node.js html querying and parsing - javascript

How do i make a dynamic search bar?
Do i need to use html methods? How can i make the bar dynamic?
Hi, i just started learning node.js... while i never developed web applications.
I don't want you to write the code, i just want you to point me to the right direction.
<input type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search..">
Now, how do i get the information someone types in the search bar? And what should i use to have the search bar display information without reloading the page?

Assuming you will not use any JS framework, the easiest way is to use a input with auto-complete feature. One example:
A similar question:
jQuery autocomplete with callback ajax json

you could use to create a bidirectional connection with your server, and update your list each time something new pop's up
and if you're new to the server, take a look at my blog:
I might add a tutorial on how to use this afternoon

You have to use both JavaScript(jQuery) client-side code to make AJAX calls on 'keyup' handler and server-side PHP (or whatever language you use) routine to handle that AJAX call and answer it with JSON array.
If your search will return only plain text results, then you can check aria-autocomplete on the Internet. There are plenty examples. In this method your server answer should contain a JSON array. In a very similar way you can also populate <option> tags in a <select>.
If you dig much more without using aria-autocomplete you can make your own custom-styled display of answers. You can take a look at my site (only in Bulgarian language, sorry). There is a search field in the header. Type some number (like 511) and you will see matching results in a poping div. To achieve this approach the server-side script returns formatted HTML which replaces the content of the poping div.

As #user3429660 advice you use jquery autocomplete.
Create a function who call a webservice that you have defined in your nodejs with express for example. the web service return data in JSON to the function and the view is updated with jquery

1) What you are looking for is getting the value out of the input:
Get the value in an input text box
2) Not reloading page -> look into AJAX (many tutorials online...)


How do the scores on this sports ticker update itself without ajax calls?

I was looking at scores at earlier and upon inspection of the code, I couldn't quite figure out how they update their scores.
I don't see any ajax calls and the games don't appear to be wrapped into iframes, etc.
Can anyone explain to me how this works?
It seems like they are using Flash code to update the scores. I disabled Flash in my browser and got the following message:
However, if you want to implement something like that without using a Plugin, you can use Websockets in Javascript.
Check out line 1884 of the scoreboard file. The storePlayers function will format that big string into sets of markup that is used in the ticker.

Updating field in CRM 2011 through javascript from ribbon button on homegrid view

I am trying to create a button on the initial list or homegrid view of leads that will set the value of a specific field to the same value every time for the lead that is selected. Anyone know how i can do this through javascript?
To build on James's answer, you can use the CrmParameter SelectedControlSelectedItemIds to get a list of all the leads selected in a homepage grid. There is an answer on the MSDN forums that explains how to do this, copied below. You can do this in the Xml source or in the two CRM ribbon editors I know of.
After that, you would then need to use the Update method of one of the CRM webservices to loop through the Guid array and update each entity/database row accordingly. I've mentioned Avanade's excellent web resource before, and MSDN has some additional documention on this as well.
Walkthrough: Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources with JScript
Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript
<CommandDefinition Id="Account.Form.CustomGroup.Button.A.Command">
<JavaScriptFunction Library="$webresource:AccountFormLibrar"
<CrmParameter Value="SelectedControlSelectedItemIds"/>
function CreateNewAccount (prmRecordGUID) {
//prmRecordGUID will recieve all GUIDS in comma seperated i.e. GUID1,GUID2,GUID3
Yeah this should be pretty straightforward - I dont think what you have said in your comment will work - that function you are trying to use only works if the form of the record is open, e.g. it wont work from a grid view.
You will have to use a webservice call as described in the MSDN here:
Also if you are customising the ribbon (adding buttons) you would find it a lot easier with this tool:

releasing content by role within a D2L topic

I'm trying to release content by role within a topic in D2L's LMS. Is this possible using Javascript? Something like, "if {RoleName}=Student, then display this, else display that"...? I realize I can restrict/release content by role on a topic level, but I'm trying to do so within a topic and thus can't use release conditions. Any ideas?
You can control that functionality directly through the Content tool interface without needing to add in JavaScript. If you don't have access to that in Content, talk to your site administrator.
A roundabout way to do this would be to parse the QueryString to get the OU, then make a Valence request to find out the user role in the course. It would take a lot of work to get all the pieces connected for what seems like a really simple use case. This is the strategy I'm using for tools I've made that get embedded right in D2L pages.
If Replacement Strings worked properly then you could use a combination of them and JavaScript. But since the replacement happens at save time rather than render time in most places, they're really not usable for your scenario.
Desire2Learn Replace Strings in Content
Another option would be to create your own custom widget and put it on the course home page. Since Replacement Strings work properly in widgets, you could read the value of the {rolename} replacement string and store it in a cookie. Then, in your pages you would read the value of the cookie to create your conditionals.

Adjust static value into dynamic (javascript) value possible in Sharepoint allitems.aspx page?

<SharePoint:SPDataSource runat="server" IncludeHidden="true" SelectCommand="<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="EventDate"/></OrderBy><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="lawyer_x0020_1"/><Value Type="Note">F. Sanches</Value></Contains></Where></Query></View>" id="datasource1" DataSourceMode="List" UseInternalName="true"><InsertParameters><asp:Parameter DefaultValue="{ANUMBER}" Name="ListID"></asp:Parameter>
SharePoint WSS 3.0
This codeline is just one line of the allitems.aspx of a sharepoint list item (SharePoint created it himself). It only displays items where lawyer 1 = F. Sanches. Before I start messing around with the .ASPX page I wonder if it possible to change F. Sanches (in the code) into a dynamical variable (from a javascript value or something else that can be used to place the javascript value in there dynamically). If I put any javascript code in the line it will not work.
P.S. Ignore ANUMBER part in code.
Let say to make it simple I have javascript variable like this (now static but with my other code it is dynamic). It would be an achievement if it would place a static javascript variable.
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>javaVAR = "P. Janssen";</script>
Eventually I would like to filter with OR operator
If Yes --> how?
If No --> Thank you!
The easiest way to add a filter to a standard list view is to use query string filters - add
?FilterField1=Lawyer&FilterValue1=F. Sanches
to the url. If you are working with a note field, it probably won't work directly, but you may find it easier to set up a field that does work than to make the server side chages you would need to modify the query directly.
Another approach that might work would be adding filter web parts to the page - I haven't worked with those much myself, but in theory they should be able to do what you want.
I don't think JavaScript will work since JavaScript is client side and SPDataSource is server side.
However, you should be able to use a control via ControlParameter. There are good examples here and here. Once the parameters are working, OR operators will definitely be supported within the CAML of the SelectCommand.

What is JQuery's equivalent of scriptaculous/prototype's auto-complete?

Prototype/scriptaculous can do an easy autosuggest in the input box.
It's pretty much built in.
How can I do that with JQuery?
jQuery plugin: Autocomplete
If you mean something that will get the info from the server then you can look at this question:
JQuery Auto Suggest Serverside
It is risky to have it done on the client, as you need to pass all the data to the client, then you just search as the user types, so I doubt that is what you expect.

