How to print a pdf on client side from a groovy webApp? - javascript

I am know developping a webapp that as to create a pdf document and print it on client side.
Here is my problem:
i created the pdf using itext and stored it in a shared folder. i did it on a server side.
Now i need to print the created pdf on the client side, the client knows the path of the pdf and can access it.
To be on client side, i am trying to print that document using javascript or jquery.
I tried using embed in my html but it didn't work.
Thx for helping,
here is a working code on server side :
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("test.pdf");
DocFlavor psInFormat = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE;
Doc pdfDoc = new SimpleDoc(fis, psInFormat, null);
PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
PrintService services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
DocPrintJob job = services.createPrintJob();
job.print(pdfDoc, aset);
and here is what i tried on client side :
// Grabs the Iframe
document.write('<embed type="application/pdf" src="\\SN782629\TempPartage\test.pdf" id="PDF" name="PDF" width="100%" height="100%" />');
var ifr = document.getElementById("PDF");
//PDF is completely loaded. (.load() wasn't working properly with PDFs)
ifr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (ifr.readyState == 'complete') {
if ($.browser.msie) {
document.execCommand('print', false, null);
} else {
this second code is on the success section of ajax request, i can put the entire function if needed.

fyi: Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML?
and another point: you'll meet a lot of restrictions in different browsers when including pdf from local file system into a page loaded through HTTP.
i'll advice to expose your pdf through url on your server. for example http://myhost/getPdf/SN782629/TempPartage/test.pdf instead of ""\SN782629\TempPartage\test.pdf" and use this link in rendered page.


How to read text file from filesystem in JavaScript

I have tried different approaches to read a text file from the local file system in JavaScript and display the content of the file in alert() but all to no avail.
Approach 1
function readTextFile(file) {
var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file , false);
rawFile.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (rawFile.readyState === 4) {
if (rawFile.status === 200 || rawFile.status == 0) {
var allText = rawFile.response;
document.getElementById("content").innerText = allText;
} else {
alert("Can't read the file");
The FormulaQuestion.txt file is in the same directory with the html file, this approach shows an empty alert window on the browser
Approach 2 using fetch method
.then(response => response.text())
.then((data) => {
This doesn't show anything
Approach 3 using JQuery
$.get('FormulaQuestion.txt', function (data) {
}, 'text');
This doesn't work either.
I am building a desktop application that uses a web browser control to load html file which is embedded into the application. The application reads the string from sqlite database and save it in the FormulaQuestion.txt file, then refreshes the WebControl component which reloads the html file.
Now when the html file is reloaded, the JavaScript should read the text file and display it on alert() which once the alert is able to display the file content, i will then set it to a paragraph and remove the alert().
Please someone should help me out.
Browsers by design do not allow access to the file system for JavaScript, as allowing such access would be a serious security concern.
To provide the FormulaQuestion.txt file to your script you will need to host the file on a server and request it via a HTTP request (like with your fetch). The key thing here is that a server is needed to actually transmit the file over the HTTP protocol to your script.
If working locally, there are many options for running a local server.
The npm serve module,
You may also want to try out some free tier services like Vercel or Netlify. Both I believe allow you to just drag/drop a file and it will host it for you.

Do we need a web server (like Apache) to access a .json file?

I was trying to read an info.json file, using the jQuery API. Please find the code below, which is part of test.html.
$.getJSON('info.json', function(data) {
var items = [];
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + val + '</li>');
The test.html file resides on my local machine and when I try to open it in the browser, the Ajax call is not getting triggered and the info.json file is not read.
Is it not working because I don't have a web server? Or am I doing anything wrong in the code? (I don't see any errors in the Firebug console though).
Thanks in advance.
You will always have to host your site from where you are making AJAX call. Otherwise it will throw this exception.
origin null is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin
Host your page on localhost server and I guess everything will work nicely.
While technically you don't need a web server for this, some of the libraries you use to abstract network access may not work with local files and some browsers don't let local files do a lot, so something like a little test web server for static files would be very useful for your development and testing.
Install a small webserver like
easy to install, and small download ;)
By putting your JSON string into a text file and loading it in a iframe, you can extrapolate the data. (Most browsers can load .txt files in iframes.)
var frame = document.createElement("IFRAME"); //Create new iframe
var body = document.body;
frame.onload = function() { //Extrapolate JSON once loaded
data = JSON.parse(frame.contentDocument.documentElement.innerText); //Loads as a global.
body.removeChild(frame); //Removes the frame once no longer necessary.
} = "none"; //Because the frame will have to be appended to the body.
frame.src = "your JSON.txt"; //Select source after the onload function is set.

Loading local files in a WebBrowser Control

Im trying to load local files in a WebBrowser on Windows Phone 7.1 but Im always getting exceptions or a blank page.
I tried with
Stream stream = Application.GetResourceStream(
new Uri("./Html/par/index.html",
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
// Navigate to HTML document string
this is firing a blank page.
I set index.html and all files needed (css/js) as Content and IsScriptEnable to "true".
Do you have an idea how to solve this problem?
i think the path is incorrect.
do you have /Html/par directories in your project ? secondly is index.html set to content ?
var rs = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("myFile.html", UriKind.Relative));
using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(rs.Stream))
this might help
this might help undertand differences between resource and content
this link details how to load the file and other linked files

Issues in developing web scraper

I want to develop a platform where users can enter a URL and then my website will open the webpage in an iframe. Now the user can modify his website by simply right clicking and I will provide him options like "remove this element", "copy this element". I am almost through. Many of the websites are opening perfectly in iframe but for a few websites some errors have shown up. I could not identify the reason so asking for your help.
I have solved other issues like XSS problem.
Here is the procedure I have followed :-
Used JavaScript and sent the request to my Java server which makes connection to the URL specified by the user and fetches the HTML and then use Jsoup HTML parser to convert relative URLs into absolute URLs and then save the HTML to my disk in Java. And then I render the saved HTML into my iframe.
Is somewhere wrong ?
A few websites are working perfectly but a few are not.
For example:-
When I tried to open it gave me the
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'paddingTop' of undefined
error. I don't understand why this is happening..
I really wonder how this is implemented? #
2 issues, pick any you like:
your server side proxy code contains bugs
plenty of sites have either explicit frame-break code or at least expect to be top level frame.
You can try one more thing. In your proxy script you are saving your webpage on your disk and then loading into iframe. I think instead of loading the page you saved on disk in iframe try to open that page in browser. All those sites that restirct their page to be loaded into iframe will now get opened without any error.
Try this I think it an work
My Proxy Server side code :-
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyyHHmmss");
String dirName = df.format(new Date());
String dirPath = "C:/apache-tomcat-7.0.23/webapps/offlineWeb/" + dirName;
String serverName = "http://localhost:8080/offlineWeb/" + dirName;
boolean directoryCreated = new File(dirPath).mkdir();
if (!directoryCreated)
log.error("Error in creating directory");
String html = Jsoup.connect(url.toString()).get().html();
doc = Jsoup.parse(html, url);
links ="link");
scripts ="script");
images ="img");
for (Element element : links) {
String linkHref = element.attr("abs:href");
if (linkHref != "") {
element.attr("href", linkHref);
for (Element element : scripts) {
String scriptSrc = element.attr("abs:src");
if (scriptSrc != "") {
element.attr("src", scriptSrc);
for (Element element : images) {
String imgSrc = element.attr("abs:src");
if (imgSrc != "") {
element.attr("src", imgSrc);;
And Now i am just returning the path where i saved my html file
That's it about my server code

wget + JavaScript?

I have this webpage that uses client-side JavaScript to format data on the page before it's displayed to the user.
Is it possible to somehow use wget to download the page and use some sort of client-side JavaScript engine to format the data as it would be displayed in a browser?
You could probably make that happen with something like PhantomJS
You can write a phantomjs script that will load the page like a browser would, and then either take screenshots or use JS to inspect the page and pull out data.
Here is a simple little phantomjs script that triggers javascript on a webpage and allows you to pull it down locally:
file: get.js
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'), address;
address = system.args[1];
page.scrollPosition= { top: 4000, left: 0}, function(status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('** Error loading url.');
} else {
Use it as follows:
$> phantomjs /path/to/get.js "" > "google.html"
Changing /path/to, url and filename to what you want.
Not with wget, as I doubt it includes any form of a JavaScript engine. However, you could use WebKit to process the page, and thus the output.
Using things like this as a base for how to get the content:

