Scheduling access token refresh across tabs - javascript

To authenticate users in my Angular app i use access tokens with expiry time X seconds and refresh tokens that can be used to prolong the auth for another X seconds.
So the flow is this:
A user signs in. Both the access and refresh tokens are stored in local storage
A timer is set (5% shorter than X seconds).
When the timer is done, a refresh token request is sent to the server and the local storage is updated with the resulting (new) access and refresh tokens.
My problem is this:
If I have multiple tabs open, I will inevitably end up in situations where the refresh is triggered from multiple tabs at the same time. The server will accept the first request, but throw a 400 Bad Request - Invalid refresh token for the subsequent requests, since it considers them used.
Does anyone have a good idea how this could be solved? How does one synchronize things across tabs/windows? I have a couple of ideas but they all seem a bit far fetched:
If the response is 400 Bad Request, then retry in a little while (or check if there is a valid updated token already).
Try to synchronize the server requests across tabs by posting messages between them.

dont set timer , add interceptor and catch error and if you got 401 error , do your refresh token flow and then repeat failed request with new token
intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler):
Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
return next.handle(request).pipe(
catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
if (error.status == 401) {
return this.refreshToken(request, next);
return throwError(error);
private refreshingInProgress: boolean = false;
private accessTokenSubject: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
private refreshToken(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
if (!this.refreshingInProgress) {
this.refreshingInProgress = true;;
return this.authenticationService.refreshToken().pipe(
switchMap((res: any) => {
this.refreshingInProgress = false;;
// repeat failed request with new token
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, res));
} else {
// wait while getting new token
return this.accessTokenSubject.pipe(
filter((token) => token !== null),
switchMap((token) => {
// repeat failed request with new token
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, token));
private addToken(request: HttpRequest<any>, token: Credentials) {
return request.clone({
setHeaders: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token.access_token}`,


JWT Refresh Token in Angular 7 - API's calling multiple times in HTTP interceptor

I am implementing JWT refresh token in my angular project. I am following the below guide for that.
Here is my code:
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
const user: any =;
const addToken = !req.urlWithParams.includes('token');
const token = user ? user.token : null;
if (token && !req.url.includes('token=') && addToken) {
req = this.addToken(req, user.token);
return next.handle(req).pipe(switchMap((event) => {
if (event instanceof HttpResponse && event.body.code === 401 && token) {
return this.handle401Error(req, next);
return next.handle(req);
private addToken(request: HttpRequest<any>, token: string) {
return request.clone({
setHeaders: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
setParams: {
private handle401Error(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
if (!this.isRefreshing) {
this.isRefreshing = true;;
return this.getRefreshedJWT().pipe(
switchMap((res: any) => {
this.isRefreshing = false;;
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, res.token));
} else {
return this.refreshTokenSubject.pipe(
filter(token => token != null),
switchMap(jwt => {
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, jwt));
getRefreshedJWT() {
const jwt_refresh_url = 'api/v3/token/refresh?token=' +;
return this.http.getFromAccountsApi(jwt_refresh_url)
.pipe(tap((token) => {
private storeJwtToken(jwt: string) {
const user =;
user.token = jwt; = user;
Btw. the reason I am not doing this inside catchError is because our backend is structured like it will always send HTTP status code 200 and inside that response they will send custom http code based on error such as 401, 500 or success such as 200 and etc. So it won't go inside catchError since it looks for HTTP status codes other than 200.
Now my issue is after implementing the inceptor now my API's getting called multiple times. See screenshot below:
Been stuck since yesterday and haven't found any proper solution yet. Would be great if anyone could point what I am doing here and how do I solve it?
If you have any further query, do let me know. Thank you..
A tip for:
Btw. the reason I am not doing this inside catchError is because our backend is structured like it will always send HTTP status code 200 and inside that response they will send custom http code based on error such as 401, 500 or success such as 200 and etc. So it won't go inside catchError since it looks for HTTP status codes other than 200.
You can do a map in the response from the server and check if theres an error, and then throw an error from there, then catchError should work on sequent pipes.
The error is because you are returning the handle in the switchMap making the request being called again.
return next.handle(req);
Change that line to:
return of(event)
And it should work

How to avoid multiple token refresh requests when making simultaneous API requests with an expired token

API request using JWT is implemented in flask and Vue.js.
The JWT is stored in a cookie, and the server validates the JWT for each request.
If the token has expired, a 401 error will be returned.
f you receive a 401 error, refresh the token as in the code below,
The original API request is made again.
The following code is common to all requests.
http.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
return response;
}, error => {
if (error.config && error.response && error.response.status === 401 && !error.config._retry) {
error.config._retry = true;
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": Vue.$cookies.get("csrf_refresh_token")
.then(res => {
if (res.status == 200) {
const config = error.config;
config.headers["X-CSRF-TOKEN"] = Vue.$cookies.get("csrf_access_token");
return Axios.request(error.config);
.catch(error => {
return Promise.reject(error);
When making multiple API requests at the same time with the token expired
Uselessly refreshing the token.
For example, requests A, B, and C are executed almost simultaneously.
Since 401 is returned with each request,
Each interceptor will refresh the token.
There is no real harm, but I don't think it's a good way.
There is a good way to solve this.
My idea is to first make an API request to validate the token expiration,
This method is to make requests A, B, and C after verification and refresh are completed.
Because cookies are HttpOnly, the expiration date cannot be verified on the client side (JavaScript).
Sorry in poor english...
What you'll need to do is maintain some state outside the interceptor. Something that says
Hold up, I'm in the middle of getting a new token.
This is best done by keeping a reference to a Promise. That way, the first 401 interceptor can create the promise, then all other requests can wait for it.
let refreshTokenPromise // this holds any in-progress token refresh requests
// I just moved this logic into its own function
const getRefreshToken = () =>'/token/refresh', {}, {
withCredentials: true,
headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': Vue.$cookies.get('csrf_refresh_token') }
}).then(() => Vue.$cookies.get('csrf_access_token'))
http.interceptors.response.use(r => r, error => {
if (error.config && error.response && error.response.status === 401) {
if (!refreshTokenPromise) { // check for an existing in-progress request
// if nothing is in-progress, start a new refresh token request
refreshTokenPromise = getRefreshToken().then(token => {
refreshTokenPromise = null // clear state
return token // resolve with the new token
return refreshTokenPromise.then(token => {
error.config.headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = token
return http.request(error.config)
return Promise.reject(error)

Interceptor throws an error after sign in to angular7 app?

I have an angular7 application in which there are multiple modules and there services too. I have node.js back-end and jwt authentication mechanism. When token expires on client side , so back-end sends 405 error response to client.
Now on client side i implemented interceptor to get that 405 error and redirect to login. Here is my interceptor code
intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
console.log(this.localCache.getToken(), 'token')
return next.handle(request).pipe(
tap(event => {
if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
}, error => {
if (error.status == 405) {
this.localCache.setTokeExpireErrorMsg('Session Expired');
return Observable.throw(error);
But after logging in, on my dashboard there are 3 apis are calling on load. But when user comes to dashboard after login so on dashboard all apis are not getting token even in my local storage token is present and also intercept is throwing an error like this
Since every API call passes through the interceptor, you can check if the token is still valid, proceed with the API call
If the token expired, redirect to login and prevent any further API call.
Try like this:
intercept(req, next) {
var token = this.sessionService.getToken();
if (token == null && this.sessionService.isTokenExpired()) {
toastr.warning("Session Timed Out! Please Login");
return throwError("Session Timed Out")
} else {
return next.handle(req).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 405) {
console.log('in if')
this.localCache.setTokeExpireErrorMsg('Session has expired, please login agian')
return Observable.throw(err);
getToken(): string {
return localStorage.getItem('userToken');
getTokenExpirationDate(token: string): Date {
token = this.getToken()
const decoded = jwt_decode(token);
if (decoded.exp === undefined) return null;
const date = new Date(0);
return date;
isTokenExpired(token?: string): boolean {
if (!token) token = this.getToken();
if (token) return true;
const date = this.getTokenExpirationDate(token);
if (date === undefined) return false;
return !(date.valueOf() > new Date().valueOf());
logOut(loginType?: string) {

Axios interceptors inifinite loop when trying to refresh token

I have an vue.js SPA application. My goal is to refresh the token if it was expired via axios interceptors. When user sends the request to api, I need to check token expire time at first, and if it was expired - refresh it and then complete user's request.
I got an refresh function:
const refreshToken = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return'/api/auth/token/refresh/').then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
And axios request interceptor:
axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
let originalRequest = config
if (jwt.isTokenExpired()) {
return api.refreshToken()
.then(res => {
if ( == 'TOKEN_BLACKLISTED' && res.headers.authorization) {
//get the token from headers without "Bearer " word
let token = res.headers.authorization.slice(7)
//save the token in localStorage
//refresh "Authorization" header with new token
return Promise.resolve(originalRequest)
} else {
router.push({name: 'login'})
return Promise.reject()
return config
}, (err) => {
return Promise.reject(err)
But now it goes to infinite loop. How to fix it?
In this case, you'd better make two instances of axios:
the first for authorization-related endpoints (those that do not require an access token), for example, axiosAuth.
In your example -'/api/auth/token/refresh/')
the second for the authorized part of your project, for example axiosApi.
In your example - axiosApi.interceptors.request.use
You must install the interceptor for the second instance, in this case the call to refresh_token will not trigger the interceptor in which it is installed, as you would expect
You are making a request in the interceptor. Which means that the token is stil expired when the interceptor is called on the request to the refresh url. So what you could do is to check in your interceptor if the URL is set to your refresh token URL and then just resolve the original request.

Refreshing token for parallel HTTP requests using HttpInterceptor

I'm working on an Ionic app and trying to cash in the refresh token when a user gets a 401 response on an HTTP request. I found a few examples floating around online and was able to get this one ( working with the exception of multiple requests coming in at once.
The problem I'm having is the first call in the series of calls invokes the refresh token and retries successfully, while the other ones never get retried. If I take the .filter and .take off the subject return for requests where a refresh is already in progress, the calls do get retried but without the new token. I'm pretty new when it comes to observables and subjects so I'm not really sure what the problem could be.
this.myService.getData().subscribe(response => { =;});
this.myService.getMoreData().subscribe(response => {this.moreData =;});
this.myService.getEvenMoreData().subscribe(response => {this.evenMoreData =;});
export class HttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
isRefreshingToken: boolean = false;
tokenSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>(null);
tokenService: tokenService;
constructor(private authService: AuthService, private injector: Injector) { }
intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<any> {
return this.authService.getUser().flatMap(user => {
request = this.addToken(request, next, user.accessToken);
return next
.catch(error => {
if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
switch ((<HttpErrorResponse>error).status) {
case 401:
return this.handle401(request, next, user);
} else {
return Observable.throw(error);
addToken(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler, accessToken: string): HttpRequest<any> {
return request.clone({ setHeaders: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + accessToken }})
handle401(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler, user: any) {
if (!this.isRefreshingToken) {
this.isRefreshingToken = true;;
this.tokenService = this.injector.get(tokenService);
return this.tokenService.refresh(user.refreshToken)
.switchMap(refreshResponse => {
if (refreshResponse) {
this.authService.setUser(refreshResponse.id_token, refreshResponse.access_token, refreshResponse.refresh_token);;
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, next, refreshResponse.access_token));
else {
//no token came back. probably should just log user out.
.finally(() => {
this.isRefreshingToken = false;
else {
return this.tokenSubject
.filter(token => token != null)
.switchMap(token => {
return next.handle(this.addToken(request, next, token));
It looks to me like you didn't have the right token:
You had:;
Should be:;
I actually ended up solving this by moving the subject to my auth service and doing a next in the setUser method. Then in the else statement in my 401 method, I returned the subject from a new method on my auth service and that fixed it. I still needed the take(1) but was able to get rid of the filter since I ended up not using a BehaviorSubject.
I faced a similar issue in the past. For some unknown reason (at least to me), when I intercept the 401, I make the refresh and retry, but retry operation goes cancelled.
Nevertheless, I realised that I can read the JWT expiration on client-side, so I tricked the system by saving the token expiration time. I then made routing events (say onViewWillEnter) check the expiration and, if token expired, refresh it.
This mechanism is totally transparent to the user, ensures that auth token nor refresh token expire if the user stays too long without performing HTTP requests and, most importantly, reduces latencies as you never get a 401 response (which, in your scenario, translates to three requests).
One simple way to achieve this is by means of a guard:
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
if (this.refreshTokenService.isExpired) {;
return false;
} else {
where refreshTokenService is a utility service that has the tokens and a method for performing refresh via HTTP. tokenEvent is a rxjs/Subject: it is subscribed in guard constructor and each time a new event comes, it redirects to login page.
Adding this guard on every route ensures that the token is always non-expired.

