Prevent state from updating if input string has spaces - javascript

What's wrong with my code below? basically I don't want to update my state when user enter extra space at the beginning or at the end.
handleSearchQuery = (e) = {
if( != "") {

The first error seems to be that you forgot a > in your arrow function. Change the first line to:
handleSearchQuery = (e) => {
Anyway, this is how I would write the whole function:
handleSearchQuery = (e) => {
let str =;
if(str != this.state.q) {
q: str
This compares the trimmed input to the existing state of q. If they are equal, nothing happens. Otherwise, update the state.
I store the trimmed result of the string in a variable as I would otherwise need to trim() twice... for whatever that's worth.

handleSearchQuery = (e) => {
if( != this.state.q) {


Can't update state in React via key event

I'm making a calculator with React, when I click the divs they trigger a function to update the state which goes into the display output of the calculator, I have no problem at all doing this with clicking the divs. This is the code that is working as expected:
const Calculator = () => {
const initialState = {
val: "0",
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialState);
const sendCharacter = (number) =>{
let str = number.toString();
if (value.val != "0") {
const conc = value.val.concat(str);
val: conc
} else {
val: str
return (
<div id='calculator'>
<div id='display'>{value.val}</div>
<div id='one' className='numbers keys' onClick={() => sendCharacter(1)}>1</div>
Now, I want to do the same but instead of clicking div id="one" to add "ones" to my state I want those ones added to the state when I press the key 1. I added an eventsListener via useEffect() that loads only once after initial render. When I click 1 it calls the exact same function with the same exact argument that is called when clicking which is sendCharacter(1), here is my code:
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("keyup", detectKey, true);
}, []);
const detectKey = (e) => {
if (e.key == "1") {
However when I press the i key I'm only able to update the state only the first time, if I try to add the second digit to my number it acts as if my actual state was "0" instead of "1" which doesn't allow it to enter the if statement.
To be clear and short: If if click my div id="one" I can enter the first condition of my if statement and update val via my conc variable, if i do it pressing the key i it always enters the else statement.
if (value.val != "0") {
const conc = value.val.concat(str);
val: conc
} else {
val: str
I tried logging messages everywhere and to see if my argument "1" is the same via clicking or via pressing my key, they send the exact same value, I'm totally lost in here and frustrated because I've got more than 1 hour trying to figure out what's going on. Also, I checked to see if the component was rendering before pressing the key, which was not the case.
BTW sorry for my English, not my first language, if someone can help me and needs clarification on one part I will answer asap, thanks in advance.
It seems you are falling into closures trap. Try updating your sendCharacter code to following.
const sendCharacter = (number) =>{
let str = number.toString();
setValue(value => {
if (value.val != "0") {
const conc = value.val.concat(str);
return {
val: conc
} else {
return {
val: str

condense if, else JS with similar condition rules

trying to find a way to condense this. wasnt sure of the best way to do it. basically if criteria is met i display an alert with a parameter that is the message. i was thinking of maybe trying it in function. this is part of a larger function react component. i was also thinking if i could find a way to condense the else if's i could use a ternary. thanks in advance for the assistance.
const handleUpdatePassword = () => {
const allFilled = !reject(passwords).length;
const passwordsMatch = newPassword === conPassword;
const isDifferent = curPassword !== newPassword;
const meetsPasswordRequirements = validatePassword();
const usesName = isUsingName();
const usesUserID = isPartOfUserID();
const isValidPassword = meetsPasswordRequirements && isDifferent;
if (allFilled) {
if (!isDifferent) {
} else if (!passwordsMatch) {
} else if (!meetsPasswordRequirements) {
} else if (usesName || usesUserID) {
} else {
if (isValidPassword) {
You can create an array of objects for your validation rules, each containing a function which returns a boolean indicating whether that validation passes, and a string with the error message to display.
Then loop over the rules array and alert the message for the first rule that returns false. If they all return true, do the post.
You can split each if statement into a function, then chain them. For example
// here we make a closure to validate, and return a Promise
// condition can be a function
const validate = (condition, error) => ()=> new Promise((res, rej)=>{
const handleUpdatePassword = () => {
const validateFieldsComplete = validate(
const validateDifPassword = validate(
()=> curPassword !== newPassword,
// ...
It would be much cleaner with pipe. You can take a look at ramda. Or if you are intrested in functional way, you might consider using Monad.
I'd recommend DRYing up the Alert.alert part since all branches have that in common, and just come up with an expression that evaluates to the alert message. Compactness isn't always everything, but if you want it, then nested conditional operators can fit the bill. I'm also rearranging your conditions so that it can be a flat chain of if/elses:
const message
= reject(passwords).length ? fieldNotComplete
: curPassword === newPassword ? difPassWord
: newPassword !== conPassword ? noMatch
: !validatePassword() ? pasReqs
: (isUsingName() || isPartOfUserID()) ? pasName
: null;
const isValid = !message;
if (!isValid) {
(feel free to use any other sort of code formatting pattern; nested conditionals always look awkward no matter which pattern you use, IMO.)
Also inlined conditionals which will short-circuit evaluation and make it even more compact.
I'd setup a validations object that has the tests and error messages and then loop over it. If validation fails, it'll throw the last validation error message. Using this method, you only have to maintain your tests in one place and not mess with a block of conditional statements.
const handleUpdatePassword = () => {
const validations = {
allFilled: {
test() {
return newPass && oldPass
error: 'Must fill out all fields'
correct: {
test() {
return curPass === oldPass
error: 'Incorrect password'
const invalid = () => {
let flag = false
for (let validation in validations) {
if (!validations[validation].test()) {
flag = validations[validation].error
return flag
if (invalid()) {
} else {
hi everyone this was the method i used for a solution
const messages = [
alertMessage: difPassWord,
displayRule: different()
alertMessage: noMatch,
displayRule: match()
alertMessage: pasReqs,
displayRule: validatePassword()
alertMessage: pasName,
displayRule: !isUsingName() || !isPartOfUserID()
if (allFilled) {
const arrayLength = messages.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (messages[i].displayRule === false) {

Run code after multiple methods resolve with Async and Await

I have three methods:
isSixCharactersLong(event) {
const input_len =;
if (input_len === 6) {
this.setState({isSixCharactersLong: true})
} else {
this.setState({isSixCharactersLong: false})
isAlphanumeric(event) {
const input_str =;
for (let i = 0; i < input_str.length; i++) {
const code = input_str.charCodeAt(i);
if (!(code > 47 && code < 58) && // numeric (0-9)
!(code > 64 && code < 91) && // upper alpha (A-Z)
!(code > 96 && code < 123)) { // lower alpha (a-z)
this.setState({isAlphanumeric: true});
} else {
this.setState({isAlphanumeric: false});
isEmpty(event) { ? this.setState({inputIsBlank: false}) : this.setState({inputIsBlank: true});
What I want to do is run a function after these three methods have resolved. So then I wrote the following:
async handleValidation(e) {
And then I have this final method that gets triggered by my React application.
handleOnChange = async (e) => {
await this.handleValidation(e)
.then(() => this.setState({code:}))
I would think this will work, but I keep getting an error that e is null. Somehow, I lose the event.
What I believe the problem is, it's that I'm not using async and await on the correct methods.
You can reduce this code down to,
handleOnChange = (e) => {
const { value } =
const isAlphanumeric = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(value)
const isSixCharactersLong = value && value.length === 6
const inputIsBlank = !!value // or Boolean(value)
this.setState({ isAlphanumeric, isSixCharactersLong, inputIsBlank })
if (!inputIsBlank && isAlphanumeric && isSixCharactersLong)
this.setState({ code: value })
/^[a-z0-9]+$/i : Regular expression to test for alphaumerics case insensitively
!!: Type coercion to boolean i.e. if value is empty it will be falsy, the double negation turns it into true and back to false
As per the discussion in the comments, in order to set code only if the input is valid, I have added an if statement which essentially translates into, if the value is not blank (!inputIsBlank) and if the value is alphanumeric and if the input is six characters long then set code to value.
You are using async await in both functions when nothing is a promise, this is all synchronous code, so you actually don't need async await to solve this problem. maybe write your validation code to throw an error if something doesn't pass and then inside of handleOnChange you can run a ternary
handleOnChange = (e) => {
!this.handleValidation(e)? return :

React autocomplete in a textarea like in an IDE (e.g. VS Code, Atom)

I try to code an auto completion feature like in the gif in React.
So suggestions appear while writing text.
However all packages I could find so far work
a) only in the beginning of the input/textarea (e.g. react-autosuggest)
b) or need a trigger character (like # or #) to open (e.g. react-textarea-autocomplete)
Do I miss some React limitation? Any hints / packages?
We ended up using the fantastic editor Slate.js.
The Mentions example can easily be changed so that the suggestions are triggered by any character (not only '#'). There you go: perfect auto suggest.
I'm actually having the same problem in regards to needing a textarea implementation, but I can help with autocomplete triggering behavior.
We have an implementation of template variables that look like this {{}} which get resolved into whatever the actual value is.
In regards to the autocompletion being triggered only on the first word, you can get around that with a couple modifications to the required functions.
For instance my required functions look like this. (not a completely working example, but all the important bits)
const templateVars = Object.values(TemplateVarMap);
const variables = => {
return {
name: templateVar,
//This func, onChange, and onSuggestionSelected/Highlight are the important
//parts. We essentially grab the full input string, then slice down to our
//autocomplete token and do the same for the search so it filters as you type
const getSuggestions = (value) => {
const sliceIndex = value
.lastIndexOf('{{'); //activate autocomplete token
const inputValue = value
.slice(sliceIndex + 2); //+2 to skip over the {{
const inputLength = inputValue.length;
//show every template variable option once '{{' is typed, then filter as
//they continue to type
return inputLength === 0
? variables
: variables.filter(
(variable) =>, inputValue.length) === inputValue
const getSuggestionValue = (suggestion) =>;
const renderSuggestion = (suggestion) => <div>{}</div>;
onSuggestionsFetchRequested = ({ value }) => {
suggestions: getSuggestions(value),
onSuggestionsClearRequested = () => {
suggestions: [],
onChange = (event, { newValue }) => {
//onChange fires on highlight / selection and tries to wipe
//the entire input to the suggested variable, so if our value
//is exactly a template variable, don't wipe it
if (templateVars.includes(newValue)) {
value: newValue,
//These both need to do similar things because one is a click selection
//and the other is selection using the arrow keys + enter, we are essentially
//manually going through the input and only putting the variable into the
//string instead of replacing it outright.
onSuggestionHighlighted = ({ suggestion }) => {
if (!suggestion) {
const { value } = this.state;
const sliceIndex = value.lastIndexOf('{{') + 2;
const currentVal = value.slice(0, sliceIndex);
const newValue = currentVal.concat( + '}}';
this.setState({ value: newValue });
onSuggestionSelected = (event, { suggestionValue }) => {
const { value } = this.state;
const sliceIndex = value.lastIndexOf('{{') + 2;
const currentVal = value.slice(0, sliceIndex);
const newValue = currentVal.concat(suggestionValue) + '}}';
this.setState({ value: newValue });
const inputProps = {
value: this.state.value,
onChange: this.onChange,
render() {
return (
This lets me type something like This is some text with a {{ and have autocomplete pop up, upon choosing a selection it should go to This is some text with a {{}}.
The only problem here is that it requires the final two characters in the input to be {{ (or whatever your token is) for the autocomplete box to come up. I'm still playing with cursor movement and slicing the string around in different ways so if I edit a template thats not at the end the box still pops up.
Hopefully this helps.
You can try react-predictive-text

How do I ensure an array has no null values?

I would like test my Array (input value) before submit my form.
My array with value :
const fields = [
I've try this :
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (field === null) {
return false;
alert('Can submit !');
I think my problem is because i don't use Promise. I've try to test with Promise.all(fields).then(());, but i'm always in then.
Anyone have idea ?
Thank you :)
The problem is that even though you're terminating the lodash _.forEach loop early, you don't do anything else with the information that you had a null entry.
Instead of lodash's _.forEach, I'd use the built-in Array#includes (fairly new) or Array#indexOf to find out if any of the entries is null:
if (fields.includes(null)) { // or if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1)
// At least one was null
} else {
// All were non-null
alert('Can submit !');
For more complex tests, you can use Array#some which lets you provide a callback for the test.
Live example with indexOf:
const state = {
workshopSelected: [],
countrySelected: [],
productionTypeSelected: [],
numEmployeesSelected: [],
startAt: []
const fields = [
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("Before: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("Before: None were null");
fields[2] = null;
if (fields.indexOf(null) != -1) {
console.log("After: At least one was null");
} else {
console.log("After: None were null");
You do not need to use promises unless there is an asynchronous operation (for example if you are getting that array from your server).
If you already have that array you can do something like:
// Using lodash/underscore
var isValid = _.every(fields, (field) => (field!==null)}
// OR using the Array.every method
var isValid = fields.every((field)=>(field!==null))
// Or using vanilla JS only
function checkArray(array){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length ; i ++){
return false;
return true;
var isValid = checkArray(fields);
// After you get that value, you can execute your alert based on it
alert('Something went wrong..');
Try this simple snippet
var isAllowedToSubmit = true;
_.forEach(fields, (field) => {
if (!field) {
isAllowedToSubmit = false;
alert('Can submit !');
You can do that without library:
if (fields.some(field => field === null)) {
alert('Cannot submit');
} else {
alert('Can submit');
You don't need to use lodash, you can do this in simple vanilla javascript. Simply iterate over each field and if an error occurs set your errors bool to true
let errors = false;
fields.forEach(field) => {
if(field === null || field === '') {
errors = true;
if (!errors) {
alert('Yay no errors, now you can submit');
For an es6 you can use.
const hasNoError = fields.every((field, index, selfArray) => field !== null);
if (!hasNoError) {
alert('yay It works');
Have a look at Array.every documentation Array every MDN documentation

