How to access an iframe from chrome extension? - javascript

How can I get my extension to work on all frames like adblock does?
I tried adding "all_frames" : true to my manifest file but it didn't work.
I tried to use this code to get the text with specific ids:
var theId = "starts with something";
var myArray = [];
$('[id^="theId"]').each(function(i, obj) {
but it says my array is empty. When I inspect element on the page, I see a "top" layer, and a "target content" layer. The code only works when I execute it in the console on the "target content" layer. Can I use this code in a content script, or do I need to use background.js somehow?

Continued from SO44122853
I see you figured out that the content was loaded in an iframe. So I have a working demo here PLUNKER, the snippet is here just in case the plunker goes down.
Details are commented in PLUNKER
Not functional due to the need to run 2 separate pages
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
<!--iframe is same as the one on the site, with the exception
of the src-->
<iframe id="ptifrmtgtframe" name="TargetContent" title="Main Content" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width='90%' src="tables.html"></iframe>
<!--The data is displayed as a one string-->
<output id='display'></output>
// Reference the iframe
var iFID = document.getElementById("ptifrmtgtframe");
// Register the load event on iframe
iFID.onload = function(e) {
// Callback is extractText function
return extractText('#ptifrmtgtframe', '#display', '.PSLONGEDITBOX');
/* Pass iframe and display as a single selector
|| Pass targets as a multiple selector
function extractText(iframe, display, targets) {
var iArray = [];
var iFrame = document.querySelector(iframe);
var iView = document.querySelector(display);
var iNode = "";
/* .contentWindow is property that refers to content
|| that is in an iframe. This is the heart of the
|| demo.
var iContent = iFrame.contentDocument || iFrame.contentWindow.document;
var iTarget = iContent.querySelectorAll(targets);
/* .map() will call a function on each element
|| and return a new array as well.
Array.from(iTarget).map(function(node, idx) {
iNode = node.textContent;
iView.textContent += iNode;
return iArray;

I think your script may be executing before the DOM loads, try putting your function inside:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
That event seems to do nothing in content scripts, I think that is because they are already loading after DOM is loaded, and never fires.
However this seems to fire but not sure why:
This needs jQuery injected aswell


Replace href link from contextmenu after right-click and choosing one of "open..."

I can get into contextmenu object and disable it (How to add a custom right-click menu to a webpage?), but how can I replace original href from a link object, when user right-click on it and choose "open in a new tab" or "open in a new window" or "open in an incognito window"?
In fact I found a better/simpler way to achieve it. replaceLink() is responsible for replacing centextmenu links here:
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
document.getElementById("lol").onclick = function(event) {
window.location.href = "";
return false;
function replaceLink(e) { = "";
unfortunatelly above solution is not working for middle click of mouse for FF and newer chrome. instead use generic:
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
function replaceLink(e) { = "";
It seems to me that you wouldn't be able to do that for security reasons. For interacting with the context menu you can check out this library
EDIT: You can try this, although its a little hacky.
// get all anchor elements
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){
var el = anchors[i];
// add event listener on each anchor element
el.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(ev) {
// get the original href value of the element
var originalTarget = el.href;
// change it to what you want to go to
el.href = '';
// asynchonously change it back to the original
el.href = originalTarget;
}, false);
it adds an event listener on all anchor elements and changes the href when the context menu event is fired, and after that it changes it back to its original value. Hope it works for you.

How to add an id to the path of an svg in a webpage?

Here is my webpage:
<title>Bin Labeler</title>
<embed class="emb" src="racks.svg" style="position: relative;
// wait until all the resources are loaded
window.addEventListener("load", findSVGElements, false);
// fetches the document for the given embedding_element
function getSubDocument(embedding_element)
if (embedding_element.contentDocument)
return embedding_element.contentDocument;
var subdoc = null;
try {
subdoc = embedding_element.getSVGDocument();
} catch(e) {}
return subdoc;
function findSVGElements()
var elm = document.querySelector('.emb');
var subdoc = getSubDocument(elm);
if (subdoc)
var paths = subdoc.querySelectorAll("path");
var bin_id = prompt("What ID belongs to this rack?","Enter here...");;
As you can see, its loading the svg xml into my findSVGElements function and then adding an event listener where for each one, an alert shows up asking for the id. Then I am setting hopefully to add the id element to the svg. Then when I do "View Frame source" which gives the svg and all of its paths, I am hoping that the bin_id that the user types in to the alert box becomes the id attribute for that path element. However, it does not seem to do this when I View Frame source, I am simply viewing the original svg that was loaded to the page.
How can I do this?

How to determine when document has loaded after loading external css

How to determine when document has loaded(or is loading) after loading external css?
Normal page has loaded and complete at first time(with using document.onreadystatechange or document.readyStage), but after time script will call function to place a new stylesheet CSS into HTML for changing a background or images. During change stylesheet, document has still stage complete. Stage never has been changed after calling function? Why?
Visit one page : localhost/index.html
Document has stage loading
Document has stage complete
User was trying to change a theme, at this time stage hasnt been changed yet.
UPDATE: Without jQuery:)
Example problem with using one image:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
document.onreadystatechange = function(){
function checkDocumentState(){
return setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000);
<img src="" onclick="this.setAttribute('src','')" style="width:50px; height:50px; background-color:gray; " /> Press empty image and open new image.
FOUND ANSWER: How can I tell when a CSS background image has loaded? Is an event fired?
But hopeless .. lack of universality...
CSS is called after DOM elements are populated. This is why in the days of dial up internet, the page would load all funky looking, and then all of a sudden start to develop into the desired page bit by bit. I would suggest using Jquery instead, where you could use the following code to be able to ensure the document is fully loaded and the CSS is already implemented
$document.ready(function() {
//Insert Code here
Hope that helps
Answering the question, how to determine the document has loaded after dynamically loading a css file depends upon the different browser vendors out there. There is not a single sure shot way for all the browsers, but lets tackle the problem one by one for each of these browsers.
var url = "path_to_some_stylesheet.css",
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
link = document.createElement('link');
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet"
link.href = url;
Once that appending is done:
Internet Explorer : fires readystatechange and load.
Opera : fires load event via onload.
Chrome : Doesnt fire an event but increments document.styesheets.length only after the file has arrived.
Firefox: I was not able to reliably get anything other than mozAfterPaint.
I wrote this code, what i wanted and worked for me:
window.engineLoading = {images_count:0, images_loaded_count:0, fonts_count:0, fonts_loaded_count:0 };
document.querySelector("a").onclick = function(){ // first elemnet a
var before_stylesheets_length = document.styleSheets.length;
var before_fonts_size = document.fonts.size;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(a){
document.fonts.onloading = function(a){
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(a){
var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var style= document.createElement('link');
style.rel= 'stylesheet';
style.onload = function(){
for(i=before_stylesheets_length; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++){
var rules = document.styleSheets[i].rules;
for(q=0; q<rules.length; q++){
var styles = rules[q].style;
for(s=0; s<styles.length; s++){
if((styles[s] == "background-image" || styles[s] == "background") && styles.backgroundImage.length > 0){
var body= document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var image = document.createElement('img');
var url = styles.backgroundImage;
url = url.replace(/^url\(["']?/, '').replace(/["']?\)$/, '');
image.src = url;
image.width = 0;
image.height = 0;
image.onload = function(e){
image.onerror = function(e){
style.onerror = function(){};
}, 1000);
return false;
function checkCurrentState(){
if(window.engineLoading.images_count == window.engineLoading.images_loaded_count && window.engineLoading.fonts_count == window.engineLoading.fonts_loaded_count){
console.log("loaded"); return true;
}console.log("still loading...");
return setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000);
UPDATE: Scipt has bug on localfile because of empty rule. CSSRules is empty I don't worry about it , and no need fix it.
UPDATE: Mozilla Firefox hasnt reference document.fonts.

Return ID of all iframes in a page

Because of the widget format I'm working with I have a page which has multiple iframes embedded within iframes. I won't paste the code as it's vast and unwieldy but it is essentially just this:
However, there may be more - or less - iframes dependent upon the page and template I use.
I'm trying to therefore get the ID of all of the iframes in this page, from within the most-embedded iframe.
Is this possible with jQuery? I've tried a few snippets of code but had no luck:
$('iframe', window.parent.document).each(function() {
$('iframe', parent.document).each(function() {
$('iframe').each(function() {
The output of these is a single ID string - and unfortunately it's not the iframe I'm looking to control.
Thanks in advance,
This returns an iframe element which has the wanted id, and null, if the wanted id is not found.
function searchIds(wantedId) {
var idArray = [], n,
search = function (iframes) {
var n;
for (n = 0; n < iframes.length; n++) {
if (iframes[n].frames.length > 0) {
for (n = 0; n < idArray.length; n += 2) {
if (idArray[n] === wantedId) {
return idArray[n + 1];
return null;
Notice, that searchIds() can't be run before onload of the main window has been fired.
I do not believe you can reference the iframe's children directly. You will need to recursively search each iframe using it's .contents() call.
As far as I know, this will only work as long as the same-origin policy is not violated (i.e. the iframes must point to the same domain).
From the most embedded iframe:
var ids = (function up( context, ids ){
ids = ids || [];
// proceed if we're not at the top window yet
if( context !=={
// point context to parent window (or top if no parent).
context = context.parent ||;
// get the id of the first iframe in parent window;
// this will break if there are sibling iframes
// recursive call to traverse parents
return up(context, ids);
} else {
// otherwise return the list of ids
return ids;
}(this)); // 'this' is the initial context - current window
console.log( ids );

execute google image search several times in a page

I want to write a web page which can generate images get from google search dynamically.
The search terms for these images are different, so I need to execute google search several times, while I found it is very hard.
I try these code modified from the source code google provided, but it could only execute the search one time:
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Google Search API Sample</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('search', '1');
var imageSearch;
var keyword="sexy";
function searchComplete() {
// Check that we got results
if (imageSearch.results && imageSearch.results.length > 0) {
// Grab our content div, clear it.
var contentDiv = document.getElementById('content');
contentDiv.innerHTML = '';
var results = imageSearch.results;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
// For each result image to the screen
var result = results[i];
var imgContainer = document.createElement('div');
var newImg = document.createElement('img');
// There is also a result.url property which has the escaped version
// Put our title + image in the content
//clear search
function OnLoad() {
// Create an Image Search instance.
imageSearch = new;
// Set searchComplete as the callback function when a search is
// complete. The imageSearch object will have results in it.
imageSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, searchComplete, null);
function hi(){
<body style="font-family: Arial;border: 0 none;">
<button value="hi" onClick="hi">hi</button>
<div id="content">Loading...</div>
The program can only execute the search in OnLoad method. Actually, I tried to call google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad) multiple times by put it into hi() function, but it didn't work.
Hope someone can help me to solve these problem..
change <button value="hi" onClick="hi">hi</button> to
<button value="hi" onClick="hi()">hi</button>
The hi function doesn't make a lot of sense to me:
function hi(){
Because the onLoadCallbak has already been set, and a search executed in OnLoad. This is called when the search library has loaded. Which only happens once, at some point after the page has loaded.
What you need to do in hi is the same thing you're doing in OnLoad:
// Create an Image Search instance.
imageSearch = new;
// set a DIFFERENT callback (if different handling require)
imageSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, searchComplete, null);
// set "keyword" to what your next search should be for

