React Router changing params doesn't fire componentWillRecieveProps - javascript

The Problem: Changing the parameters of a <Route /> component does not update the component it is rendering. The route change is shown in the URL bar, but directly rendering {} shows the old :id and not the new one reflected in the URL bar.
Update: I fixed this by moving the <BrowserRouter /> out from the index.js file and into the App.js file. It is no longer the direct child of Provider and is instead the child of the App component. No clue why this makes everything suddenly work.
What I am doing: I have a <Link to="/user/11" /> that goes from user/7 (or any current ID) to a /user/11
The componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) of the component it is rendering is not fired.(This component is connected using react-redux if that helps any. I tried applying withRouter around the connection and that did not help)
If I manually refresh the page in chrome (using CTRL-R or the refresh button) the page shows the new data, rendering the "new" param.
TLDR: Switching from /user/7 to /user/11 does not fire that componentWillRecieveProps function and therefore leaving the component displaying the old state
Question: What am I doing incorrectly here that causes componentWillReceiveProps to not fire.
I am using react-router v4 and the latest create-react-app
This is my CWRP function:
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
if ( == {
this.setState({ user: "currentUser" })
} else {
this.setState({ user: "selectedUser" })
This is the full code of my component:
I was following the solution here and it did not seem to work for me. Component does not remount when route parameters change

You'll need to use React Router Redux


HashRouter, base root "/" [duplicate]

Is there a way to force a React-Router <Link> to load a page from path, even when the current location is already that page? I can't seem to find any mention of this in the react-router documentations.
We have a page on a route for "apply" that loads up a landing page with a hero image, some explanatory text, etc., and an "apply for this program" button that swaps in content that acts as an application form. This all happens on the same "apply" route, because users should not be able to directly navigate to this form without first hitting the landing page.
However, when they have this form open, and they click on the apply link in the nav menu again, the entire page should reload as it would on first mount, getting them "back" (but really, forward) to the landing page again.
Instead, clicking the <Link> does nothing, because react-router sees we're already on the "apply" page, and so does not unmount the current page to then mount a different one.
Is there a way to force it to unmount the current page before then mounting the requested page, even if it's for the page users are supposedly already on? (via a <Link> property for instance?)
Note: this question was posted when React-Router meant v5, and while the problem in this post is independent of a specific React-Router versions, but the solutions are not. As such, the accepted answer is the solution for React-Router v6, so if you're still using v5, first and foremost upgrade your version of React-Router, but if you absolutely can't, the accepted answer won't work for you and you'll want this answer instead.
In the Route component, specify a random key.
<Route path={YOURPATH} render={(props) => <YourComp {...props} keyProp={someValue} key={randomGen()}/>} />
when react see a different key, they will trigger rerender.
A fix I used to solve my little need around this was to change the location that React-Router looks at. If it sees a location that we're already on (as in your example) it won't do anything, but by using a location object and changing that, rather than using a plain string path, React-Router will "navigate" to the new location, even if the path looks the same.
You can do this by setting a key that's different from the current key (similar to how React's render relies on key) with a state property that allows you to write clear code around what you wanted to do:
render() {
const linkTarget = {
pathname: "/page",
key: uuid(), // we could use Math.random, but that's not guaranteed unique.
state: {
applied: true
return (
<Link to={linkTarget}>Page</Link>
Note that (confusingly) you tell the Link which values you need pass as a state object, but the link will pass those values on into the component as props. So don't make the mistake of trying to access this.state in the target component!
We can then check for this in the target component's componentDidUpdate like so:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) {
// Check to see if the "applied" flag got changed (NOT just "set")
if (this.props.location.state.applied && !prevProps.location.state.applied) {
// Do stuff here
Simple as:
<Route path="/my/path" render={(props) => <MyComp {...props} key={}/>} />
Works fine for me. When targeting to the same path:
The page gets reloaded, even if I'm already at /my/path.
Based on official documentation for 'react-router' v6 for Link component
A is an element that lets the user navigate to another page by clicking or tapping on it. In react-router-dom, a renders an accessible element with a real href that points to the resource it's linking to. This means that things like right-clicking a work as you'd expect. You can use to skip client side routing and let the browser handle the transition normally (as if it were an ).
So you can pass reloadDocument to your <Link/> component and it will always refresh the page.
<Link reloadDocument to={linkTo}> </Link>
At least works for me!
Not a good solution because it forces a full page refresh and throws an error, but you can call forceUpdate() using an onClick handler like:
<Link onClick={this.forceUpdate} to={'/the-page'}>
Click Me
All I can say is it works. I'm stuck in a similar issue myself and hope someone else has a better answer!
React router Link not causing component to update within nested routes
This might be a common problem and I was looking for a decent solution to have in my toolbet for next time. React-Router provides some mechanisms to know when an user tries to visit any page even the one they are already.
Reading the location.key hash, it's the perfect approach as it changes every-time the user try to navigate between any page.
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (prevProps.location.key !== this.props.location.key) {
isFormSubmitted: false,
After setting a new state, the render method is called. In the example, I set the state to default values.
Reference: A location object is never mutated so you can use it in the lifecycle hooks to determine when navigation happens
I solved this by pushing a new route into history, then replacing that route with the current route (or the route you want to refresh). This will trigger react-router to "reload" the route without refreshing the entire page.
<Link onClick={this.reloadRoute()} to={'/route-to-refresh'}>
Click Me
let reloadRoute = () => {
router.push({ pathname: '/empty' });
router.replace({ pathname: '/route-to-refresh' });
React router works by using your browser history to navigate without reloading the entire page. If you force a route into the history react router will detect this and reload the route. It is important to replace the empty route so that your back button does not take you to the empty route after you push it in.
According to react-router it looks like the react router library does not support this functionality and probably never will, so you have to force the refresh in a hacky way.
I got this working in a slightly different way that #peiti-li's answer, in react-router-dom v5.1.2, because in my case, my page got stuck in an infinite render loop after attempting their solution.
Following is what I did.
render={(props) => <MyComponent key={props.location.key} />}
Every time a route change happens, the location.key prop changes even if the user is on the same route already. According to react-router-dom docs:
Instead of having a new React element created for you using the
component prop, you can pass in a function to be called when the
location matches. The render prop function has access to all the same
route props (match, location and history) as the component render
This means that we can use the props.location.key to obtain the changing key when a route change happens. Passing this to the component will make the component re-render every time the key changes.
I found a simple solution.
<BrowserRouter forceRefresh />
This forces a refresh when any links are clicked on. Unfortunately, it is global, so you can't specify which links/pages to refresh only.
From the documentation:
If true the router will use full page refreshes on page navigation. You may want to use this to imitate the way a traditional server-rendered app would work with full page refreshes between page navigation.
Here's a hacky solution that doesn't require updating any downstream components or updating a lot of routes. I really dislike it as I feel like there should be something in react-router that handles this for me.
Basically, if the link is for the current page then on click...
Wait until after the current execution.
Replace the history with /refresh?url=<your url to refresh>.
Have your switch listen for a /refresh route, then have it redirect back to the url specified in the url query parameter.
First in my link component:
function MenuLink({ to, children }) {
const location = useLocation();
const history = useHistory();
const isCurrentPage = () => location.pathname === to;
const handler = isCurrentPage() ? () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (isCurrentPage()) {
history.replace("/refresh?url=" + encodeURIComponent(to))
}, 0);
} : undefined;
return <Link to={to} onClick={handler}>{children}</Link>;
Then in my switch:
<Route path="/refresh" render={() => <Redirect to={parseQueryString().url ?? "/"} />} />
{/* of routes go here... */}
...where parseQueryString() is a function I wrote for getting the query parameters.
There is a much easier way now to achieve this, with the reloadDocument Link prop:
<Link to={linkTarget} reloadDocument={true}>Page</Link>
you can use BrowserRouter forceRefresh={true}
I use react-router-dom 5
Example :
<BrowserRouter forceRefresh={true}>
to={{pathname: '/otherPage', state: {data: data}}}>
Solved using the Rachita Bansal answer but with the componentDidUpdate instead componentWillReceiveProps
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname) { window.location.reload();
You can use the lifecycle method - componentWillReceiveProps
When you click on the link, the key of the location props is updated. So, you can do a workaround, something like below,
* #param {object} nextProps new properties
componentWillReceiveProps = (nextProps)=> {
if (nextProps.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname) {
To be honest, none of these are really "thinking React". For those that land on this question, a better alternative that accomplishes the same task is to use component state.
Set the state on the routed component to a boolean or something that you can track:
this.state = {
isLandingPage: true // or some other tracking value
When you want to go to the next route, just update the state and have your render method load in the desired component.
Try just using an anchor tag a href link. Use target="_self" in the tag to force the page to rerender fully.

Re-render a React Component

I have a profile component with URL: '/profile/id'.
Now, suppose I have two users having IDs: id_A and id_B.
I am at URL: '/profile/id_A' and I have a button which sends me to URL: '/profile/id_B' using:
<Link to={{ pathname: `/profile/id_B` }}></Link>
Now, my component won't re-render because there is no state change for which I cannot retrieve my user-data from the server since all my requests are done on componentDidMount.
So, how do I re-render my component for the above scenario?
UPD 1:
This is my Route code:
<Route path="/profile/:userId" component={Profile} />
UPD 2:
I have 3 components nested:
Profile -> FollowList -> Card
I have my link in my card component and this is the code for routing it to 'profile/id_B'.
<Link to={{ pathname: `/profile/${this.props.user.userId}` }}></Link>
Can this be a problem that the below answers are not working?
Ciao, to re-render a component you can use shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) function. Basically React triggers this function to ask you if component should be updated (re-rendered) and here you can write the logic you need to re-render the component. Take a look at this guide.
It appears you need to use the Route component, placing your "pages" on them with one of the designed methods. You can read more about it here:
The recommended way of doing it is using the children of the Route, which is supposed to mount the page when the url matches, and unmount when they don't. So something like:
<Route path="/to">
<My Page/>
The thing is that your component is getting rerendered but as you have your code in componentDidMount and it is called only once when the component is mounted so you are facing the difficulty.
So to fix this problem you need to unmount and mount your component again, this can be done using the inline function inside component prop.
According to react-router-docs
When you use component (instead of render or children, below) the router uses React.createElement to create a new React element from the given component. That means if you provide an inline function to the component prop, you would create a new component every render. This results in the existing component unmounting and the new component mounting instead of just updating the existing component.
So you need to refactor your code and use
<Route path="/profile/:userId" component={() => (<Profile />)} />
This will mount and unmount on component on each render and you can access the component did mount.
Alternate Solution
You can also use ComponentDidUpdate and check on each update if the id is same or not, if id is not same fetch the data.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.match.params.userId !== this.props.match.params.userId) {
//call your fetch function here and then set the data in state
userId: data,

React Router Redirect component not giving the desired result

I am trying to redirect in react. But is not getting redirected to the desired place.
Here is the code:
<Redirect to={""} />
Now it is getting redirected to http://localhost:3000/
Could someone help me in this?
I would suggest to use instead <Link> component. That will generate for you an <a> tag with the required URL. <Redirect> component is for changing the route in application level.
<Link>: Provides declarative, accessible navigation around your application.
<Redirect>: Rendering a <Redirect> will navigate to a new location. The new location will override the current location in the history stack, like server-side redirects (HTTP 3xx) do.
Try as the following:
<Link to={''}>Go to Google</Link>
I hope this explains!
Seems like you are navigating away from your current website. In that case, you shouldn't be using <Redirect>. The <Redirect> component is meant to be used to redirect to another route within your app, not to an external website. The reason you get redirected to http://localhost:3000/ is because React Router treats the passed in to prop as a relative path, and appends it to the current host, which is http://localhost:3000.
If you want to do an external redirect, you don't need to use a <Redirect> component in this case, just use JavaScript:
window.location = '';
If you want to have a component that redirects when it mounts, you can use this component which contains a useEffect hook:
function ExternalRedirect({href}) {
React.useEffect(() => {
window.location = href;
return null;
// In your code:
<ExternalRedirect href="" />

React router not reloading Component when changing url params

I know that it's not a default behaviour / feature of react-router to help us reload easily the current component but I really need this in my application.
My application deals with products. I have a product list that I can load, and when I click on an item, it displays the concerned product details.
On that page, I have related product links that load the same component, but with another product details, located at
<Route path="/products/:id/details" component={ProductDetail} />
I m fetching data in my componentWillMount, and it seems that if I only change the URL, a new component is NOT mounted, and so, I m always having my old data displayed, without fetching anything.
As a beginner using React, I'm looking for some help, or some tricks to reload the component concerned by that page. I mean being able to reload the ProductDetail with the good product.
I tried to look around with componentWillUpdate (a method in which I can see that the router URI changes :D) but I can't setState inside of it to make my component reload (it doesn't seem to be a good practice at all)
Any idea how can I make this work ?
EDIT : According to the first answer, I have to use onEnter. I m now stuck with the way of passing state/props to the concerned component :
const onEnterMethod = () => {
return fetch(URL)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(cmp => {
if (cmp.length === 1) {
// How to pass state / props to the next component ?
The way to handle it depends if you are using flux, redux or however you want to manage your actions. On top of it I would try to make use of onChange property of Route component (check React router docs):
<Route path="/products/:id/details" component={ProductDetail} onChange={someMethod} />
And then in the someMethod create the action if you are using redux or however is done in flux.
The redux would be:
<Route path="/products/:id/details" component={ProductDetail} onEnter={onEnterHandler(store)} />
And the onEnterHandler with the redux store:
function onEnterHandler(store) {
return (nextState, replace) => {
And then in your ProductDetail component you would print the new information (It would require a bit more of learning in redux and redux-sagas libraries to complete that part).
Keep in mind that React is just the view part, trying to solve all those problems using only react is not only not recommended but also would mess up your code.

How can I prevent React from unmounting/remounting a component?

I am using react-router and react-redux. I have two routes like this:
<Route path='/edit' component={ EditNew } />
<Route path='/edit/:id' component={ EditDraft } />
where EditNew and EditDraft are data-providing containers that wrap an Editor component using the react-redux connect function:
const EditNew = connect(state => ({}))(React.createClass({
render() {
return <Editor />;
const EditDraft = connect(state => ({ drafts: state.drafts }))(React.createClass({
render() {
const { params, drafts } = this.props;
const draft = findDraft(, drafts);
return <Editor draft={ draft } />;
Now, Editor is rigged up in such a way that when you begin typing into a blank Editor, it triggers a history.replaceState() from /edit to /edit/:id with a ranomly generated ID. When this happens, I get the following sequence of events:
EditorNew unmounts
Editor unmounts
EditorDraft renders and mounts
Editor renders and mounts
When I coded these two containers, I thought that the Editor component contained in both of them would be reconciled without unmounting and remounting. This is problematic for me for several reasons besides the extra unnecessary work, chief among which are that the editor ends up losing focus and proper cursor range after the unmount and remount.
To no avail I have tried specifying key for the Editor component to hint to the reconciliation system that it's the same component, and I've tried shouldComponentUpdate, but that doesn't get called, which makes sense given what React is doing.
Apart from combining the two containers into one container with more complicated render() logic, is there anything I can do to prevent the Editor component from unmounting/remounting during the history transition?
React’s Reconciliation Algorithm says that if the element has a different type (in this case, EditNew and EditDraft), then React will “tear down the old tree and build the new tree from scratch.”
To prevent this, you need to use the same component for both routes.
You can use shouldComponentUpdate and, if the route has changed from /edit to /edit/:id (you can check this getting the router info from the state connected to your component) return false, so it won't refresh the component.
Chances are that this isn't possible with react-router <= v3.
With react-router v4, this should be possible now:

