How to use servicebus topic sessions in azure functionapp using javascript - javascript

I have an Azure Functionapp that processes some data and pushes that data into an Azure servicebus topic.
I require sessions to be enabled on my servicebus topic subscription. I cannot seem to find a way to set the session id when using the javascript functionapp API.
Here is a modified extract from my function app:
module.exports = function (context, streamInput) {
context.bindings.outputSbMsg = [];
context.bindings.logMessage = [];
function push(response) {
let message = {
body: CrowdSourceDatum.encode(response).finish()
, customProperties: {
protoType: manifest.Type
, version: manifest.Version
, id: functionId
, rootType: manifest.RootType
, brokerProperties: {
SessionId: "1"
.......... some magic happens here.
But the sessionId does not seem to get set at all. Any idea on how its possible to enable this?

I tested sessionid on my function, I can set the session id property of a message and view it in Service Bus explorer. Here is my sample code.
var connectionString = 'servicebus_connectionstring';
var serviceBusService = azure.createServiceBusService(connectionString);
var message = {
body: '',
messagenumber: 0
SessionId: "1"
message.body= 'This is Message #101';
serviceBusService.sendTopicMessage('testtopic', message, function(error)
if (error)
Here is the test result.
Please make sure you have enabled the portioning and sessions when you created the topic and the subscription.


why messaging().sendtodevice is not working sometimes?

I'm using the following code to send a notification from one device to another using FCM. Everything works fine until before return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(...). The 'Token ID: ' log displays token ID of the receiver, but when I set the variable token_id to the sendToDevice function, the notification is not called, therefore the notification is not sent. Can someone tell me what's wrong?
var firebase = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("./julla-tutorial.json");
console.log("enter in then Firebase Api");
const firebaseToken = [
credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
const payload = {
notification: {
title: 'Demo 2345',
body: 'dfghj',
sound: 'default',
color: 'yellow',
android_channel_id: 'default',
channel_id: 'default'
data: { id: 'broadcast', channelId: 'default' }
const options = {
priority: 'high',
timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
firebase.messaging().sendToDevice(firebaseToken, payload, options).then(function (response) {
}) .catch(function (error) {
It looks like you did not change the code from this tutorial:
you will need to change the 2nd line of code:
var serviceAccount = require("./julla-tutorial.json");
to actually point to your own firebase-push-admin.json file which holds your private keys registering your backend app with the firebase cloud messaging api. you can download this file from the firebase console as mentioned in the above article.
I recommend hiding this file from your git history by adding it to .gitignore so you dont accidentally push your private keys to a public repo.
I will link you another resource in addition to above link which helped me implement firebase push notifications in a nodeJS backend app.
Further I will also link you another repo where I am currently working on a fully functional firebase push notification implementation. Maybe it helps to actually see some example code.

How can I send email notifications with Parse and Mandrill?

I am trying to use Mandrill to send an event-based email notification to the users of my web app. I am using Parse with Back4App.
In this tutorial (, the hosting providers suggest using the following method to call the Mandrill cloud code from an Android application:
public class Mandrill extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Parse.initialize(new Parse.Configuration.Builder(this)
.applicationId("your back4app app id”)
.clientKey(“your back4app client key ")
Map < String, String > params = new HashMap < > ();
params.put("text", "Sample mail body");
params.put("subject", "Test Parse Push");
params.put("fromEmail", "");
params.put("fromName", "Source User");
params.put("toEmail", "");
params.put("toName", "Target user");
params.put("replyTo", "");
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("sendMail", params, new FunctionCallback < Object > () {
public void done(Object response, ParseException exc) {
Log.e("cloud code example", "response: " + response);
How can I implement this in JavaScript with the Parse JavaScript SDK?
This is what I've done so far but it won't send an email. I have Mandrill set up, as well as a verified email domain and valid DKIM and SPF.
// Run email Cloud code"sendMail", {
text: "Email Test",
subject: "Email Test",
fromEmail: "",
fromName: "TEST",
toEmail: "",
toName: "test",
replyTo: ""
}).then(function(result) {
// make sure to set the email sent flag on the object
console.log("result :" + JSON.stringify(result));
}, function(error) {
// error
I don't even get a result in the console, so I figure the cloud code is not even executing.
You have to add the Mandrill Email Adapter to the initialisation of your Parse Server, as described on their Github page. Also check the Parse Server Guide for how to initialise or use their example project.
Then set up Cloud Code by following the guide. You'll want to either call a Cloud Code function using your Android app or from any Javascript app, or use beforeSave or afterSave hooks of a Parse Object directly in Cloud Code, which allow you to send Welcome Emails when a user signs up. That could come in handy if you want to implement behaviour based emails based on object updates. Plus, because it is on the server and not the client, it is easier to maintain and scale.
To make the Cloud Code function actually send an email via Mandrill, you need to add some more code to your Cloud Code function. First, add a file with these contents:
var _apiUrl = '';
var _apiKey = process.env.MANDRILL_API_KEY || '';
exports.initialize = function(apiKey) {
_apiKey = apiKey;
exports.sendTemplate = function(request, response) {
request.key = _apiKey;
return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
url: 'https://' + _apiUrl + '/messages/send-template.json',
body: request,
success: function(httpResponse) {
if (response) {
return Parse.Promise.resolve(httpResponse);
error: function(httpResponse) {
if (response) {
return Parse.Promise.reject(httpResponse);
Require that file in your Cloud Code file, and use it like any other Promise.
var Mandrill = require("./file");
template_name: "TEMPLATE_NAME",
template_content: [{}],
key: process.env.MANDRILL_API_KEY,
message: {
global_merge_vars: [{
content: "YOUR_CONTENT",
subject: "SUBJECT",
from_email: "YOUR#EMAIL.COM",
from_name: "YOUR NAME",
to: [{
important: true
async: false
function success() {
function error(error) {
Make sure you create a template on Mailchimp, right click it and choose "Send to Mandrill", so that you can use that template's name when sending via the API.
It's a bit involved, but once set up, it works like a charm. Good luck!

(Reddit API) How to get a list of subreddits user is subscribed to, using snoowrap?

So I'm using snoowrap to write a Chrome extension that gets a list of subreddits the user is subscribed, and subscribes to them on a different account.
I'm trying to get the list of subreddits currently but can't figure out how to do it. I've tried simply getting the JSON from, which returns an empty object (persumably because no auth) and I have no idea how to do it via snoowrap. I looked through the documentation and can't find an option for it.
My code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var login = document.getElementById('login');
login.addEventListener('click', function() {
const r = new snoowrap({
userAgent: '???',
clientId: '<id>',
clientSecret: '<clientsecret>',
username: '<username-here>',
password: '<password-here>'
r.getHot().map(post => post.title).then(console.log);
var getSubs = document.getElementById('get-subs');
getSubs.addEventListener('click', function() {
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(error) {
Not sure how else to try. Anyone have suggestions? I'd like to use snoowrap for this ideally.
When using snoowrap as API wrapper, after connecting to the api with:
const r = new snoowrap({...});
They provide a function for getting your own subscribed subreddits:
This will return a Listing Object, which you can use like an Array.

Parse-server social login

I am developing application based on Parse-server and I want to offer social login. I found this guide in the documentation
I started to implement the social login by google. I did following steps:
1) I added following lines to the ParseServer settings
var api = new ParseServer({
google: {}
2) I did the authentication by hello.js on the client side (call user._linkWith function on login)
google: 'My Google id'
hello.on('auth.login', function(auth) {
// Call user information, for the given network
hello('me').then(function(r) {
const user = new Parse.User();
user._linkWith(, auth.authResponse).then(function(user){
console.log('You are logged in successfully.');
When I debugged it, I found that it fails in _linkWith() function, when provider object is preparing. Object AuthProviders, which should store all providers, is empty. Because of it the statement provider = authProviders['google']; leads to undefined. Invoking provider.authenticate(...); leads to error "Cannot read property 'authenticate' of undefined"
What am I missing or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for all your answers.
Did you register the authenticationProvider? You can find examples in our unit tests on how to do so:
I also got this error and looked at the _linkWith(provider, options) source code. It checks if options has an authData field (which in turn should contain id and credentials). If so, it uses options.authData. Otherwise it falls back on looking up a previously registered authentication provider mentioned in the previous answer.
This is a fragment of the code I'm using:
const authData = {
"id": profile.getId(),
"id_token": id_token
const options = {
"authData": authData
const user = new Parse.User();
user._linkWith('google', options).then(function(user) {
console.log('Successful user._linkWith(). returned user=' + JSON.stringify(user))
}, function(error) {
console.log('Error linking/creating user: ' + error)
alert('Error linking/creating user: ' + error)
// TODO handle error

How to prevent current user get notified?

I'm making an app that allows user to like and comment on other user post. I'm using Parse as my backend. I'm able to notified user everytime their post liked or commented. However if current user like or comment on their own post this current user still notified. How can I prevent this?
Here is the js code that I use:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Likes', function(request) {
// read pointer async
// 'post' is the commentedPost object here
var liker = like.get('createdBy');
// proceed with the rest of your code - unchanged
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.equalTo('jooveUser', liker);
where: query, // Set our Installation query.
data: {
alert: message = request.user.get('username') + ' liked your post',
badge: "Increment",
sound: "facebook_pop.mp3",
t : "l",
lid :,
pid: request.object.get('likedPostId'),
lu : request.user.get('username'),
ca : request.object.createdAt,
pf : request.user.get('profilePicture')
}, {
success: function() {
console.log("push sent")
error: function(err) {
console.log("push not sent");
If I understand the context of where this code is correctly,
I recommend checking
if request.user.get("username") != Parse.CurrentUser.get("username")
Before sending out the push notification
Where is your cloud function being called from? If you're calling it from your ios code, then before you call the cloud code function, just prelude it with something like this:
if (PFUser.currentUser?.valueForKey("userName") as! String) != (parseUser.valueForKey("userName") as! String)

