How to handle audio stream in JsSIP? - javascript

I'm creating React application that use JsSIP library to answer calls made via VoIP SIP provider.
I've already created a page that have two buttons (Accept and Reject). It successfully register SIP client on SIP-server. It also successfully receive call and I can answer it. But I don't hear anything while answering call.
Registering JsSIP client (in willReceiveProps because I have information for connection after props changing):
const socketHost = 'wss://' + + ':' + contactCenter.port
const socket = new JsSIP.WebSocketInterface(socketHost)
const configuration = {
sockets: [socket],
uri: 'sip:' + contactCenter.login + '#' +,
password: contactCenter.password,
socketHost: socketHost,
const coolPhone = new JsSIP.UA(configuration)
coolPhone.on('connected', (e: any) => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addSuccess('SIP connected')
coolPhone.on('newRTCSession', (e: any) => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addAlert('New call')
const session = e.session
session.on('failed', this.resetLocalState)
session.on('ended', this.resetLocalState)
const numberRegexp = /\"(\d+)\"/
const fromNumber = (numberRegexp.exec(e.request.headers.From[0].raw))[1]
const toNumber = (numberRegexp.exec(e.request.headers.Contact[0].raw))[1].slice(1)
callReceived: true,
callSession: session,
fromNumber: fromNumber,
toNumber: toNumber,
Method that handles answer button click:
private answerCall = () => {
const messages = ServiceContainer.get<MessageManagerInterface>(ServiceTypes.Messages)
messages.addSuccess('Call answered')
const callOptions = {
mediaConstraints: {
audio: true, // only audio calls
video: false
pcConfig: {
iceServers: [
{ urls: [""] }
iceTransportPolicy: "all",
rtcpMuxPolicy: "negotiate"
this.state.callSession.connection.addEventListener('addstream', (event: any) => {
this.audioElement.srcObject =
callAnswered: true,
callReceived: false,
What did I do wrong?

I solved the problem.
The problem was in the position of line.
I moved it to the callback on addstream event:
this.state.callSession.connection.addEventListener('addstream', (event: any) => {
this.audioElement.srcObject =
Now it works fine. Hope you also find it useful.

You can use react-sip npm library which simplifies usage of jssip inside React apps:
You will just need to pass your connection settings as props to <SipProvider/>, which will be somewhere near the top of your react tree.
This will allow you to perform basic start/stop/answer operations and watch the status of your call in the context!


Unit Testing with Jest for Strapi v4

I am trying to perform unit tests with Jest for the new version of Strapi, v4 which was just released a couple of weeks ago. In accordance with their documentation, the old guide for unit testing no longer runs as expected. I have, however, modified the code to work to a certain extent. Currently I have the following:
const Strapi = require("#strapi/strapi");
let instance;
async function setupStrapi() {
if (!instance) {
/** the following code in copied from `./node_modules/strapi/lib/Strapi.js` */
await Strapi().load();
instance = strapi; // strapi is global now
await instance.server
.use(instance.server.router.routes()) // populate KOA routes
.use(instance.server.router.allowedMethods()); // populate KOA methods
await instance.server.mount();
return instance;
module.exports = {
const fs = require("fs");
const { setupStrapi } = require("./helpers/strapi");
beforeAll(async () => {
await setupStrapi();
afterAll(async () => {
const dbSettings = strapi.config.get("database.connection.connection");
//close server to release the db-file
await strapi.server.destroy();
//delete test database after all tests
if (dbSettings && dbSettings.filename) {
const tmpDbFile = `${dbSettings.filename}`;
if (fs.existsSync(tmpDbFile)) {
it("should return hello world", async () => {
await request(strapi.server.httpServer).get("/api/hello").expect(200); // Expect response http code 200
const path = require("path");
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
connection: {
client: "sqlite",
connection: {
filename: path.join(
env("DATABASE_FILENAME", ".tmp/test.db")
useNullAsDefault: true,
The route /api/hello is a custom API endpoint. This works perfectly when running strapi develop, and all permissions are set correctly.
The tests run, but every endpoint that is not / or /admin returns 403 Forbidden, meaning there is a problem with the permissions. It would seem that the database file .tmp/data.db (used in development) is not replicated correctly in .tmp/test.db. In other words, this is close to working, but the permissions for API endpoints are not set correctly.
I have been searching through StackOverflow and the Stapi Forums over the past few days but to no avail. I would greatly appreciate some pointers as to how to fix this :)
It seems you need to grant the right privileges to your routes on your test DB.
For that you can create a function, lets call it grantPriviledge, and call it in your test in the function beforeAll.
// Here I want to grant the route update in my organization collection
beforeAll(async () => {
await grantPrivilege(1, 'permissions.application.controllers.organization.update');
And here is the function grantPriviledge:
// roleID is 1 for authenticated and 2 for public
const grantPrivilege = async (roleID = 1, value, enabled = true, policy = '') => {
const updateObj = value
.reduceRight((obj, next) => ({ [next]: obj }), { enabled, policy });
const roleName = roleID === 1 ? 'Authenticated' : 'Public';
const roleIdInDB = await strapi
.query('role', 'users-permissions')
.findOne({ name: roleName });
return strapi.plugins['users-permissions'].services.userspermissions.updateRole(
Let me know if that helps
So in order for that to work in v4, this is how I did.
This was based in this and this but Stf's posting in this saying "inject them in your database during the bootstrap phase like it is made in the templates" was what really set me in the right track.
So if you look here you will see this function:
async function setPublicPermissions(newPermissions) {
// Find the ID of the public role
const publicRole = await strapi
where: {
type: "public",
// Create the new permissions and link them to the public role
const allPermissionsToCreate = [];
Object.keys(newPermissions).map((controller) => {
const actions = newPermissions[controller];
const permissionsToCreate = => {
return strapi.query("plugin::users-permissions.permission").create({
data: {
action: `api::${controller}.${controller}.${action}`,
await Promise.all(allPermissionsToCreate);
Later on the code, this function is called like this:
await setPublicPermissions({
article: ["find", "findOne"],
category: ["find", "findOne"],
author: ["find", "findOne"],
global: ["find", "findOne"],
about: ["find", "findOne"],
So in my case I modified this function a bit to accept between authenticated (1) and public (2) roles inspired by Sidney C answer above.
This is how I did it:
const grantPrivilege = async (roleID = 1, newPermissions) => {
const roleName = roleID === 1 ? "authenticated" : "public";
// Find the ID of the public role
const roleEntry = await strapi
where: {
type: roleName,
// Create the new permissions and link them to the public role
const allPermissionsToCreate = [];
Object.keys(newPermissions).map((controller) => {
const actions = newPermissions[controller];
const permissionsToCreate = => {
return strapi.query("plugin::users-permissions.permission").create({
data: {
action: `api::${controller}.${controller}.${action}`,
await Promise.all(allPermissionsToCreate);
And then in my beforeAll block I call it like this:
await grantPrivilege(1, {
"my-custom-collection": ["create", "update"],
category: ["find", "findOne"],
author: ["find", "findOne"],

Context is undefined in translation module

I tried to add a call to an endpoint in order to get translation. I have like this :
const loadLocales = async () => {
const context = require.context('./locales', true);
const data = await`${translationToolUrl}/gateway/translations`, { project: 'myProject' });
const messages = context.keys()
.map((key) => ({ key, locale: key.match(/[-a-z0-9_]+/i)[0] }))
.reduce((msgs, { key, locale }) => ({
[locale]: extendMessages(context(key)),
}), {});
return { context, messages };
const { context, messages } = loadLocales();
i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: 'en',
silentFallbackWarn: true,
if ( {, () => {
const { messages: newMessages } = loadLocales();
.filter((locale) => messages[locale] !== extendMessages(newMessages[locale]))
.forEach((locale) => {
const msgs = extendMessages(newMessages[locale]);
messages[locale] = msgs;
i18n.setLocaleMessage(locale, msgs);
I added this request : But I have the error TypeError: context is undefined droped at this line Have you an idea how I can solve that ? My scope was to add this request in order to get translations from database and from .json files for now. I want to do a merge between both for now, in the feature I will get only from database but this will be done step by step.
The problem is, that you trying to declare multiple const in the wrong way, independently of trying to declaring them twice. This shows in:
const { context, messages } = loadLocales();
This would couse context and messages to be undefined. This won´t give an error, as I replicated in a small example:
const {first, second} = 'Testing'
Both, first and second, will be undefined. If you try to declare multiple const at once, you need to do it this way:
const context = loadLocales(), messages = loadLocales();

How to detect which message was sent from the Websocket server

I have a small web application listening for incoming messages from a Websocket server. I receive them like so
const webSocket = new WebSocket("wss://");
webSocket.onopen = event => webSocket.send("test");
webSocket.onmessage = event => console.log(;
but the sending server is more complex. There are multiple types of messages that could come e.g. "UserConnected", "TaskDeleted", "ChannelMoved"
How to detect which type of message was sent? For now I modified the code to
const webSocket = new WebSocket("wss://");
webSocket.onopen = event => {
const objectToSend = JSON.stringify({
message: "test-message",
data: "test"
webSocket.onmessage = event => {
const objectToRead = JSON.parse(;
if (objectToRead.message === "test-message") {
So do I have to send an object from the server containing the "method name" / "message type" e.g. "TaskDeleted" to identify the correct method to execute at the client? That would result in a big switch case statement, no?
Are there any better ways?
You can avoid the big switch-case statement by mapping the methods directly:
// List of white-listed methods to avoid any funny business
let allowedMethods = ["test", "taskDeleted"];
function methodHandlers(){
this.test = function(data)
console.log('test was called', data);
this.taskDeleted = function(data)
console.log('taskDeleted was called', data);
webSocket.onmessage = event => {
const objectToRead = JSON.parse(;
let methodName = objectToRead.message;
if (allowerMethods.indexOf(methodName)>=0)
let handler = new methodHandlers();
console.error("Method not allowed: ", methodName)
As you have requested in one of your comments to have a fluent interface for the websockets like
You can make it fluent by using a simple PubSub (Publish Subscribe) design pattern so you can subscribe to specific message types. Node offers the EventEmitter class so you can inherit the on and emit events, however, in this example is a quick mockup using a similar API.
In a production environment I would suggest using the native EventEmitter in a node.js environment, and a browser compatible npm package in the front end.
Check the comments for a description of each piece.
The subscribers are saved in a simple object with a Set of callbacks, you can add unsubscribe if you need it.
note: if you are using node.js you can just extend EventEmitter
// This uses a similar API to node's EventEmitter, you could get it from a node or a number of browser compatible npm packages.
class EventEmitter {
// { [event: string]: Set<(data: any) => void> }
__subscribers = {}
// subscribe to specific message types
on(type, cb) {
if (!this.__subscribers[type]) {
this.__subscribers[type] = new Set
// emit a subscribed callback
emit(type, data) {
if (typeof this.__subscribers[type] !== 'undefined') {
const callbacks = [...this.__subscribers[type]]
callbacks.forEach(cb => cb(data))
class SocketYO extends EventEmitter {
constructor({ host }) {
// initialize the socket
this.webSocket = new WebSocket(host);
this.webSocket.onopen = () => {
this.connected = true
this.emit('connect', this)
this.webSocket.onerror = console.error.bind(console, 'SockyError')
this.webSocket.onmessage = this.__onmessage
// send a json message to the socket
send(type, data) {
on(type, cb) {
// if the socket is already connected immediately call the callback
if (type === 'connect' && this.connected) {
return cb(this)
// proxy EventEmitters `on` method
return super.on(type, cb)
// catch any message from the socket and call the appropriate callback
__onmessage = e => {
const { type, data } = JSON.parse(
this.emit(type, data)
// create your SocketYO instance
const socket = new SocketYO({
host: 'wss://'
socket.on('connect', (socket) => {
// you can only send messages once the socket has been connected
socket.send('myEvent', {
message: 'hello'
// you can subscribe without the socket being connected
socket.on('myEvent', (data) => {
console.log('myEvent', data)

Electron: How to securely inject global variable into BrowserWindow / BrowserView?

I want to load an external webpage in Electron using BrowserView. It has pretty much the same API as BrowserWindow.
const currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow();
const view = new remote.BrowserView({
webPreferences: {
// contextIsolation: true,
partition: 'my-view-partition',
enableRemoteModule: false,
nodeIntegration: false,
preload: `${__dirname}/preload.js`,
sandbox: true,
view.setAutoResize({ width: true, height: true });
In my preload.js file, I simply attach a variable to the global object.
process.once('loaded', () => {
global.baz = 'qux';
The app running on localhost:3000 is a React app which references the value like this:
const sharedString = global.baz || 'Not found';
The problem is I have to comment out the setting contextIsolation: true when creating the BrowserView. This exposes a security vulnerability.
Is it possible to (one way - from Electron to the webpage) inject variables into a BrowserView (or BrowserWindow) while still using contextIsolation to make the Electron environment isolated from any changes made to the global environment by the loaded content?
One possible approach could be intercepting the network protocol, but I'm not sure about this 🤔
app.on('ready', () => {
const { protocol } = session.fromPartition('my-partition')
protocol.interceptBufferProtocol('https', (req, callback) => {
if (req.uploadData) {
// How to handle file uploads?
// This is, docs:
.on('response', (res) => {
const chunks = []
res.on('data', (chunk) => {
res.on('end', () => {
const blob = Buffer.concat(chunks)
const type = res.headers['content-type'] || []
if (type.includes('text/html') && blob.includes('<head>')) {
const pos = blob.indexOf('<head>')
// inject contains the Buffer with the injected HTML script
callback(Buffer.concat([blob.slice(0, pos), inject, blob.slice(pos)]))
} else {
.on('error', (err) => {
console.error('error', err)
After doing some digging, I found a few pull requests for Electron that detail the issue you are having. The first describes a reproducible example very similar to the problem you are describing.
Expected Behavior
A preload script should be able to attach anything to the window or document with contextIsolation: true.
Actual behavior
Anything attached to the window in the preload.js just disappears in the renderer.
It seems the final comment explains that the expected behavior no longer works
It was actually possible until recently, a PR with Isolated Worlds has changed the behavior.
The second has a user suggest what they have found to be their solution:
After many days of research and fiddling with the IPC, I've concluded that the best way is to go the protocol route.
I looked at the docs for BrowserWindow and BrowserView as well as an example that shows the behavior that you desire, but these PRs suggest this is no longer possible (along this route).
Possible Solution
Looking into the documentation, the webContents object you get from view.webContents has the function executeJavaScript, so you could try the following to set the global variable.
view.setAutoResize({ width: true, height: true });
view.webContents.executeJavaScript("global.baz = 'qux';");
Other answers are outdated, use contextBridge be sure to use sendToHost() instead of send()
// Preload (Isolated World)
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
doThing: () => ipcRenderer.sendToHost('do-a-thing')
// Renderer (Main World)
So, executeJavaScript as suggested by Zapparatus ended up being part of the solution.
This is what's going on in renderer.js.
window.communicator = {
request: function(data) {
const url = 'prefix://?data=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data))
const req = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', url)
receive: function(data) {
alert('got: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
const setContent = data => view.webContents.executeJavaScript(
ipcRenderer.on('communicator', (event, message) => {
setContent(`Hello, ${message}!`)
We ended up setting up a custom protocol, similar to how its been done here. In your main.js file set up the following:
const { app, session, protocol } = require('electron')
const { appWindows } = require('./main/app-run')
const { URL } = require('url')
scheme: 'prefix',
privileges: {
bypassCSP: true, // ignore CSP, we won't need to patch CSP
secure: true // allow requests from https context
app.on('ready', () => {
const sess = session.fromPartition('my-view-partition')
sess.setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => {
// Denies the permissions request
const decision = false
return callback(decision)
sess.protocol.registerStringProtocol('prefix', (req, callback) => {
const url = new URL(req.url)
try {
const data = JSON.parse(url.searchParams.get('data'))
appWindows.main.webContents.send('prefix', data)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Could not parse prefix request!')
const response = {
mimeType: 'text/plain',
data: 'ok'
No preload.js or postMessage needed.

ServiceWorker claiming late in the lifecycle to use client.navigate in notificationclick event handler

I have a firebase serviceworker that shows notifications when a message is pushed from Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
It also publishes a post so that my React App can update accordingly.
/* eslint-env worker */
/* eslint no-restricted-globals: 1 */
/* global firebase */
/* global clients */
import config from './config'
firebase.initializeApp({ messagingSenderId: FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID })
const messaging = firebase.messaging()
messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(payload => {
const title =
const options = {
clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true }).then(clientz => {
clientz.forEach(client => {
sendMessageToClient(client, 'NEW_USER_NOTIFICATON')
return self.registration.showNotification(title, options)
const sendMessageToClient = (client, message) => {
const messageChannel = new MessageChannel()
client.postMessage(message, [messageChannel.port2])
This all works fine, but I have added it for context.
What I want to do is have a click function that focuses on the correct window/tab and navigates to a link that is passed to it. Or if the tab is not open, open a new window and go to the link.
This is the code I have so far, added to the above file.
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => {
const clickedNotification = event.notification
const link =
const promiseChain = self.clients.claim()
.then(() => self.clients
type: 'window',
.then(windowClients => {
let matchingClient = null
windowClients.forEach(client => {
if (client.url.includes(matching_url)) {
matchingClient = client
if (matchingClient) {
return matchingClient.navigate(link)
.then(() => matchingClient.focus())
return clients.openWindow(link)
So, I realise that the chained navigate and focus inside a then is probably bad practice, but for now, I am just trying to get it to work. Then I will try and come up with a clever solution.
So the problem with my code is that the clients.claim() doesn't seem to be working. The matchAll doesn't return anything to the next then, the argument is an empty array.
I could simply add the includeUncontrolled: true option to the matchAll, but the navigate command only works on a controlled client instance.
If I try the often referenced Google example for claiming and navigation, it works fine:
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim().then(() => {
// See
return self.clients.matchAll({type: 'window'});
}).then(clients => {
return => {
// Check to make sure WindowClient.navigate() is supported.
if ('navigate' in client) {
return client.navigate('activated.html');
So I am stuck.
The serviceworker is activated immediately, so I assume that it claim a client at any point after that.
Have I fallen for a random ServiceWorker Gotcha?
Can the claim only be used and navigated to on the handling of an activation event?
I would appreciate any help available.
I couldn't get this to work.
But I thought it would be worth documenting my workaround.
I could not get client.navigate to work in the notificationclick event handler.
So instead I just sent a postMessage containing the URL to be picked up in my app to trigger the redirect there, without any client claiming anywhere.
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => {
const clickedNotification = event.notification
const link =
const promiseChain = self.clients.matchAll({
type: 'window',
includeUncontrolled: true,
.then(windowClients => {
let matchingClient = null
windowClients.forEach(client => {
if (client.url.includes(matching_url)) {
matchingClient = client
if (matchingClient) {
sendMessageToClient(matchingClient, { type: 'USER_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED', link })
return matchingClient.focus()
return clients.openWindow(link)
const sendMessageToClient = (client, message) => {
const messageChannel = new MessageChannel()
client.postMessage(message, [messageChannel.port2])

