Adding 'placeholder' text to an element using JS - javascript

There are a few posts on this already (like this one) but they're not really adaptable to this situation.
I have a shortcode that dynamically generates text content based on a custom field in my CRM, this is used to display a users serial number for their software, shown below:
The direct parent container for the serial number is #copyTarget2.
When the container is empty it is still rendered on the page but with no content, shown here:
I need to populate the empty container with 'placeholder' text, but not the kind that you can type over, just so that there is text visible that just reads - 'No active serial number.'
Lastly, when the field is populated, the placeholder text needs to be hidden, it doesn't really matter how it's hidden so long as it's not visible and doesn't affect the text generated by the shortcode.
I also tried to adapt this JS Fiddle:
function(i,el) {
if (!el.value || el.value == '') {
el.placeholder = 'placeholdertext';
/* or:
el.placeholder = $('label[for=' + + ']').text();
function(i,el) {
if (!el.value || el.value == '') {
el.placeholder = 'No valid serial number.';
/* or:
el.placeholder = $('label[for=' + + ']').text();
CSS and HTML are like second languages to me but I'm new to JS so I can modify code a little but I can't write it (yet), I'm wondering what the best JS solution would be to achieve this and why?

Using :empty and :before with attribute to set the placeholder when it is empty.
[data-placeholder]:empty:before {
color: #AAA;
content: attr(data-placeholder);
<span data-placeholder="My placeholder"></span>
<span data-placeholder="My placeholder">I have text</span>

I think you need a effect like placeholder in the span element not the input tag .Try with some css .see the below snippet .And add the attribute using attr() of jquery function
see the CSS content
function(i, el) {
if (!$(el).text() || $(el).text().trim() == '') {
$(el).attr('placeholder', 'No valid serial number.')
/* or:
el.placeholder = $('label[for=' + + ']').text();
span:empty:before {
font-size: 12;
color: #9E9E9E;
line-height: 40px;
text-indent: 20px;
content: attr(placeholder);
display: block;
border: 1px solid grey;
position:absolute;/*or fix as your wish with respect to parent element*/
width:200px;/*or fix as your wish with respect to parent element*/
height:50px;/*or fix as your wish with respect to parent element*/
<script src=""></script>
<span id="copyTarget2"></span>


How to change CSS Class style by JS

I have a css clas like this:
.title-bottom:before {
bottom: -5px;
content: "";
height: 2px;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 80px;
left:0 sets the underscore to left but when RTL active, it must be float right.So, I want to change left:0 to left:initial if rtl exist.
How can I do it? I started to write the code like this:
if (document.dir === 'rtl'){
but I couldnt continue it.Because I couldnt find good resources to learn JS.
I need a code for this problem, Also good resources to learn JS.
You are seeking to change a CSS rule for the entire document.
One way to do this is to append a style sheet to your document's <head>, and put the rule changes in there. Since the added style sheet is the last one in the document, it will override the default rule.
if (document.dir === 'rtl') {
// create a new style sheet and append to head
let newStyle = document.createElement('style');
newStyle.innerHTML = '.title-bottom:before { left:initial; }';
function addRtl() {
let newStyle = document.createElement('style');
newStyle.innerHTML = '.title-bottom:before { content: ".rtl"; }';
document.dir = 'rtl';
.title-bottom {
background-color: lightgray;
padding: 1rem;
<h1>RTL Style Manipulation</h1>
<button onclick="addRtl()">Add New Style Sheet</button>
<div class="title-bottom">.title-bottom</div>
Alternative Method: CSS Attributes
But since you are basing the changes on an attribute called 'dir', you don't need any JavaScript to accomplish this. Instead, you can make use of the CSS [attribute=value] selector.
The CSS attribute selector has the form [attribute=value], which will match an element that has that attribute set to that value.
To make style modification when document.dir === 'rtl', you would use:
[dir*=rtl] .title-bottom:before {
A little example showing how to use CSS attribute selector:
function rtl() {
document.dir = 'rtl';
function ltr() {
document.dir = 'ltr';
[dir=rtl] p {
color: red;
<h1>Change document.dir</h1>
<button onclick="rtl()">set rtl</button>
<button onclick="ltr()">set ltr</button>
<p>Paragraph text will be red when document.dir === 'rtl'</p>

is there a simple way to replace a style by another in fullcalendar

i would like to change all the occurrence style="width: 1px;" by style="width: 41px;" in fullcalendar agendaWeek after it render,
for that i used eventAfterRender
and my code is
eventAfterRender: function(event, $el, view) {
if( 'agendaWeek' === ) {
var r = new RegExp(style="width: 1px;", "g");
var txtWith = 'style="width: 41px;"';
replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g,
">").replace(/\&/g, "&");
Instead of trying to change the inline style attribute, I would assign a CSS class which overrides the inline styling.
The class .wideCell would be something like this:
.wideCell {
width: 41px !important;
If you absolutely want to go with the replacement strategy, I would advise to use the following regex:
function replaceInlineWidth(element) {
// When the element has no style attribute, skip it.
if (!element.hasAttribute('style')) {
// Get the style attribute from the element
var inlineStyle = element.getAttribute('style'),
regex = /width\s?:\s?\d+px(?:;|$)/g;
// Replace the inline width declaration with 41px
inlineStyle = inlineStyle.replace(regex, 'width: 41px;');
// Set the modified style attribute back on the element.
element.setAttribute('style', inlineStyle);
// Create a test element.
element = document.createElement('div');
// Give the test element some inline style.
element.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #000; width: 1px; margin: 1em;');
// Run the replacement method.
// Log the inline style, the width should be 41px.
It will match things like width:1px, width :1px, and width: 1px. It also matches width: 30px. It will be a bit more resilient. If you really only want to replace width: 1px change the regex to width\s?:\s?1px(?:;|$).
to change fc-axis style,
First solution,
#Thijs idea
add to your css file,
.wideCell {
width: 41px !important;
go to fullcalendar.js and add wideCell to any class that contain fc-axis, EXP
'<td class="fc-axis fc-time '
'<td class="fc-axis fc-time wideCell '
without it i would have
fullcalendar weekview not showing correctly
but it should be like this fullcalendar weekview showing correctly
Second solution
open fullcalendar.js and change
var maxInnerWidth = 0; to var maxInnerWidth = 40;\\40 or what ever feet your need,

Apply CSS Repeatedly to Specific Words

I'm trying to apply CSS repeatedly and automatically to specific words.
For example, for the word "Twitter" I want the colour of the text to be #00ACED.
At present I am manually applying these colours around specific brand terms using span classes:
<span class="twitter">Twitter</span>
With the CSS:
.twitter {
color: #00ACED;
However, this is a process and I would prefer a method which completes this styling automatically. I have about 20 brand words with an associated colour styling.
Can anyone assist me with this problem. I am using WordPress if that makes any difference.
I think the most straight-forward way to do it is by using a smart jQuery highlight plugin I came across. After applying it, you'll be able to do what you're after. Below is an example, with a link to a live fiddle at the end:
<p>Some examples of how to highlight words with the jQuery Highlight plugin. First an example to demonstrate the default behavior and then others to demonstrate how to highlight the words Facebook and Twitter with their own class names. Words will be highlighted anywhere in the DOM, one needs only to be specific on where the script should look for the words. It supports case-sensitivity and other options, like in the case of YouTube.</p>
p { line-height: 30px; }
span { padding: 4px; }
.highlight { background-color: yellow; }
.facebook { background-color: #3c528f; color: white; }
.twitter { background-color: #1e9ae9; color: white; }
.youtube { background-color: #be0017; color: white; }
Highlight Plugin (needs to be loaded after jQuery and before the JavaScript below)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
// default
$("body p").highlight("default");
// specify class name (not case sensitive)
$("body p").highlight("twitter", { className: 'twitter' });
$("body p").highlight("facebook", { className: 'facebook' });
// specify class name (case sensitive)
$("body p").highlight("YouTube", { className: 'youtube', caseSensitive: true });
Include this JavaScript at the bottom of the page (before the body closing tag so that you don't need to use the function below:
$(document).ready(function() {
// unnecessary if you load all your scripts at the bottom of your page
Fiddle for the win! :)
Something like this may work. You would have to loop through your search terms and this might not be the most effective way to do it.
function add_class (search, replacement) {
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) {
var text = all[i].textContent || all[i].innerText;
if (text.indexOf(search) !== -1 && ! all[i].hasChildNodes()) {
all[i].className = all[i].className + " " + replacement;
var replacements = [
for (var i = replacements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Note: I didn't test this at all.
If you know minimum among of JavaScript, this JavaScript library can make your life much easier. it will convert all the letter in the string into a span tag.
For those of you interested in the answer, I've created a solution using WordPress functionality:
function replace_custom_word($text){
$replace = array(
'Twitter' => '<span class="twitter"><a title="Twitter" target="_blank" href="">Twitter</a></span>',
'Facebook' => '<span class="facebook"><a title="Facebook" target="_blank" href="">Facebook</a></span>'
$text = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $text);
return $text;}

Watermark for contenteditable div element

I have "contenteditable" div element. I want to set a watermark for it so that when user tries to write something in the div the watermark should go disappear.
I tried some watermark jQuery plugins, all work for input, textarea. What is the way to implement this feature for contenteditable div?
If you by "watermark" mean like a placeholder effect, the concept should be fairly simple:
var mark = 'Watermark',
edited = false;
$('[contenteditable]').focus(function() {
if(!edited) {
}).blur(function() {
if(!$(this).html()) {
}).keyup(function() {
edited = true;
Here's my answer to another question:
It uses a combination of jQuery and CSS3. Works exactly like the html5 placeholder attribute!.
Hides itself right away when you input the first letter
Shows itself again when you delete what you input into it
<div class="placeholder" contenteditable="true"></div>
.placeholder:after {
content: "Your placeholder"; /* this is where you assign the place holder */
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
color: #a9a9a9;
$('.placeholder').on('input', function(){
if ($(this).text().length > 0) {
} else {
I solved it this way:
div[contenteditable]:empty:before {
content: '-';
div[contenteditable]:focus:before {
color: transparent;

Placeholder in contenteditable - focus event issue

I have been trying to ask this before, without any luck of explaining/proving a working example where the bug happens. So here is another try:
I’m trying to replicate a placeholder effect on a contenteditable DIV. The core concept is simple:
<div contenteditable><em>Edit me</em></div>
$('div').focus(function() {
This can sometomes work, but if the placeholder contains HTML, or if there some other processing being made, the editable DIV’s text caret is being removed, and the user must re-click the editable DIV to be able to start typing (even if it’s still in focus):
I can’t use a focus trigger in the handler, since it will create an event loop. So I need a way to re-set the caret cursor in the editable DIV, or in some other way re-focus.
Here is a CSS only solution augmenting some of the other answers:-
<div contentEditable=true data-ph="My Placeholder String"></div>
EDIT: Here is my snippet on codepen ->
EDIT2: Be advised, this method doesn't work 100% for multi-line applications due to residual <br> elements being present in the div after performing a select-all-cut or select-all-delete on all lines. Credits:- #vsync
Backspace seems to work fine (at least on webkit/blink)
I've just published a plugin for this.
It uses a combination of CSS3 and JavaScript to show the placeholder without adding to the content of the div:
<div contenteditable='true' data-placeholder='Enter some text'></div>
div[data-placeholder]:not(:focus):not([data-div-placeholder-content]):before {
content: attr(data-placeholder);
float: left;
margin-left: 5px;
color: gray;
(function ($) {
$('div[data-placeholder]').on('keydown keypress input', function() {
if (this.textContent) {
this.dataset.divPlaceholderContent = 'true';
else {
And that's it.
You may need to manually update the selection. In IE, the focus event is too late, so I would suggest using the activate event instead. Here's some code that does the job in all major browsers, including IE <= 8 (which a CSS-only alternative will not):
Live demo:
$('div').on('activate', function() {
var range, sel;
if ( (sel = document.selection) && document.body.createTextRange) {
range = document.body.createTextRange();
$('div').focus(function() {
if (this.hasChildNodes() && document.createRange && window.getSelection) {
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
just use css pseudo-classes.
span.spanclass:empty:before {content:"placeholder";}
I found that the best way to do this is to use the placeholder attribute like usual and add a few lines of CSS.
<div contenteditable placeholder="I am a placeholder"></div>
[contenteditable][placeholder]:empty:before {
content: attr(placeholder);
color: #bababa;
Note: the CSS :empty selector only works if there is literally nothing in-between the opening and closing tag. This includes new lines, tabs, empty space, etc.
All you need is this little solution
content: attr(placeholder);
display: block; /* For Firefox */
Here's my way:
It uses a combination of jQuery and CSS3. Works exactly like the html5 placeholder attribute!.
Hides itself right away when you input the first letter
Shows itself again when you delete what you input into it
<div class="placeholder" contenteditable="true"></div>
.placeholder:after {
content: "Your placeholder"; /* this is where you assign the place holder */
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
color: #a9a9a9;
$('.placeholder').on('input', function(){
if ($(this).text().length > 0) {
} else {
Here's the fix that I used.
<div contenteditable><em>Edit me</em></div>
$('div').focus(function() {
var target = $(this);
window.setTimeout(function() { target.empty(); }, 10);
I developed a jQuery plug-in for this. Take a look
var curText = 'Edit me';
$('div').focusin(function() {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase() == curText.toLowerCase() || !$(this).text().length) {
}).focusout(function() {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase() == curText.toLowerCase() || !$(this).text().length) {
$(this).html('<em>' + curText + '</em>');
This is not exact solution of your problem ..
in summernote options set
placeholder works in this way.
In .css
.holder:before {
content: attr(placeholder);
color: lightgray;
display: block;
font-family: "Campton", sans-serif;
in js.
clickedOnInput:boolean = false;
charactorCount:number = 0;
let charCount = document.getElementsByClassName('edit-box')[0];
this.charactorCount = charCount.innerText.length;
if(charactorCount > 0 && clickedOnInput){
if(charactorCount == 0 && !clickedOnInput){
this.clickedOnInput = false;
In .html
<div placeholder="Write your message.." id="MyConteditableElement" onclick="clickedOnInput = true;" contenteditable class="form-control edit-box"></div>
this solution worked for me in angular project

