How should I not load the images with broken link? - javascript

I'm working on a feature, in which images are being rendered from the servers. I was working on aligning the images but found that there is a lot of white space. This was the reason, due to loading of images with a broken link.
<div class="image-result" *ngIf="Display('images')">
<div class="col-sm-3" *ngFor="let item of items$|async">
<a href="{{}}">
<img class="res-img" src="{{}}" onerror="'none'">
I have used onerror="'none'" to solve the problem, but leaves a lot of white space when images are being loaded from the server. Is there any solution for it like to remove img tag whenever a image with a broken link has been detected ? I have gone through stackoverflow before asking question, but I'm not able to solve this problem. It would be great if someone can help me out. Thanks! :)

Instead of onerror="'none'" to hide an image, you can use onerror="this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" to remove the image tag altogether.
If you want to remove the entire column, in your specific case you can do the following.
var colEl = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
Or, in your HTML:
You should probably move that to some JavaScript function and attach your handler by saying
element.addEventListener('error', function() { /* ... */ });
References: parentNode, removeChild, addEventListener.
If you don't care about supporting Internet Explorer, you can also use remove instead of doing the parentNode.removeChild trickery. That would be particularly useful for reducing the code length in your onerror attribute, would you choose to use it, but I don't recommend that.

A more angular-way of doing this would be:
<img src="{{}}" (error)="item.brokenImage=true">
So you would have:
<div class="col-sm-3" *ngFor="let item of items$|async">
<div *ngIf="!item.brokenImage">
<a href="{{}}">
<img class="res-img" [src]="" (error)="item.brokenImage=true">
You need to listen for the error event of the image element, and assign a boolean on whether the image loaded successfully or not. Then, depending on that value angular will either show the image with the div, or remove it from the DOM.


How do I replace only part of an image source?

Is there a way to use jQuery to change a part of an image's source URL?
I'm working on a page that has a number of image elements that are all programmatically generated (but I'm not able to access the source code that generates them). And they all share the same class.
Let's say I have the following HTML:
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
Simple enough. But now, what if I want to point them all to a different directory? Like: /images/
So far, I've tried a few things, including this bit of jQuery, but nothing's done the trick so far:
That feels like it should do it because it's targeting images with that class -> then the "src" attribute -> and telling it to replace "pictures" with "images."
But I'm extremely new to using jQuery, so I'd appreciate some help.
What am I missing here? Any advice?
UPDATE: Huge thanks to those who provided answers and explanations — I really appreciate you helping a beginner!
In your code you simply change the returned string from
$("").attr("src") without doing anything with it afterwards. This will not change the attribute in your <img> elements.
This should do the job:
Here I go through all the matched elements and assign the changed src string back to each element's srcattribute.
// list the changed src values in the console:
<script src=""></script>
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
<img src="" class="photo">
Your code snippet won't work, because that's grabbing the src attribute of the first image, and changing it, but never setting the result as the new src on the <img> elements.
Try this
$("").each((index, img) => {
img.src = img.src.replace("pictures","images");

javascript zoom and drag multiple images within div. got some code but cant get to an end

i have this code
when i add another image it does not work
<img ondragstart="return false" id="drag-img" src="" />
and it nicely does what i need,
but i cannot get my head around how to have multiple images in this div which all can be moved freely.
i want to be able to make collages with multiple images.
thanks for any help
I've just gone with your codebase. I think the image url is wrong.
it working well with this url
I think you have to check your image url.
You can use classname instead of id to handle this issue.
<div id="container">
<img ondragstart="return false" class="drag-img" src="" />
<img ondragstart="return false" class="drag-img" src="" />
And add addEventListener to each items
var items = document.getElementsByClassName('drag-img');
for (let item of items) {
item.addEventListener(event_start, start_drag);
here is the codebase.
Hope this help you.

Google Tag Manager - CSS selector challenge

I am trying to get the URL of a link in the source code. The challenge is that the URL is hidden behind a image, and thus only letting me fetch the image-url.
I've been trying to figure a way to solve this issue by using the new CSS selector in the trigger system and also made a DOM variable that should get the URL when the image is clicked. There can also be multiple downloads.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:
<div class="download">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
<div class="download">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
<div class="download">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="some-download-image.png"/></a>
There are much code above and below this snippet, but with the selector it should be fairly easy to get the information I want. Only that I don't.
If anyone have met this wall and solved it, I really would like to know how. :)
This is one possible solution. So as I understand it, you would like to grab the anchor element's href attribute when you click the "download" image.
A Custom Javascript variable would need to be created so that you can manipulate the click element object:
var ec = {{Click Element}};
var href = $(ec).closest('a').attr('href');
return href;
So you will need to do your due diligence and add in your error checking and stuff, but basically this should return to you the href, and then you will need to parse the string to extract the portion that you need.

Javascript: image onclick then slide big image

I really like this slider sample HERE!. But I want to do is assign next/previous onclick command on images display on right side like this:
Instead of clicking those DOTS. I want to assign the onclick EVENT on images(RED BOXES).
How can I tweak that one.
Thank you in advance!
I've simply changed the $navDots variable to point to the images on line 90 of js.
var navDots = $('.nav-images');
this.$navDots = navDots.children( 'img' );
Then use this HTML:
<div class="nav-images">
<img src="" alt="img01" width="100px"/>
<img src="" alt="img02" width="100px"/>
<img src="" alt="img03" width="100px"/>
<img src="" alt="img04" width="100px"/>
<img src="" alt="img05" width="100px"/>
<img src="" width="100px"/>
Hope it helps! Please see codepen example as well!.
Please do link to the non-minified source of the plugin, so you can modify that file directly. Currently, the plugin handles all the elements inside the #cbp-fwslider area. It may not be advisable to hack from outside, which is what this solution is...
It looks like you can mimic this by hiding the dots (which is what the plugin uses by default) and using your two elements to trigger click events on the dots. The currently active dot is indicated by a cbp-fwcurrent, so something like $('#cbp-fwslider .cbp-fwdots .cbp-fwcurrent') would select the current dot. Use jQuery's next() and prev() calls check if the relevant dot exists, and then do a $el.trigger('click').
Code Outline (untested)
$('#fwdButton').click(function() {
var $dot = $('#cbp-fwslider .cbp-fwdots .cbp-fwcurrent'),
$nextDot = $;
if ($nextDot) {

HTML Javascript Combine SRC, Link, ALT tags

I am wondering if anyone knows a way to combine the "a href", "img src", and "alt" tags. We deal with a large amount of images and it is pretty tedious copying and pasting the same thing for all three fields for each picture in dreamweaver. Doing it once would be ideal. From what I have seen there is probably not much of a chance in doing this. I am using either HTML or Javascript.
<a href="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" alt="CRG_UnitType.jpg" width="775" height="617" border="2" class="picture">
AngularJS can also solve this problem. Source it in your HTML and set up a controller that includes your image data, and then you can use ng-repeat. The result is something like this.
<div ng-repeat="image in images">
<a href ="{{image.href}}" target="_blank">
<img SRC="{{image.src}}" width="{{image.width}}" height="{{image.height}}" border="2" class="picture">
First of all, your alt attributes should not contain your image file name, they should be used to describe the content of images in case they don't load, or in case someone visually impaired navigate through your website.
To answer the question, you definitivly need to use some server-side language to save time.
You could for instance display all your images quite easily with PHP by looping through an array of files and titles.
You need some basic understanding of this language (or any other server-side language) before doing so but the time you'll spend doing so won't be lost.
It's possible,
you can use jquery to do what you want, and if the src is the same of the href as in your example the way is:
In HTML use only image, and place an additional class:
<img src="../../0_Images/CRG_UnitType.jpg" alt="CRG_UnitType.jpg" width="775" height="617" border="2" class="picture auto_add_link">
Now add jquery function:
$( ".auto_add_link" ).wrap(function() {
return '';
Not so pretty, but it works
Demo on jsfiddle

