Angular 4 - routerLinks without starting slash get rewritten after uncaught error - javascript

This is a follow up to Angular 4 + zonejs: routing stops working after uncaught error
since we had a hard time integration the suggested changes into our project.
The reason for this can be seen in this adapted plunker in app.html:
The routerLinks in our project were not prefixed with a slash "/".
This breaks the whole navigation once you navigate to another section after visiting the "Error Component".
All links are being rewritten with the current path, e.g. home.
Adding the slash in the routerLink attributes fixes this behaviour.
Why is that?
And is there some documentation/spec concerning this?
We only found this angular ticket and the api for RouterLink-directive which says
or doesn't begin with a slash, the router will instead look in the children of the current activated route.
But how is this related to what is happening with an uncaught error respectively with the suggested workaround from the previous question?

After an navigation error happens the routing state is restored
this.currentRouterState = storedState;
this.currentUrlTree = storedUrl;
After that within executing createUrlTree the startPosition is obtained:
function findStartingPosition(nav, tree, route) {
if (nav.isAbsolute) { // it will be executed when you use `/` in routeLink
return new Position(tree.root, true, 0);
if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex === -1) { // without '/'
return new Position(route.snapshot._urlSegment, true, 0);
As we can see in code above when you use slash in routeLinks then router will create position based on tree.root which has not changed.
then it is used for creating UrlTree (oldSegmentGroup in code below)
function tree(oldSegmentGroup, newSegmentGroup, urlTree, queryParams, fragment) {
if (urlTree.root === oldSegmentGroup) { // will be false after the error
return new UrlTree(newSegmentGroup, qp, fragment);
return new UrlTree(replaceSegment(urlTree.root, oldSegmentGroup, newSegmentGroup), qp, fragment);
So workaround might be as follows:
We no longer need RouteReuseStrategy.
We store errored state
let erroredUrlTree;
let erroredState;
export class AppModule {
constructor(private router: Router) { (e) {
if(e instanceof NavigationError ) {
erroredState = (router as any).currentRouterState;
erroredUrlTree = (router as any).currentUrlTree;
and recovery it after error occurs:
export class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
constructor(private inj: Injector) {}
handleError(error: any): void {
console.log('MyErrorHandler: ' + error);
if(erroredUrlTree) {
let router: any = this.inj.get(Router);
router.currentRouterState = erroredState;
router.currentUrlTree = erroredUrlTree;
erroredState = null;
erroredUrlTree = null;
Modified Plunker
It looks terrible but maybe it will help to understand what the problem is


BrowserAuthError: interaction_in_progress - Unable to fix, regardles of solutions found

I'm implementing security for the applications at the company I'm working at right now. I'm using #azure/msal-angular#2.0.2, #azure/msal-browser#2.16.1. I followed the example found here
and got it working for the first application. I went on to implement it for the next application, which is basically the same one, just talks to a different api, but the complexity is the same. After possibly doing something wrong I keep getting the error:
core.js:6157 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): BrowserAuthError: interaction_in_progress: Interaction is currently in progress. Please ensure that this interaction has been completed before calling an interactive API. For more visit:
BrowserAuthError: interaction_in_progress: Interaction is currently in progress. Please ensure that this interaction has been completed before calling an interactive API. For more visit:
I found several other posts that said to clear the caches, storages etc... But none of it works. All it does is prompt me to log in again, only to fill in the sessionStorage back with the same entries, amongst them the entry that says msal.442edcf7-9e0c-469b-93fb-daa1839724bd.interaction.status interaction_in_progress. As far as I know I've tried everthing I've found. Also the solution from AzureAD themselves doesn't work.
I'm very new to this so I might have missed something simple, if so, my apologies.
My code can be found below.
Angular version
import {
MsalModule, MsalRedirectComponent,
} from "#azure/msal-angular";
import {BrowserCacheLocation, InteractionType, LogLevel, PublicClientApplication} from '#azure/msal-browser';
const isIE = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') > -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') > -1;
declarations: [
imports: [
new PublicClientApplication({ // MSAL Configuration
auth: {
clientId: "442edcf7-...",
authority: "",
redirectUri: window.location.origin,
cache: {
cacheLocation : BrowserCacheLocation.LocalStorage,
storeAuthStateInCookie: false, // set to true for IE 11
system: {
loggerOptions: {
loggerCallback: (level: LogLevel, message: string, containsPii: boolean): void => {
if (containsPii) {
switch (level) {
case LogLevel.Error:
case LogLevel.Info:;
case LogLevel.Verbose:
case LogLevel.Warning:
piiLoggingEnabled: false
}), {
interactionType: InteractionType.Popup, // MSAL Guard Configuration
}, {
protectedResourceMap: new Map([
[ 'http://localhost:8400/', ['api://442edcf7-9e0c-469b-93fb-daa1839724bd/acces_as_user/Acces-user']],
[ '', ['api://442edcf7-9e0c-469b-93fb-daa1839724bd/acces_as_user/Acces-user']]
interactionType: InteractionType.Redirect // MSAL Interceptor Configuration
providers: [
provide: MatPaginatorIntl,
useClass: MatPaginatorIntlTranslator
useClass: MsalInterceptor,
multi: true
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
title = 'Quality score';
isIframe = false;
loginDisplay = false;
activeUser = '';
private readonly onDestroy$ = new Subject<void>()
#Inject(MSAL_GUARD_CONFIG) private msalGuardConfig: MsalGuardConfiguration,
private languageService: LanguageService,
private authService: MsalService,
private msalBroadcastService: MsalBroadcastService,
private location: Location,
private userService: UserService
ngOnInit(): void {
const currentPath = this.location.path();
// Dont perform nav if in iframe or popup, other than for front-channel logout
this.isIframe = BrowserUtils.isInIframe() && !window.opener && currentPath.indexOf("logout") < 0; // Remove this line to use Angular Universal
filter((status: InteractionStatus) => status === InteractionStatus.None),
.subscribe(() => {
ngOnDestroy() {
setLoginDisplay() {
this.loginDisplay = this.authService.instance.getAllAccounts().length > 0;
* If no active account set but there are accounts signed in, sets first account to active account
* To use active account set here, subscribe to inProgress$ first in your component
* Note: Basic usage demonstrated. Your app may require more complicated account selection logic
let activeAccount = this.authService.instance.getActiveAccount();
if (!activeAccount && this.authService.instance.getAllAccounts().length > 0) {
let accounts = this.authService.instance.getAllAccounts();
if(activeAccount) {
this.userService.activeUserName =;
this.activeUser =;
logout(): void{
I'm really lost and have no idea what I have done wrong. From my understanding there is a login process that was interupted, probably by me leaving the login screen, but now I have no idea how to "finish it up" or complete the process.
I tried copying the LocalStorage values from the working application and I got it to work. Refreshing works and no errors appear, but when I logout and after it prompted me to login again and I do, then it's right back to the start again.
Solution update
I've had a breakthrough. If I change the login type to Popup and handle it this way, it's fixed. I can login and logout without any issues. However if I then change it back to Redirect, it's broken again. So for now I'll keep it on Popup. Simple solution, but I hadn't thought of it because I assumed the issue would be occur there as well.
I can't tell by the code provided, but I had a similar issue. On top of that I was getting the following error in the console: Error: The selector "app-redirect" did not match any elements
This lead me to the following post:
I added <app-redirect></app-redirect> to the index.html page, below app-root as suggested and this seemed to sort both issues.
"Workaround" fix
Make your login type Popup. Dumb of me not to think about that

Angularjs and Angular 8 hybrid and execute code micronization get Error: Can't resolve all parameters for xxx-service

I have a difficult case which was organized from an old angularjs and angular8, besides it's was also limited in the extensive refactoring to resolve in code of micronization.And the code of angularjs cannot be changed.
In the end I choose the library ngx-planet that is closest to my situation, but i got this error
When I then local run it, I get this error message.
I have tested this way of writing under angularjs and angular8 code without planet library, it can work, but after using planet, the aforementioned error occurred.
After searching, it was found that the reasons for this error message are known as the following 6 types:
Barrel index
Circularity dependency
Forgot to enable polyfills import'core-js/es6/reflect'
Injectable decorator incorrect usage (EX: missing # or capital & lower case error etc...)
Tsconfig does not configure emitDecoratorMetadata
Decorate parameter type use any in your constructor
The first 5 have been excluded, I suspect it is the last, because of this Configuring Dependency Injection in Angular
But I am confused, whether a certain configuration of planet causes parameter type to fail?
Code Structure:
1. There is a common service exported from angularjs
(File name: angular1-root-module.js)
(function () {
angular.module('angular1', [
angular.module('angular1.export-service', []);
angular.module('angular1.export-service').factory('Angular1ExportService', Angular1ExportService);
Angular1ExportService.$inject = [];
function Angular1ExportService() {
function outPutString() {
return 'I from Angular1 export service string';
return {
outPutAngular1String: outPutString,
2. Inject into the class named Angular1InjectorService through the factory provider and depend on angularjs's $injector
export function Angular1InjectorServiceFactory(injector: any) {
return new Angular1InjectorService(injector);
export const Angular1InjectorServiceProvider = {
provide: Angular1InjectorService,
useFactory: Angular1InjectorServiceFactory,
deps: ['$injector']
export class Angular1InjectorService {
// I think probably this injector of type is any cause
constructor(private angular1Injector: any) {
getService(serviceName: String) {
return this.angular1Injector.get(serviceName);
3. Then inject into the common AppBaseService
export class AppBaseService {
readonly angular1InjectorService: Angular1InjectorService;
readonly testService: any;
constructor(readonly injector: Injector) {
this.angular1InjectorService = this.injector.get(Angular1InjectorService);
this.testService = this.angular1InjectorService.getService('Angular1ExportService');
testGetAngular1String() {
console.log('app base service is work!');
return this.testService.outPutAngular1String();
4. Then the service of the sub app inherits AppBaseService, and obtains the method that exists in angularjs
export class App1RootService extends AppBaseService {
constructor(readonly injector: Injector) {
GetLogAngular1String() {
console.log('app1 root service is work!');
return this.testGetAngular1String();
5. Portal root planet config
name: 'app1',
hostParent: '#app-host-container',
routerPathPrefix: '/app1',
selector: 'app1-root-container',
resourcePathPrefix: '/static/app1',
preload: settings.app1.preload,
switchMode: settings.app1.switchMode,
loadSerial: true,
manifest: '/static/app1/manifest.json',
scripts: [
styles: [
6. Sub app1 main config
defineApplication('app1', (portalApp: PlanetPortalApplication) => {
return platformBrowserDynamic([
provide: PlanetPortalApplication,
useValue: portalApp
provide: AppRootContext,
.then(appModule => {
return appModule;
.catch(error => {
return null;
Issue related resources:
EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters
Uncaught Error: Can't resolve all parameters for
After upgrade Angular to v8: Can't resolve all parameters for Component:
Intact issue code:
I have not found an answer, and already have the official github open issue, but hope to get more help

master-atul/react-native-exception-handler - does not capture errors in node_modules

I am only able to get this to work for issues at the application level, if an error is thrown from any package in the node_modules, it is not captured.
below is my GlobalErrorHandler, i have imported this into my app.js file at the top of my application so was expecting it to capture any exception in the application.
the expected behaviour would be for the this.test() exception to be thrown and from node_modules/AnotherUIDependency and captured by the globalErrorHandler
import { GlobalErrorHandler } from 'MASKED/globalErrorHandler'
import { Alert } from 'react-native'
import { GlobalStrings } from 'MASKED'
import RNExitApp from 'react-native-exit-app'
import {
} from 'react-native-exception-handler'
errorHandler = (e, isFatal) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
errorMessage(e, isFatal, __DEV__),
text: GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.exit,
onPress: () => {
{ cancelable: false }
errorMessage = (e, isFatal, isDev) => {
let val = null
if (isDev) {
val =
GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.error +
`: ${isFatal ? GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.fatal : ''}` +
'\n\n' + +
':' +
} else {
if (!isFatal) {
val = GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.exceptionMessage
} else {
val = GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.nonFatal + ': ' + e
return val
setJSExceptionHandler(errorHandler, true)
setNativeExceptionHandler(errorString => {
GlobalStrings.globalErrorHandler.nativeExceptionMessage + ': ' + errorString
export default class myComponent extends Component {
this.test() // expected globalErrorHandler capture
I think it may be my usage, however, i found that i had to import my globalErrorHandler at the top of the index file of each package in my project.
I found that even if i implemented it as the docs suggest, it was not truly global as it still would not capture node_module level exceptions. I would seem that the handler only picks up exceptions where it can follow the imports to the file where the exception occurs.
In my case, we have some weird referencing going on which i think is preventiung this. I have the same issue even if i use the React-Native ErrorUtils global
You're wrong about how to get the module in.
To catch JS_Exceptions
import {setJSExceptionHandler, getJSExceptionHandler} from 'react-native-exception-handler';
// For most use cases:
// registering the error handler (maybe u can do this in the or index.ios.js)
setJSExceptionHandler((error, isFatal) => {
// This is your custom global error handler
// You do stuff like show an error dialog
// or hit google analytics to track crashes
// or hit a custom api to inform the dev team.
// ADVANCED use case:
const exceptionhandler = (error, isFatal) => {
// your error handler function
setJSExceptionHandler(exceptionhandler, allowInDevMode);
// - exceptionhandler is the exception handler function
// - allowInDevMode is an optional parameter is a boolean.
// If set to true the handler to be called in place of RED screen
// in development mode also.
// getJSExceptionHandler gives the currently set JS exception handler
const currentHandler = getJSExceptionHandler();
To catch Native_Exceptions
import { setNativeExceptionHandler } from "react-native-exception-handler";
//For most use cases:
setNativeExceptionHandler(exceptionString => {
// This is your custom global error handler
// You do stuff likehit google analytics to track crashes.
// or hit a custom api to inform the dev team.
//NOTE: alert or showing any UI change via JS
// ADVANCED use case:
const exceptionhandler = exceptionString => {
// your exception handler code here
// - exceptionhandler is the exception handler function
// - forceAppQuit is an optional ANDROID specific parameter that defines
// if the app should be force quit on error. default value is true.
// To see usecase check the common issues section.
// - executeDefaultHandler is an optional boolean (both IOS, ANDROID)
// It executes previous exception handlers if set by some other module.
// It will come handy when you use any other crash analytics module along with this one
// Default value is set to false. Set to true if you are using other analytics modules.

Javascript ServiceStack Client serialization error

So I have a master/detail scenario between two views. The master page shows a list and after clicking on one of the items, I send a message via the EventAggregator in Aurelia to the child view with a deserialized dto (coming from the selected item of the master) as a payload of the message.
However when I then try to pass this item as a parameter of a subsequent request in the child (to get additional info) the payload object fails to serialize.
import { JsonServiceClient } from "servicestack-client";
import {
} from "../holdingsManager.dtos";
import { inject, singleton } from "aurelia-framework";
import { Router } from "aurelia-router";
import { EventAggregator } from "aurelia-event-aggregator";
import { GetPendingPositionMessage } from "../common/GetPendingPositionMessage";
#inject(Router, EventAggregator)
export class Pending {
router: Router;
positions: PositionFileInfo[];
client: JsonServiceClient;
eventAgg: EventAggregator;
constructor(router, eventAggregator) {
this.router = router;
this.eventAgg = eventAggregator;
this.client = new JsonServiceClient('/');
var req = new ListPendingHoldingsFiles();
this.client.get(req).then((getHoldingsResponse) => {
this.positions = getHoldingsResponse.PositionFiles;
}).catch(e => {
console.log(e); // "oh, no!"
openHoldings(positionInfo) {
this.eventAgg.publish(new GetPendingPositionMessage(positionInfo));
import { JsonServiceClient } from "servicestack-client";
import { inject, singleton } from "aurelia-framework";
import { Router } from 'aurelia-router';
import { EventAggregator } from "aurelia-event-aggregator";
import { GetPendingPositionMessage } from "../common/GetPendingPositionMessage";
import {
} from "../holdingsManager.dtos";
#inject(Router, EventAggregator)
export class Holdings {
router: Router;
pendingPositionFileInfo: PositionFileInfo;
position: Position;
client: JsonServiceClient;
eventAgg: EventAggregator;
constructor(router, eventAggregator) {
this.router = router;
this.eventAgg = eventAggregator;
message => {
this.pendingPositionFileInfo = message.fileInfo;
activate(params, routeData) {
this.client = new JsonServiceClient('/');
var req = new GetPendingHoldingsFile();
req.PositionToRetrieve = this.pendingPositionFileInfo;
this.client.get(req).then((getHoldingsResponse) => {
this.position = getHoldingsResponse.PendingPosition;
}).catch(e => {
console.log(e); // "oh, no!"
So the error happens when the child activates and attempts to send the request 'GetPendingHoldingsFile'.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (NullReferenceException)
I have verified that this.pendingPositionFileInfo in the child is not null or empty and that on the server side, the object is not being received (it is null). I am new to Aurelia and not very experienced with Javascript so I must be missing something, any advice would be appreciated.
Edit 1
This seems to be something wrong with how I'm interacting with ServiceStack. I'm using version 4.5.6 of serviceStack with servicestack-client#^0.0.17. I tried newing up a fresh copy of the dto (PositionFileInfo) and copying over all the values from the parent view just to be sure there wasn't some javascript type conversion weirdness happening that I'm not aware of, but even with a fresh dto the webservice still receives a null request.
Switching from 'client.get(...)' to '' fixed the problem. Apparently trying to serialize the object over in the URL was not a good plan.

Refreshing data through constructor in Angular 2 / Ionic 2

I have Ionic 2 app with one view for 3 different data sets. Data are loaded in constructor and based on variable in page params, it's decided which data set to show.
At every successful data call by observable, event handler logs success when data are loaded. But this only works when I click/load view for a first time. If I click for 2nd or any other time, data are not re-loaded (no log). Also, when I just console log anything, it won't show at 2nd+ click.
So I wonder what should I change to load data everytime and how constructor works in this manner.
This is how my code looks like. Jsons are called from namesListProvider.
templateUrl: '...',
export class ListOfNames {
private dataListAll: Array<any> = [];
private dataListFavourites: Array<any> = [];
private dataListDisliked: Array<any> = [];
constructor(private nav: NavController, ...) {
(data:any) => {
this.dataListFavourites = data[0],
this.dataListDisliked = data[1],
this.dataListAll = data[2]
if (this.actualList === 'mainList') {
this.listOfNames = this.dataListAll;
this.swipeLeftList = this.dataListDisliked;
this.swipeRightList = this.dataListFavourites;
else if (...) {
this.listSearchResults = this.listOfNames;
}, err => console.log('hey, error when loading names list - ' + err),
() =>'loading Jsons complete')
What you're looking for are the Lifecycle events from Ionic2 pages. So instead of using ngOnInit you can use some of the events that Ionic2 exposes:
Page Event Description
---------- -----------
ionViewLoaded Runs when the page has loaded. This event only happens once per page being created and added to the DOM. If a page leaves but is cached, then this event will not fire again on a subsequent viewing. The ionViewLoaded event is good place to put your setup code for the page.
ionViewWillEnter Runs when the page is about to enter and become the active page.
ionViewDidEnter Runs when the page has fully entered and is now the active page. This event will fire, whether it was the first load or a cached page.
ionViewWillLeave Runs when the page is about to leave and no longer be the active page.
ionViewDidLeave Runs when the page has finished leaving and is no longer the active page.
ionViewWillUnload Runs when the page is about to be destroyed and have its elements removed.
ionViewDidUnload Runs after the page has been destroyed and its elements have been removed.
In your case, you can use the ionViewWillEnter page event like this:
ionViewWillEnter {
// This will be executed every time the page is shown ...
// ...
If you're going to obtain the data to show in that page asynchronously, since you don't know how long would it take until the data is ready, I'd recommend you to use a loading popup so the user can we aware of something happening in the background (instead of showing a blank page for a few seconds until the data is loaded). You can easily add that behaviour to your code like this:
// Import the LoadingController
import { LoadingController, ...} from 'ionic/angular';
templateUrl: '...',
export class ListOfNames {
private dataListAll: Array<any> = [];
private dataListFavourites: Array<any> = [];
private dataListDisliked: Array<any> = [];
// Create a property to be able to create it and dismiss it from different methods of the class
private loading: any;
constructor(private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private nav: NavController, ...) {
ionViewWillEnter {
// This will be executed every time the page is shown ...
// Create the loading popup
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: 'Loading...'
// Show the popup
// Get the data
// ...
(data:any) => {
this.dataListFavourites = data[0],
this.dataListDisliked = data[1],
this.dataListAll = data[2]
if (this.actualList === 'mainList') {
this.listOfNames = this.dataListAll;
this.swipeLeftList = this.dataListDisliked;
this.swipeRightList = this.dataListFavourites;
else if (...) {
this.listSearchResults = this.listOfNames;
}, err => console.log('hey, error when loading names list - ' + err),
() => {
// Dismiss the popup because data is ready
this.loading.dismiss();'loading Jsons complete')}
The solution is don't do this in the constructor, use ngOnInit() instead. Components are created only once, therefore the constructor will only be called when first created.
Your component class must implement the OnInit interface:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
templateUrl: '...',
export class ListOfNames implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
private loadJsons() {
i'm coming from Angular 2 world, not ionic, but angular 2 has the option to register callbacks on init/destory (ngInit/ngDestory).
try to move initialization to ngInit, save subscription handler, and don't forget to unsubscribe it on destory.
i think your issue related to that you are not unsubscribing.. :\

