another way is to use a *subject* but they are
// not present in __xstream__, plz look at RxJS for a *subject* overview
// and implementation.
const requestProxy$ = xs.create();
const count$ = requestProxy$
// a *reduce* operation to follow where we are
// it acts like a cursor.
.fold(( n ) => n + 5, 0 )
// this will log the current value
const request$ = count$.map( n => Promise.all(urls.slice(n, n + 5).map(u => fetch(u))) )
// this stream completes when the stop$ emits
// it also completes when the count is above the urls array length
// and when the prop$ has emitted its last value ( when unmounting )
count$.filter(n => n >= urls.length),
// this effectively activates the proxy
return count$;
} )
// models the processing props,
// will emit 2 values : false immediately,
// true when the process starts.
const processing$ = requestCount$.take(1)
// combines each streams to generate the props
return xs.combine(
// original props
// completed requests, 0 at start
// boolean indicating if processing is en route
.map(([ props, completedRequests, processing ]) => {
return {
// allows us to catch any error generated in the streams
// very much equivalent to the new ErrorBoundaries in React
.replaceError( e => {
// logs and return an empty stream which will never emit,
// effectively blocking the component
return xs.empty();
} );
export const Answer = enhance(AnswerView);
I hope this answer is not (too) convoluted, feel free to ask any question.
As a side note, after a little research you may notice that the processing boolean is not really used in the logic but is merely there to help the UI know what's going on : this is a lot cleaner than having some piece of state attached to the this of a Component.

asynchronously add epic to middleware in redux-observable

I'm trying to evaluate redux-observable. Just looking through the doc and I'm trying to get the async epic loading thing going. I created a fork of the jsbin from the docs which basically attempts to add the async usage of the BehaviorSubject stuff.,js,output
In that 'PING PONG' example, I added an 'OTHER' action and then use (as described in the docs) to add that epic. However, when I run the example, what happens is that the PING action is fired, followed by an endless stream of 'OTHER' actions, but never the PONG action. To see this, I added the reduxLogger. View it in the dev tools console as the jsbin console doesn't render it correctly.
My question is what am I doing wrong? Why does the PONG action never get dispatched?
Your otherEpic is an infinite "loop" (over time)
const otherEpic$ = action$ =>
.mapTo({ type: OTHER });
This epic has the behavior "when any action at all is received, wait 1000ms and then emit another action of type OTHER". And since the actions your Epics emit go through the normal store.dispatch cycle like any other action, that means after the first PING is received, it will emit an OTHER after 1000ms, which will then be recursively received by the same epic again, wait another 1000ms and emit another OTHER, repeat forever.
I'm not sure if this was known, but wanted to point it out.
You next() into the BehaviorSubject of epic$ before your rootEpic has started running/been subscribed to it.
BehaviorSubjects will keep the last value emitted and provide that immediately when someone subscribes. Since your rootEpic has not yet been called and subscribed to the by the middleware, you're replacing the initial value, so only the otherEpic is emitted and ran through the epic$.mergeMap stuff.
In a real application with async/bundle splitting, when you would call epic$.next(newEpic) should always be after the middleware has subscribed to your rootEpic and received the initial epic you provided to your BehaviorSubject.
Here's a demo of that working:,output
const epic$ = new BehaviorSubject(combineEpics(epic1, epic2, ...etc));
const rootEpic = (action$, store) =>
epic$.mergeMap(epic => {console.log(epic)
return epic(action$, store)
const otherEpic = action$ =>
.mapTo({ type: OTHER });
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic);
const store = createStore(rootReducer,
applyMiddleware(loggerMiddleware, epicMiddleware)
// any time AFTER the epicMiddleware
// has received the rootEpic
The documentation says "sometime later" in the example, which I now see isn't clear enough. I'll try and clarify this further.
You may also find this other question on async loading of Epics useful if you're using react-router with Webpack's require.enquire() splitting.
Let me know if I can clarify any of these further 🖖

Redux - Dispatching Actions Correctly

In my app, I had small action creator functions which returns an action for a small section of the app. My rational being that I wanted to be as 'precise & specific' with my logic, yet keeping the code reusable.
To give an example, I have React 'tab' components which are reused on everywhere. In one scenario, clicking the 'tab' would -1- Make the tab active, -2- do something else that is required. In someother scenario, clicking the 'tab' would -1- Make the tab active, -2- do something else, possibly different to the first scenario above.
The logic I thought of was that I would dispatch two action creators in each scenario above. The first is obviously the common one, the second one is unique to each scenario.
// rough code for illustrative purposes
activateTab : () => {
dispatch( actionCreator1 );
dispatch( actionCreator2 );
render: () => {
<Tab onclick = { activateTab }
I occured to me that each action creator being dispatched would call reducer functions & then make React run its 'differing' algorithm. I.e. In the above Tab, React is recalculating all the DOM changes twice? Is this correct? Can someone please confirm?
And how should these scenarios be handled?
Should I be making an action type (& thereby action object) unique to each scenario? Which would mean, there should be only one dispatch function.
Should I be making an action type (& thereby action object) unique to each scenario?
Presumably you are already doing this, if you are dispatching two different actions correct? I think you do not need the SET_TAB action, if you never use it on its own, the only thing you need is to listen to more actions in your reducer.
In any case, your assumption is correct, and it's totally normal to have one reducer listen to many different actions. Consider your active tab reducer to look something like:
let initial = {
fooActiveTab: 0, // first foo tab is open
barActiveTab: 2, // third bar tab is open
function activeTab (state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
fooActiveTab: action.payload // set current tab
return state
This makes your reducer composition very clear, as the tabs state listens to a variety of things that may change what the active tab is. This way you do not need to dispatch two actions on every function call.. just one is enough as long as you send along the id of the tab you want to be active.
I think you should do the above, but not to prevent React from running the diff algo.. but to be more organized. React's diff / patch will run A LOT and your app will still be very fast. Any slowness you perceive is due to components actually updating because the DOM needs to change, and not because of reconciliation.

How to show a loading indicator in React Redux app while fetching the data? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm new to React/Redux. I use a fetch api middleware in Redux app to process the APIs. It's (redux-api-middleware). I think it's the good way to process async api actions. But I find some cases which can't be resolve by myself.
As the homepage (Lifecycle) say, a fetch API lifecycle begins with dispatching a CALL_API action ends with dispatching a FSA action.
So my first case is showing/hiding a preloader when fetching APIs. The middleware will dispatch a FSA action at the beginning and dispatch a FSA action at the end. Both the actions are received by reducers which should be only doing some normal data processing. No UI operations, no more operations. Maybe I should save the processing status in state then render them when store updating.
But how to do this? A react component flow over the whole page? what happen with store updating from other actions? I mean they are more like events than state!
Even a worse case, what should I do when I have to use the native confirm dialog or alert dialog in redux/react apps? Where should they be put, actions or reducers?
Best wishes! Wish for replying.
I mean they are more like events than state!
I would not say so. I think loading indicators are a great case of UI that is easily described as a function of state: in this case, of a boolean variable. While this answer is correct, I would like to provide some code to go along with it.
In the async example in Redux repo, reducer updates a field called isFetching:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: true,
didInvalidate: false
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: false,
didInvalidate: false,
items: action.posts,
lastUpdated: action.receivedAt
The component uses connect() from React Redux to subscribe to the store’s state and returns isFetching as part of the mapStateToProps() return value so it is available in the connected component’s props:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { selectedReddit, postsByReddit } = state
const {
items: posts
} = postsByReddit[selectedReddit] || {
isFetching: true,
items: []
return {
Finally, the component uses isFetching prop in the render() function to render a “Loading...” label (which could conceivably be a spinner instead):
? (isFetching ? <h2>Loading...</h2> : <h2>Empty.</h2>)
: <div style={{ opacity: isFetching ? 0.5 : 1 }}>
<Posts posts={posts} />
Even a worse case, what should I do when I have to use the native confirm dialog or alert dialog in redux/react apps? Where should they be put, actions or reducers?
Any side effects (and showing a dialog is most certainly a side effect) do not belong in reducers. Think of reducers as passive “builders of state”. They don’t really “do” things.
If you wish to show an alert, either do this from a component before dispatching an action, or do this from an action creator. By the time an action is dispatched, it is too late to perform side effects in response to it.
For every rule, there is an exception. Sometimes your side effect logic is so complicated you actually want to couple them either to specific action types or to specific reducers. In this case check out advanced projects like Redux Saga and Redux Loop. Only do this when you are comfortable with vanilla Redux and have a real problem of scattered side effects you’d like to make more manageable.
Great answer Dan Abramov!
Just want to add that I was doing more or less exactly that in one of my apps (keeping isFetching as a boolean) and ended up having to make it an integer (which ends up reading as the number of outstanding requests) to support multiple simultaneous requests.
with boolean:
request 1 starts -> spinner on -> request 2 starts -> request 1 ends -> spinner off -> request 2 ends
with integer:
request 1 starts -> spinner on -> request 2 starts -> request 1 ends -> request 2 ends -> spinner off
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: state.isFetching + 1,
didInvalidate: false
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: state.isFetching - 1,
didInvalidate: false,
items: action.posts,
lastUpdated: action.receivedAt
I'd like to add something. The real world example uses a field isFetching in the store to represent when a collection of items is being fetched. Any collection is generalized to a pagination reducer that can be connected to your components to track the state and show if a collection is loading.
It happened to me that I wanted to fetch details for an specific entity that doesn't fit in the pagination pattern. I wanted to have a state representing if the details are being fetched from the server but also I didn't want to have a reducer just for that.
To solve this I added another generic reducer called fetching. It works in a similar fashion to the pagination reducer and it's responsibility is just to watch a set of actions and generate new state with pairs [entity, isFetching]. That allows to connect the reducer to any component and to know if the app is currently fetching data not just for a collection but for an specific entity.
I didn't happen upon this question until now, but since no answer is accepted I'll throw in my hat. I wrote a tool for this very job: react-loader-factory. It's got slightly more going on than Abramov's solution, but is more modular and convenient, since I didn't want to have to think after I wrote it.
There are four big pieces:
Factory pattern: This allows you to quickly call the same function to set up which states mean "Loading" for your component, and which actions to dispatch. (This assumes that the component is responsible for starting the actions it waits on.) const loaderWrapper = loaderFactory(actionsList, monitoredStates);
Wrapper: The component the Factory produces is a "higher order component" (like what connect() returns in Redux), so that you can just bolt it onto your existing stuff. const LoadingChild = loaderWrapper(ChildComponent);
Action/Reducer interaction: The wrapper checks to see if a reducer it's plugged into contains keywords that tell it not to pass through to the component that needs data. The actions dispatched by the wrapper are expected to produce the associated keywords (the way redux-api-middleware dispatches ACTION_SUCCESS and ACTION_REQUEST, for example). (You could dispatch actions elsewhere and just monitor from the wrapper if you wanted, of course.)
Throbber: The component you want to appear while the data your component depends on isn't ready. I added a little div in there so you can test it out without having to rig it up.
The module itself is independent of redux-api-middleware, but that's what I use it with, so here's some sample code from the README:
A component with a Loader wrapping it:
import React from 'react';
import { myAsyncAction } from '../actions';
import loaderFactory from 'react-loader-factory';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent';
const actionsList = [myAsyncAction()];
const monitoredStates = ['ASYNC_REQUEST'];
const loaderWrapper = loaderFactory(actionsList, monitoredStates);
const LoadingChild = loaderWrapper(ChildComponent);
const containingComponent = props => {
// Do whatever you need to do with your usual containing component
const childProps = { someProps: 'props' };
return <LoadingChild { ...childProps } />;
A reducer for the Loader to monitor (although you can wire it differently if you want):
export function activeRequests(state = [], action) {
const newState = state.slice();
// regex that tests for an API action string ending with _REQUEST
const reqReg = new RegExp(/^[A-Z]+\_REQUEST$/g);
// regex that tests for a API action string ending with _SUCCESS
const sucReg = new RegExp(/^[A-Z]+\_SUCCESS$/g);
// if a _REQUEST comes in, add it to the activeRequests list
if (reqReg.test(action.type)) {
// if a _SUCCESS comes in, delete its corresponding _REQUEST
if (sucReg.test(action.type)) {
const reqType = action.type.split('_')[0].concat('_REQUEST');
const deleteInd = state.indexOf(reqType);
if (deleteInd !== -1) {
newState.splice(deleteInd, 1);
return newState;
I expect in the near future I'll add things like timeout and error to the module, but the pattern's not going to be very different.
The short answer to your question is:
Tie rendering to rendering code--use a wrapper around the component you need to render with the data like the one I showed above.
Add a reducer that makes the status of requests around the app you might care about easily digestible, so you don't have to think too hard about what is happening.
Events and state aren't really different.
The rest of your intuitions seem correct to me.
Am I the only one thinking that loading indicators don't belong in a Redux store? I mean, I don't think it's part of an application's state per se..
Now, I work with Angular2, and what I do is that I have a "Loading" service which exposes different loading indicators via RxJS BehaviourSubjects.. I guess the mechanism is the same, I just don't store the information in Redux.
Users of the LoadingService just subscribe to those events they want to listen to..
My Redux action creators call the LoadingService whenever things need to change. UX components subscribe to the exposed observables...
You can add change listeners to your stores, using either connect() from React Redux or the low-level store.subscribe() method. You should have the loading indicator in your store, which the store change handler can then check and update the component state. The component then renders the preloader if needed, based on the state.
alert and confirm shouldn't be a problem. They are blocking and alert doesn't even take any input from the user. With confirm, you can set state based on what the user has clicked if the user choice should affect component rendering. If not, you can store the choice as component member variable for later use.
We have three types of notifications in our app, all of which are designed as aspects:
Loading indicator (modal or non-modal based on prop)
Error Popup (modal)
Notification snackbar (non-modal, self closing)
All three of these are at the top level of our app (Main), and wired through Redux as shown in the below code snippet. These props control display of their corresponding aspects.
I designed a proxy that handles all our API calls, thus all isFetching and (api) errors are mediated with actionCreators I import in the proxy. (As an aside, I also use webpack to inject a mock of the backing service for dev so we can work without server dependencies.)
Any other place in the app that needs to provide any type of notification simply imports the appropriate action. Snackbar & Error have params for messages to be displayed.
// map state to props
state => ({
isFetching :state.main.get('isFetching'), // ProgressIndicator
notification :state.main.get('notification'), // Snackbar
error :state.main.get('error') // ErrorPopup
// mapDispatchToProps
(dispatch) => { return {
actions: bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch)
export default class Main extends React.Component{
I'm saving the urls such as::
isFetching: {
/api/posts/1: true,
api/posts/3: false,
api/search?q=322: true,
And then I have a memorised selector (via reselect).
const getIsFetching = createSelector(
state => state.isFetching,
items => items => Object.keys(items).filter(item => items[item] === true).length > 0 ? true : false
To make the url unique in case of POST, I pass some variable as query.
And where I want to show an indicator, I simply use the getFetchCount variable

