Removing rows with 0 - javascript

I am working with tables and I want to remove all rows that have 0s on them. I coded the following for table to do so.
// eliminating null elements
var k= 0;
for (var i =0; i<operations_row;i++){
if (Total_Ocurrances[i]!=0) {
Cause_code_final[k]= Cause_Row_Operations[i];
Des_final[k]= Description[i];
Total_DT_final[k]= Total_DT[i];
Total_O_final[k]= Total_Ocurrances[i];
k= k +1;
The variables are all in number format. this is supposed to save a new value into each column every time there is no 0 on the occurrences row, for some reason not all 0s get taken out and some non-0 elements get lost as well.

I don't know your entire code, but I believe that if possible you should work with objects and use the filter method in your array.
var arr = [
Total_DT_final=new Date(some_value),
Total_DT_final=new Date(another_value),
var finalArr = arr.filter((item) => {
return item.Total_Ocurrances != 0;


How to match and remove an object from javascript array?

I am trying to delete an element based on string match for a object property but when I do a slice on the javascript array the array size decreases and indexes change. Please help e with a solution. Here is a jsfiddle link for the same.
var selection = JSON.parse('[{"Connectors":"c1"},{"Connectors":"c2"},{"Schedules":"s1"},{"Schedules":"s2"},{"Gauges":"g1"},{"Gauges":"g2"},{"Gauges":"g3"}]');
function removeitem(item) {
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
if (selection[i].hasOwnProperty(item)) {
selection.splice(i, 1);
Add i--;
function removeitem(item) {
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
if (selection[i].hasOwnProperty(item)) {
selection.splice(i, 1);
jsfiddle example
Assuming you don't have a problem with having undefined as the new value, then you could call delete[i]; instead of selection.splice(i, 1); in that case the length does not change and neither will the indices.
Both Abhi1964 and Loolooii solution seems to work fine and solve problem, but i would personally keep the filtered results in separate array instead of manipulating index/deleting value in the same array, reason being, separate array would make code look simpler to read and understand. Reviewer need not to understand the index manipulation or keep track of undefined.
var selection = JSON.parse('[{"Connectors":"c1"},{"Connectors":"c2"},{"Schedules":"s1"},{"Schedules":"s2"},{"Gauges":"g1"},{"Gauges":"g2"},{"Gauges":"g3"}]');
var filteredResult = [];
function removeitem(item) {
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
if (selection[i].hasOwnProperty(item)) {
//use filtered result as per your need.
I have not run this code, if some error seems to be there, please feel free to edit.

Recursively constructing a JavaScript array of all possible combinations while respecting order

I am having difficulty getting the following concept in to code:
Let's say we are given the following array:
From this I wish to get the following output:
'h1 span',
'h1 style',
'h2 span',
'h2 style
So that we have an array of strings containing all combinations of the original array, which also respects order (so span h1 and style h2 are not valid).
To describe verbose: I have a single level array of strings which are effectively comma separated values. I wish to iterate over this array and split these strings by their comma in to a new array, and for each index in this new array build a new string which contains all the other split values from subsequent indexes in the original array.
I am having difficulty trying to program this in JavaScript. I understand that I will need some recursion, but I'm confused about how to do it. After trying various different and failing methods, I currently have this:
function mergeTagSegments(arr, i, s) {
i = i || 0;
s = s || '';
if(!arr[i]) { return s; }
var spl = arr[i].split(',');
for(var j in spl) {
s += spl[j] + mergeTagSegments(arr, i+1, s);
return s;
This also fails to work as intended.
I feel a little embarrassed that I am unable to complete what I originally thought was such a simple task. But I really hope to learn from this.
Many thanks in advance for your advice and tips.
Your thinking along the right lines. Recursion is definetly the way to go. I have implemented a suggested solution below, which should give you the desired output.
var values = ['h1,h2', 'span,style'];
function merge(input, index) {
var nextIndex = index + 1;
var outputArray = [];
var currentArray = [];
if(index < input.length) {
currentArray = input[index].split(',');
for(var i = 0, end = currentArray.length; i < end; i++) {
if(nextIndex < input.length) {
merge(input, nextIndex).forEach(function(item) {
outputArray.push(currentArray[i] + ' ' + item);
else {
return outputArray;
var output = merge(values, 0, '');

Looping through arrays and checking their values

What I have done is that I have firstly I have parsed them with the jQuery function, $.parseJSON() and so now I am having 2 arrays with 3 objects inside them. What I want to do is that I want to loop over both the arrays at the same time so that I could check the Post_IDs of the current object in the loop of both the arrays that if they are equal or not and then if I find that the Post_ID is not present there already or there is a mismatch then I want to do something.
Here's what I have done:
var posts = <? php echo $posts; ?> ;
setInterval(function () {
$.get("admin/post/get_new_posts.php", {
userId: <? php echo User::GetUserID($_SESSION["username"]); ?>
}, function (data) {
data = $.parseJSON(data);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < posts.length; j++) {
if (posts[j].Post_ID != data[i].Post_ID) {
//do something...
} else {
}, 10000);
The posts variable has its value and I am sure about it by logging them into the console. Now what happens here is that every ten seconds a get request is sent and checks if the Post_ID meets of the posts variable object does not equal the Post_ID of the data variable then do something in there. But that's not the case. The condition is always going true.
And yes, here are my objects. The first one is the posts variable and the second one is the data variable.
Any idea of how can I loop through both the variables or arrays and check for a property at the same time while looping?
You're comparing every entry in posts to every entry in data. Most of those won't match - posts[0] won't match data[1], data[2], etc.
It sounds like you want to look at the corresponding members of each list (posts[0] vs. data[0], etc.)
In that case, you need one loop, not two.
// find the longest array's length
var maxi = Math.max(posts.length, data.length, 0);
for ( var i = 0; i < maxi; ++i )
if (i >= posts.length)
// an entry in data, but not posts
else if (i >= data.length)
// an entry in posts, but not data
else if (data[i].Post_ID != posts[i].Post_ID)
// mismatched IDs
// matched IDs
You are executing two loops and this creates a problem. because they have the following meaning (I'm gonna translate them into pure english):
for each item of array 'data', check any item in array 'posts' that is not equal to the current item of 'data'. This is why it is always "doing something".
Since both arrays have the same length, you should do one loop like this :
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (posts[i].Post_ID != data[i].Post_ID) {
//do something...
} else {

How to keep Javascript array sorted, without sorting it

I have a Node.js application where I have to very often do following things:
- check if particular array already contains certain element
- if element does exist, update it
- if element do not exist, push it to the array and then sort it using underscore _.sortBy
For checking if the element already exists in the array, I use this binary search function:
In this way, when the size of the array grows, the sorting becomes slower and slower.
I assume that the array size might grow to max 20 000 items per user. And eventually there will be thousands of users. The array is sorted by a key, which is quite a short string. It can be converted into integer if needed.
So, I would require a better way to keep the array sorted,
in stead of sorting it every time new element is pushed onto it.
So, my question is, how should/could I edit the binary search algorithm I use, to enable me to
get the array index where the new element should be placed, if it doesn't already exist in the array?
Or what other possibilities there would be to achieve this. Of course, I could use some kind of loop that would start from the beginning and go through the array until it would find the place for the new element.
All the data is stored in MongoDB.
In other words, I would like to keep the array sorted without sorting it every time a new element is pushed.
It's easy to modify this binaryIndexOf function to return an index of the next element when no matches found:
function binaryFind(searchElement) {
'use strict';
var minIndex = 0;
var maxIndex = this.length - 1;
var currentIndex;
var currentElement;
while (minIndex <= maxIndex) {
currentIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2 | 0; // Binary hack. Faster than Math.floor
currentElement = this[currentIndex];
if (currentElement < searchElement) {
minIndex = currentIndex + 1;
else if (currentElement > searchElement) {
maxIndex = currentIndex - 1;
else {
return { // Modification
found: true,
index: currentIndex
return { // Modification
found: false,
index: currentElement < searchElement ? currentIndex + 1 : currentIndex
So, now it returns objects like:
{found: false, index: 4}
where index is an index of the found element, or the next one.
So, now insertion of a new element will look like:
var res =, element);
if (!res.found) arr.splice(res.index, 0, element);
Now you may add binaryFind to Array.prototype along with some helper for adding new elements:
Array.prototype.binaryFind = binaryFind;
Array.prototype.addSorted = function(element) {
var res = this.binaryFind(element);
if (!res.found) this.splice(res.index, 0, element);
If your array is already sorted and you want to insert an element, to keep it sorted you need to insert it at a specific place in the array. Luckily arrays have a method that can do that:
So, once you get the index you need to insert at (you should get by a simple modification to your binary search), you can do:
// myArr your sorted array
// myIndex the index of the first item larger than the one you want to insert
// myObj the item you want to insert
EDIT: The author of your binary search code has the same idea:
So if you wanted to insert a value and wanted to know where you should
put it, you could run the function and use the returned number to
splice the value into the array.
I know this is an answer to an old question, but the following is very simple using javascripts array.splice().
function inOrder(arr, item) {
/* Insert item into arr keeping low to high order */
let ix = 0;
while (ix < arr.length) {
if (item < arr[ix]) { break; }
//console.log(' insert:', item, 'at:',ix);
return arr
The order can be changed to high to low by inverting the test

JavaScript array sort(function) to sort table rows- not sorting

I am trying to sort a dynamically constructed table on the client side. So far I have done my research to discover JavaScript's sort() method will take a callback. Here is what I have so far:
function retrvCatalog(e){
var merch = document.getElementById('merch');
var tRows = merch.rows;
var tBody = merch.tBodies;
var rowArr = [];
for (x in tRows){
rowArr[x] = tRows[x];
rowArr.sort(function(a, b){
if (a.cells.textContent < b.cells.textContent){
return -1;
if(a.cells.textContent > b.cells.textContent){
return 1;
return 0;
Stepping through it in Firebug, it appears to not change the order of the rows. Can someone please help me figure out what I am missing?
function retrvCatalog(e){
var fltr =;
var merch = document.getElementById('merch');
var tblHead = merch.tHead;
var tRows = merch.rows;
var rowArr = [];
for (var i=0; i<tRows.length; i++){
rowArr[i] = tRows[i];
rowArr = rowArr.sort(function(a, b){
if (fltr > 3){
a = parseFloat(a.cells[fltr].innerHTML);
b = parseFloat(b.cells[fltr].innerHTML);
a = a.cells[fltr].innerHTML;
b = b.cells[fltr].innerHTML;
if (a>b){
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
while(merch.hasChildNodes()) {
for (i=0;i<rowArr.length;i++){
The final two columns in the row are numbers, so that is why the method to sort is slightly variable.
Several problems in your code.
First, you didn't declare the x variable.
for(var x...
Second, don't use for-in to iterate an array like collection. Use for.
for (var x = 0, len = tRows.length; x < len; x++){
rowArr[x] = tRows[x];
Third, there is no textContent property of a cells collection.
This is easy to test by logging its value. This should have been the first thing you tried.
console.log(a.cells.textContent); // undefined
You need to decide which cell you want, and ask for it by index.
Finally, you should be aware that this technique will not show the result of the sorting in the DOM. You're only sorting the Array. You'll need to append the new ordering to the DOM.
Maybe you knew this, but you didn't show it in your code.
I don't know the relationship of the rows to the tBodies, so I can't give an example. But if all the rows are in one tbody, just loop the Array, and tBody[0].appendChild(rowArr[i])
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I'm pretty sure you can't use textContent on the cells array. You need to index cells so you know which column to actually sort on. If your rows have 4 columns each (or even if there's only 1), you still need to tell the sort function which column to sort on.
So in your sort function, if you wanted to sort by the second column, you'd want something like:
rowArr.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.cells[1].textContent < b.cells[1].textContent) {
return -1;
} else if (a.cells[1].textContent > b.cells[1].textContent) {
return 1;
return 0;
And I'm not sure what's in your cells, but you may want to use .innerHTML, not .textContent.
rowArr.sort(function(a,b) {
a = parseFloat(a.cells.textContent);
b = parseFloat(b.cells.textContent);
return (a-b);
"don't use for-in to iterate an array like collection." - user1673729
tRows is not an array, it's an HTML collection. That is why I used "for in" – nodirtyrockstar
An HTML Collection is an array like collection. Do not use for-in.

