How to make a thumbnail created by a function clickable in html? - javascript

I am trying to make clickable thumbnails in my html code but I cannot figure out how to do it. I know <a href = ""> won't work. How can I make each thumbnail clickable so that it directs to another page?
Here are the functions I used to get data from the database and to create the thumbnail
url: '/getMovies',
type: 'GET',
success:function(response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response);
var itemsPerRow = 0;
var div = $('<div>').attr('class','row');
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
div = $('<div>').attr('class','row');
itemsPerRow = 1;
function CreateThumb(id,name,type,copies){
var mainDiv = $('<div>').attr('class','col-sm-4 col-md-4');
var thumbNail = $('<div>').attr('class','thumbnail');
var caption = $('<div>').attr('class','caption');
var title = $('<h3>').text(name);
var title = $('<h5>').text(type);
var title = $('<h4>').text(copies);
var p = $('<p>');
return mainDiv;

After you've added the thumbnails use:
document.location.href = newUrl;

You can listen to clicks with jQuery by using:
// Change the selector used below
// Your code here
There's also another way, using "on". This might be more useful to you, because it also triggers on items added dynamically to the page, which looks to be your case.
// Change the selector used below
$('#some-id-here').on('click', 'img', function(){
// Your code here.
Also, you can select the document with $(document) (instead of #some-id-here) to apply it globally on your page, so every img tag would trigger this function.


JQuery not able to get dynamic HTML element [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
jQuery .on() event doesn't work for dynamically added element
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have this problem in JQuery and I can't seem to get past this issue.
I have a dynamically generated list of Li elements, and for each Li element I want to attach an On Hover so that a dropdown shows below the Li element. The catch is the Li elements are generated dynamically.
I have tried using .on("hover"), but nothing triggeres the event. The following is my code.
//On Init
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".app").on("hover", function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
$(".app").on("mouseenter", function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
//Load JSON file to generate app listing
function generateList(){
//Load JSON file
$.getJSON('json/adapters.json', function (json) {
var listCol = 5;
var ul = $('#container-apps');
//Generate app list from adapters.JSON
json.adapters.forEach(function (adapter) {
//Count adapter for no result function
adapterCount += 1;
var link =;
var git = adapter.git;
var img = adapter.image;
var name =;
//Appending the HTML elements
//List element
var li = $("<li>").attr("class", "app").appendTo(ul);
var a = $("<a>").attr({
"href": "javascript:void(0);",
var image = $("<img>").attr("src", img).appendTo(a);
var label = $("<div>").attr("class", "item-name black-font").html(name).appendTo(a);
//Hover element
var hoverContainer = $("<div>").attr("class", "hoverContainer").appendTo(li);
var hoverUL = $("<ul>").appendTo(hoverContainer);
var hoverPageLi = $("<li>").appendTo(hoverUL);
var hoverPageA = $("<a>").attr({"href": link, "target":"_blank", "class":"app-link"}).html("SDK").appendTo(hoverPageLi);
var hoverGitLi = $("<li>").appendTo(hoverUL);
var hoverGitA = $("<a>").attr({"href": git, "target":"_blank", "class":"app-link"}).html("Github").appendTo(hoverGitLi);
//Generate dummy box for responsive
for (var i = 0; i < (listCol); i++) {
$('<li class="item flex-dummy"></li>').appendTo(ul);
$(function () {
console.log('test'); //Does not trigger
Try this syntax:
$("body").on("click", ".app", function(){
//do something

'Close' button does not work in javascript

In the mobile version on my form appears 'Close' button.
Unfortunately, it does not work. I see a normal button, but when I click there is no reaction. In the javascript I load the file form-with-button.html to render form content in my all .html files.
<div id="form-with-button">
and use javascript to show and close.
//Onload show header and footer content
$("#header").load('header.html', function(){
offset: {top: $('#header').height()-$('#nav').height()}
// Sticky Buttons Show Hide
$("#fix-quote, #fix-contact").on("click", function() {
var body = $("body");
var openPos= ["",""];
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var content = $("#"+id+"-content");
var property = (content.attr("class").toString().indexOf("left") > -1)? "left": "right";
if (!body.hasClass("bd_"+id)) {
openPos= [0,380]
var ele = $(this);
body.on("click.fix",function(ev) {
if($(".fixed-container").length == 0){
} else {
content.css("top","").show().css(property, openPos[0]);
$(this).css(property, openPos[1]);
// Mobile Requests Showhide
$("#fix-quote-mob, #fix-contact-mob").on("click", function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id").slice(0,-4);
var content = $("#"+id+"-content");
$(".fix-contact-close").on("click", function() {
var content = $(this).closest(".fixed-container");
Please help, why my button does not work?
You are trying to add a handler to an element created in a dynamic way, so you need to refactor your code in order to make it work:
$(document).on("click", ".fix-contact-close", function() {
var content = $(this).closest(".fixed-container");

Calling a javascript function with parameters from a dynamically created element

I'm trying to dynamically load pictures to a profile page like site from MySQL with PHP and
then add them to an unordered list with javascript. I would like each list item to also have
a like button, which upon clicking calls a javascript function, passing the image name as
its parameter. I've searched and found answers on how to call a function without passing it
any variables, but every time I add the image name to the function call, the console log reads
The pictures show up fine and the imgArray[i] is a string containing the file's name (e.g. photo.jpg)
in the onclick function reads undefined. I've also tried
without any results.
function showGallery(imgArray) {
for(var i=0; i < imgArray.length; i++){
var list = document.getElementById("image-list"),
li = document.createElement("li"),
img = document.createElement("img"),
like = document.createElement("a");
img.src = "user_images/" + imgArray[i];
like.className = "button-like";
like.href = "javascript:void(0);";
like.onclick = function() {
function addLike(img) {
console.log("Liking.. " + img);
url: 'like.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
'photo': img
success: function(likes){
The problem is that by the time the click event fires, imgArray[i] doesn't exists.
try doing it like this...
like.href = "javascript:void(0);";
like.imgArray = imgArray[i];
like.onclick = function() {
Hope that helps

JQuery-Javascript looping issue

I'm working on a banner for a website and I need it to loop through the images. My problem is that it plays through the images once and then stops. I've tried everything that I can think of with no luck. I'm sure this is simpler than I'm making it, but some help would be greatly appreciated. The latest version is below.
// Variables required by script
var currentimage;
// Load Gallery XML file
url: 'banner.xml',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
error: function(){
alert('Error loading XML document');
success: function(xmlData){
// do something with xml
// Display images
function setupImages(xmlData) {
// read xml and use it to populate page
//get first image
currentimage = $(xmlData).find("image:first");
// Fade in image after countdown
var t = setTimeout(function(){showNewImage()}, 1000);
// Display the image, caption, rating and label
function showNewImage() {
var image = $(currentimage).find("path").text();
var caption = $(currentimage).find("caption").text();
// Fade out current image and fade in new image
// Add caption
var to = setTimeout(function(){getNextImage()}, 5000);
function getNextImage(){
var tmp = $(currentimage).next();
if ($(tmp).find("path").text()=="") {
currentimage = $(xmlData).find("image:first");
} else {
currentimage = tmp;
Your code is using next(), which will return nothing once you reach the last image.
You need to use a different test to close the loop, for example:
Note that tmp is already a jQuery object, so you don't need to wrap it in $().
This page offers an example of nextOrFirst() function that does what you want.
Here is a solution that I came up with.
First I added an element to the end of my xml file with just a 'path' attribute of "last".
Next, I add the following variable to save the path name of the first element:
var imagepathtext;
Then, in the setupImages(xmlData) function I added the following:
imagepathtext = $(currentimage).find("path").text();
Lastly, I changed the getNextImage() function from
function getNextImage(){
var tmp = $(currentimage).next();
if ($(tmp).find("path").text()=="") {
currentimage = $(xmlData).find("image:first");
} else {
currentimage = tmp;
function getNextImage(){
var tmp = $(currentimage).next();
if ($(tmp).find("path").text()=="last") {
while ($(tmp).find("path").text()!=firstimagepath)
var tmp1 = $(tmp).prev();
tmp = tmp1;
currentimage = tmp;
} else {
currentimage = tmp;
And just like magic it loops correctly now!

Detecting Href Is Clicked

I'm trying to detect if certain element is clicked on onbeforeunload. I can't get it to work. Below is examples of the Javascript code and HTML code on the project (Please note that I have no control over the HTML element as it is not my site)
function checkLeave() {
var p = document.getElementByElementById('yeah');
if (p.href.onclick) {
//do something
else {
//do something else
window.onbeforeunload = checkLeave;
//The goSomewhere goes to another page
<a id="yeah" href="javascript:goSomewhere();">
<img src="smiley.png">
Thanks in advance,
What you need to do is bind an event handler to each on the page.
This can be done with the following:
// Select all links
//var allLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href]');
var allLinks = document.links;
// Bind the event handler to each link individually
for (var i = 0, n = allLinks.length; i < n; i++) {
//allLinks[i].addEventListener('click', function (event) {});
allLinks[i].onclick = function () {
// Do something
You are testing for the presence of the onclick property to the <a> tag. It isn't present in the markup. Rather than using the onclick, the markup calls a script as the element's href. So you need to look for a script in the href instead:
var p = document.getElementByElementById('yeah');
if (p.href.indexOf("javascript") === 0) {
//do something
else {
// do something else
Maybe something like this? (just the idea)
document.getElementById('yeah').onclick = function() {
clicked = this.href;

