How to change radius of drawn ellipse in p5.js? - javascript

I've been learning how to use the p5.js library and got stuck when making a simple sketch. The goal of the code is to have a slider that changes the radius of the drawn ellipse. The slider works when increasing the value, but when decreasing it, the biggest ellipse that was drawn covers up the smaller ones. This makes sense, as an ellipse is constantly being drawn. But is there a way to have just 1 ellipse and change its radius with the slider?
Here's the awful code I managed to put together that works.
var spr;
var slider;
function setup() {
spr = new Sphere();
slider = createSlider(0, width, 1);
slider.position(6, 6);'width','500px');
function draw() {
var val = slider.value();;
function Sphere() {
this.x = width/2;
this.y = height/2; = function(val){
ellipse(this.x, this.y, val, val);
Here is a picture of how it looks like in the browser.
Before asking, I'd searched for an answer but couldn't find one. It's probably really simple and I've just missed something very important.

You're never clearing out old frames, so everything you draw stays on the screen. That's why your largest drawing is always covering up your smaller drawings.
To clear out old screens, just add a call to the background() function as the first line in the draw() function.
More info can be found in the reference.


How do I change a variable while using a function?

I'm coding on the p5.js Website Editor
So I'm trying to make a lot of rectangles that move when I press a specific key.
To make that I thought of making a function where I would put everything related to the rectangles moving, so that I don't have to rewrite a code to make them move every time. I want all of them to move the same way.
This is what I tried
function wall(x, y, sx, sy){
rect(x, y, sx, sy);
return x+1;
wall(300, 300, 20, 30);
and just got a rectangle in the right coordinates but not moving when I press the "a" key
When you want to move things in p5.js, you need to use the draw() function. The draw() function runs the code inside of it repeatedly multiple times a second. You can use that to create an illusion of movement by updating the location of your object by a small amount every frame and then re-rendering the object.
I don't see you using the draw() function, so I'm guessing this is the first part of your problem.
The second part I see is that you are referring to "a lot of rectangles", but you are only making one.
Consider the code below for a quick solution (copy-paste it into the p5.js editor to see it in action).
let wallX = 200;
let wallY = 100;
let wallSpeed = 2;
let wallWidth = 20;
let wallHeight = 30;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
wallX = wallX - wallSpeed;
} else if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
wallX = wallX + wallSpeed;
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
wallY = wallY - wallSpeed;
} else if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
wallY = wallY + wallSpeed;
wall(wallX, wallY, wallWidth, wallHeight);
function wall(x, y, sx, sy) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
rect(x, y + sy * i, sx, sy);
In this code snippet, I am defining some global variables (generally not a good practice, but for the purposes of a p5.js sketch this is fine). The important ones are the wallX and the wallY variables. These variables are defined outside of the draw() function, so they will not be reset every time the loop runs.
Inside the loop, there are key handlers defined (I used the arrow keys for clarity). If the arrow keys are pressed, the position of the wall will change by the wallSpeed value per frame.
Also, note the background(220) call - this redraws the grey background at the beginning of the loop. If you remove that, the results of the previous renders will be visible, chances are that you don't want that.
Finally, the wall() function. You can see that the key press handling is not done inside of it - it needs the state information to come from the outside. All this function does is use a loop to draw five rectangles in a stack, at the position it is given. When the position changes, it redraws the wall in a different place on the canvas. The rectangles all refer to the root x and y values, so they will all move together as a unit.
Another way would be to create the class to represent a Wall and make instances of that class and call methods on those instances, but that could be something to revisit once you gain more experience with p5.js.
Hope this helps!

Canvas Context.drawImage() is leaving behind duplicates of Sprite on UpdatePosition()

I've been experimenting with a basic game loop with HTML's Canvas element. Numerous tutorials online don't go into enough detail with the concepts of rendering and canvas.ctx (context).
What I'm trying to do is something very simple: Render an image on a canvas element and, on keydown, update its position and render it at the new location, making it move across the screen. Basically, what every video game does with its sprites.
I've been told through these tutorials that ctx.drawImage(image, x, y, ...) will work for this. However, what ends up happening in my version is essentially what happens when you win a game of solitaire on windows. It repeats the sprite's image as if it's creating a brand new sprite each time the game loops. The sprite itself doesn't move, a new sprite seems to be generated to the left/right/etc of the original one. I understand that I'm calling ctx.drawImage(...) every time I'm iterating through the game loop. However, this didn't happen when I used ctx.clearRect(...). It worked precisely how I expected it to. I'm not exactly sure why creating a rectangle with ctx works while creating an image doesn't.
My question is: Is there a way to simply update the position of the sprite without creating a brand new version of it every single loop?
Here's my relevant code:
let lastRender = 0; // For the general loop
let image = new Image();
image.src = "/img/image.png";
let state = {
pressedKeys: {
// left, right, up, down: false
position: {
x: canvas.width / 2,
y: canvas.width / 2
speed: 20
let pepsi = new Sprite({
img: image,
width: 100,
height: 100
function Sprite (options) {
this.img = options.img;
this.width = options.width;
this.height = options.height;
this.render = function(){
function updatePosition(progress) {
//pressedKeys is just an object that relates WASD to the key codes
// and their respective directions, it's ignorable
if (state.pressedKeys.left) {
state.position.x -= state.speed;
if (state.pressedKeys.right) {
state.position.x += state.speed;
if (state.pressedKeys.up) {
state.position.y -= state.speed;
if (state.pressedKeys.down) {
state.position.y += state.speed;
function draw() {
function loop(timestamp) {
let progress = timestamp - lastRender;
update(progress) // <-- Updates position, doesn't touch draw()
draw(); // <-- Runs pepsi.render(); each loop
lastRender = timestamp;
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); // for the general loop
If you have any qualms with the way this project is set up (for example, using the state.position for each Sprite), then I'd be glad to hear them in addition to the solution to my problem. Not in isolation. I got most of this code from contextless, non-specific online tutorials, but I understand most of it, save for the rendering.
Also, if you've seen this kind of question before and are on the fence about saying "Possible duplicate of {Borderline Tangentially-Related Post from Four Years Ago}", then here's some advice: Just answer the question again. It literally does nothing negative to you.
The solitaire smearing effect that you are getting, comes from the fact each frame is being drawn over the top of the last one. The canvas doesn't get cleared automatically between frames.
You mentioned that you have used clearRect, the use of clearRect is to clear all the pixels in the specified rectangle.
So if you put ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) in the draw function before pepsi.render(), that should clear the canvas before drawing the next frame.

ctx.clearRect canvas sprite

I am wondering how I could alter my Javascript to only clear the falling sprites, and not the entire canvas (as it does currently).
I hope to place multiple other (animated) sprites on the canvas, which do not appear with the way my function animate is structured.
Is there a way so that if there was another image/sprite was on the canvas, it would not be affected by the function animate.
I'm thinking that this line needs to change:
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Though I have no idea what parameters I would need to place inside.
The falling sprites draw at a size of 60x60, but as they fall downwards this is where I am a bit stuck with clearing the only the sprite path.
Any help would be appreciated :)
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1408;
canvas.height = 640;
canvasWidth = canvas.width;
canvasHeight = canvas.height;
var orangeEnemy = new Image();
orangeEnemy.src = "";
var yellowEnemy = new Image();
yellowEnemy.src = "";
var srcX;
var srcY;
var enemySpeed = 2.75;
var images = [orangeEnemy, yellowEnemy];
var spawnLineY=-50;
var spawnRate=2500;
var spawnRateOfDescent=1.50;
var lastSpawn=-1;
var objects=[];
function spawnRandomObject() {
var object = {
x: Math.random() * (canvas.width - 15),
y: spawnLineY,
image: images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)]
function animate(){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// move each object down the canvas
for(var i=0;i<objects.length;i++){
var object=objects[i];
object.y += enemySpeed;
ctx.drawImage(object.image, object.x, object.y, 60, 60);
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:3px solid"></canvas>
The easiest and quickest way would be to overlay another canvas, specifically for your sprites, atop your current canvas (requires a bit of CSS). Put all your sprites in one, everything else in the other. The clearRect() in your animate() function will then only apply to your sprite canvas, and not the other.
Otherwise, you will have to keep track of the positions of the sprites, and clear each programatically with 60x60 rectangles using clearRect(offsetX, offsetY, 60, 60).
P.S. excuse the non-formatted answer... still figuring SO out
Clear once for performance.
You are much better off clearing the whole canvas and redrawing the sprites. Using the previous position, checking for overlap and then clearing each sprite in turn, making sure you don't clear an existing sprite will take many more CPU cycles than clearing the screen once.
The clear screen function is very fast and is done in hardware, the following is the results of a performance test on Firefox (currently the quickest renderer) of clearing 65K pixels using just one call for whole area then 4 calls each a quarter, then 16 calls each clearing a 16th. (µs is 1/1,000,000th second)
Each test clears 256*256 pixels Each sample is 100 tests
'Clear 1/1' Mean time: 213µs ±4µs 1396 samples
'Clear 4/4' Mean time: 1235µs ±14µs 1390 samples
'Clear 16/16' Mean time: 4507µs ±42µs 1405 samples
As you can see clearing 65K pixels is best done in one call with the actual javascript call adding about 100µs to do.
On Firefox the number of pixels to clear does not affect the execution time of the call to clearRect with a call clearRect(0,0,256,256) and clearRect(0,0,16,16) both taking ~2µs
Apart from the speed, trying to clear overlapping animated sprites per sprite becomes extremely complicated and can result in 100s of clear calls with only a dozen sprites. This is due to the overlapping.

canvas pendulum animation - canvas translating

I'm trying to make simple pendulum in HTML5 Canvas but I'm stuck. I want to swing it for 25 degrees to the left and to the right, so I calculated I should translate every frame about -3.5 px in y axis (and 3.5 px when swings to the right). I'm using below code
var rotation = Math.PI/180, //rotate about 1deg
translation = -3.5,
counter = 0; //count rotations
function draw() {
var element = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(0, translation);
//function draws all objects
if (counter == 25) {
rotation *= -1;
translation *= -1;
counter = -25;
counter += 1;
Everything looks good but when pendulum is changing direction then everything is translating in also x axis and after few seconds disappears from screen.. What is wrong in this code? Or maybe I was miss something in my calculations? My code here
Thanks in advance for your answers.
The problem is that when there is rotation involved, then translation, the x and y's will be translated in a different direction than what may seem logic.
To get around this we don't actually have to involve translation more than using it for placing pivot (point of rotation) and then use absolute rotation based on a different way of calculating the pendulum movement.
For example, this will take care of both the translation problem as well as smoothing the pendulum movement:
Change the draw method to draw the pendulum with origin (0,0) - it's just a matter of changing the initial coordinates so they evolve around (0,0)
Translate to pivot point of screen - this is where the rotation will take place.
Rotate using sin() as a factor - this will create a smooth animation and look more like a pendulum and it will restrict the movement to angle as range is [-1,1]
Use counter to move sin() instead - this acts as a frequency-ish factor (you can later convert this into an actual frequency to say, have the pendulum move n number of times per minute etc.). To keep it simple I have just used the existing counter variable and reduced its step value.
The main code then:
var maxRot = 25 / 180 * Math.PI, // max 25° in both directions
counter = 0,
// these are better off outside loop
element = document.getElementById('canvas');
ctx = element.getContext('2d');
function draw() {
// reset transform using absolute transformation. Include x translation:
// clear screen, compensate for initial translate
// rotate using sin() with max angle
ctx.rotate(Math.sin(counter) * maxRot);
// draw at new orientation which now is pivot point
objects(element, ctx);
// move sin() using "frequency"-ish value
counter += 0.05;
Thanks to #Blindman67 for providing additional improvements:
To control frequency in terms of oscillations you could do some minor changes - first define frequency:
var FREQUENCY = 3;
Define a function that will do the conversion:
function sint(time) {
return Math.sin(FREQUENCY * time * Math.PI * 0.002); // 0.002 allow time in ms
If you now change the draw() method to take a time parameter instead of the counter:
function draw(time) {
Then you can call rotation like this:
ctx.rotate(sint(time) * maxRot);
you need to translate the origin to the point you want to rotate around:
ctx.translate(element.width / 2, 0);
Then, the rotation as you suggest:
And finally, translate back:
ctx.translate(- element.width / 2, 0);
See this commented fork of your fiddle.

HTML5 Canvas - Redrawing new circles after erasing them with clip

I have a unique problem.
I am creating a game of snake with HTML5 and Canvas
I have a function that generates apples on the board randomly and removes them after a set period of time. In order to remove circles, you have to use the clip() function followed by clearRect().
However, after you use the clip function, you can no longer draw new circles.
The solution I found was using and ctx.restore(). However, if you play the game, you will learn that the snake acts crazy when circles disappear and new circles appear.
I suspect this has to do with my use of the save and restore functions.
Here's the specific code in question
var width = canvas.width;
var height = canvas.height;
var applesArray = []; // Store the coordinates generated randomly
// Generates a random coordinate within the confines of the canvas and pushes it to the apples array
function randCoord() {
var coord = Math.floor(Math.random() * height);
return coord;
function generateApples() {
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.arc(randCoord(),randCoord(),3,0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fill();; // To redraw circles after clip, we must use save
ctx.clip(); // Allows only the circle region to be erased
setTimeout(function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.restore(); // We must restore the previous state.
setInterval(function() {
You can play the game here
Can anyone explain this weird behavior? I did not see it coming?
The code has multiple issues.
The code that draws the snake (e.g. upArrow function) simply extends the current path. This is a problem because the code that draws the apple starts a new path. Note that save/restore in apple drawing code does not help because path is not part of the state that is saved/restored. The code that draws the snake will need to start a new path. For example...
function upArrow() {
if (direction == "up") {
goUp = setInterval(function() {
ctx.moveTo(headX, headY);
ctx.lineTo(headX, headY - 10);
headY -= 10;
}, 400);
The save/clip/restore calls are in the code that draws the apple. These methods need to be moved into the timeout callback function that erases the apple. Also, the code that erases the apple will need to recreate the path (because the snake drawing could have changed the path between when the apple is drawn and when the apple is erased). For example...
function generateApples() {
var cx = randCoord();
var cy = randCoord();
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.arc(cx, cy,3,0, 2 * Math.PI);
setTimeout(function() {
ctx.arc(cx,cy,3,0, 2 * Math.PI);;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
These changes will get you close to what you intended. However, there will still be a couple minor issues.
When drawing the apple, there will be some anti-aliasing occuring around the edge of the apple's path. The clear operation can miss clearing some of these pixels. After the clear operation, you might see a semi-transparent outline of where the apple was. You could work around this issue by using a slightly larger circle radius when clearing the apple.
Another issue is that apples could be drawn on top of the snake. Erasing the apple will also erase the snake. There is not an easy fix for this issue. You would need to store all the coordinates for the snake and then redraw all or part of the snake.
In the long term, you may want to consider the suggestions in the comments about restructuring your logic to track all objects and redraw everything each frame (or redraw everything after each change).

