Using Promises to defer continuation within a forEach loop - javascript

My goal with the below is to:
Capture a list of resolutions
Scan through each of them (in order) to find the first one that results in a successful stream
To test this, I have testVideoPresence:
var testCounter = 0;
function testVideoPresence(videoElement) {
if (testCounter >= 5) {
testCounter = 0;
return false;
if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) { // check to prevent 2x2 issue
setTimeout(function() {
testVideoPresence(videoElement); // try again
}, 500);
} else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {
return true;
As you can see, I'm using a setTimeout to recurse at most 5 times. This is where things get tricky:
resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
// at this point, I have a set of resolutions that I want to try
resolutionTests.forEach(function (resolutionTest) {
// then I want to iterate over all of them until I find one that works
performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
if (testVideoPresence(video)) { // here is the pain point - how do I await the result of this within the forEach?
// return the dimensions
} else {
// continue scanning
}).catch(function (error) {
// wait to continue until we have our result
}).catch(function (error) {
function performTest(currentTest) {
return streamHelper.openStream(currentTest.device, currentTest.resolution).then(function(streamData) {
return streamData;
}).catch(function (error) {
streamHelper.openStream = function (device, resolution) {
var constraints = createVideoConstraints(device, resolution);
logger.internalLog("openStream:" + resolution.label + ": " + resolution.width + "x" + resolution.height);
return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints)
.then(function (mediaStream) {
streamHelper.activeStream = mediaStream;
return { stream: mediaStream, resolution: resolution, constraints: constraints };
// video.srcObject = mediaStream; // push mediaStream into target element. This triggers doScan.
.catch(function (error) {
if ( == "NotAllowedError") {
} else {
return error;
I'm trying to wait for the result within the forEach before continuing through the array of resolutions. I know I can use some advanced techniques like async/await if I want to transpile - but I'm stuck with vanilla JS and promises / bluebird.js for now. What are my options? Disclaimer - I am new to promises so the above code could be very malformed.
Tests are defined in order of importance - so I do need resolutionTests[0] to resolve before resolutionTests[1].

If the order of trials isn't important, you can simply use a map combined with Promise.race to make sure the first promise of a list that resolves resolves the whole list. You also need to make sure your promises return other promises inside then.
resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
return Promise.race( (resolutionTest) {
return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
return testVideoPresence(video);
}).catch(function (error) {
}).catch(function (error) {
This of course assumes that testVideoPresence does NOT resolve when you the dimensions are not available.
If the order of trial is important then a reduce approach might work.
This will basically result in a sequential application of the promises and the resulting promise will until all of them are resolved.
However, once the solution is found we attach it to the collector of the reduce so that further trials simply return that as well and avoid further tests (because by the time this is found the chain is already registered)
return resolutionTests.reduce(function(result, resolutionTest) {
var nextPromise = result.intermPromise.then(function() {
if (result.found) { // result will contain found whenver the first promise that resolves finds this
return Promise.resolve(result.found); // this simply makes sure that the promises registered after a result found will return it as well
} else {
return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
return testVideoPresence(video).then(function(something) {
result.found = something;
return result.found;
}).catch(function (error) {
return { intermPromise: nextPromise, found: result.found };
}, { intermPromise: Promise.resolve() }); // start reduce with a result with no 'found' and a unit Promise

At first , your testVideoPresence returns undefined. It wont work that way. May do:
function testVideoPresence(videoElement,callback,counter=0) {
if(counter>10) callback(false);
if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) {
setTimeout(testVideoPresence, 500,videoElement,callback,counter+1);
} else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {
SO you can do:
testVideoPresence(el, console.log);
Now to the forEach. You cannot yield the forEach in any way. However you could write your own recursive forEach:
(function forEach(el,index) {
if(index>=el.length) return false;
performTest(el[index]).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
if(!success) return alert("NOO!");
//do sth
}).catch(function (error) {
})(resolutionTests,0);//start with our element at index 0

function raceSequential(fns) {
if(!fns.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
return fns.slice(1)
.reduce(function(p, c) {
return p.catch(c);
}, fns[0]());
// "Resolution tests"
var t1 = function() { return new Promise(function(_, reject) { setTimeout(() => reject('t1'), 1000); })};
var t2 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t2'), 1000); })};
var t3 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t3'), 1000); })};
var prom = raceSequential([t1, t2, t3])
.then(function(result) { console.log('first successful result: ' + result); });
Scanning your code indicates you have other async-related problems.


Can we make promise to wait until resolved and onreject call back the promise again

I'm learning about Promise's and have a little doubt assuming that I want to get resolved status out of Promises
and not want reject! Can I just call back the promise function inside
catch to make sure that I get only approved value! Is that possible or
will it throw an error or goes to loop iteration
let promisetocleantheroom = new Promise(function cleanroom(resolve, reject) {
//code to clean the room
//then as a result the clean variable will have true or flase
if (clean == "true") {
} else {
reject("not cleaned");
promisetocleantheroom.then(function cleanroom(fromResolve) {
// wait for the function to finish only then it would run the function then
console.log("the room is " + fromResolve);
}).catch(function cleanroom(fromReject) {
//calling back the promise again
If you don't mind having higher order functions and recursivity, here is my proposed solution.
First you need to wrap your promise in a function to recreate it when it fails. Then you can pass it to retryPromiseMaker with a partial error handler to create another function that will act as retrier. And this function will return a Promise that will fulfill only if one of the inner promises fulfills.
Sounds complicated but I promise you it is not!
const retryPromiseMaker = (fn, errorfn = null) => {
const retryPromise = (retries = 3, err = null) => {
if (err) {
if (retries === 0) {
return Promise.reject(err);
return fn()
.catch(err => retryPromise(retries - 1, err));
return retryPromise;
const cleanTheRoom = (resolve, reject) => {
// simulate cleaning as a probability of 33%
const clean = Math.random() < 0.33;
setTimeout(() => {
if (clean) {
} else {
reject("not cleaned");
}, Math.random() * 700 + 200);
const promiseToCleanTheRoom = () => new Promise(cleanTheRoom);
const logStatus = end => value => {
let text = '';
if (end){
text += "at the end ";
text += "the room is " + value;
retryPromiseMaker(promiseToCleanTheRoom, logStatus(false))(4)

How to chain promises within nested for loops?

var verifyEmail = function (thisEmail){
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject) {
quickemailverification.verify(thisEmail, function (err, response) {
// Print response object
if (response.body["success"] == "true"){
var validity = response.body["result"];
if (validity == "valid"){
console.log("Email Valid!");
} else {
console.log("Email Invalid!")
} else {
var reason = new Error("API unsuccessful");
var saveValidity = function (validity){
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject){
if (validity == "valid"){
var state = true;
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/"+keys[i]+"/emails/"+x+"/verified/").set(state, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Email ("+thisEmail+") verfication could not be saved" + error);
console.log("Email verification saved: " +thisEmail);
} else {
state = false;
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/"+keys[i]+"/emails/"+x+"/verified/").set(state, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Email ("+thisEmail+") verfication could not be saved" + error);
console.log("Email verification saved: " +thisEmail);
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/").once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var snap = snapshot.val();
keys = Object.keys(snap);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
var emails = snap[keys[i]]["emails"];
if (emails){
for (var x = 0; x<emails.length; x++){
var thisEmail = emails[x]["email"];
var emailVerified = emails[x]["verified"];
if (emailVerified != true || emailVerified != false){
.then(function (fulfilled) {
.catch(function (error){
Above is the code I put together. I'm not all too convinced that it will work. I'm new to promises, so I'm trying to understand how to do this right.
The verifyEmail function should take in the email address from the firebase query in the third chunk of the code. The saveValidity function should take on the validity response from verifyEmail.
But, what I'm also worried about the nested for loop I have in the firebase query block. I'm looping through each user to validate their emails, but each user sometimes also has multiple emails. I'm worried that it will loop on to the next user before finishing checking all the emails of the previous user.
I'm also not sure if I can pass data into the promise functions the way I did.
Could definitely use some help here. Really trying hard to understand how this works.
First, you need to fix saveValidity() to always resolve or reject the promise and to pass in the other variables key and thisEmail that it references:
const saveValidity = function (validity, key, thisEmail){
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject){
if (validity == "valid"){
let state = true;
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/"+key+"/emails/"+x+"/verified/").set(state, function(error) {
if (error) {
let msg = "Email ("+thisEmail+") verfication could not be saved" + error;
reject(new Error("Email ("+thisEmail+") verfication could not be saved" + error));
} else {
resolve("Email verification saved: " +thisEmail);
} else {
state = false;
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/"+keys[i]+"/emails/"+x+"/verified/").set(state, function(error) {
if (error) {
let msg = "Email ("+thisEmail+") verfication could not be saved" + error;
reject(new Error(msg));
} else {
resolve("Email verification saved: " +thisEmail);
Then, several changes are made to your main loop:
I assume we can run all the verifyEmail() calls in parallel since they don't appear to have anything to do with one another.
Change verifyEmail.then(...) to verifyEmail(thisEmail).then(...)` to actually call the function
Collect all the verifyEmail() promises in an array
Call Promise.all() on the array of promises to monitor when they are all done
Return value from .then() so we get the returned values in Promise.all()
rethrow in .catch() so promise stays rejected and will filter back to Promise.all(). You could eat errors here if you want to ignore them and continue with others.
Switch from var to let
Change from != to !== since it looks like your explicitly looking for a true or false value and don't want type casting.
Pass in the variables that saveValidity() needs.
Change logic when comparing emailVerified because what you had before was always true and thus probably not the right logic. I think what you want is to know when emailVerified is not yet set to true or to false which means you have to use &&, not ||.
Compare outer for loop with keys.length, not hard-coded value of 100.
And, here's the resulting code for the main nested for loop:
admin.database().ref("/users_unverified/").once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
let snap = snapshot.val();
let keys = Object.keys(snap);
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
let key = keys[i];
let emails = snap[key]["emails"];
if (emails){
for (let x = 0; x < emails.length; x++) {
let currentKey = key;
let thisEmail = emails[x]["email"];
let emailVerified = emails[x]["verified"];
if (emailVerified !== true && emailVerified !== false){
promises.push(verifyEmail(thisEmail).then(validity => {
return saveValidity(validity, currentKey, thisEmail);
}).then(function (fulfilled) {
return fulfilled; // after logging return value so it stays the resolved value
}).catch(function (error) {
throw error; // rethrow so promise stays rejected
return Promise.all(promises);
}).then(results => {
// all results done here
}).catch(err => {
// error here
If ES2017 is available in your case, you can just use the keywords await and async to do that directly. Following is an example:
function resolveAfter2Seconds(x) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async function f1() {
var x = await resolveAfter2Seconds(10);
console.log(x); // 10
And you can read more about async/await here.
If you want to do that without async/await to achieve better browser compatibility, you can use Babel to do the pre-compile.
If you really want a lightwight implementation, you can use a function named chainPromiseThunks, or chain for short. This chain function accepts an Array of Thunks of Promises, And returns a new Thunk of Promise, Following is an one-line-implementation of chain:
const chain = thunks => thunks.reduce((r, a) => () => r().then(a));
And here is a usage demo:
const echo = x =>
new Promise(function(resolve) {
return setTimeout((function() {
return resolve(x);
}), 1000);
const pThunks = [1,2,3,4,5].map(i => () => echo(i));

NodeJS: promise returned by Promise.all is not resolved although the individual promises are

I have the following discovery code using the mdns-js package.
in ./lib/deviceDiscovery.js:
var mdns = require('mdns-js');
const browsers = new Map();
const INFINITE = -1;
function createABrowser(theServiceType, timeout) {
if (browsers.has(theServiceType)) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var browser = mdns.createBrowser(theServiceType);
browser.on('ready', function() {
browsers.set(theServiceType, browser);
if (timeout != INFINITE) {
setTimeout(function onTimeout() {
try {
} finally {
reject('browser ' + browser.toString() + ' timed out.');
}, timeout);
module.exports.startService = function(services, timeout) {
timeout = timeout || INFINITE;
promises = [];
services.forEach(function(service) {
promises.push(createABrowser(service, timeout));
return Promise.all(promises);
module.exports.stopService = function() {
browsers.values().forEach(function(browser) {
module.exports.getDevices = function() {
if (browsers.size == 0) {
reject('service was stopped');
} else {
const promises = [];
for (let browser of browsers.values()) {
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {;
browser.on('update', function(data) {
mfps = new Set();
const theAddresses = data.addresses;
theAddresses.forEach(function(element) {
} catch(err) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(values) {
return new Set(values);
}, function(reason) {
return reason;
and use it in another file like this:
const DeviceDiscoveryService = require('./lib/deviceDiscovery');
var co = require('co');
co(function *service() {
yield DeviceDiscoveryService.startService([internetPrinter, pdlPrinter, unixPrinter], TIMEOUT);
yield DeviceDiscoveryService.getDevices();
function onerror(err) {
// log any uncaught errors
The problem is that the second yield hangs; it seems that the promise returned by getDevices function isn't resolved indefinitely, although I see that the individual promises are resolved.
startService uses a similar Promise.all(...) but it works ok.
Another related question is about the mdns-js: it seems that for each (input) service, the browser receives multiple updates.
But I resolve the promise for each browser after the first update event... do I need to wait for multiple updates and how?
Any hints will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
I believe that you share update be returning a promises from createABrowser at ALL times (instead of returning undefined if the service already exists). Without returning a promise, I think Promise.all() won't resolve.
Instead, create a promise at the top and resolve if it the service exists already, and return THAT promise.
For the getDevices() call, you're running a reject without returning a promise there as well. Would this work?
module.exports.getDevices = function() {
if (browsers.size == 0) {
// Create a new promise, return it, and immediately reject
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject('service was stopped') };
// reject('service was stopped'); <- There wasn't a promise here
} else {
const promises = [];
for (let browser of browsers.values()) {
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {;
browser.on('update', function(data) {
mfps = new Set();
const theAddresses = data.addresses;
theAddresses.forEach(function(element) {
} catch(err) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function(values) {
return new Set(values);
}, function(reason) {
return reason;

Collecting paginated data of unknown size using promises

I'm querying a REST-API to get all groups. Those groups come in batches of 50. I would like to collect all of them before continuing to process them.
Up until now I relied on callbacks but I'd like to use promises to chain the retrieval of all groups and then process the result-array further.
I just don't quite get how to replace the recursive functional call using promises.
How would I use A+ promises to escape the callback hell I create with this code?
function addToGroups() {
var results = []
function collectGroups(offset){
//async API call
sc.get('/tracks/'+ CURRENT_TRACK_ID +'/groups?limit=50&offset=' + offset , OAUTH_TOKEN, function(error, data){
if (data.length > 0){
// keep requesting new groups
collectGroups(offset + 50)
// finished
else {
//finish promise
Using standard promises, wrap all of your existing code as shown here:
function addToGroups() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
... // your code, mostly as above
Within your code, call resolve(data) when you're finished, or reject() if for some reason the chain of calls fails.
To make the whole thing more "promise like", first make a function collectGroups return a promise:
function promiseGet(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
sc.get(url, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
} else {
// NB: promisify-node can do the above for you
function collectGroups(offset, stride) {
return promiseGet('/tracks/'+ CURRENT_TRACK_ID +'/groups?limit=' + stride + '&offset=' + offset , OAUTH_TOKEN);
and then use this Promise in your code:
function addToGroups() {
var results = [], stride = 50;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
(function loop(offset) {
collectGroups(offset, stride).then(function(data) {
if (data.length) {
loop(offset + stride);
} else {
This could work. I am using promises.
var Q = require('q');
function addToGroups() {
var results = []
//offsets hardcoded for example
var a = [0, 51, 101];
var promises = [], results;
promises.forEach(function(promise, index){
if(promise.state === 'fulfilled') {
/* you can use results.concatenate if you know promise.value (data returned by the api)
is an array */
//you also could check offset.length > 0 (as per your code)
... do your thing with results ...
else {
console.log('offset',index, 'failed', promise.reason);
function collectGroups(offset){
var def = Q.defer();
//async API call
sc.get('/tracks/'+ CURRENT_TRACK_ID +'/groups?limit=50&offset=' + offset , OAUTH_TOKEN, function(error, data){
if(!err) {
else {
return def.promise;
Let me know if it works.
Here's complete example, using spex.sequence:
var spex = require("spex")(Promise);
function source(index) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
sc.get('/tracks/' + CURRENT_TRACK_ID + '/groups?limit=50&offset=' + index * 50, OAUTH_TOKEN, function (error, data) {
resolve(data.length ? data : undefined);
spex.sequence(source, {track: true})
.then(function (data) {
// data = all the pages returned by the sequence;
I don't think it can get simpler than this ;)

Javascript timeout loop to save multiple rows to

I have written a beforeSave script in cloud code. I would like to save all my results to parse so they are all run through this script and their data is modified before saving.
I have tacked this in the following way.
Exported JSON from dashboard.
use this as a local JSON in my app and run the following loop:
.then(function(res) {
var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
counter ++
function setDelay(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
function saveToParse(exercise) {
ParseFactory.provider('Exercises/').edit(exercise.objectId, exercise).success(function(data) {
}).error(function(response) {
$rootScope.$emit('errorEvent', {
"message": "Please check your connection",
"errorObject": response
I have been trying to have a timeout function so I do not exceed the number of API calls allowed on
My problem is that all my API calls are done and then it run the timeouts really quickly at the end after a 1 second pause.
How can I ensure each loop iteration takes a timeout before looping again.
The answers work perfectly for the first 50 seconds and then work slowly... see this screen grab of the network activity.
You could make all your functions return promises. And to make the loop async you convert it into a recursive "loop".
.then(function(res) {
function loop(i) {
if(i < {
return saveToParse([i]).then(function() {
return delay(100);
}).then(function() {
return loop(i + 1);
else return Promise.resolve(res);
return loop(0);
}).then(function(res) {
console.log("finished saving");
function delay(time) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, time);
function saveToParse(exercise) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ParseFactory.provider('Exercises/').edit(exercise.objectId, exercise)
.success(resolve).error(function(response) {
var error = {
"message": "Please check your connection",
"errorObject": response
$rootScope.$emit('errorEvent', error);
However it might be better to do it this way. It has the advantage of returning a promise so you can keep chaining your promises.
.then(function(res) {
var p = Promise.resolve(); {
p = p.then(function() {
return saveToParse(elem).then(function() {
return delay(100);
return p;
Yet another solution to generalize async loops.
function asyncWhile(cond, body) {
if(cond()) {
return body().then(function() {
return asyncWhile(cond, body);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
function asyncFor(start, end, body) {
var i = start;
return asyncWhile(function() {return i < end}, function() {
return body(i++);
.then(function(res) {
return asyncFor(0,, function(i) {
return saveToParse([i]).then(function() {
return delay(100);
}).then(function() {
return res;
}).then(function(res) {
console.log("finished saving");

