Customizing bower packages - javascript

I am using several open source js libraries in my project. I recently moved to use bower for all the front-end dependencies. I liked how I can just provide a github url instead of a proper package name.
I have customized few libraries. So to manage them using bower, I created a single private repository called myLibs in an organization account on Github.
I am creating branches for each customized library. For example, customized angular-bootstrap library will be in angular-bootstrap branch and customized angular-material library will be in angular-material branch.
Now I am creating tags for each release in each library. The naming convention that I am using is branch-name/x.y.z For example, I have angular-bootstrap/1.0.0 and angular-material/1.1.1 tags.
This was good till I had to install these libraries using bower. To install the custom libraries I called the following command (It's a dummy url, don't try it)
bower install --save-exact library-patch=
The library gets installed and I can see it in bower_components too, but in my bower.json the dependency entry turns up like this -
This is not what I wanted. I wanted to have the proper tag name to be saved. I don't want to manually make changes in the bower.json file every time I want to add a custom library.
My first thought was that the naming convention of the tags will be a problem. So I changed it to branch-name-x.y.z from branch-name/x.y.z which allowed me to have the exact version in the bower.json to install it properly, but when trying to install the libraries using the terminal, instead of using bower.json, I am getting the#undefined` tag in the end of the dependencies.
Here's the log I am getting while installing the library from terminal.
bower install --save-exact library-patch=
bower not-cached
bower resolve
bower download
bower retry Download of failed with EHTTP, trying with git..
bower checkout library-patch#branch-name-1.0.0
bower resolved
bower install library-patch#branch-name-1.0.0
library-patch#branch-name-1.0.0 bower_components/library-patch
└── angular#1.4.8
Why am I getting undefined in the release/tag name? Am I making any mistake while naming the tags? Is there any way I can install those custom libs from terminal and save the exact tag in bower.json?

The solution for the problem was to use --save instead of --save-exact. I have no explanation for the same right now, but I'll update the answer as soon as I can.
As far as I can tell, it's because the package was getting installed from github directly, instead of from bower registry.


Merging NPM dependancy with a VUE.js Javascript Project

For a particular case in a Vue.js and JavaScript project a NPM package dependency have to be merge with the current JavaScript code base.
In that specific case, the NPM package should not be part of the nodes_modules folder anymore but rather be part of the JavaScript code itself.
In that case as both codebases will grow together in the future. (Independently from the original NPM package and not as a Fork)
How can I merge or fusion a NPM package to a Javascript project?
Additional Details:
The library that need to be merge is OIDC client. It's an open source project "Archived" by it's author (So no possibility to create Pull Request for a new release).
It is use to create a SSO for an internal project. This library has been retain by architect the for specific need of the project and there is no other option than this one.
There is no "internal package manager" available in this company
I don't want to host the fork on my personal Github and manage the package on NPM website
After many attempt to solve this problem, it turn out that Patch-Package do the best job to merge a dependency by simply patching over instead of forking.
Syntax is pretty simple and it integrate very well with NPM:
Installation: npm i patch-package
Modify the code of your dependency directly in node_modules folder
Run npx patch-package some-package where some-package is the name of your package to patch

local change in node modules file

I need to make some changes in one of my node module package. But the problem is that if I am changing any file inside node modules folder then the changes won't be available to the other developers as it won't be checked in. Others will install it via package.json.
Is there any way I can include the file in my application instead of node modules and will it be a good approach?
Kindly suggest if there is any other alternative.
You have three options
Send a PR to the actual npm package, if the change is like a bug fix or enhancement that aligns with the actual packages goal.
Fork the package repo, and make changes and use it in your project as a dependency, in case you are adding changes that does not align with the goals of the actual package
move the package code into your source code, and use it as source code rather than a package from npm
you can make a fork of the project, then inside your package.json add the dependency as
"package-name": "<your username>/<your repo name/probably same as package-name>#<branch>",
also you can install it using yarn/npm
npm install --save username/repo#branch-name-or-commit-or-tag
as show this link
this is all, run yarn o npm install and you'll get your changes, please make a PR to the original author and when this will be accepted you can return

How to stop Bower pulling more than I need?

I've only just started using Bower, so I'm likely doing it wrong. However, when I pull down jQuery through bower using this:
bower install jQuery#1.9.1
I get a folder which is about 700k in size. The only thing I need in that folder however is the jquery.js or jquery.min.js, which are 239k, and 82k respectively.
As far as I understand it, this is because bower simply pulls down everything that's in the Github repository whether it's needed or not.
Is there any way to stop this? So that bower only pulls down what is needed to develop? Or Am I misunderstanding how I should be using Bower?
You're using it correctly. You should have a bower.json file with all of your dependencies specified so that you don't have to include bower's plugin directory with your source code, then just run bower install from a new machine to get the dependencies.
When you install a plugin and want your bower.json automatically updated, run bower install mydependency --save.

How to update bower.json with installed packages?

In my project I've installed bower components without save option. Now, I would like update to bower.json?
How can I update bower.json with installed packages?
Just list your dependencies:
bower list
Then you should run all install command with param '--save' like this:
bower install bootstrap --save
It's a hard work, but if you have a thousand dependencies, could you create a script to automatize the task.
A little trick if you don't want to write a script for that:
before doing anything rename your bower.json in bower2.json for example.
then you can do a:
$ bower init
(automatically create a bower.json file).
note that all questions should be pre-filled with your current config.
When it will ask you:
set currently installed components as dependencies?
say yes,
You now have all your dependencies in the new bower.json file (and you can check if everything is right with the old bower2.json)
A bit arduous way is to run bower list, look for packages labeled extraneous and add those manually to the dependencies in the bower.json.
If there are a lot of extraneous packages, it might be easier to workaround this by running bower init and answering Yes to "set currently installed components as dependencies?". This will take your current bower.json, read it and then create new one using information from the old one. So in an ideal case you will have the same file just with extraneous packages added.
Warning: Firstly, there might be something lost in the process (e.g. devDependecies). Secondly in the last version of bower (v1.2.7) this will not preserve current packages info! I feel it is a bug. However you can save the old file and (manually) merge it with the generated one.
Also, you should ask for an option or something by opening a bower issue as this would be welcomed by many developers.
You can use bower-check-updates (you need installed node.js on your machine):
bower-check-updates is a utility that automatically adjusts a bower.json with the latest version of all dependencies
bower-check-updates - is a fork of npm-check-updates, so it's all the same but updates bower.json, instead of package.json
npm install -g bower-check-updates
bower-check-updates -u
bower install
This will install bower-check-updates globally, so you can launch it from anywhere.
P.S. for more information about npm-check-updates pleas see this topic
If there aren't that many bower packages you have installed, try writing bower install [package_name] --save. This will just update your bower.json file.
After bower-check-updates -u you must run bower install instead of npm install

Bower install dependency to a specific subdirectory

How do I install a dependency into a specific subdirectory using Bower? I'm working on an application built on AngularJS that requires localization. One of the libraries I'm using is looking for localization files in angular/angular_i18n. However, I'm developing with Angular 1.2 rc3 and the localization files are not part of the package so I have to install them separately.
How can I bower install angular-i18n into components/angular/angular-i18n/?
Help would be totally appreciated.
You can't. Bower uses a single location to store packages. However you can use tools like one of these grunt tasks to copy it over in the build-step.
you can also try to use this fork:
that also implements subdirectory installation feature

