Prevent ngOnChanges from firing after emitting event (Angular 2+) - javascript

In Angular 2+, custom two-way databinding can be accomplished by using #Input and #Output parameters. So if I want a child component to communicate with a third party plugin, I could do it as follows:
export class TestComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
#Input() value: number;
#Output() valueChange = new EventEmitter<number>();
ngOnInit() {
// Create an event handler which updates the parent component with the new value
// from the third party plugin.
thirdPartyPlugin.onSomeEvent(newValue => {
ngOnChanges() {
// Update the third party plugin with the new value from the parent component
And use it like this:
<test-component [(value)]="value"></test-component>
After the third party plugin fires an event to notify us of a change, the child component updates the parent component by calling this.valueChange.emit(newValue). The issue is that ngOnChanges then fires in the child component because the parent component's value has changed, which causes thirdPartyPlugin.setValue(this.value) to be called. But the plugin is already in the correct state, so this is a potentially unnecessary/expensive re-render.
So what I often do is create a flag property in my child component:
export class TestComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
ignoreModelChange = false;
ngOnInit() {
// Create an event handler which updates the parent component with the new value
// from the third party plugin.
thirdPartyPlugin.onSomeEvent(newValue => {
// Set ignoreModelChange to true if ngChanges will fire, so that we avoid an
// unnecessary (and potentially expensive) re-render.
if (this.value === newValue) {
ignoreModelChange = true;
ngOnChanges() {
if (ignoreModelChange) {
ignoreModelChange = false;
But this feels like a hack.
In Angular 1, directives which took in a parameter using the = binding had the same exact issue. So instead, I would accomplish custom two-way databinding by requiring ngModelController, which did not cause a re-render after a model update:
// Update the parent model with the new value from the third party plugin. After the model
// is updated, $render will not fire, so we don't have to worry about a re-render.
thirdPartyPlugin.onSomeEvent(function (newValue) {
scope.$apply(function () {
// Update the third party plugin with the new value from the parent model. This will only
// fire if the parent scope changed the model (not when we call $setViewValue).
ngModelCtrl.$render = function () {
This worked, but ngModelController really seems to be designed for form elements (it has built in validation, etc.). So it felt a bit odd to use it in custom directives which are not form elements.
Question: Is there a best practice in Angular 2+ for implementing custom two-way databinding in a child component, which does not trigger ngOnChanges in the child component after updating the parent component using EventEmitter? Or should I integrate with ngModel just as I did in Angular 1, even if my child component is not a form element?
Thanks in advance!
Update: I checked out Everything you need to know about change detection in Angular suggested by #Maximus in the comments. It looks like the detach method on ChangeDetectorRef will prevent any bindings in the template from being updated, which could help with performance if that's your situation. But it does not prevent ngOnChanges from being called:
thirdPartyPlugin.onSomeEvent(newValue => {
// ngOnChanges will still fire after calling emit
So far I haven't found a way to accomplish this using Angular's change detection (but I learned a lot in the process!).
I ended up trying this with ngModel and ControlValueAccessor. This seems to accomplish what I need since it behaves as ngModelController in Angular 1:
export class TestComponentUsingNgModel implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit {
value: number;
// Angular will pass us this function to invoke when we change the model
onChange = (fn: any) => { };
ngOnInit() {
thirdPartyPlugin.onSomeEvent(newValue => {
this.value = newValue;
// Tell Angular to update the parent component with the new value from the third
// party plugin
// Update the third party plugin with the new value from the parent component. This
// will only fire if the parent component changed the model (not when we call
// this.onChange).
writeValue(newValue: number) {
this.value = newValue;
registerOnChange(fn: any) {
this.onChange = fn;
And use it like this:
<test-component-using-ng-model [(ngModel)]="value"></test-component-using-ng-model>
But again, if the custom component is not a form element, using ngModel seems a bit odd.

Also ran into this problem (or at least something very similar).
I ended up using hacky approach you discussed above but with a minor modification, I used setTimeout in order to reset state just in case.
(For me personally ngOnChanges was mainly problematic if using two-way binding, so the setTimeout prevents a hanging disableOnChanges if NOT using two-way binding).
changePage(newPage: number) { = newPage;
this.disableOnChanges = true;
setTimeout(() => this.disableOnChanges = false, 0);
ngOnChanges(changes: any) {
if (this.disableOnChanges) {
this.disableOnChanges = false;

This is exactly the intention of Angular and its something you should try to work with rather than against. Change detection works by components detecting changes in its template bindings and propagating them down the component tree. If you can design your application in such a way that you are relying on the immutability of components inputs', you can control this manually by setting #Component({changeDetection:ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush}) which will test references to determine whether to continue change detection on children components.
So, that said, my experience is that wrappers of 3rd party plugins may not efficiently handle and take advantage of this type of strategy appropriately. You should attempt to use knowledge of the above, together with good design choices like the separation of concerns of presentation vs container components to leverage the detection strategy to achieve good performance.
You can also pass changes: SimpleChanges to ngOnInit(changes: SimpleChanges) and inspect the object to learn more about your data flow.


Sibling component does not receive emitted changes

In my Angular 9 project I have 2 components which are siblings and the parent component. On change in component A, I emit a value and it's set in the parent component and calls a method in component B. The method in component B emits another value and it's set in the parent component. The on change in component A continues, but the emitted value from component B that is set in the parent component (which is an input in component A) is not changed. I don't know why it's not the input for component A does not change even though the parent updates the value.
Parent Component
setSomeNum(someNum: number) {
// this is run on someNumberEmitter in Component A
this.num = someNum;
if (this.viewChildComponentB) {
setSomeOtherNum (someOtherNum: number) {
// this is run on someDiffNumEmitter in Component B
this.otherNum = someOtherNum
Component A
componentAOnChange(someNum: number) {
// this.inputFromComponentB is the original value instead of the one emitted in Component B (this.someDiffNum)
this.someService.applyCalc(someNum, this.inputFromComponentB);
Component B
remove(someNum: number) {
this.someService.applyCalc(someNum, this.someDiffNum);
I'm using the OnPush change detection strategy, but nothing changed. How can the sibling component A run with the data changes from component B?
I'm not sure why you're using ViewChild there but if it is to update the child components manually when there's change then that should be a red flag something is being done wrong, if you have data that needs to be shared it should be shared across the board and update accordingly on the single source of data changes without having to manually update the rest of the places.
Now to your problem:
If you're using the OnPush change detection strategy you have to update your data in an immutable way or use Observables, otherwise the change detection won't trigger.
Some people will advice triggering change detection manually but I'd recommend avoiding that as the whole point of using OnPush is to avoid a whole page render unnecessarily.
A simple solution I like to use is to use a Subject or BehaviorSubject instead with the async pipe. This way it ensures smooth work with the OnPush change detection strategy because ChangeDetection will run when the Observable emits a new value, and the async pipe takes care of unsubscribing the Observable for you.
If I were to modify your current components, it'd look something like this:
num$ = new Subject<number>();
otherNum$ = new Subject<number>();
setSomeNum(someNum: number) {
setSomeOtherNum (someOtherNum: number) {
// this is run on someDiffNumEmitter in Component B
Then in the HTML you can use the async pipe, like this:
<some-component [num]="num$ | async" [otherNum]="otherNum$ | async"></some-component>
(You could use the async pipe in the component itself, doesn't really matter).
And that's pretty much it. You should have a Subject as an Observable, then share it with child components, once the Observable is updated, the child components data will be updated as well.
One small caveat is that when using a Subject instead of a BehaviorSubject is to make sure to subscribe before emitting any values to the Subject, otherwise the data will not update. So for certain cases BehaviorSubject is a better fit.

Angular - RxJS : afterViewInit and Async pipe

I tried to do the following in my component which uses changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
#ViewChild('searchInput') input: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.searchText$ = fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup')
map(event =>,
And in the template
<div *ngIf="searchText$ | async as searchText;">
results for "<b>{{searchText}}</b>"
It doesn't work, however if I remove the OnPush, it does. I am not too sure why since the async pipe is supposed to trigger the change detection.
Following the answers, I have tried to replace what I have by the following:
this.searchText$ = interval(1000);
Without any #Input, the async pipe is marking my component for check and it works just fine. So I don't get why I haven't got the same behavior with the fromEvent
By default Whenever Angular kicks change detection, it goes through all components one by one and checks if something changes and updates its DOM if it's so. what happens when you change default change detection to ChangeDetection.OnPush?
Angular changes its behavior and there are only two ways to update component DOM.
#Input property reference changed
Manually called markForCheck()
If you do one of those, it will update DOM accordingly. in your case you don't use the first option, so you have to use the second one and call markForCheck(), anywhere. but there is one occasion, whenever you use async pipe, it will call this method for you.
The async pipe subscribes to an Observable or Promise and returns the
latest value it has emitted. When a new value is emitted, the async
pipe marks the component to be checked for changes. When the component
gets destroyed, the async pipe unsubscribes automatically to avoid
potential memory leaks.
so there is nothing magic here, it calls markForCheck() under the hood. but if it's so why doesn't your solution work? In order to answer this question let's dive in into the AsyncPipe itself. if we inspect the source code AsyncPipes transform function looks like this
transform(obj: Observable<any>|Promise<any>|null|undefined): any {
if (!this._obj) {
if (obj) {
this._latestReturnedValue = this._latestValue;
return this._latestValue;
....// some extra code here not interesting
so if the value passed is not undefined, it will subscribe to that observable and act accordingly (call markForCheck(), whenever value emits)
Now it's the most crucial part
the first time Angular calls the transform method, it is undefined, because you initialize searchText$ inside ngAfterViewInit() callback (the View is already rendered, so it calls async pipe also). So when you initialize searchText$ field, the change detection already finished for this component, so it doesn't know that searchText$ has been defined, and subsequently it doesn't call AsyncPipe anymore, so the problem is that it never get's to AsyncPipe to subscribe on those changes, what you have to do is call markForCheck() only once after the initialization, Angular ran changeDetection again on that component, update the DOM and call AsyncPipe, which will subscribe to that observable
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.searchText$ =
fromEvent<any>(this.input.nativeElement, "keyup").pipe(
map((event) =>,
The changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush allow to the component to not triggered the changeDetection all the time but just when an #Input() reference is updated. So if you do all your stuff in the same component, no #Input() reference are updated so the view is not updated.
I propose you to Create your dumb component with your template code above, but give it the searchText via an #Input(), and call your dumb component in your smart component
Smart component
<my-dumb-component [searchText]="searchText$ | async"></my-dumb-component>
Dumb component
#Input() searchText: SearchText
<div *ngIf="searchText">
results for "<b>{{searchText}}</b>"
This is because Angular is updates DOM interpolations before ngAfterViewInit and ngAfterViewChecked. I know this sounds confusing a bit. It's because of the first change detection cycle Angular does. Referring to Max Koretskyi's article about change detection algorithm of Angular, in a change detection cycle these happens sequentially:
sets ViewState.firstCheck to true if a view is checked for the first time and to false if it was already checked before
checks and updates input properties on a child component/directive
updates child view change detection state (part of change detection
strategy implementation)
runs change detection for the embedded views (repeats the steps in
the list)
calls OnChanges lifecycle hook on a child component if bindings
calls OnInit and ngDoCheck on a child component (OnInit is called
only during first check)
updates ContentChildren query list on a child view component
calls AfterContentInit and AfterContentChecked lifecycle hooks on
child component instance (AfterContentInit is called only during
first check)
updates DOM interpolations for the current view if properties on
current view component instance changed
runs change detection for a child view (repeats the steps in this
updates ViewChildren query list on the current view component
calls AfterViewInit and AfterViewChecked lifecycle hooks on child
component instance (AfterViewInit is called only during first
disables checks for the current view (part of change detection
strategy implementation)
As you see, Angular updates DOM interpolations (at step 9) after AfterContentInit and AfterContentChecked hooks are called, so if you call rxjs subscriptions in AfterContentInit or AfterContentChecked lifecycle hooks (or earlier, like OnInit etc.) your DOM will be updated because Angular updates DOM at step 10, and when you change something in ngAfterViewInit() and you are using OnPush, Angular won't update DOM because you are at step 12 on ngAfterViewInit() and Angular has already updated DOM before you change something!
There are workaround solutions to avoid this to subscribe it in ngAfterViewInit. First, you can call markForCheck() function, so you basically say by using it on the first cycle that "hey Angular, you updated DOM on step 9, but I have something to change at step 12, so please be careful, have a look at ngAfterViewInit I have still something to change". Or as a second solution, you can trigger a change detection manually again (by triggering and event handler or using detecthanges() function of ChangeDetectorRef) so that Angular repeats all these steps again, and when it reaches at step 9 again, Angular updates your DOM.
I have created a Stackblitz example that you can try these out. You can uncomment the lines of subscriptions placed in lifecycle hooks 1 by 1, so that you can see after which lifecycle hook Angular updates DOM. Or you can try triggering an event or triggering change detection cycle manually and see that Angular updates DOM on the next cycle.

Angular2+: how does NgModel / NgControl internally handle updates from view to model?

I am doing a deep dive into how two-way databinding works. I am currently puzzled by how updates from the view (say, an input element) propagate to NgControl internally.
In the definition of ControlValueAccessor it mentions that registerOnChange is responsible for view -> model updates (docs where they say it, and src). With a simple directive that we may put on the same input element as [(NgModel)], e.g. <input [(NgModel)]=stuff myInspectorDirective>, I tried playing around with this.
constructor(private ngControl: NgControl) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
// this.ngControl.valueAccessor['onChange'] = () => {};
// uncommenting the above line prevents updates from view to model
Uncommenting/commenting the indicated line allows us to allow/block updates from the input element to the model. But I'm puzzled by this because in the source code of DefaultValueAccessor, the one used in this example, onChange is not really doing anything: (_:any) => {}.
So, I would expect that under the hood, e.g. in ng_model.ts or in one of the related classes, like NgControl or FormControl, something happens with the onChange function from the ValueAccessor; setting it or wrapping it in another function, maybe a proxy, or whatever. I did not find anything. Then I went on looking for some code where listeners (for the input event, more explicitly) are explicitly bound to the input element, but no luck either.
I noticed that the OnChanges function calls _setValue, but I'm not sure if I'm going in the right direction when diving into the internals of change detection, as I would expect the listening to changes in the DOM to be related to ControlValueAccessors and/or FormControl/AbstractControl
Anyone feels like elaborating on how this works? :-)
The ControlValueAccessor.registerOnChange is provided by the NgForm.
1) NgModel is registered in NgForm (see
in NgModel.ngOnChanges: this._setUpControl calls this.formDirective.addControl
2) NgForm calls shared setUpControl function (see
import { setUpControl } from './shared';
NgForm.addControl calls setUpControl
3) setUpControl registers change event handler (see
setUpControl calls setUpViewChangePipeline
function setUpViewChangePipeline(control: FormControl, dir: NgControl): void {
dir.valueAccessor !.registerOnChange((newValue: any) => {
control._pendingValue = newValue;
control._pendingChange = true;
control._pendingDirty = true;
if (control.updateOn === 'change') updateControl(control, dir);

Detecting a change in model data within a component

I imagine I may be missing something really obvious, however this is my situation - I have some data that is being assigned to the ngModel input of a component, e.g:
SomeData = {
SomeValue: 'bar'
Fragment of view template:
<foo [(ngModel)]="SomeData.SomeValue"></foo>
import { Component, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'foo',
template: `<input type="text" [ngModel]="value" (ngModelChange)="modelChange($event)
export class FooComponent {
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
// Fired when #Input members change
modelChange(value) {
// Fired when a change in the HTML element will change the model, *not* when the model changes from elsewhere
elementChange(event) {
// Fired when the HTML element value changes
As per my comments in the example, I'm able to tell when Inputs change, when the value of the HTML element will change the model, and when the value of the HTML element changes.
I want to be able to know from within the component, when the property that is assigned to ngModel in the view template (i.e. SomeData.SomeValue) changes. I know that Angular does this itself, because it updates the value in the HTML, however I'm at a loss as to how to intercept this change as well, from within the component, so some other action may be taken.
SomeData.SomeValue is not controlled by angular, all you do is tell angular to bind to a property and bind to an event. Angular will then run it's own change detection mechanism which will update the view. If you are interested in how Angular does this take a look at this blog.
If you want to be notified of changes to SomeData.SomeValue you'll have to set up your own system, this can be as simple as a callback or a pub/sub. But it's really too broad to go into here.

Why does component view update when change detection is set to onPush? [duplicate]

I thought I was pretty clear on how Angular Change detection works after this discussion: Why is change detection not happening here when [value] changed?
But take a look at this plunk:
selector: 'simple',
template: `
<div (click)="onClick()">
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class Simple {
public #Input() myData;
constructor() {
public onClick() {
Click on a, it's changed to c
I understand that the click event triggers change detection on the App level, but [myData]="testData" is still referring to the same object, and I am using On Push on Simple, why does a get changed?
That's by design.
If you have component with OnPush change detection then its detectChangesInternal function won't be triggered unless one of four things happens:
1) one of its #Inputs changes
Note: #Inputs should be presented in template. See issue and comment
2) a bound event is triggered from the component (that is your case)
Caveats: There is some difference here between 2.x.x and 4
Angular ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush with child component emitting an event
3) you manually mark the component to be checked (ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck())
4) async pipe calls ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck() internally
private _updateLatestValue(async: any, value: Object): void {
if (async === this._obj) {
this._latestValue = value;
In other words if you set OnPush for component then after the first checking component's status will be changed from CheckOnce to Checked and after that it's waiting as long as we do not change status. It will happen in one of three things above.
See also:
There are also good explanations of how angular2 change detection work:
Here is Live Example(Thanks to Paskal) that explains onPush change detection. (Comp16 looks like your component. You can click at this box).

