Passing cmd parameters to Jasmine tests - javascript

I would like to pass command line parameters to my Node.js/Jasmine tests. At the moment I have basic Jasmine file/dir structure set up (jasmine.json file and specs - as in the example: Jasmine documentation).
I run specs from command line by executing the following command:jasmine.
I would like to pass some command line parameter, so that I can use it in my specs. I would run tests with the following command:jasmine --param value or jasmine param_value.
Is it possible (how to do that)?
The parameter I want to pass is a password and I don't want to hardcode it - maybe you can suggest any better solution?
Thanks in advance!

First off in general if you want to send parameters to a test in jasmine you would use jasmine -- --param value or jasmine -- param_value. No that extra -- isn't a typo it tells jasmine to ignore everything after that and pass it on.
That said passwords and the command-line parameters don't mix. Virtually every shell has some form of history. That history will record every command just as its typed. This is major security no no. It leaves an unencrypted password recorded on disk.
The test itself should ask for the password if that needs to be supplied without hard-coding. This will at most generate a transient in memory temporary with the value. That is must safer then having it in a history file somewhere. node has modules such as readline that can do this without generating visible output for the password being entered.


How to prevent script function from running when requiring a file in Node.js

I have a script that I run by calling node filename. Im trying to unit test a particular function in this file. The problem is when I require the file like app = require('../app') it runs the entire script and I only want to access the exported functions. Is there any way to prevent the script functions from running when the file is being imported?
The answer to the question of 'can I stop the script from running' to do unit tests is essentially no. However, there are a number of options that you might find helpful. The first is to make your node module more modular by taking out the actions that run on require. My suggestion on that is to change it so that it takes an argument:
node filename run
When the 'run' argument is present, the regular actions fire. This will let you require in the file, which always runs the script, but without the 'run' it will not execute the actions you don't want. You could even have a 'test' option to run it in test mode. A second option that I think is less helpful is to move the function you want to test into its own file and have that required into the main section. You can then make it available to test separately.
What you basically want is to partially execute the module you require.
So the answer is no unless you patch the code of this module.

Passing a parameter to a Jasmine (Karma) test

I have a javascript file that uses for some logic. I want to test it using Karma. When I simply set the location ( = 'param=value' in the test), Karma complains I'm doing a full page reload. How do I pass a search parameter to my test?
Without seeing some code it's a little tricky to know what you exactly want, however it sounds like you want some sort of fixture/mock capability added to your tests. If you check out this other answer to a very similar problem you will see that it tells you to keep the test as a "unit".
Similar post with Answer
What this means is that we're not really concerned with testing the Window object, we'll assume Chrome or Firefox manufacturers will do this just fine for us. In your test you will be able to check and respond to your mock object and investigate that according to your logic.
When running in live code - as shown - the final step of actually handing over the location is dealt with by the browser.
In other words you are just checking your location setting logic and no other functionality. I hope this can work for you.

Is there a syntax or command to take user input to a variable in mongo script? [duplicate]

Is there a way to read a line from the Mongo shell? readline() is not defined and neither is system.stdin.
I need to do this in interactive mode, as opposed to feeding input to a script executed by the MongoDB shell.
Per #Stennie's comment, this is not possible right now.
Officially, this is not possible in Mongo shell.
Unofficially, yes it is possible. There is one small hack you can use to read user input.
Mongo shell among many undocumented functions, contains one function named passwordPrompt which can be used to read user input.
Just, there are some limitations with this hack you must be aware of.
This function, once called, prints string Enter password: to console, and has no option to change this prompt. Since this function is native (non js) it is not possible to redefine it to remove prompt.
This function will not show you what you type as you type it (makes sense since mongo shell uses it internally for entering user passwords). You will have to type in your input blindly.
But if you do not mind having "Enter password:" prompt appearing each time you wish to get user input, and not seeing what you type, then this should work.
Here is one example. You can run it in both interactive mode or write it inside .js file:
user_input = passwordPrompt();
print("user inputed: " + user_input);
If you run it and type "hack nation", output from this will be:
Enter password:
user inputed: hack nation
Also, Mongo shell allows you to run OS commands from shell itself, what allows you to handle user input using non-mongo and non-javascript utilities. For example, I have created programs for mongo shell which use windows powershell and .net framework to make graphic user interface and interact with user using gui, and return user input back to Mongo shell. I prefer this over passwordPrompt.
There are quite a few undocumented functions in Mongo shell you can use to do some more advanced things, such as getting user input, file system I/O functions, etc.

Protractor Accessibility reporting

I am trying to use Accessibility plugin that comes with Protractor. From what I see it does checking for a11y of last page that I am located.
Is there a way to have 2 test scripts executed one after another one and provide different reports or put all in one report but separated.
Output file:
resultJsonOutputFile: 'result/result.json'
I tried to this way in conf.js:
specs: ['../test/access.js', '../test/access1.js'],
specs: ['../test/access*.js'],
but still get result for last script executed
I tried also creating suites:
suites: {
homepage: '../test/homepage/access.js',
catalogpage: '../test/catalogpage/access1.js'
but when I check JSON file, if 2 scripts executed, then 1st one is ok with no issues and provides error for 2nd script. However, if to run 1st script alone, Protractor provides errors
Also I tried to create in one js file as different scenarios, but still same issue
With the current implementation, the accessibility plugin is set to run exactly once per invocation of the Protractor runner, on the last page. So unfortunately, no modification of the suites or test files will make it run more than once.
You can create separate configuration files for each set of test files you'd like to run, or using shardTestFiles to make sure that each file is run in its own process. See the referenceConf for more details on sharding.
Alternatively, you could use aXe to do your accessibility testing. In order to use it with e2e tests in protractor and Webdriver, do the following:
npm install --save-dev axe-webdriverjs
Then in your e2e test files, you do:
var AxeBuilder = require('path_to_the/axe-webdriverjs');
to get hold of the AxeBuilder and then wherever you need to run a test, you:
.analyze(function (results) {
The above example is using Jasmine but you can extrapolate for any other assertion library.
Also: there is a sample project you can clone and run here
Disclaimer: I am associated with the aXe project and therefore not neutral
I ran into that problem too - as another poster stays the plugin isn't really designed to operate that way.
I wrote a derivative of that plugin which does what you're looking for - protractor-axe-report-plugin.
You make a call to runAxeTest (or runAxeTestWithSelector) whenever you have a page open in the browser that you want to test, and it generates reports using the aXe engine.
Continuum can be used for your use case where it seems the accessibility plugin that comes with Protractor cannot. Here's some documentation on a Protractor-based sample project that uses Continuum. It can be downloaded from under 'Continuum for Protractor'. If you look at the source code of the sample project, it basically just boils down to this:
const continuum = require('../js/Continuum.js').Continuum;
continuum.setUp(driver, "../js/");
continuum.runAllTests().then(() => {
const accessibilityConcerns = continuum.getAccessibilityConcerns();
// accessibilityConcerns.length will be 0 if no accessibility concerns are found
(For more information on the above, you can check out the API documentation.)
You can execute that continuum.runAllTests bit wherever in your tests that you like. That includes multiple times from within the same test too, if desired, which if I understand correctly is ultimately what you're after.
Of course, no automated accessibility testing tool is a replacement for manual accessibility testing. It seems like you're just looking to get a baseline level of compliance right now though, so Continuum seems appropriate for your use case to tackle the low-hanging fruit.

How to develop a javascript library from an already existing npm module (codius)

never done this before.
I'm using CodiuĀ§ development has been abandoned, but I want to salvage part of it to use for my own project. I really need to be able to run codius commands from browser, so I need to develop a library or what you call it.
var codius = require('codius')
codius-host comes packed with command-line integration,
$ CODIUS_HOST= codius upload
How do I make a .js script do what the command-line command does ?
also posted on
hard time asking this questions since don't know where to start. help.
Assuming that you have access to the codius-host source code you should find the piece of code which manages the command line arguments. I am sure that they do handle the command and the command line arguments from an entry module/function and than later delegate the real job to a different module/function. What you need to do is to provide correct parameters to the functions which the function/module that handles command line argument calls with command line parameters.
In addition to that there are some nodejs libraries that might imitate a command line call from the program itself. One of those I know is shelljs:
You might want to check this out as well. With this one without bothering with the source code you might be able to imitate command line behaviour.

